The Journal Herald from Dayton, Ohio (2024)

DAYTON JOURNAL, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1940. 12 NEW YORK STOCK QUOTATIONS N. Y. CURB QUOTATIONS Prof it Taking Sales (in lOOl) IHigh Low Close -4 1 25 Pullman 1 127 2841 2S4rk; Vf rvnlrO 44 Pure Oil I 84 84 84 I OD kjLOCKS 4 do 5 pf 5 1 824! 83 I 824 ST V-WVlO 1 do 6 pf 8 884! 884! Turn Lower NEW YORK, Nov. 15.

FoUowlng complete list of stock! traded In today on the New York Stock exchange: Halts Rise Sles (in 100a i IHigh i Low i liKKoppein pf 6 i 934 934 93 5 Krueger Brw 50d 54 54 54 CURB STATISTICS STOCK SALES. FINAL STOCK STATISTICS PRICE INDEX. (Copyright, I84ti, Standard Statistic Co.) 144 144 Sales On lOOi) 4 Abbot Lab 1.60a Friday TtarMaj Week ago Month ago Vrar ago 1940 to date 112,000 141,000 2 711.7 i 101,703 1ST, 574 4 4 45 Radio 2 do pf 34 3 1 Rayoestoa 1 6 Rayonier 1 do pf 4c 4 Reading 1 2 do 1 Df 2 IHigh I Low IClose .1 53j 53 53 118 118 1 5641 5641 564 111-!) Lquals 100. lOx do pf tit 13 12 3 xd 2 Asme Steel FINAL AVERAGES. DOW-JONES Hi 11 HI 1 Time.

Indls. Ralls. ItUs. 11 137.01 .04 30.28- .01 21.34- 06 12 136.41- .58 30.17- .12 21.15- .28 1 136.25- .72 30.11- .18 21.1.1- .27 2 133.75-1.22 30.00- .28 21.12- .28 6 Lake Sh 2 2 Lakey A 1 Lane Wells Co la 48 Lehigh CAN 1 Le Tourneau 1 2 Line Material 1 Lit Bros 7 Adams Exp 51 224 1641 424i 144' 4 12 24! 29 94' 14: 1341 104i 27 Vj 354 14 441 5tl.vl.ocke Stl Chn 1.20a! 2-4 29 94 14 13 4 104 4 274 23 4 2 4 29 94 14 13 4 104 234 22 '4 22 164 164 414: 414 ill 4 Lone Star 3 Adams Mil 1 2 Addressugraph 24 Air Keduc la 2 Air-Way El 19 Alask Jun .60 5 Allegh Corp 4 do pf 9 do pf S30 wv 2 do of xw 1(0 20 20 80 Indls. Kails.

I tils.Stocks. Friday 108.0 31.0 S7.1 88.7 Thursday 110.1 31.3 37.8 89.7 Week ago 109.3 30.4 59.3 89.2 Month ato 102.0 28.1 A8.S H4.5 Year ago 122.5 33.S 08.4 100.3 Two years ago. 131.7 32.7 7.5 105.8 1840 high 123.7 32.8 72.0 101.4 1940 low 86.7 22.2 52.5 71.4 1939 high 130.3 3.8 73.7 105.0 1838 low 98.8 23.8 58.0 80.8 1D38 high 13H.1 34.3 70.7 108.5 1838 low 83.4 20.1 45.2 47..1 30 INDUSTRIAL Friday Thursday Week ago 135.58-1.38 136.97 .30 136.64-1.11 20 204 Isl Lt pf A pr Pck A Ex ton 4 Uing 25x do 75x do 1 Loud 11 La 1 1 54 54i 54 624 624 624 24 24 24 204 204 204 184 18 18 38 28 28 144 144 144 264 264 264 224 22 22-4 24 24 24 314 314 314 84 84 84 94 94 94 59 59 59 14 14 14 234! 2241 224 964 954i 96 91 I 91 91 134 124 12 28 I 27 27 724! 714 724 14 1 134 134 II4I 11 I 114 344! 3441 344 84 841 8S 8 66 174 1741 174 15 1441 144 474 47 I 474 BOND SALES. Friday 1,300.000 Thursday Week ago 1, 511.000 Month Sltf.OOO i ear ami 1840 to dale 268.040,000 1939 lo date 401.535.000 NEW YORK. Nov.

15. Following a onmplete list of tlocks traded in today on the New York Curb exchange; 12 10 Month ago 132.45- 1141 12 10 10 2441 244 441 44 During Day Lose Fractions to Two Points NEW YORK, Nov. 15. (AP) Pressure on steels was communicated to other departments in Friday's stock market and leaders trenerally turned in losses of fractions to more than 2 points. Transfers totalled 1,050,090 shares compared with 1,384,290 Thursday.

The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was off .4 of a point at 45.7. U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, Youngs- 24 4 Hi Allegh Lud Stl 11 I 1041 11 -M- 1734 11714 171 4 2 do 2 pf 2 2 Real Silk 30x do 2c pf 1 Reliable Stores 8 Rem Rand 80d 1 do pf ww 44 20 Reo Mot vtc 136 Republic Stl 540x do pf 6 3 do pf A 6 7 Revere Cop 2 do A 240x do 54 pf 1.314c 8 Reyn Met 8 Reyn Spring 34 Revn Tob 16 Richfield Oil 6 Roan Antel 0.32d... 2 Ruberoid 0.30d 7 Rustless 0.45d..

220x do pf 24 Of Wheat Grain Prices Battered Down CHICAGO, Nov. 15. AP) The wheat market's rise was halted by a noutburst of prifit taking sales Friday that battered prices down a cent or more from the highest levels in six months. Wheat closed lower than Thursday, December 8874 ,5 8840, May 88ii87c; corn ttPV4c off, December 63gc, May 64Vc; oati 1 tj 1 'sc down; rye lower; soy beans V'' -c higher and lard 2fi 5c lower. Soybeans rose to within fractions of $1 a bushel due to good industrial and shipping demand which was the best in a year.

13! 13 8 7K 74 73 7241 724 374 37 I 37 lear aKn 151.00- 1940 high 132.80, low 111.84 1938 high 155.82, low 121.44 20 RAILROADS Friday 28.82- Thursday 30.284-Week ago 28.87 Month ago 28.864- lear ago 33.80- 1940 high 32.67, low 22.14 1939 high 35.80, low 24.14 34! 34 32 324 24! 24 6 i 6 143 '143 5 Marlon Stm Shovel. 34 3 Master Elec 2.40 324 4 Massey Harris 24 2 McWms Dredge 6 SOx.Mead Johns 3a 11444 1 Memo 0.45d 44 164 1 164! 164 SALES. STOCK EXCHANGE SALES a. in. to 11 a.

230,000 11 a. m. to 12 noon 240.000 12 noon to 1 p. 160,000 1 p. m.

to 2 p. 210,000 10 Allen Indust Id 4 Allied Chem 6 7 Allied Mills Id 11 Allied Stores I di pf 3 14 Allis Chal l'vd 1 Alpha Cem 1 1 Amal Leath 1 do pf 13 Amerada 2 3 Am Ag Ch Del 11 Am Airlines 4 Am Bank Not 3 Am Bosch 1 44 44 141 141 164 i 164 1 514l 504l 1741 17 63 61 I High I Low 'Close 64 64 64 741 741 74 164 17 61 94 74 24 241 24 25 I 25 25 Mi 741 74 l.lOd.i 384: 3841 384 1 Am Br Shoe 4 44 4 34 64 18 8 544 34 Hf 40 lo2 17 22 4 1 Merch A Mfg A 20di 4 4 2 Merrit CAS 44 44 2 Mich Bumper 4 2 Mid Pet Avtc 34 34 4 Mid West Cor 7 1 64 1 Midi Stl Prd 14d 18 18 2 Midwest Oil .90 8 i 8 75x.Minn Mng A 2.40. 544 54 1 Mo Sv cp 34 8 Molybdenum 8S1 4 3 Monarch 40 384 1 Miinnfiram Pict Hi 102411024 4' .4 17 I 17 2241 324 79 4 794 jtown Sheet, Crucible and Republic Friday Thursday Week ago Month ago Vear ago Two years ago. 1840 to date 1838 to date 1838 to date 1937 to date 1,050,090 1.384, :90 1,750.830 580.180 770.440 1,418,310 182,372,236 262,178,121 371,010,940 132 4 il32 4.1J24 14 14 14 9241 9141 914 180 1180 iso 15 I TILITIES Friday Thursday Week ago Month ago lear ago 1840 high 26.43, 1939 high 27.10, 1 9 1 21.06- 21.40- 21.91- 22.33 26.00 low 18.03 low 20.71 424' 424! 424 110 1094 1094 4141 41 1 41 41 41 4 304, 2941 294 20x do pf 54 4 Am Cable 4t 13 Am Can 4 1 do pf 7 18 Am Car Fdy 21 do pf 2 Am Chain 1.60d 1 Am Colortype 3 Am Com Ale 4 Am Crys Sug 634 65 624 1 38 3741 374 162 4 1604 H604 1194 1194H194 8 I 8 I 8 36 36 36 70A! 70A 70 1141 1041 104 i 22 4 22 8 I 8 641 54 104 104 24 2 Ward A 7 1644 1644 1644 14 Mt City Copper 4 34 4 2 Mt Prod .60 6 6 6 2 Mt Stl Pw Co 14. "Hi 17 17 1 Msgn Pstn 1541 1541 154 IHigh 1 Low IClose .1 3441 3441 344 .41 A 341 34 40 I 404 A 13 Am Enc 111 I 34 404 A Sales (in 100s) 1 do pf 0.75d 216 Curtlss-Wr 0.50d.

