The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

6ikm NEW ORLEANS, THURSDAY MORNINOOVEMBER 27, 1831. VOLUME VII. BUSINESS CAUDS. Romance In Pwrlalan Llfr. The very excellent Pari eorrcspondent of the our Kirnlne.

Kdtllon ol vestentay.J ftpliit of lh Morning Jourtml. The Vreirettf in mill on Ihe l-VnuUirlid matter, NUMBER39. Telegraph! th Mew Orlean U. By iha gout turn Line. Rlall Through.

Wedneaday, November 3B. The Eaetern mail thi morning bring data from New York of the 19th, from Baltimore and of th, and tom Charieatoo of Ihe 23.1 inatant all aa lau aa due. lOCAI. AFFAIRH A fin Vmk place In the NlghtlngaU oltee-houae. cormrrsf Masramlna and atehat atrawta, at half-pat three o'clock tht ranrning.

The ftre wa uppoctI to he the work nf an Incandiary. M. N'ichol, of Camp trei, has received a supply nf wlnee, which would tawifst an anchorite, and shake the resolve ot even our friemt Jsrt tfaat Prince of Tectotallera. His sparkling Haratttage and his abinet hamimgne hare never been aurpasasv If ever equaled, In this city. Tiunkmoimno Skhmon.

Hlvlne Service wilt he held to-morrow in th Klrst Presbyterian hurck, nn Lafayette Hqnar. A discourse will delivered hy Hr. Scott, th subject of which will he "Th World's Kalr ot, the Oreat Kn hi bit ion of th Industry of all Nation'' Thnaa whtJeairetsllara most profound, eloquant, and patriotic discourse, ahowhJ attend on thia Interest ing oecasfon. t. Iannis Republican, who I never without something Interesting or piquant, (br the read- that sheet, ftirnlshe them with the follow ing, in hi last letter Fhe fashionable iortlon of the faubourg St.

Honor. I now ffivMinlnff over a very romantic affair, M-hlch will, doubt less, ere long, form the bai of a new novel or a melodrama. The February revolution, which mined many rich and honorable fa mi lie, counted among ft vie-tint Ihe Baron a gentleman belonging to one of the first familic of the country, but whose eccentricities had long separated him from all hia relation, with whom he kept nn no communication whatever. Mortification and distres at the lo of hi fortune, preyed an upon ht annrt. that alter a tew wecK ot menial ui- fcring, he died, leaving au only child, a daugh ter id sixteen years ot age, utterly pontine ami alone in the world.

Immediately after her falher death. Sophie went to live in a little garret, and tried to gain her living by embroidering hut she wa very timid in soliciting work, and, besides, she wa poorly clad, thai ladies siialcd to trust her. As a climax lo Her mis fortunes, the poor girl tell b'K, and wmiitt ccr-tainlv have died of misery and suffering, hut for certain little irod who ffcucruliy finlter aimut young gills, and direct their destinies. On Ihe same floor with Scnhie, lived Ciiacomo, a Pled- moniese, and following the hnstnes or commissioner or errand man in Paris. He wa very young, had seen Sophie often on the stair, and nil not neon lime to resin inning; in hm itri he found she was sick, ill order to aid her, without offending her delicacy, he went si'e her, and told her that a ta leuy, ntmnjr leartl of her misfortunes and wishing to nsl-t ier, without being known, had chosen him, the commissioner, a her intermediary.

CoiiMMiuunllv. Sophie hail a physician, a nurse, medicine, and wan able, even, to sattsty nor slightest faneie. The young girl soon regained her etieiigtn ami neaun, ami men -m- mvm i-mincd lo ak assitatue of Ihe relative who remained to her, whom she knew to be rich and iiowci-ful. Shcsuokcot it to Ulaeomu, wnooner- ed to lie the amhaador in the cae. The poor ymtng fellow wenl to work an dlligeutiy, ami so adroitly, that through hi means, Sophie wa into her faiuilv.

ami onee more oiM'tipicd a Insh Hition in the warld. She Ihen nuten uerseii mmiit mini us; imv tt.i.u who had aided her in Iter illne. She wrote to I oaoollio, no atiwereu i nst -lug eMild iniluee hint lo repeal the name of Ihe peifou in nuesti.ui. Sophie Ihen wished, al rfward the eonimiseuuier, ami she acul liim, by Ihe pol, a large um in inn iiom. Ihe receplion ot this sum, ami ut thank aeiHiinpauving it, wa to Alimvomo like a Ihiimler-clap.

He (hell, lor Ihe find lime, un-der-tnnd the dedh of Ihe gulf which lay hctweea himself her lie loved. A he could no longer hope to live with her, he recked to de-droy himself. Before taking the poisoa he had pun haai, liucoino wnde a letter to Sophie, avowing all, tetMng her that it waa he alone who hail pro-litlcd for all her want when he wa aick, and that In order to meel Ihe expense lor long a Hme, he had passed his nights In turning the 'i lifslde working at hi iMisineM diirinar the day, amlealmg only AhM.M After bavina? nut this letter in- no reiui netl In his iianct and saalMwctl the content nR of laiidiiuuiu Towa.d- 11 oVbick lu a carriBKc drove to the hotitt1, ami Sopln greatest agitalion gol out ami begucil the nut ter to conduct bet to ttiacmmi'a room. Arrivctl on the landing the) knocked at the door of the coiiiuiiaxioncr rooiu, 1ml received no answer. In the wildest fright Sophie onteiod the porter to force the lock, llii was wion doue, aud (oaco-mo was found lying on hi bed giina- scarcely any figrus of fife whatever, lb it a phyaieiau who wa instaully called, uuiekly adiuiuiHlared some count poisons which mum reaiunvd circa-la ton.

A few day sofhewd for Ihepmir fellow' entire rel oration; and while we write thi loiichiiiK story, Sophie and iiaconm arepaMing their hom vtiiiMHi In a tine old chateau near Lyons, the gift, with half a million of franc, ot Sophie's uncle, an old bachelor who had adopted Sophie as his daughter. Mi ll. A' rtfiHtiturrt of thf t'otocumh sjmc Home. -M. Ferret, a French artist, ha been engaged for six year in copying the remain of ancient aid hidden iu the at range cit ot eternal night nl Nome, and he ha lately returned Hi Pari with a collecilou of doming which calends to lasl sheet iu Itirne bdio, of winch IM "heel eoulain representation ol frescoes, hit ol nioniintenl, of iiniuliiigs mi glasa, (medalioiis inserted iu llie walls and at Ihe holioiuanf vueH,) ivoulaiulug Mj mib)eoljt 41 drawings of lamps, van1, aud instrument of martyrdom in the uuuilierof more than Ml aubjeei; and, finally, Mtl contain copies uf more than ftno efnibdiral Inwtriplion.

The I' reneh i iovernment with their usual re-garil for art, have negotiated wilh Pernd, for thepurchaae of hi whole collection, ami have obtained upward of hi I fj'sr inm niiiiuniT mr tne purpose, i ue iiiawinics are, oi (ourae, iu ne iiiiblislieii. Hiiihmiils. I hi the l-l of iNoH, Ilt. I'uiteii Slale Inttl neatly an iniiiiy uiilcs of rail road in operation nil of I jimiM. The loin) iiiuiiIh'i-of mills wto of winch I be I ui tc State hud lO.Hft.

The eosl of Ihe vtlmli was X' lireat Hriluin hud 7IHMI miles, willed cost the I iei niali Malesn:) which eol Jttili.77.VfHMK-lhe oiled at a cost of XW.fM-MNNI. iti I'st-li milliou of iu ut Hrifaiiithe length nl railway is uiilcsi III Ihe I liiled Sfuiis it la 42H mile. he aieratce eon I of cm mile in I ircat Mritaiii for coiimIi ucIIou and sttn is in I Vaiice in Ihe I lilted Slates only I he total aiuoiiut smtnl in railroaiU in (ircat lb il a in up to I he bear iiiniiiif of lNTal. wa f-r-fieuhnt 7V'T. A tratellnir eorreiioii- The lute Jiidsre lark WOMlraof.

ThU gentleman, who ha long been a promt nent nnd moat useful cltUen of Loulfiana, died yetenlny, at hia residence above t'arrollion. Judge Mroodroof a native of one of the New Kngland but emigrated to thi State belore the Ute ww. He look an active part In the opera! Ion In defenee of the city, being a member of that gallant corps of cavalry which, under Col. Hind, of gained such warm praise from tien. son.

Allcr the war, ladge Woodroof sett let I In one of the Florida pnrishe and became there a leading citinen. Appointed Judge of the District Court of that district, he filled thi station for several year. Ho wa Mihequentty called by the inventor of! tho tateto the post of Presidency of the Board of Public Work" which he discharged with great energy. Ardently devoted to the cause of Inter-1 rial Improvement, he applied himself with grnit pushing forward theteveral plan which had been atartcd for the development the natural reourcea of the Stale, esjiecially of the great Nashville railroad. I'nfortmmicly, however, thi undertaking, which would have produced such iiumcnae rcsultato this city, failed in the general revulsion of IKW.

We have learned that thi most Important work failed tor the want of the paltry sum of fliO. It was. howeve, tVom no want of devotion on the part of Judge Woodroof. aided by Maj. Hauncy, Col.

J. W. Smith, M. W. Hoffman, and other cltl-fens, that tt failed.

Judge Woodroof subsequently fillet! with great ability, the office nf State Auditor, be inn the first person appointed to Hie office, which he or gnu litod in a very efficient manner. Since hi retirement from the Auditorship, he ha devoted himself to hi private affair, which have not, however, withdrawn him from an active ympa- thy and furtherance of all the great plan ot public improvement, aud all the progressive Idea of the time. He wu the firat person in the State to prome Free Banking, a far hack we believe, a IrtW, He was thoroughly progressive lu all hi idea, and uoecd an active temiierament, and a keen, aagacioun, well in formed intellect. The State of Umisinua has lost a valuable citizen, an only and much loved daughter, (Ihe wife of Oen. L.

A. BesamHin,) a devoted fitt her, and society a useful ateiuWr. in Ihe death of Judge Woodroof. TrlcHmiililft I least a. WMiNo-mn.

Nov. IM. fl M. Tht Hurler Cfise Hfciiiiti- 'Hit htmitv of the Circuit Court to-dav. iu the cae Cruih A Hoyden, of Hon ton, ft.