2 do A 4 Cutler-Ham 104 10 I 10 Sales (In 100s) 30x do 5 pf 2c 7 Kresge 1.20a 2 Kress 1.60 7 Kroger 2d iHlch I Low IClose 24 4 24 4 24 4 .1 254! 2541 254 264 264 264 .1 304! 30 I 30 441 441 30 294 DAYTON GRAIN. (By V. E. II 11. A Co.) No 2 wheat New con, 24 moisture or leu, cwt.

No. 2 oals. bushel No. 2 barley No. 2 soybeans, bushel No.

2 rye 2941 294 214 214 .1 21? .84 .40 55 .75 .60 164 154 154 Sales (In 100s) 10 Aero Sup 0.25d. 5 Ainsworth 2 Air Invest 1 do cv pf 20xAla Pow 7 pf 7 2 Alliance Inv 2 Allied Prod 1 50x do A 14 2 Alum Ltd 25UAlum Co Am 3d 50x do pf 6 1 Alum Ind 30xAm Book 4d 1 Am Cap 1 do or pf 54 xd 2 Am Sentrif 1 Am Clt PL 22 Am Cyan 0.60a. 3 Am Exp 75d 250xAm 8 Am Gas 1.60a 3 Am General Gen 2 pf 2 4 Am Lt A Tr 1.20 50xAm Mfg 1 2 Am Meter 24d 5 Am Rep cp 1 Am Seal Kap 5 Am Super 1 do 1 pf 14d 1 do 6 pf 3 Ark Gas 4 do A 2 do cu pf 1 Art Metal 6 Ashland Oiyl 1 Aeso A A 1 dODf 6 Atl Fish HOxAtl Cst Co -N- 22 8 I 104 24 44 14 12 4 154 3 39 44 33 534 14 214 141 14 134 124 154 154 3 3 7'i 79 4 79 -D- 3541 354 174 IT1-, 13 I 13 304 31 34 1 8H 3041 304 134! 134 25 I 25 33 I 334 6 I 84 40 4 i 38 12 114 154 144 734 734 i 144 124 UH 87 4 144 144 134 12 4 1141 114 874! 874 64 i 74 214 214 741 2141 44 1 Safeway 24 1 do 5 pf 5 61 St Jos Lead 3 St L-S Fran 3 Savage Arms 11 Schenley Dlst 7 Schulte 1 do pf 3 Scott Pap 1.60a.... 10 Seab'd Air 2 do pf 7 Seab'd Oil 16 Sears Roebuck 7 Servel Inc la 8 Sharon Stl 2 do pf 5 8 Sharp 4 I do pf 34 4 Shattuck 40 20.Sheaf Pen 3d 12 Shell Un Oil 6 Silver King .40 12 Simmons Id 4 Skelly Oil 14d lOxSlosi Sheffield 3d 1 Third Ave Ry 2 Snider Pkg 1 72 Soc Vacuum .50 3 So Am Gold i So Por Sug 2.30d 1 Soeast Grey 14 7 So Cal Ed 14a 24 South Pac 27 South Ry 21 do pf 44 33 I 534l 14i 214l 33 534 14 214 184 13 31 34 304 134 25 33 4 64 44 A 64 10 24 2 4 84 441 44 4 were soft throughout, although near-capacity production in this industry was expected to be maintained next week. The thought that heavy forward buying might result in a sharp letdown later clouded this picture.

In arrears were General Motors, Chrysler, Douglas Aircraft, Boeing, DuPont, Westinghouse, American Can, Anaconda, Kennecott, Consolidated Edison, Western Union, North American, Sears Roebuck and Great Northern. Setbacks of as much as 2 in the curb were posted for Aluminum of America, Bell Aircraft, American Cyanamid Brewster Aero, Electric Bond Share, Glen Alden Coal pnd N. J. Zinc. Modest advances were retained by Celluloid, Gulf Oil and Carrier corporation.

Sales here were around 172,000 shares against 241,000 84 441 4 524 54 37 104 6 204 44 4 1 4 15 Davison Chem 19 Deere Co 14d 2 do pf 1.40 2 Deisel 14 18 Del Hud 28 Lac 1 Det Edison 6d 50xDev 4 A 3 Diam Mot 7 Dlst Seag 2 1 do pf ww 5 4 4 374 li. 4 64 304 1 Am Eur sec 1 Am Pw 1 do S6 pf -90c 5 So $7 pi l-05c 2 do 2 pf 10 Am Haw SS la 11 Am Hide it 1 do pf 3 1 Am Home Pr 2.40 1 Am Ice 1 du pt 50d 2 Am Inter 15 Am Loco 7 do pf 5 2 Am Marh Met 1 Am Metal md 14 Am Pwr Lt 1 do 6 pf 4Vsd 3 do 5 pf A 3d 37 Am Rail SS 27 Am Roll Mill 300x do cv pf 4tt 2 Am Safe Razor .80. 3 Am Seating 84! 84 24 24 44! 44 54 i 54 24' 2741 274 1841 18 I 18 144 1341 14 341 341 34 11441114411144 1541 1541 154 9 I 841 9 1941 1941 194 24 44 174l 1641 164 174 174! 174 124 124! 124 274 264! 264 24 234 234 114 1114 1114 141 141 14 441 441 44 2341 2341 234 1241 1241 124 2641 264! 264 4741 4641 464 741 741 74 DAYTON FLOUR MARKET. (By Hunt Flour Corporation) Short Patents mUutflcd, bbl. (2 98-lb sacks) 90 Durst licit, bbl, (2 98-lb 6 00 Blue Bell, bbl.

(2 98-lb. 813 Standard Patents Big Four, bbl. (2 98-lb. 645 Cully Lily. bbL (2 98-lb.

5 65 Special 5 00 Whole Wheat (2 98-lb. sacki) 5 70 Mill Feeds- 20xLarlede pf 1 Lambert 14d 5 Lee Rubber 2 4d 3 Leh Cem 14 lOx do pf 4 1 Lehigh Val Coal 2 do pf 5 Lehman .80 7 Lehn Fink 1 Lerner Stores 2 20 L-O-F Glass 14d 2 Libby McN 4 4 Ligg 4 My 4a 83 1 89 56 241 a 121 4 121 4 121 4 1154:1154 114 144 734 44 a24 54 37 104 6 204 22 115 4 44 lt, 94 14 20 L3H 3th 94 134 234 28 4 44 44 79 I 79 I 79 1 Nat City Lines 75d Nat 1 4 Nat Fuel 1 2 Nat A pf 6 2 Nat Rub 1 Nat Su gllef 2 Nat Tun A 1 Nelson II 50xNew A pf 6d 20xNew En A 44d 4 Zinc 3d 5 Mex A Ariz 20xNY PALt pf 6 4 .4 Shipbldg lOxN Wat Sx 6 pf 30 Nlag Pwr 3 Nlag 4 Niles Bement 2d 1 Nlpisslng 1 No Am A 20xNo Am Royan pf 3 1 No Pipe Line 4 No St Pwr A .0. 24 214 3 504 434 74 17 214 3 504 424 74 4 Doehler Cast 224! 2241 224 64 10 24 24 84 54 54 4 3 24 18 4 64 10 I 24! 24! 841 54! 5 I 41 I 241 18 I 4 I 1 68 6741 674 1 14! 1 I 1 11054 11054 11054 I 234! 224! 224 I 2841 2841 384 I 341 341 34 24 214 34 504 434 8 174 744 64 10 954: 964 17 1.50 214! 21 Lily TUl CUP 1.20 Bran, cwt cwt 734 1 74 964 214 27 38 114 1. 1 7 1 2 Lima Loco Link Belt Id 9 Dome Mines 2d 19 I 1841 19 13 Douglas Aire 5d 854i 844' 844 5 Dow Chem 3d 1138411374 1384 4 Dresser Mfg Id 2241 22 I 23 10 Dunhill I 741 74! 74 1 Duplan Silk 1 1 10 '10 I 10 20 Du Pont 54d 1 do pf 44 11284 11284 11284 164 9 4 14 204 134 28 4 94 144 24 284 24 164 14 20 13H 27 4 94 134 24 3(4 3tfc 654' 654 54 1 2 24! 18 44 24! 17 4 3 4 2d 4 38 114 164 264 38 114 164 314 641 64 10 I 10 33 I 33 464 1 464 KM CHICAGO GRAIN FITI RK8 CHICAGO. Nnv Lion Oil Ref 1 Liq Carb 1 IfinsAm Ship build 17 24 24 354 47 15.

Close. I 44 Ixickheeil Aircraft 3241 314 844! 544 34 4 23 Am Smelt 2d 1 Am Snuff 3a inv nf ti 111 tl Al A 52 52 I 52 84 8HI 84 1041 10 10 1 So Ry 4 cts 4 1 Sparks With 1 12 Atl Drop Forge 4 Auburn Cent 1 Atlas Ply Id 3 Auto 1 Avery ws 10 Aviat A Tran 1 Ayrshire Coll 146 1146 Open High. Low. .894 .904 .884 .884 .894 .87 .85 .854 .844 -4 1741 174 34' 34 41 341 34 341 34 -IS 12 Am Stl Fdries Tad 424! 424 43 I 341 24 114 15 4 30 I 284' 284 106 1106 2141 2041 31 404 1 39 I 39 44' 441 44 204 20 i 204 354 3441 344 146 294 114 164 824 164 341 2.1 114 15 4 82 16 12 Liews 14d 1 do pw 64 101 Loft, Inc 5 Lone Star Cem 3 11 Long Bel! A 8 Lorillard 1.20 lOx do pf 7 1 Lou 4 A 14 15- 82 16 166 714 166 .11584 '1584 1584 1941 1941 194 Livestock Market 1664 714 724 IS East Air Lines 8 East Mill 7 East Kodak 6 3()x do pf 6 7 Eaton Mfg 3d 1 Edison Bros 1 24 Elec Auto-L 24d 11 Elec Boat 22 Elec Pwr Lt 71 72 29 I 294 3 Lou 4 Nashville 65 I 634! 65 3 Ogden Corp ISOxOh Brass 14d 2 Ohio Oil pf 6 72 (41 741 74 55 I 54 I 54 3341 3241 324 641 6HI 64 141 ll 14 341 34! 34 1641 1641 164 20HI 1941 20 2741 27 I 274 38 I 364! 364 364! 3641 364 314! 32 4 150 4 1150 4 3 22 108 204 49H 1504 SH 3 13 1 22 22 I 108 in 204! 204 494! 494 114 ill! en bperry Curp Id 4 Spicer Mfg 24d 13 Spiegel Inc llOx do pf 44 11 Square 1.30d 33 Std Brands 1 Std 4 5 do 4 pf 8 do 7 pf 40 Std Cal la 35 Std OH Ind la 99 Std Oil lae 1 Starred I 24d 4 Stew-War 25d 5 Stokelv Br 14 Stone 4 Web 47 Studebaker 19 Sun Oil lae 3 Okla Gas 1 54 -M- DAYTON. Hugs.

Raealnra 'wn do pf 3 .634 .634 .854 .644 .654 .644 .394 .38 .38 ..164 .344 .334 .994 .984 .99 4 .98 4 .984 .98 .47 .464 .524 51 .524 .524 5( ix 50x Wheat-Dec May July Corn-Dec May July Oati Dec May July jyueans Dec May July Rye-Dec May July Lard-Dec Jan March May July 114 64 14 174 54 do cv pf 54 .884 .88 844 .644 .644 38 .364 .334 .984 .994 .98 .464 .51 .524 4 85 4.97 6.17 6.35 6.52 8 B6V 91 56 84 984 94 564 74 54 84 864 10 584 8 4 294 lOxMacAn 4 pf 6. 3741 3641 37 54! 541 54 142 1141 1141 176 1176 354! 34 I 34 14 I 14 I 14 37 3541 354 16 I 154 154 441 44! 44 2941 29 I 29 3441 3341 334 41 4 32 I 32 I 32 40 I 40 I 40 1110 1110 741 741 74 80 I 80 I 80 ill 14 14 Hi 941 9 9 3141 31 I 31 .634 .644 .65 .39 .374 .344 .99 .994 .984 .474 .514 .52 .4.92 .5.05 .6 25 .6.42 .6.62 84 84! 84 .1131 1131 1131 294! 284 1 29 2841 274! 24 3441 34 I 34 ------r ni ai Live ana steady to 10c higher. 200-250 lbs 595 250-300 lbs 300 lbs. up 180-200 lbs ft ts do pf do 87 pf Elec St Bat 2 Elk Coal El I'aso Nat Gas End Johns 3 5 12 1 1 1 1 54 9 5 7 84 28'- 284 109411094 4 174 54 22 54 84 34 154 40 64 124 74 84 1004 10 Bab A Wile Id 3 Bald Loco pf 2.10 6 Bald Loco ws 1 Bald Rub 14 Barium Stl 29 Bath Ir Works 6 Beech Aire 2 Bel) Aire 2 Bellanca Aire 2 .354, 1 Blauners 1 Bliss EW lSOxHorne Scry 2d 1 Breeze Corp 45 Brewster Aero 1 Bridgept Mach lOx do pf 5 Brill Cp A 1050xBrill Cp pf ISOxBrown Co pf 24! 24! 24 54 54 22 I 54! 841 34! 154! 40 641 1241 160-180 lbs 5 60 150-160 Ihi 5 53 4 53 534 lOx do pf 5 55 4 Am Stores 8 Am Sugar 3 do pf 7 3 Am Sumat 1 13 Am 9 12 Am Tobacco 5 8 do 5 1 do Pf 6 6 Am Type 7 Am water 1 do 1 pf 6 19 Am Woolen 14 do pf 3c 24 Am Zinc 116 Anaconda I1 id 3 Armour Del pf 7 33 Armour 111 13 do pr pf 1 do pf 7 Armstrong Ck Id 1 Artloom 12 Asso Dry Gdi 1 do 2 pf 18c 40xAsso Inv pt 5 44 Atchison 7 do pf 5d 26 Atl Line 11 Atl Refining 1 12 Atlas Corp O.SOd 1 do pf 3 1 Atlas Tack 1 Austin Nlch lOx do pr A 54 Aviation Corp 8 Mack Tr IS Macy II 2 1 2 Magma 14d 4 Manati Sug I 6 Marine Mid 30 1 1510xMarket St Ry pr pfl 15 Marshall Fid 20 Martin (Glenn) 37 Martin Parry 2 Masonite Corp .1 .1 .1 2941 32 741 641 14 18 5-4 22 4 54 841 34! 1541 42 64I 134 241 3641 341 49 1941 24! 14! 29 4 41 124 4 124 4 25 Enn Pub I 344! 3141 344 11074:107411074 I 4 I 341 34 I 7 I 7 I 7 I 54 I 54 1 54 54 57 604 32 54 84 44 5 1041 104 1541 154 3441 344 1141 124 1 do 5.50 pf 54 1141 16 3541 124! 804 32 54 8 554 604 314 5 4 74 93 140-150 lbs 5 jo 130-140 lbs 4 70 120-130 lbs 430 100-120 Ihs 1 Erie 4 92 5.05 8 25 6.42 6.62 4.85 4.97 6.17 6 35 6.52 24 24' 90x do pf 6 15 Sunshine Min 1.60.. 6 Superhtr .50 4 Superior Oil 2 Superior Stl 17 Swift 4 Co 1.20 1 Swift Intl 2 1 Syming-Gld xw 9HI 94! 94 204 194 194 IHl 151 14 sSTrl 224' 2241 224 19 I 19 I 19 641 641 64 11 do 1 pf 17 Evans Prod 5 Ex-cell-o 1.65d 93 i.jj SOWS i nrt 24! 241 24 164! 1541 154 113 1113 1113 83 9341 9341 934 sta 2.50O 350 5541 5441 554 184 1(4 4 4 CASH Cattle.

ReceiOta Htpnriv marLrot a.rf 3641 364 341 34 434! 474 if S94 141 14 204 204 4 4 4 4 74 44! 741 294 1 294! 294 5141 51 1 51 16 I 16 I 16 2641 264! 264 94! 9 I 9 354! 3541 354 84 841 84 3 Pac 6 pt 14 aOxPac Lt 5 cv pf 5 20 Pante Oil Venez 1 Parkarsbg Rig 20xPender A 34 6 Pennruad 17 Penn Cent Air 75xl'enn PAL pf 7 1 I'enn WAP 4 10 Pharli Tire 14 Phoenix Sec 50x do pf 12 Pioneer Gold .40 8 Pitney Bowes 260Pitts A 2d 2 Pltti Met 14d 2 Pitts Plate 2d 4 Powdrell A A 19 Premier Gold .12 I Prudential In 25vP Ind 7 of 5 May 3 2 McCrory 1 xrt 2 do pf 6 2 McGraw El 3 MeGratf Hill 2 Mrlntyre Pore 33 McKeesport CHICAGO, Nov. 15. (UP) Cash grain: oiiu steady. 3 I 38 1.V1 1.1-1 2341 234 741 74 WheatNo. 3 mixed 9()c.