Hon. Ildmnnil Hutke, lute luitetl State onim is sinner of ralents, it waw determined finally that an exeoutie ofiicei of the I iovernment. whether whig; or democrat is pro tooled in the diacbatge of Tii duties from willful iiiHiill. The cane wa an action hrouKht by the plaintiff against Mr. Burke, for damage susiamcii in consctiucnce oi tne rciiinai iy inc Commissioner to furnish idainliff with certain copies of certain patentu then on file in the patent office.

It waHalleged.iiidefenee.that Mr-Hurko wa always ready to tumin coitic oi nap when demantlml in a rc-iH'cffni mtinner the law requiring him only to furnish thone wantetl a Vltleuce on llltil nui ne nnm inn kiimmhi thedcirra'lationof hi-office Bradley at l.a'key for plitintiff; Coxo, Corliw Ii Kiunch, for defen dant. Nkw YoiiK. Nov. IM. 10 p.

IVWWime, Jr-( The Imik iilen, which nailed from Nuw Orlean totoler 27lh, with a cargo uf cotton, for New York, wenl tkfhore last uistut on Rock away Bar, aud wa got uij alter discharging her car ho. I'Tif'A, Nov. 17 i iiircti(irv Annuity to (Vcaetvi t'nihur Slrenuous effort are being made to have took tin respited until I leeetn heroin, the dav tlxeti lor i 'rctitt exs lion. A private letter Htatcaihat Trinity Church lias Itenlowed a hi Ht unl iinnuity of thsHI on tieneva ollegc, to make tuition free. Cm a.

N. Nov. I'tica fill. Corns, this afternoon, accented the order of the Sheriff to nttcud the execulioit of Conkliu, ou Kridav. i he condemned i miikinir a full feasioii.

Which will be givcii to the liiricf Al loruev kjoFYNiu'Ru, N. Nov. Hitilimitl Ai riilenl aiut freiirhl train from la it tilaca, goiiiff east, last night, ran ofi Ihe track, iltiitic Hugh Met iraw, I lie brake man, ami wounding several ol her. The engine and tender Were smashed Hi piece. The canals below are closed with ice.

BtTptbo, Nov. IHth. MiU Iffifrinitl try Firr. The Telegraph (''louring Mills at Hacine wore destroyed by lire last night. The loa is heavy, and the insurance ouly fkHlMKL to-day, rcsulietl in favor of the former.

Then were ix heat, one of which was run after dark Nov 17 Vcw Ihmk latv t'ti I 'ftHutnt. An act to authorise the liuxiiii' of bunk tux lui paaed both brunches of lite er-moot legitiliifurc. Its imijority in Hie JIimimc, tti-day, was ami in I lie Senate tt. This aid i similar, In il main Icafures, lo the general banking law enut led by the Massachli-ieHM Jc-giflulure last winter. I sk ikk, Nov 17 Snow-Storm on tsikr Krie.A great deal of snow and rain ha fallen here during the past four hours, and at Ihe present time, Ihe wind is blowing a herlecl jtule from the uoith-Wet.

The lake era IT of ull kiutl are seeking Mirta of an let y. Itmiiituiiy MitnriM, 4v. tine of Ihe mos extraordinary exposure of fraiitl is now going on iu ixew loi'K. It apfM'iirs iiiai ttie coioiier of lli at cily has lieeii efiarged Willi Ihe habit for years pusl nf holding tidiiious iniiiesiM, ami swearing to the rclurim for tlie aake of the fees. The Iiit suHpiciou of the (net originated in the immense number of Ibesc iiuiucMs, Lu-t yt-ai tiny cxcectled eleven hundred, or, on an aver age, three a day.

The bill of the oHiocr for bidding I hem amounted to fkLl.lHHl, Hitd tin ils presentation payment, au invealiKatiou was fatdd, and Ihe result wax, Ihe discovery of fuels which lead lo Ihe suspicion of IraiiiL A letter writer says i The coroner would go to hnii here a death ha.1 im'cui ied nutui all leai up Ihe pit iit cur td'uale. hold a prelended inquest sign lite names ol tireleuded jiiryaieii liimtell, and lake down Ins own esliitiony. Altai Inch a eeiliticate ol burial ottid be given, and us the ceitlthulu Would I en till in a public colhu. Ihankfully received llefoie elect ton he had received money from an undei taker lo pay hIhi-cal exMnse, on a promise lu give Inm the liaiwr-Ujid-at cideiil cottin niounlinly II ut slier fie was electetl he 'sold" til LM mulei laker, Blltl made pail-liersliip Ith another, by which lie received a per rentage, gad, Hut coroner an getting to be an official lackul. Nu housti was sate ftoin hlra a here ciapa was on the dnoj." A ur if id tut id Hmtau.

The WashiugtoD cone pontit nt id Ihe New Voik Com ier, Hays i 11 The President ami the Secretary of the Interior, have decided to recommend to Cniigres iii the Mimiig! Hiihle terms, I be establishment of an agricultural ami Ntatislieal bureau, on Ihe Ida it of limilar branches of service in Fiance and telgium. I have no doubt that tlie plan will be adopted- The remrt of I be iiperilitcndcnt of the census ami of the iMmimiKNioner of patents, will develop the importance and necessity of mji-h a buleau. i 'immun uf ihe I'mttti Ai. The Journal of CouimeriH' reisnt1, Iroui information tleried fioiu a reliable souroe, thai the import into Ihe Cnil'sil Stales tor the fiscal yeai ending June Nult were ami the exjH.rls from the couuiry foi Ihe miuic pi-tiod wort liowing uu exma oi tiitporu over uxpnii oi i22.XM),lMriL ha aiiioilr- ut tiled We presume. iiw.oi I.