1 Brown-F Dis 1 1 Brown Rub I 2 Buff pf 1.60 8 Burry Biscuit I 14 14 4oou outcher steers $10.00913. X) Medium to good steers 8.00B10.00 tn Llanr. iui 49 I 7 I 1541 2441 741 49 1 7 I 241 17 54 i 74! 38 I 14 1 I 73 i 14 9441 341 8 UUWII 1 nmmnn ttppr. .1 7 24 17 54 44 441 44 26f 264! 264 741 741 74 I 324! I 84! I 3941 I 341 I 37 241 17 I 54 HI McKesson 4 Robbins 4 do pf I 3 MrLellan St 24 Mead Corp I liood to choice heifu 8 50010.50 134 94 1 34 4 8 13 944 341 HI 8 I 954 11 1 1041 104 Medium to good heifers 7.009 8.00 Common heifers 7.00 (nnH tn hiwf rvt4i i 3 Melville Sh 2d I 2941 294 2" 3241 324 84! 84 384! 394 34! 34 36 4 37 641 64 4 4 4 4 841 84 441 44 334! 334 2041 304 1 Calam Sug 1.60 23 Talltte Tung .20 1 Can Col Airw 1 Caiman Id xd -B- 64 441 84! 44! 44 D.11,1 Common to merioium 4.00ft 4,50 95' 95., 254 1 24 I 24 1004' 994' 1004 in wengei 400 do 1 pf 1 Mesta Much 19 Miami Cop 250xPuget So 5 pf 3c 103SX do 6 pf 3741 374 3TT4I common 10 cutter cows 3.509 4.J0 Bologna bulls 3.50 down Bulll 7.25 down 444! 424! 43 41 I 41 I 41 74 7 74 454, 454, 45 4 214 214 214 12 I 12 12 'JO'-, 284 -'84 Hi 11 1 1 4 34! 34! 34 41 4 20 1 194 20 134 134: 134 394 394 394 18 17 1 174 43 424: 43 174 174i 174 74 741 74 30 30 I 30 334 324! 334 184 174; 18 1094 109 1 109 4 34 341 34 314 31 314 37 364 364 441 I 3341 I 21 4 4 2 Puget So Pulp 24 174; 17 I 17 1741 441 541 841 11 1041 104 I 1441 144! 144 KlxThe Fair pf 70xFalrbanks pf 1 Fair Morse 24d 6 Fajardo Sug 2d 1 Fed Lt la 2 Fed Min Id 1 Fed Mogul 1 Fed Mot 3 Fed Wat A 3 Fed Dept St 14d 1 Ferro Enamel lde 1 Fid Phen 1.60a 3 Firestone 1 5 First Str 24d 6 Fllntkote 3 Follansbee Stl 1 do cv pf 4 Food Marh 14d 25 Foster Wheel 40x do pf 4 Francisco Sug WixFrank Sim pf 14 Fttept-Sulph la G- 35 Baldwin Loco 10 Baltl Ohio 2 do pf 1 Bangor Ar 16 Midcnt Pet 104 10 4 104 24 24' 24 61616 54. 54: 54 UH 1041 104 84' 8 I 8 2-j 23 '23 125411254 1254 64i 54! 64 434.

41 I 41 93 924' 924 94 94, 94 5 fii ft 141 14! 14 32 Carrier Corp 2 Casco Pro Id 50xCastle A Co Id 50xCelanese 1 pf 7 19 Celluloid Cp 175x do pf 20xCent Pow pf 5 34; 34 I 34 2 Midland Stl 3941 39 4 1 394 Sheep. Lamb day every Tuesday. Rereints 1 mm hpad mi-Lrat a. Coin -No. 3 mixed 654 70c.

No. 1 yellow 684 No. 2 yellow 67 67 4 No. 3 vellnw 85 ''65 4 No. 4 yellow 614 63 No.

5 yellow 594i62c, No. 3 white 71c No. 4 white 684W70c. No. 5 white 644'f(H5c sample 594c Oats No.

1 white and red 41c, No. 3 red extra heavy 404c, No. 1 mixed heavy 404 c. Rye No lales. Soybeans No.

2 yellow 99 4 99 4 c. Barley No. 2 malting 60c, feed 38048c nominal, malting 50''i64c nominal. Field Seeds Nominal timothy seed $3.75 alsike $9)011, fancy red top $7.508. red clover $8i 11, sweet clover $3.5004.

Cash Provision Cash lard 4 82c nominal, loose 4.97c nominal, leal 5 00c nominal, sow bellies 10.50c nominal. Nominal! -No. 2 red wheat 934ff944e, No. 2 white oats 394404c, No. 2 rye 51 4 fit 51 4 c.

TOLEDO. Tnt.KDO, 0., Nov. 15.Graln close; Elevator: Wheat No. 2 red 95 174 44 54 84 444 11 74 29 10 14 14 444 1 444 lOx do pf 8. 119 1119 1119 lOx do pf 5 aim stpndv 14 194 104 2 Barbef Asphalt UH 11 2 Barker Bros 1 74 30Talbott pf 24 5 Tenn Corp 56 Texas Corp 2 4 Texas Prod .104 10 Tex Sul 3a 2 Tex PC A .40 2 Tex Par 2 Texas Pac 1 Thermoid 10x do pf 24C 3 Smith A 2 Thomp Pr 14d 6 Thomp Star 6 do pf 28 Tide A Oil 3 do pf 44 9 Tim Ax 2'id 26 Tih 34d 1 Transamerioa .50 14 Tr Wert Air 1 Trans Wms 5 Tri-Cont 1 do pf 6 9 Truax Tra 13 20th Cent-Fox 1 do pf 14 i 1 Twin Cy lOOx do pf 4 Twin Coach lOxQuaker pf 6 1 Minn Hny 2a 50x do pf 4 7 Minn-Moline 1504 1504 1504 Good to choice spring 9.50 48 I 48 48 106 441 441 44 Hlv dn nf 2 1041 10 9Q I 284 28 Mission Corp 11 104! 114 284 -R- OARJ'UI V.IHi Common 6.509 7.50 Culls 6.00 down Old sheep 1.009 3.00 41 4 .1 2441 2441 244 IS', 104 94 29 52 5 4 194 84 24 734 44 IS 4 104 94 29 52 54 194 84 24 73 4 44 944! 294! 52 4 541 194.

84' 24 734! 3 1. 34 1 34 12 Barnsdall 0.60 3 Bayuk Cigar 0.75d 3 Beatrice 1 Beld Hem 0.80 27 Bendix Avn 24a. 6 Ben Ind Loan Veal Calves. KloaH-j on, I I 4 3 4 154 74. 74! 74 lift 154! 154 .1 841 4l 04 334! 3341 334 I 204! 2041 204 2 41 1541 82 Good to choice (extreme 11.50 141 141 14 4 72 11 4 9 33 I 32 1 4 72 11 4 9 54 2 .81 4 Best co 1.10a 76Behle Steel 5d 894 1884 54 25RhiI A Sec 5i i Raymond Cone 1 4 lied Hank Oil 22 Republic Avn 2 R11 hm Rail 1 Rio Or Gas vtc 2 Root IVtro 1 Hyan Aero 6 Ryan Consul 2 Ryenon Haynei 541 54 14' 14 4i 4 14 14 6 8 64 54.

14. 2 I 44 24 Rio-K rex 41 3 do pf I 24! 7 Mo Pac pf I Al 3 Mohawk Cp 1 1 154' 3 Monsanto 14d I 82 20x do pf A 44 U15 3 Mont Ward 24d 404: 60xMor 4 Ess 34 304 1 Motor Prod Id 13 41 2 Motor Whl 1.60 184 i 5 Mueller Br Id 23 11 Mullins Mfg 5 150x do pf 56 2 Murphy 4 74 21.xMurray 84 1 CHK'AOO CHICAGO, Not. 15. Ltvestosk: Hogs Receipts general trade mostly tn 5 rents hlphcr than 115 39 30 131 18! 64 184 14 i3B.g2.WnM-::::j'j 101 1101 1101 94 94 94 1 1 1641 164 141 14 224! 22 9 9 2'; 34 174 19 64 12 4 64' 82 1115 394 304 13 184 224 44 54 74 84 241 3 I 17 1 19 6 1241 641 51 24! 2H Corn No. 2 yellow 72873c.

11 its No. 2 white 424 434c Track: Wheat No. 1 ml. not ouoted. 7 64 1 7 33 941 2 Kiss Laughl 0.75d! I 4 1.1 'tn lull 14! 14! 14 nt Roeinp Air MTl iS.f 54 324 i Al A Rr 14d.

33 324 44 54 734 5 Gabriel A 9 Gair Robt 3 do pf 30xGamewU Co 2d 6 Gar Wood Ind 2 Gaylord Cont 1 Gen Am Inv 3 Gen Am Tr 14d 1 Gen Baking 4 Gen Bronze 10 Gen Cable 1 do A 3 do pf 14c 1 Gen Cigar 5 54 434 43A 44 44 14 14 Thursday; up more on strictly choice medium weights and heavy butchers; top $6.15 paid freely; bulk good and choice 210-320 butchers 05 ft' 6. 15; mostly 180-200 lbs. lights good 300-400 lbs. packing sows generally $5 656 5 85; few lights most 400-450 lbs. kinds $5.

50 -a 5.70. 24 34 17 19 6 124 64 54 7 34 7 184 86 4 19 35 374 Corn No. 2 yellow No. 8 yellow 640664c, No. 4 yellow 614 634c.

Oats No. 2 white 39V. 40c. 51 7 4 1 Cen Stl 1 Cent A Sw 2 Cent St Elec 1 do 6 pf 75xCent. St ED 7 2 Cham 1 Chi Flex Shaft 5a.

1 Chi Rivet 2 Chief Cons 1 Childs pf Cli ies Serv BOX do 7 pf 7 lOx do 6 pf 6 3 City Auto 0.45d 2 City A Hm 11 Claude Neon Lts 1 Cleve Hum 2a. 2 Cleve Tract 2 Colon Dev Ltd 1 Colt Arms 24d. 75xCol A cv pf 5. 14 Co! A 11 Cmnwth A wti 2 Conn Tel A Elec 1 Con Bait .1.60 20xCon 0 Halt pfC4 1 Con A la 2 Con A Stl Fdy 50xCoi)k A 1 Cooper Bes 3 Copper Rnge 1 Corden Pet 5 Creole Pet 50a 2 Crocker Wh 1 Crown Ck A I -4 14 54 I 54 I 54 24 4 1 24 24 4 194 194 2241 214 214 3841 3841 384 4 7 74 15 St Regis Paper 2 St Heirin nf -N- .13 13 78 I 76 44 4H 13H 3 76 44 13 4 Cattle lleoemts 1.500: calves. 400- verv 441 44 35 I 131,1 "14 84 4 83 I 844; 844 i 844 62 61 i 61 14' 14' 14 it it! 14 73 1 73 73 1124 112 1124 184 184 88 Ml 4 19 19 3541 344 37 36 54 344 35 1341 13H 7241 724 134! 134 S4 83 I 83 144' 144 13 Investment Stocks 12 1-: 25', 254 31 1 30V 31 164 Gen Electric 1.05d 151 la 26 4 174 174 17 12 Nash-Kelv I 90xN Ch 4 St Id 7 Nat Acme 1 Nat Auto Fib pf .60 8 Nat Aviation 25d.

1 16 Nat Biscuit 1.60d.. 1184 118411184 .1 714 71 1 714 1341 134 1 134 I 14! 141 14 14 144 1 441 2741 2741 274 41 4 4 90 I 8914 89 4 54 154 224 94 114 18 169 184 13 12 111 111 1541 154 214 24 1241 11 464! 46 I 464 2241 224 9HI 94 12 114 184' 18 169 169 184' 184 1341 13 12 12 1274,127411274 4 514' 52 110 1110 I II! .1 84' 8 A 41 1254 ,125 4, 125 4 Bid Ask 2.83 3.10 3.10 3.43 4.691 5.15 4.46 3.50 5.251 5.90 1.141 1.26 304 304' 304 84! 841 84 11 I 11 11 10 I 10 1 10 6 I 6 I 8 111 164! 14! 164 54 34 44 441 44 5 aOxBon Ami 24a 3 Bond Stores 1.60 9 Borden 0.90d 39 Burg-War 0. i5d 1 Bower 24d 2 Brewing Cp Am D.W) 8 Bdsport Brass 0.25d 81 Brings Mfg 14a 2 Bkln 1 Bkln Tr 3 Bkln Gas 6 Bruns Balke 14d 39 Burvrui Erie 30x do 7 pf 7 21 Budd Mfg S30x do pf 5 Budd Wheel 6 Bullard IVid 25 Bulova 2a 1 Burlington la 14 Burroughs SOxBush pf ctf 3 Bush Term 9 Butler Bros .30.1 5 Butte Cop 1 Byers A 40x do pf 9.81c 2 Byron Jackson 6 Und Ell Fish 14d 10 Union 32 Cnlon Carb 2.30d 8 Un Oil Cal 1 9 Un Pacific 6d 1 Union Pac pf 4 1 Un Premier Fd 1 3 Un Tank 1.80 xd 35 Un Aircraft 14d 30 Un Air Lines 2 Union Biscuit 2 Un Carbon 3 1 Un Carr Fast 31 United Corp 29 do pf 3 15 United Drug 13 Un Dyewood 790x do pf 54 3 Un El Coal 2 Un Eng Fdy 2d 7 United Fruit 4 70 Un Gas Imp 1 4 Un Mfg 3 Un Panrhrrt BH 4 8 84 4 4 6 784 441 44 44 15 Gen Foods 2 1 do pf 44 3 Gen 4 A 2 Gen Mills 4a 50x do pf 5 89 Gen Motors 34d 3 do jf 5 3 Gen Gut Adv 1 do A 4c 14 Gen Pr Ink 0.35d 1 Gen Pub Sv 4 Gen Ry Sig 2 Gen Rty 4 1 do pf 2 Gen Refract 0.75d 49 184 i 184 1341 134 5341 534 194! 194 141 14 3141 324 5 1 5 3 I 3 6 1441 14 14 1054 '104 4 lor, 78AI 7k 105 1104" '105 54! 54 74, 4 164 Al 44 154 24 11 110 54 684 74 34 34 17 84 15 3 54 54 104 784 13 6.33! 7.01 15 Salt Dome Oil 1 Srhlff Co la 4 Scoviil Mfg 0.75d 75xScranton SBW pf. 3 Scullln Steel 3 Scullin Stl wts ROxSlnger Mfg 6a 44 Segal Lock 1 Selby Shoe 4 Selected Ind 1 Sentry Safe Con 2 Shattuck Dn O.lOd 2 Sherwin-W 3d 2 Simm Hdware 24d 6 Seiberllng Rub 1 So Penn Oil 14a 1 So Cal pf 14. 2 do pf 14 3 So Union Gas 3 Std Cap A SI .609 250x do pf 1.60 1 Std Oil Ky la 3 Std Oil Ohio la 1 Sterl Alum 2 Sterling Inc 15d 2 Stinnes Hugo 2 Stroock 1 Super mi Calif 641 64 71 74 354 354 174 84 154 3 684 74 34 334 174 84 15 8 54 74 4 164 A 18 29 624 ie.3gn.' ....114.611 15.75 49 74 4 164 18 28 '4 62 114 -I- 6" 74 21, 84 64 74 21V 84! 29 33 5 9.71 to 39 184 134 634 194 14 324 54 3 34 5 374 744 104 114 44 12 44 45 6 74! 74 214! 214 84! 84 854' 854 1 854 2041 1941 19 147 1147 1147 1380xGen Stl pf 114 44! 441 4 1241 12 I 12 37 I 27 I 27 541 SHl 54 on 541 54 19'i 1 Darby Pet 250xDayton Rubber Id 20xDay Rub A 2 6 Decca Rec Inc .60 2 Dennisan Mfg A 1 do deb 8 .1 441 4H 44 354! 3541 354 .1 3141 314 314 3941 294! 394 341 341 3H .14 14.4 .1 124 1241 124 .1 194' 194' 184 .1 344' 34 I 34 .71717 .1 1 1' 1 I Al A .1 14 14 I 14 .1 24 I 24 I 24 1 I 244! 234! 24 104 104 784 784 ,...113.5614.89 15.1)2 18 49 11 22 12.40 ,...13.15 14 48 3.96! 4.48 3.71) 4.75 9 36 141 14! 1 36 670xU Dlst pf 5 374 73 104 2 4 94 714 54 9H 374 73 104 11 44 11 44 94 734 6 54 101 active cleanup market with cows predominating In crop; this class 10 to 15 cents higher, all other classes firm; hardly enough In either load or odd lots to make a market, best selling $11.50 with bulk ut $9 choice Colorado fed 850 lbs.

heifers sold up to most heifers turning $10 down with common and medium grades in broad demand; stocker and feeder trade active, medium to good grades In fresh receipts selling freely no outstanding shipper bulls here; best around vealers $10 9 11. 50. Sheep Receipts 500: late Thursday, mostly steady except top 10 cents higher at $9.60 on fat lambs; bulk good to choice natives and fed westerns $9.35 to mostly load choice 105 lbs. summer shorn lambs yearlings today's trade ilienlng fairly ctive, early sales fat lambs steady, yearlings srrong; early top and bulk good to choice native lambs $950; some fed western lambs held higher; few medium to good natives $999.35, common down; 2 loads hnndvwelght fed Texas yearlings slaughter ewes icarce. quoted mainly $4,50 down.

CINCINNATI CINCINNATI, Nov. 15. (UP) Hogs Receipts market active: weights 200 lbs up and 140 to 160 lbs steady with Thursday; 160-200 lbs 5c higher; 100-140 lbs 15c higher; top $6.10 for good and choice 200-250 lbs, 250-300 lbs $6, 300-350 lbs 180-200 MM 16, 160-180 lbs $5.85, 140-160 lbs 85.5095.75, 100-140 lbs $4.5095.25. molt good packing sows $4.75 95.25. Cattle Receipts 600; calves 300; another slow ratch-as-catch-can market on cutter to commnn lightweight steers and heifers around $5.

5018 such kinds predominating In receipts and In narrow demand at week's decline: vealer steady to 5()c lower: 13 I 13 1004 101 141 1H 14 4 Det Cry Ir Fdy 36 I 741 70 I 741 24 1 do pf 7 1 Nat Bd4Share 6 Nat Cash Reg Id 3 Nat Cyl Gas 60d 14 Nat Dairy .80 340x do pf A 7 60x do nf 7 1 Nat Dept St 2 do pf .60 11 Nat Distillers 2 16 Nat Gypsum 1 do pf 44 35 Nat Lead .50 lOx do pf 6 4 Nat. 1 Nat Oil Prod 85d 83 Nat Pwr 4 Lt .60.. 5 Nat Steel 3 11 Nat Sup Penn 310x do 6 pf 75c 4 do 54 pf 7 do 2 pf 21 Nat Tea 5 Nehl 3 Newberry 2.40 12 Newmnnt Mng 50d. 21 Newport 40d 1 do pf 8 Newjiort Ind 1 Air Brk 2d 100 Central IN 4 7 do pf 2 Dock 4 do pf 21 II 4 2 do pf 10 Ship Stock Affiliated Fund Amer Business Collateral Equit Cumulative Tr Diversified Diversified Dividend Shrs First Mutual Tr Fund Fund Inv Inc Incord Invs Inv Fund Keyitone f-b-2 Keystone F-B-3 Kev stone F-K-1 me F-K-2 Keyitone F-S-2 Keystone F-S-4 Maryland Fund Mutual Inv Fund N.ite.n Wide sec Nation Wide vtg New England Fund North Amer Bd North Am Tr 1953 North Am 1955 North Am 1956 Plymouth Fund A Putnam, George Fund Quar Inc Sel Am Imp Sovereign Inv Tntee St Inv Tntee St Inv II Trstee St Oil A Trstee St Oil Trsteed Am Bk Trsteed Ind Elec A A Elec 71 7141 741 49 1 48 114 54! 74 70 74 464 454 114 54 3.521 1.14. 128 454 114 1 Det Mich Stv 1 Det Pa Pr 6 Diveo Twn Tr 7 Dubiller Con 1 Dura Teit 5 Duval Tex 50d 24! Hi 74 24 14; 8 I 1 For Sec 1 Frgt xd 16 Gypsum 2a 10 Hoffman 17 Leath 34 do A 11 do pr pf 2 Pipe 2....