1,.. id New link alone, more lliuu tUn ty five mil lion bavw gone tot ward since Juuujiy lid to this dale- (itimun Mummtttt inoveuient I now In ia IH. l. li, bin uiiinin I tt-riniiii elti- r. l.tH of tlie pal i int of fiem.auy a aie now iu f) aegt ofleucn againH the Llu.u A pari of the family ol lieneraUiainaa, 'o gon, wore about Mi leave tor Iheur loruiwr home iu Kvutw-ky EU A 11 PA OjT.

VfTVv ORLKANS and Buyoti 4 Hara Pasenirer IHrket HA I NT 4tTl II HLKH The new and aw llt nm- nln(T ateiimer ST. I'll. A PL KM, Ham. Appleffate. master, (in place of the Nteniner ha, commenced her trip-, on VV KMN KS) A KVK.NIM), the al Jo'cloek.

antl ill continue to lenie at o'cha-k on St S. nnd M.on WKIiNf.S. II A Returning, leaies Hnyou Sara on MON-hAVM nnd Till IIHUANS, allcr the onivnl ol the chi'h. The utmost coulideuce enn he placed In thU lioal, mid xltii't nttention ill tie pHid to nil lustnoss ml mated to her. for freight or piihnge, apply on honi tl, or to nnviiti T.

B. RMITII. Poy.lnwst. OI'ACHITA. Bliit-k nnd RimI rn.

Rivers PaeketKor Hnrrlannhunr. Sim sport. Air hn la In Tit and A lexaiidi ia 1'he new light draught, last running; eekly packet .1. VI. r.

Ilnll, master, ill leae lot the alove nnd all Intermediate laiidmif. KV KH TTKSDAV. nt io clock r. M. The J.

Keif will take freight inr tiie Heit i er liiii'lingx lis lat up as Alcntnlrin, If aim n-Miiip nn me new steamer ninet ine. nines li-eiirlit through, ft) tor dry harrela and Hi tor el hgnels. IT') oh lioutd, oi lo Mc DOW tl PordrM A pnl) on him til, oi lo hnW i i i ii novlltf or J. 11. MOOHK.

Poytlinssl. IOR ALABAMA RIVKR rra The New Orleans. Montfoimry jjV'C and Wetumpka picket steamer ALA-BAMA. P. Robeits, master, will commence hei regiilur trips on or about the 1st November, and dm-timie during the entire sensntt, fein ing this noi't and Montgomeiy nn alternate WKDNKMM A M.

The Alabama is entirely new ami elegantly finished, and with limit eiielv lor the trade Her iteculiai aduit- tntlnn and the long experience of apt Itohei ts, gn eeiy HHsnrauce f'r nhipHra and passengers, ol itniirtuiilitr. ac iinm'HiaiHMi aim stiieii'. miis tine ol boats ii now pivpared ti rccen height diiif I for them at thifi Im the mini, on tii'plj. Miion to lel)tlV KLL, i 1 Poydras f. KV OKI.h.AiNS anil huyiMi pf-2- 41 Nam Paeket-The Inst nnd magni- cem Hteiimei i A.

int. it tTtis. sHaifch (in place ol the Hi flliant.) will commence her rcgil- I.M-k if rlii rmng (eaves Hayou Nnm mi MONU.A VS and KHIH after the anitnl ot the cats. The utmost confidence can be placed In this boat at stiicl attention will lie paid to nil business ilitllislert to her. The gn-atest rare ill le taken to pi in toe for Hie comlort of pa-seiigers.

roi freight or nass'ige. appl on board, to io i hi 'I, ft ti KHV.WNI.i ll a i les St oi iHiWKf.L. Ii at I l'o. litis st. I'aptKin Hart being nn ion to'acromminlate his fi lends, has obi at tie' I the sci ires nt the ateumei I uUu to i nn lu the place of the Itiilliant.

riWICK A WKKK CnittHl States Mall Packet HPN Kir the I oast, Phuiiiemine, Bnton Hmiae Port Hudson. Wtei)oo. Bayou Ham and all the intermediate landing -The new steamer Ol CSV. J. I re, mnsier.

leaves New Oiltans every HI'NDAi and nt oVIock e. m. Hetnriiing, lea Bayou Mara each i ip alter the arrit al ol tne cars. The Oipsy has ft sign on the wharf at her latutinjr. inure will always be stationed a clerk torecene Height Hut i riff the absence of the boat, enabling merchants to send their fiom the esse) to the hoat, thereby mg the charge nf storage and addiiioiml dray age.

l-nr Ireittht or passage, apply on hoard, or Atr NAKH ION Al ll Bieimlleat or JOHN r. IV 11 hiont Letee. IS-" New Orb am. Ii Mouiliiv 1'iiHst'ii- I'w-Lel IlH B4I (in pl.n et. I the Mnutgoiiiet I Kkm with 1 Landing, lake l'io idenee, lillikens Hf ml, icksburg, Warrenton Oraiul liull Rodnev, atchej roit Adam Bi.joiiMaia Union Rouge, ai'nl Honahl tli-iaiil regiilai pa einrer packet )H ATK 11 ma-ier ill poiitt i ely at tor the above and all hitet mediate landings, on MdN-(l A the ith iitstaiit.