1 Play Card 1 II Realtv 84 94 11 7H 12.68 74l 2 4 141 84! 141 741 74 24 14 84 94 141 741 16 I 54! SKI 664! 644i 66 144 34 7 614 16 42 24 24 154 63 19 2 324 1 64 354 174 28 4 9 8 34 74 64 4 16 42 24 24 154 63 19 324 14 64 354 174 28 4 3141 3141 314 18 29 6-14 114 20 154 34 74 63 16 42 24 24 164 63 194 2 324 14 1 354 184 29 4 224 314 114 11 194 14 24 43! 2.081 2.601 2 551 .391 .44 32 454I 444! 444 14 1 Gen Thtre Eq 0.60d 2 Gen Time Ins 14d 8 Gen 4 O.SOd 6 Gillette 0.30d.. 27 Gimbel Bros 5 do pf 6 1 Glidden Id 1 do pf 24 3 Gobel, Adolf 3 Goebel Brew 0.20a. 67 Goodrich 1 do pf 5 31 Goodyear 14d 3 Gotham Hns lOx do pf 14d 84 Graham-Paige 2 Gran by 0.95d 1 Grant 1.55d... 26 Gt Nor Ore 0.75d... 54 Gt North 4 Gt West Sug 2 4 Green 2a 22 Greyhound Cp 1....

5 do 54 pf 0.55 4 GrummnnAIr 0.50d 8 Guant Sug 5 Gulf Mobile 4 14 74 154 144 384 44 394 404 314 63 154 144 384 44 394 404 314 4 4 4 4 94, M. 154 44 394 404 303 Rubber 44 94 Ill 1118 108 14 254 904 66 32 33 14! 14 3641 344 92 I 894 6741 66 7441 714 12.92 13.82 4 Taggart Cp 13 Technicolor 0.75d. lOxTexas PAL pf 7 4 Texon Oil 9.30U. 1 Tilo Roof 0 S5de Ill llll 19 do 1 pf 8d 5 Smelt 4 lid 114 94! 9V 108 94 474 474 17', 314 241 24 84 84 321 Steel 11H 11H! 34! 341 60 59'-. 404: 394i 8H 724 1 62 7S 170x1 odd Ship 34d ..2 1294 129 4 129 4 7.1', 79 UTS I to )OHI, 20IoedoKd cn nf 7vH 1 11 1 11.11.

5.901 6.90 8.62! 9.40 I 13 6.78 2.281 2.221 5.271 4.86 1 14 1 1 1.. 11 Eagle Plrher 20d. 7 Ea Gai A Fuel 125 do pr pf 4 4c 6 do pf I 5)lxEo St Cp pf A 5( ix do pf 1 Easy Wash 66 El Bd A Sh a do 5 pt 5 lo 17 324 641 11 22 32 118 1118 494! 484 484 294! 2841 29 119 118 1119 1541 15H 16 I 16 314 314 6 I 64 104 104 4 HI 4 150x do A 4d 38 4 38 '38 1 do A 4d I 384! 38 HI 384 1 Tung Sol I 24i 2Hi 24 6 do pf 7 4 Tob 1.28 1 Un Stk Yd 7 do pf 0.70 3 Un Stores A 1 Unlv Cyclps Stl 0.60d 1 Unlv Leaf 4a 30x do of 8 31 31 4 314 14! 141 14 641 641 64 I4! 141 14 17 'V 174' 174 60 60 60 150 150 1150 18 4 1 1 584 174 4 I 44 58 67 3141 314 114 114 11 I 11 18S 184 74! 741 74 .501 .77 .55 .86 34 594 394 18 174 4 44 67 14 82 81 i'i 214 24 63 24 4 234! 334 -II- 1 114 184 3 14 2 4 16 Callahan Zinc 37 Calumet Id 2 Campbell Wy 1.15d 105 Canada Dry 50xCanaria So 3 61 Can Pacific 1 Cannon Mills 14d 30xCaplt Ad pf 3 1 Carpenter Stl 24d 21 Case 3 I VH do pf 7 9 Caterpillar 2d 25 Celanese 14de lOOx do pr pt 9 Celotex 20x do pf 5 3 Cent Aguirre 14 7 Cent Foundry 71 Went 111 Lt pf 44 1 lent 2 Cent Viol Sugar 13 Cerro Pasco 4d 5 Certain teed B6lix do pr pf 1 Ches Corp 2 Ches Ohio 24d 1 do pf 4 67 Chi Pneu 2 do cv pw 3 3 Chi I 4 8 do 6 pf 5 do 7 pf 1 Chlckusna 54 Chrysler 54d 1 City I 90d 14 14 82 82 241 1.94 63 I 63 184! 184 3 I 3 1134 1134 34 34 641 64 declines on In-between and lower grades: 1134 '222 '222 '222 174 1741 174 7 4 57 4 574 1 194! 18HI 184 81 44' 11 12 do 6 pf 6 LSOxE A 2 pf A lOxErny 64 pf 20x do 6 pf 2 Equity Cp 2ftx do pf 14d 4 Esquire Inc 11 -H- good and choice Sheep -Receipts 500; market fairly active and generally steady with Thursday; sales good to choice trucked -in nearby 81 A 214 24 31! 9S 95 1 Norf 4 West 10 68 No Amer 1 20a 1 No Amer 6 pf 3 39 No Am Avn O.SOd 20xNo Cent 4 17 No Pacific 3 Norwalk 120xNorwalk pf 34. 0 1 1, 74! 74 95d 74 BOND STATISTICS TRICE INDIA. 884 54 334 344 274 24 27 lambs $9.5099.75, mostly $9.50 down; com 84' 34 34 33 1 Hall Print 1...

70xHann 5 pf 5. 4 Harb-Walk xd Klxllat Cp pf 64 mon and medium slaughter ewes'if 334 14d 21 Vanadium 1 Victor Chem 3 Va.Caro Ch 3 do 6 pf lOx do 6 pf 6 40xVa I pf 1 Virginian Ry lOxVulcan Det i 354 344! 274 274 24 24 274 27 1174 1174 124! 124 I 33 33 I 105 1105 I 2.50. 1174 (Copyright, 184U, Standard Matlstlri Cn.) 241 42 4 964! 1341 124 20 20 0 1141 11 I 11 364 54 34 24 424 (Hi 134 39 4 ft I Ills. Hun 34 64 374 54 354 24; 434 96 4 144 394 4 ft 124 83 94 8S 3 441 44 44 4 Udylite Corp 1 I Aire Pit lOd 4 Un Cigar Sin 11 I'n Gas fori 3 do pf 64c 1 Un Lt A Pwr A 3 do or 1450xUn Shoe 24a I I'n Specialties 50d 1 Foil 14 1 A Int Sec 50x do nf 34r 9 Lines pf 2 Plywood 1 29.I. 1 do pf 14xd 8 Un Wall Paper 8 Unlv Corp vie 1 Unlv Plct ISOxUlah PAL pf 54c 1 Utility A I pf 44 11 1 109 4 4 254 56" 8 54 594 3 254 31 14 4 9 784 14 3941 84.1 14l 1 UOH 109', 4l 4 25 254 564 564 S3I 8 5941 594 341 3 264! 254 314 31 14 1H 44 3 9 9 784 784 14! 14 7 64 24 I 334 2 Falrrhild Av 0.25d.

.1 2 Falrrhild Eng A Alrl 4 Falstaff Br 0.60a xdl ISOxFanny Farm 14d 1 Funsteel Met 2 Feil Mfg 0.65d KID 7H! 184! 24 84 -vv- 94 841 841 941 941 HI Friday Thursday Week ago Month ugo 1 rr iikii Two yi urs aa. 1114(1 high 1 mo leu high I', ') low 15 Ohio Oil 0.20d 6 Oliver Farm Eq 8 Omnibus 1.20 4 Oppen Coll 8 Otis Kiev Id 10 Otis Steel 2 Otis Stl cv 1 pf 3 Outboard Marlne24d 11 Owens III Glass 2d 741 184 104 174 104 464 24 50 Inilln. till. 3 NJ Nil. '4 88.

1 81.1 87.11 HH.O 3.t 87.3 74.8 74 18 4 10H 5 174 11 464 24 50 tails. HI.J III .11 11,3 mi. 8 HU.i in. 'i It.B 4M.8 04.0 AI.9 70.0 47.0 I 134! 1341 134 1104 '104 I 2641 26 I 26 95 95 95 34 341 24 9S4 984 98'V, 8 74 74 93 93 93 174 174 174 73 73 73 127 127 127 111 llll 111 314 314 314 84! 84 84 114 114 114 52 I 514 514 144 134 134 5 I 44 44 3941 384 39 Hi 4 4 34 34 34 1 19 19 5 I 44 44 I ti A 11 5 17 4 114 47 244 504 6 Hayes Mfg 1 Haze! At Gl 5 16 Herker Prod 0.60... 1 Helme 5a 11 Hero Mot 0.75d 1 Merc Pdr l.SOd 30xIIerc Pdr pf 6 1 Hershey pf 4a 7 Holland Furn 14d 1 Hollander 4 Son 1 Holly Sug 4 Homestake 44 4 Houd-tler Id 6 Houston Oil 7 Howe Sound 3 4 Hud 4 Man 1 Hud 4 Man nf .44.

.1 HI. I 83.1 83.1 82.0 84.3 70. A 84.0 H3.0 70.7 4 84 1014 100,7 100.5 101.0 01I.H 102.3 97.1 102.8 97.0 00.7 81.7 4 84 1014 314 941 88 4 3 39 MX do pf 64 it 1014 33 144 814 94 8S-, 3 394 744 6 Fidello Brew 75xFlnr PAL pf 8 31c. 1 Ford Can A 1 6 Fklln County Dlst 2 Fro GAM pf 1.20... 1 Fruehauf Tr 1.40d xd 25Kuller 4 pf 4 2 City Stores 1134,1134 113 13 I 13 I 12 HI 4 4 1941 1941 194 194! 1941 194 54 I 54 I 54 314 3 Clark Eq 2d SOxCCC St nf 5 394 74 4 1441 144 64 64 744 high 64 5 Wabash pf A 8 Waldorf Sys .60 2 Walgreen pf ww 44 4 Walker at) 4 1 do pf 1 12 Walworth 17 Warner Broi 27 Warren Br 3 do pr pf 1 Wash Gas Lt 1 1 Waukesha Mot la 4 Wayne" PumD 2 2 Clcve Graph Br 1.20d urn nixLi puu 34 354 354 8341 834 3141 314 1241 124 -G- 33 Climax Moly Cn 1.20 SAI.KS.

341 241 3 141 14! 1 11 I 104! 10 3441 244 244 1741 17l 17 2)14 1 Valipar SOxVanNnrm Mrh 1.20d 1 Venezuelan Pet 324 124 29 24 14 23 4 10 Hu.l lta 4 Id. 194 I 194 14! 1H 1H 32 I 32 I 32 ft HI 4 8Hl 841 84 84 284 394 114 152 44 1 Vultee Aire 1 iuii son iioior 42 Hupp Motor I 20 '4 I 204 i 100', 29 I 29 24 24 1L 14 23 4 234 5 I 5 80 I 80 541 54 174 80 334 644 6 84 4 13 Wes Oil pf 4. HOxWest Pa El A 7 5 West A ut i) Sup 2 1 1741 14 334 64 4 641 I 84 I H' Friday Thursday Week iik Yliillltl ugo tear men Tire inrs iikii. I "I'l to 1113(1 III date 11)38 In date 17 SO 334 614 64 84 130 7,7:10.5011 0.048,200 0.322.000 7.008.0011 0, 025.01111 1.382,020,000 I.HOI.AOA.IIIHI 1, (Kin 2 Gen Firep 1.40 aOxGen Outd Ad pf 8. pf KlxGen Shr II pf 6c xd 1 ililbert A fl Glen Alden 0.75d 4 Gold field AAP 1 pf 7 SOxGt Nor Paper 2H I 274! 274 -w- I- 4 11 1 1 mia 1 1 41 A Aik la 200xCol So 1 pf SO)! do 2 pf 2 Col Broadcast 2d T2 Col urn Gas 4 do pf A 6 1 Col Pn turei 3 do pf 24 1 Col Carbon 2d 8 Com Credit 3 7 Com Inv Tr 4 21 Com Solvents 232 Comwlth So 4 14 741 74 84 284 394 144 152 44 7 34 17 9 84 94 10 33 74 CLEVELAND.

CLEVELAND, Nov. 15. -lings-Receipts 500; market steady, 25c lower for week; 270-300 lbs. $5.7596.05. 240-270 lbs.

$6.15. 180-240 lbs $6.15, yorkers 160-190 lbs. $6.15, 140-160 lbs. $5.50. pigs HHl-140 lbs.

$4.75 9 5.25, roughs $595.25, stags $49 4.25. Cattle Receipts 75; market light: rholce steers 1100 lbs. and up $12913.25, 750-1100 lbs. $11912, good $10''11, medium $8910, common T'fH. good butcher cattle $9'i 1M, medium $899, good cows $696.50, medium $H''i9, butcher bulla $7tiH.

Calves Receipts 50; market light, $1 lower for week; choice to prime, $11912, good to choice $1011, medium $9910, common $699. Sheep and Lambs-Receipts TOO; market steady, 50c lower for week; choice lambs $999 50, good $849, medium S7''iH, common $397, choice wethers MW4.50, medium $3'a4, choice ewes $3 .1 medium $21(13, common SHi2. Nf.W PARIS NEW PARIS, Nov. 15 Hogs, 220-240 Ihs. $5 75, 200-20 lbs.

$5.65, lwi-200 lbs. $5.55, 100-170 lbs. $5.50. 210-260 lbs. $5.65, 260-280 lbs 100 lbs.

$5.50, 300-325 lbs. $5.50. 325-350 lbs. $5.45, ISO-160 lbs. $5.40, 140-150 Ihs.

$. 120-140 lbs. $3.90. 100 120 lbs. $4.15, roughs Cattle Good choice steers $8509 9.50, good to choice heifers $899, good to rholce cows $5fa6.

canners and cutters $394. Calvea--Choice $9910. Sheep Choice ewe and wether Iambi $7 8, bU'-k Iambi old sheep $192, TOLEDO. TOLEDO. Nov.

15. -Hogs- Receipts 150; Btendv. unchanged. I Steiidv. linchfinffed.

214 131) 1130 Ml 7H 3'. 17 8 94! h4 82'. 54 22 4 80 32 4 41 114 1 5-1 444 44 4 1108 105 losft 244! 23 4' 234 21 4 80 324 40 11 841 164! 39 I 64 84! I 164' I 39 74, I 26 84 164 39 64 254 324 40 I 104! 1 I 4 Greenfield A D. 21 Gulf Oil 1 25xGyp Lime A Ala. 941 9 I 9 34 I 324 334 I 3 1 3 1 a 106 I.e.

lie. 137 4 1 137 4 1 137 4 25', 1 36 1 H104 1094 53 4 1 534 94 1 10 1 334 1" 4 12 Pac Am Fish 9 Pac 4 El 2 3 Pacific Ltg 3 3 Pacific MlTli 30 Pac pf 6 128 Pac Tin Cons 0.50d 4 Pac West Oil 25 Packard 28 Pun Am Airways 1 Pan Am Pet 34 Paraml Plct 0.30d... 1 Para Pict 1 pf 6 5 Para 2 pf 0.60 7 Parke Davis l.OOd 9 Park Utah O.lOd 11 I'athe Film 6 FaUnp Mine 1 Ten Foard 2'd 8 Penney 3a 1 Penn Coal 4 5 Penn Cem 2 do pf A 89 Penn RR 3 Peoples Gas 3d 20xPere Mqt pi 80x do pr pf 2.1 Pet Corp Am dn Phelps Dodge 36 1 36 3341 334 12 III Central 1 III Cent pf 20x111 Cent I. 4 2 Indian Ref 2 Ind Ravon 14d 1 Ingersol'l Hand 6d 4 Inland Stl 5d 25 Insplratn Cop 2 Ind Pw 4 Lt 1.60 5 Interi'hem 1 OOd 13 Intercon Rub 23 Interlake Ir 4 Int Agrtr 3 do nr nf 924) 914 924 -II- 334 102 84 284 394 144 152 .44 74 34 174 9 84 94 10 334 24 10H 84 464 87 4 24 34 39 254 27 43 i .174 4.1 84 24 104 103 102 144! 134 324 31 1. 314 1 204 10 West Vlrg Coal I 241 24! 24 8 Weitern Air 8 I 541 64 2 Wichita Riv Oil 64 Iftl 64 1 Wllion Junes 8,818 aOgWlsc PAL pf 6.42c.

.11124 112 112 1 Wolv Port 54 541 54 7 Wolv Tube 64 6 I 8 3 WoikIIcv Pet 0 40. 44, 4'il M4 2 Wright Harg 0 40a .1 5H! 541 54 All sales In Hundred! OKI) niiiitlrd nirent Ihom deilgnaled with (a), whlrh are odd lot tradri with sales given tn full. Dm riends: (a) pirn eitra; dn paid lait vear: to) payment on aeeiimitlnled dividends: (d rierlared or paid so far thla vear no regit-lar rates (e raih or ner rent slnrk. (idi denote. ,11,1 1, ,,,1 f(i 84 8 4 294 294 184 18 4 2541 254 11 11 741 74 234 24 1IHI4 1IHI4 18 4 16 4 134 204 28 44 114 24 27 I 27 64 I 64 2841 27 4 8841 874 37 64 28 7 124 2 west Md 3 West Mil 2 pf 1 West Pac pf 15 West Union i- Wtal Air like 14d.

14 Westing El 34d loxWest El 1 pf 34d. 1 Weston El In 2 2 Wcstvain 5 pf 14.. 80xW Ut pf 54.. Ill Wheel Sltvl 1 Wheel Stl pr pf 5.. 18 White Mot 16 White Rock 7 White Sew 6 wllcos QiQ 21 Willys Overlnd 1 pf 21 Wilson Co I do pf 6c Woodward iron in Woolworth 2.40 60 Wnrthlngtnn 9m do pr 9 dn cv pr pf 14c.