at .1 o'cha-k. r. hut freight or pRssiyre anply on board or to ni mniu.H KHUN IA Poy.lras street. 1 he Haty will take treiglil lor aaini She ill have a clerk flt tho it -llmrei 's ottice. on positp i rossinau strei rccemng litight, oil Katur-day moi uing.

no IOR THK BALiZK.7in.l nliT'if-W- I llitermcliiile landings -The steam W-er T. liOSU Kl.l- I 7 nau. 'sWSMtH ter, having repined and docked, ill lesume her regttlar tuns on TI R1IA the Sfeth nist at HioVI.H k. -I 1 he Uiwh elf ow and was piiiehasvil expiesHilv lor the Btlie I oast, and New Oih-ans lia.le which vv.ll mffleient gilaianlee lo the p.inli, and passi-ngera reneially (hit she will remain pet maneutliy the tra te ilni nig the enliifc nenson. Kor height or passage, apply on hoard, had of Si.

Louis street. sepU-U IOR A LKXANDRl A.Hiid nil fr-s. the ititeimodiate landings -Th Lt line, ety litht dinuht steamer KKKL, 1" l1' "i'tf'1 H. Smith. imMi't.

now al the month nl Hod River, and destined as- above, has made arrangements Ith sl-aniii Kasi.oi a l.ul, l.Ui- Si.tttrdiy iht-tth invt at r. Io receive lieight loi h.i. Htj f.aircl- im, A el ft. L'hl fiimU In OC17I KilVV. II.

I'OAlKOV. Ji i omuion oR MMMDHThihI hII the laiMittir arMive the Hall. Atchta lav a. 1 iinn-a lliiv.m i u.i V.M..H V' I known and lavonte paNsenger steamer K. HI I K.

John I Biady, tna-ter. til In tiMliet he 11 lort everv Tlillrs.lm- ninin.ii SATI li 1 al inVULp. n. Retiunnnr leaves Bayou Sara as usual, allci the annul of the cars, on ev cry edueadav. decl-ly J.

II. MOH IMON Agents. I)RAIOT(rOMKRYTh pre. new and fan nmuuua vei vlnht draught steamer IN VTifV. jM.

ka-Ii Shields nia-ter. ill leave MtWiW M-rv 'IT Ki DA. at Kor liTlJffV sage, apply on hoard, or to MOSKS AMINO III Mobile. Passengers lenv tntr Oi leans on the Monday mail -i, in mi tne liiUJt iia, jeu KF.D lil Kit Wwkly l-'oi Irvandi ia The new and veiv light dnniL'ht (II inc lies KN'I'I It ill eave loi the Mouth ot li.o fiom ihe whait-boiit every SI Is KVKNINO, atti the ui i iv Ml ol Uiu b.tluiduy vttsiiing packets ttoiii N. Oilcniia.

oeU'iMI KOR KKT. liKNT A Coiiifin-tiiMp Ivum, wtoi frame building on lit. Aiultew stieet l.alavette.i.liCHU.iiaii'lioin the Maiket. Ainlyto III Oil Kl'l'M MONK. nov.i-jt i amp.

butvveeii K.iceand Oiatigcits. IoR JiKNT Two twii-sfciry IIuiiwhi- in (lev ia, between Ml. John uiid Bt. J'elvt Liijj slieelk. Applj to nov2i.t,t KKWKLL T.

TAVLOH, Hoyalsl. IOR RKNT Onn two-stury llcmwv on 'i'rilon Walk eonl Iniir ftoonik and 1 it lichen, anil Mt-i am' Kihuiis. kBr Ko i SMALL liot KKB on Til oil ircle. Apply to uovKa it I At '(IB OTT, in Triton AValk. It'K It 1 I wu tip thivt Ocil- I IfiMtm and a kitchen HiutabU tor small hanitlv ol a geni lentaii and

or three" or loui young liuit. These toon is are retired and neat tlh a clean ard and ciMein. Apply In )r. H. lb.

Ull HlL- lll IU. Il.tllX k. l.l IVU xonable. iiov It. tt IOR RKN An 'xcilli'iit Owell- ing Hoiihe.

oi I ualed on Magatne Ktreet, No Hill between l-ilw aidand stiei'ttt. Lu nai laUMl liciilais iiiiMlc on the ur ul (tie olfn ol this I' Miet no 1 im ii HI RKNTTvv.i throe Hturv brick Moles, coiner nl Oallnliu and HoHinlal ls Cosset ion giviu on the I I St iili tnber. Appl KDV Mil) Slilh I tl No. I iiinnioii itreot. OR JiKT Tim luiNi'iiH'iit stirv Store No Vt.

Ttiuiigle lluildiiigx, suitable a Ship I hau.llery oi iiiocety Sforu. Apply-1' loclJii-lm I WM. iflMKN. next dia.r. OR KKNT Two unit two-Ktnrv House, ith large aids, tialleiu ius in Iron! mi- nt rear, hnii lloonis.

and abiui-ts in i- i-story Kiu heuK .1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 I I allioiit! ktrceU. within iliiHti nu the coi nei nl I.iiicrty adea Maikel Omnibuses, ill be lenled low to jf nnd sijn i-h oi ia in lenaiiU. Apply at the Helta Olllce. nelJH IOR RKNT The lurne thri-stury Store, No 117 Tchnnpitoiibis street. Appl'j lo H.

bKA'l'ON, or J. S. yh. aioudi lit street. 1 RKNT Tim iliitit ol Nloie No.

UK Hlii Hlrcot. Lokesuil gi I kiilf enisloj Al.idi to m-ih-ii JAMKH HOBB I O. IOR RKN -'-Front Ortire, wwoirIa ,1 lianrea i.tieeL Apply to oclt-ll 6AV ID rH.i -4ii hu.UeaaL SMOWKR BATHS, 1 1 1 1 1 1 tt VV I'll 1 1 I'm sihim. Vn. It a utter! to- oial.tlial iu Mi lull.

I.iiliirht'i. Im, Ii fc Ullil 1 I. ,1,1 IIiiiiu.I i U1TMH W.H. il il" I'limiik ut, i Ml lis L.mJ I'm Nlif. I I i ok.

u. hi.i), ik nut J.i. i'SuH il'itn loi liA IU.I-M I'A I'KN'I' 111' Ult A I Lit it M. my in ti I FLOATING SKC'J'ION Dry'" rr i HOI KM, Mirti- il ttT Tlo Kr Ll HHV 11 (iT tSi air A ill have in opt I -itmn on the lalh nl June Me. inn Dock snrti' nt to lake iii t.

uml tlhei uiei ci all imi evceednig 'a teet in i.u tb I by Ihe I day of August ii. vl nttb iuul to l.tki the JuJiri -l boats oil the Western ati-ta They ill be loi-ateil in, the lnd the I nmpniiy thut' tiulfs (by Irth libelnrt Lottii-vtlle In ie llii ie (s at ill -rUMim of Ihv vlbi, an abunditiicti alei ui nil l'hebt mechauiea will be C'UilanHy entidoyed an.j a l- ti ie of tua 1 1 a Is t.f all kind-. oaVaiid t'xl oi Hill be dntit- as evpedittotii) ami a a low iu ii a ui 41,1 t.ih i pomt tit the Moll i a.tiiiuten.leiil Lou. Mia. Kf.Mayi, I BOAR I) I NO 1 lOUSES 4KSf KRN VKRANlMilirner of jnirt 7VAeiip(n'ii ilm-t The above tablisimitt, hav ing changed hands and uudei gone a complete renovation, ilTi new furniture fcc, the proni tetorn would respm'tlnlly announce that they Can accommtalBtc permanent and transient Boarders, iu a stj le not surpassed in the city.

They also announce that the Bar of this house Is under the het of management. and furnished 1th the choicest Wines and Liuunts. Oiniiihtiseji to and from l.nluvctle to fnnal stiTt't and Lower! niton Pi-ess. pass the Hotel every lilteen minutes. Attentive porters always In attendance.

(ell-iy LAN Kit Ijl'N, I'mprlotors. OAR01NG No. 159 I'ovilrnn ntnvt. Mrs. BLOt 'K havlng-fal en that eommoiHoii and pleasant house No.

I Vt I'oydt as street. Is now pre- 1 tared to acctninndate Bomders, ith or without odffing. Site has several very pleasant family nomi. nov in sm RKDCCKD BOA MCRPHY HOI'HK, N'oa. ad and UM Ht.

Tharles street. The undersigned, having recently had his establishment refitted and pninted tin nughout, is now prepared to accommodate the public. In a manner not inferior to any llrst-claaa Hotel in Ihe city. Oratelnl for th liberal patronage heretolore recoiled, he as. litres his guewts tlnU nnlhing khall be neglected on his part to render lus home uomtoi table.

Bos riling and Lodging, per eek l)o. do. per day 1 2j without Loilaing. per eek I no latin-ly Alt IlTi. Ml KI'HV.

Proprietor. mi HS.T'Ri' DKAC.iaTJuliftHtrtH't, New Orleans, between St. Charles and nmp begs ea to Inform her friends ntnt Ihe public, lint she has remio. ed to Jillliistieet, where she ill le happy to iii'commodtite raiiillies ami Dny Hoarders, on rerisonable lerms. Her house, lor huainc men.

is as convenient a any in the city. tH-OJw IS OAR DING Mrs. SAVAGK lutving leased, thoroughly renovated, and new ly fur-I the commodious nnd conveniently situated TV M.AU ZIK STKKKT. tor the afcommo- tbiliouot Boarilers. rcsitectlully i age ol he i It -lends and llie public ctlully solici OAKIING Mrs.

K. O. JONKS. (formerly of Mobile,) hnv Ing leased thai ctmimo-dioitt and conveniently allualeil House, No. 7 A-HONDKLKT KTHKKT.

which she Inn newly fur- fnsheil (hioiighout. is now prepitred to accommodate until ten and single gentlemen ith Board and Lodging or as Dhv Hoanh'ta. ot-tn-sm TwnnlenNfltit Hitnms to lr t. with Boarding, in a genteel neighborhood in ihe Second Ward, Second Municipality, convenient to Ihe omnibus line and horse car. Relereuces exchanged.

Address O. P. at U. ottice ol the Delia. nov 7 1RIVATK BOARIINJ By Mrs AVM I B.