9 do pr pf 1Hc ttXWrtgM Aero 4d 274 44 114 24 32 28 54 114 24 32 4 5 do pf 3d I 42 Comwlth Edli 1.81x1 4 Cong-Nairn 1 12 Cons Aircraft 8 Cons Cigar 0.75d... 15 Cons Cnpiiermns 112 Cons Edison 2 3 do pf 5 8 Cons Film nf 0.75c, 31 Com Laundries 47 Cons OH o.724d... 1 Cons Coal vtc 2 do nl vie 294 19 26 nA 244 1064 94 3 H4 54 241 74! 7 GOVERNMENT BONDS NEW YORK, Nov 13 ShIc of S. government bonds on the New York Stock ax change High, low and prices ut 2 p. m.

Sulei (in $1,000.) High. Low, 2 p.m. Treasury 1 4 1913-41 Mar. 1102.3 1102.2 1102.3 2 34s 1947-43 ....1108.9 1108.9 108.9 I 1948-16 112.19 112 10 113 1 24s 1918 110 1 1 In 1110 2 3 1903-51 112.21 112.24.112 21 5 2l 1080-55 110.25il10.25 111 4 24l 1963-58 1 him Xi 7 2 1995 Oil 'Ho 25 199 24 Hume On iters Loan 4 3s 1952 14 1 IDS. 4 1108.4 I10R.4 1 SH 124 124 Si 94 94 724 714 4i4 Ill', 11 Int Harvester 1 do nf 7 21 165 1165 1165 1341 134 6 4 44 114 44 2' 724 I 134 1 304! 62 7 I 34' 24 i44l 744! 744 154! 1541 154 841 741 74 541 541 54 341 241 24 241 2 I 2 441 441 44 541 541 34 6641 654 1 654 334 33 33 354 35 354 344' 234 .4 4 H8 HA xh 65 H4 64 5S 56 I 57 10H 107 1107 1 Hammermllll lOxHnrtford Elec 3H--I I Il.izeltlne 3 1 4 Heclan Min 1 Hewitt Rub Ch 1 '4 I 2 HawpiUHM IHa Oxllorn Harilt 2 1 2 Humble Oil 3 Hum) Fibre 1 550x111 Zinc Co.

I 1 Imp rg 5 Ind Line O.SOd. I 94 304 1304 6141 614 641 84 234 23 234 254 27 43 84 81 pf44'10R4 1964 1 Consumers Pw 8 Container 14d 94 54 28 164 96 54 28 4 674 I 4 Int. Ityil El A 55 Int Murine I Int Mining 30d 18 Int. Nickel 2d 151 Int I' 33 do pf 34c 21i)xlrt It Am pf 54c. 1 Jul Shoe 14 xd 20 Int 4 6 Intst 1 Intertvne aid 17 164 84! 841 84 HI 41 394! 394! 394 111', 54! 28', 174 8 4 84 to I 404 I so MO Sheep Lambs Steaiiy, uni'ianged.

116 1115411154 84 7H 394 .194 for 84 7 4 3 4 4 4 30 4 204 3 I 3 8 I 8 84 4 28 4 28 4 394 1 384 394 44! 4 I 4 Sound Busintsi Real Estate INVESTMENTS 1124 I 454 64 334 204' 204 3 Island ci i 29 Boston Wool Market wnsTON. Nov. 15 (UP) Demand for 24 4 244 4 74 34 112 55 194 274 iff 84 IM UU pi J1 40 1 "1 37 1 4341 hi, 38, 434: 84 1 80 39 4HI 46 I 354! 841 74 I114 46 4 67 1 37 1 134 14 lift 8'-. 64 134. 13 4 I 127 4 127 4.

127 4 34 1124 71 274 Iff 20 244 194 58 46 cont Bak A 1 dn 8 Cont Can 2d 3 do pf 44 2 Cont Ins 1.60 88 Cont Mot B6 Cont Oil Del 1 1 Cont Steel 0.75d.... 6 Copweld Steel 0.80... 1 do pf 24 14 Own Prod 3 18 Coty 0 25d 9 Crime Co 20 do cv pf 5 7 Cream Wht 1.90d... 4 Crown Cork 1 dn ru pr xw 24 4 Crown Zeller 204' 58 I 4641 14 58 46 domestic wools In Boston continued very A pf 84.. 2 Insur No Am 18 IntPaiier A wts 6 Int Petrol 14a Mxlnt Ut pr pf 34...

1 lull Vltam 0.2241.. 3 Inst HomeABq 0 80s 1 Iron Fireman 1.20 I Iron Fireman 1.20.. I living Air la 71 34 194 274 34 17 174 15' 2 Yale A .60 40 Yellow Tr 3 Young SAW 43 young Sheet 4 Young SH Or Id 234 164 124 234 1 54 114 124 204 741 7V4 1" 104 46 234 154 114 424 204 44 5 8 quiet today, the U. S. agriculture department reported.

Orcnslonnt Inquiries were being received 314! 2041 214 1 rig 20 Jonei 4 Lgh 7 pf 3c. 11044 1034 11024 lor. tii4 67 Winters Hank 111,4. Hon 4101 for the finest grades of western -grown rnua co ti pi a 2" do 6 pf 6 1 'lid Morris 3a 2.i Phillips Pel 2 2 Phoenix Hoa 20x do pf 7 4 Pitts Coal 7 do pf 5 Pitts co*ke 4 Iron 21 Pills Koigings 4 put, 8 isr 1 Pltti Stl 30x do pf lli'x do pr pf 480a do 5 pf 30xPftu A WVa 14 Plltslon 5 I'lviiinmh (jii 1.40 1 Poor 8 Port Hle-Am A I Postal Tel pf 18 Press Stl Cur 1 do 1 pf Practn 4 2a 20x do pf 5 37 Pub Serv l.SOd M0x do 8 pf 3 do 7 pf 7 1 do 5 pf 5 17 174 174 174 154) 154 17 841 184 Custom Smelter Rates For Delivered Metals I NEW YORK. Nov 15 -Following are today's citatum imrlleri ptlcci for delivered metals.

Cents per lb unless otherwise designated: Copper: Electrolytic 13, export f. a. 1. 10W II, casting f. o.

b. refinery 134. lake delivered 12. Tin: Spot itrslts 50. Lead New Yolk 5Slt5S5.

East St. Louis 5 65, Zinc: New Vork 7 64. Eait St. Loull 7 25. Aluminum: Virgin 18.

Antimony: American I'l iilnum-Dnllari per ounce: 341M6. Wuiekillver Dollnn per flask of 76 Ihi. H19-I17I ten. Powdered Dnllnis per lb cent 3.25sf2.50, nominal. WoltTnmlte, Chinese Dnllari ner unit 1 per cen! metallic content duty paid: 22.50O2I.

nominal. Fluor Spnr -Dollnn per net ton ground f. 0. Iltlnoli mlnei, 95-98 per cent 3103680. 31! 13 1 I 4 21,4 39 -K- 194 27 4 39 164 904 13 4 944 wooli but these Inquiries usually did nol result In sales unless the wools were urgently needed to compltte existing contracts Mill huvers nnd tup makers were reported In bt showing greater Interest In offerings of Australian and South American wools.

13 1 184 84 4 H4 184 S4! 6V4I 904 44 4 BHI 5 I 164 904 444 93 24 54 14 Kan Citv South 1 11 .0 pf 1 Kaufmnnn 16 Ki Uey Hayei A 5 19 14 174 1341 134 3 Cn 1 Jeanne! te 01 I Jer Cent PAI, tOx do 6 19 4 1 14 I 14 I 184 17H 94: 8V, Building Loan Accts. BOUGHT SOLD GHAS. G. COLEMAN 4flx pf 5 49 Cruel hie Stl 16 do pf 8 Miguua pf 14 Cub Am Sua 0x dn pf 2c 10 Cudahy A Cuneo Prest 14d. I 241 241 34 1H) 141 14 H31 934 9.14 1IU4 1014 1014 I 37 I 3641 364 93 24 78 61 Zenltn itmi id 17', in 1 Ml Zonlte I 3V 241 24 All miiia VI iiniiilredi 1OO1 unilttiil MMM iliotr di'Slgnalid (11, whlck are traded In lo-thare tutu nnri carried In full.

Dltlilenda: plus itrm h) paid last yrari (e) ment on arriimiilalrd dividends: Id) de-rlarrd or pnld so fur thla year no regular ratei rash or per cent fnek! fid) I 14 584! 5S 1117 Ml? 78 101 101 1 1 13 1 1341 13U -i no KivKi ndall pf 6a 95 Kennerott 14d 2 Klmberly Clk la 1 Kinney w. 374 EKOAII.I.EM KHHH VERSAILLES, Nov 15 Engl lalei 656 rases: large extras 35c, medium extrui 25'ic, large slandnrds 31c, medium itand-aids MHc, large extra browns 334c, medium extra browni 25r, I'll 36 4 40 14 344 1 34 4 244 24 2 i 2 36 40 1 40 14 ill I U9 .3041 304! 30 594 '158 1158 1 Ml Ml UOH 1104 11114 (Ueemed Healer) 711 nai 4 i-1. 1 trie iii.ik rv iifloi 6 Klngiton P10 4 141 141 14 oenoips ei-aividenoi (srt) et-rtghta..

The Journal Herald from Dayton, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.