(U NO corner of Nt rharlea and Poydras streets, New Orleans. Kntiance No. Hfu Poydriik street. ir-ir- Day Boarders can he accommodated on tnoile-rale ti in. BOARD." Two luriro RtiinM.

suitHlnV 9 lor families alst, Hontns fur single fentlemen. to rent, with lioard, (anil day boarders comfortably accommodated,) at tliu corner ol Bt. Charles and Oinnl streets. novi-lm IIIIIVATE "BtiAUniNtT-Bv Mrn. A KH, late of Texas, corner Tehoupitoiilas auii rsairne streets nuance on siri'ei, BJT- A lew h'amily Hiatnis vacant.

0-RI'ING for wvoriil (o-ntlt-iiu'ii enn be had at an Oirod street, bet ween Nt. I harlea aim i art mi iiie streets. novq-im OYSTER tSAL00Sa SM HMKK nA lilM lit'W and extensiv Hah am, Inch ia on a scale greatly Ulterior to any other establishment of tho kind in the South Ik just oitcned nt nil Si fhntitt thett. Mi KIH. better know as "HAM," has laeii connecled wiitt lite niisiness in tint city lor the last nine years, hav nig commenced with Mr.

ltnlhrNk, hen tie established the first Ovsiei Malimn in the Second Muni cipality, remained with Inm till his death, and has i at the business ev er since. ith such an experience, ami an ninexiiiie tletei nunatmn to aervi the public but hlu lly ith the best in Ins line. Mam solteits ol tua numerous Ii tends a sham of their pat roimgc. A lartfc kihii has been exia-ntled in lit ting 11 1 I lot Mali am and orov idnnr its Bar tlh the ehniresl l.njiiors that can he pna-tired. Her ants, ell kimw nu inetr excellent qualities, nave neen employ eit hi cltnliiiK the veiy heat cooks.

The Laider will al ways be supplied ilh the choicest Kt-li nnd I ianie ati-tthe Ov tets served aie ohtainel excltisivelv fo this in short, no expense or trouble in nu io rcinier tins nnnain ortny tne pat ronage of this tibei uLand judiciuiis cummiinity. iH-rifl 4 NTONIOS OYSTKH SALOON-'l hit Kntabbshmcnt. lufl I'truiira itrret. has been elegantly luted up a- an Oyster Nal.Min and l.enenil lie inurani. lie re me nesi oysters ate uiw nys to he had served up in ery anety of sty le.

the mol skilllnl add experienced eooka. together ith game oi rinj miiiii. I'Mihs, nnipLv nuns, i enison, fct The Bar i also furnished ilh the choicest Liu i tors Ihe experience ol the Proprietors in Ihe oyster Mistily litem in iaying that the public can alway mi-, hum nic rui-iniic iniiiiiiiHiiiiii muue 11) mem he uppiieii ai inetr eiiiiinmeii! wilti the best article to be tntiud in the Motithein stias. iciy-in CI KORGK CORPIKTTK'SOYNTKR SA- LOON AND HI STAI ANT. Ao.

WK hartt, ih tt l- The iindersijfiied hits Ihe honor to infoi Ins i iien. is uini i ne puniic general, that lint oj tcr nd-iH)iiaud Rest uu riiut. No. :2 St. I harles ktteet.

will be one ued loi the season, this day, Vetlnedny Ih'tnber 1st. He has, at considerable cxm.iim. titled up his Saloon in Mich a minuter at to render il the equal ol any similar establishment hi the city for comlort; and for the ennventence of families, and Ladies accompanied hy Oeiitleineii, ho has partition-ed oil a part ot hi room lor their vipecial Use aud Jiajpliii ititiinii iif'TTlW. times 1 sttpplted with in seiutiui, which win ue served i style. He Impes, strict attention lo btisTnettaT'li no i i iau snuiv ui oaiiiMiagv.

ell (iKOKoK CORPIKTTK. IBINK A LII A BR A Brt'ukfast hih! Dining onms, Oyler Haloon and I hop House, tifunt-r nitn.Mitc I'bn'ide's Varieties The tiuesl qualities ot Oystera. Steaks. Venison Mutton' hops, Ham and Kggs. Soft Shelled inn, mm "ie niai nei inunl-, inctll.l iitr ttame ol all kinds, served up ul all hours.

HOOD, OAL, Lllllw SAND, CKIK T. lOAL, WOOD, Kto- IMttVilxiro: tml in boll, ami in bhds. KM.I IMI ANNKL I 'OA In hulk Slid ill Ithds. AUIlltVl 111, I IIAI, (111. HO.

I A HI OA do. do. OAK. ASH. and PINK WOOD, of the best quality, lelit eted in quantities to suit pit re baser, at the low- est rates hy i i r.w A II I Custom In iiihe and ili Julia.

no 1-3t iteai ireiiK street. ENGLISH Cttnih'l Coal Kor nmIo t4 i lose. sold, of ships Leviiigtoti and Hart Icy. and ol Ihe bent it kef. tin sale low uiiaitli evei iinimiteil to this mat am in uaanlities to t.

till liiiiclia'cm bv ni.121 tie KI'KNl KK KIKl f. IS Poydras st 10AL COAL Pituhurtt Ctml of the finest quality, screened expressly for faintly use, for ale in any quantity, I mm one bbl npw ardu, fine til chaite lot ihliveiy. and on the low eit leriiiH. by LA KKK a. UIUJA Vi Bank Place novl tf and Mugaine street a t-'OOl).

Ash, and Pine Wtanl. harcoal, Burks, Hand, Shell etc lot tale lit Nu tt fulia r.tieet tide ot New Ba-iti between St. John and iiciin strectx IjlH-tl C. W. A MM ANN.

IMK -(iH0 liHri Rot-kluml; Til HI do. I'lioinitsloii 4ii, l-oi sale 4tii do lor Sutrar-i uskttir iiiihi do. jourx IM 1 .11 A -N k. octiit-tl Magazine street 1 KAIKNT- DMlO lutrrfls New York and Kot.eiidale 1mm do. Roitciidiile i Krii do.

Human ruisulehy JOHN II A V.MAN A cents loi the Ni-waik und Hosendal Lime and I etiieut oiupiiuy, oet Mi If Magaiite itreet. PLASTKR i(M LMh. CulfineU PliiHtur Kiiglish. I'litshurgiiiidliiloMi fire Bricks; '4'iles, Kosin 'Jar. Pitch fcc rorsaleby octpi 11 Jl MIN HAVM AN fa) Mafraineit.

(1KMKNT, Roiiiiui nnd JlyilruuIiiN for ale by the Aga-nta the Newark and Rosen dale I emeiit and Lime Company. JOHN II A Vt AN to, fta Mitgarinest. Alsn-lMi bushels Plaster of Pansi llii do. i Btent. Landing and liu sule as above.

imMI-H II A IIib iiroof suiMMior Riakliind 4 Lime iiei haik John Bird, for sale by JOl II A VAN i an Magalne Al Sft- IVlHi busheoi TlinniiKl.Hi I inm lfi. H.a Cat go per hark Wurien. They hav on hand a fat ge quantity nl Mugm Lime, put up in ealia strong pack ogt- immn iH'tc, IM'U-U nltVA I'ES STHEET MAItKET The iindeisigued laieol the Povdrat Mar nfiii. aei utw esiat.iisne.t utiilMii in Hie nttove Mmket din ing the season, hero he intends to keep etery nmuiitig the IlKs'l' IIKKK MI'TTON PORK and KL which hi-can nflnid to slice tlt as ehi a. any other Butcher in thi cily.

He i fi-i' 1 1 ll inv lies hia ft icuiU and nltl tislnliierti to Call ami cs amine im stin and ll it suit he a.ks a liberal pal He has jjo niatle ui I iin Ciiil'iit. lui supply ink tint maism 11 HS can b.i eveiy dcsci iplioti octi tl JOHN KOKitHf K. MIKAI BRKAD At Marv UukH- iy by Nt Maiy'a Mai ket I-ifty Loaves lor Hue oi Kite Lnavttilni I'tti I int- at the above eu oi Loaves Ii tabltsbmeiit al the Hran Slainl No 7 fovihaa laiket, I KOV would dt, the atleutf'in of those having hn ire families ol Hi.ui dnm house and i n. mo." int t.m-, The Hi I ad aiuUe ol Hie rv ltt lo ami- flnur ntmoft attention to ils mamilactiire, ami weighs lifly Av uum 7. ten cents Hot Htead in the iiini'iung aiid alter inHin All kindi Ki la.

kats H'l-k i'M Uh j.i UJ "Uh Maiktil -Leef by tot Maty Mai Mai kC olIiw "IC. GLENN, Attorney at Law. .1 Jackson, Mississippi, often his service to the mmmorciol men of New Orleans, In the prompt trans. ,.,1 In biiv nl IIia I mit ts he.

i Jack- on. notM-lyB If BUANDKIl SMITH COM MIS. NtON KH to take Ark nnwledgmeut ol Deed, mid I'owen of Attorney, Administer laths, unit tunc 'I stnnony and I'rnol ol Demands, hy appointment nl the Ooveruor ol the following Stales Maim-, New Hampshire, Vermont Khode island. oniiiiertlcnt, New Vork, New Jersey. I'ennsv.

lv an), Ohio, Illinois. Michigan, Wisconnin, Indiana, Missouri. Kentucky, Tennessee, North arohiia, South amlina, Oenrgia, Alabama, Mississippi, KWida, and Texas. Ottlec, hm ia ier at reft. mayib-iy "C.lMJWNKS.

ATTOKNKY AT LAW. flhreveport, Louisiana, ill practice- i llkn 1 .,1 i I In 1 1)1 II lie. I atlllO. 'mill I'eNnto I'm isfics aitd ill also attend to the cob J. I'lion of lafms in the norlh.eusterii counties ol aenVMy OHKNZO AlXlS ATTOU.SKY AND i til NHKLOH AT LA Ifl St.

I harles street He ill attend promptly ami efficiently in all lotsi-nt'i intrusted to him, He reel ires in nil the Federal mill State nniU of Louismua. tnl-ly I KNilY A XI) COI NSI.LOH AT LAW, Oravter ativet. practice In i-tl the i on its ol tlie parishes oi Oilcan and Jefferson and in the Uistrlct ourt lur the parish ol St. I ammaoy. deem-iy VM.

CHRISTY ATTOHNKY AT LAW, nmmlssfnner of the I'nited (Mates, mid of neurly wets State in the I'nion. Other, 2i (it. i hat le streeL oet9-im I ft KII S.TV A Fl KU-ATT KY AND rnt'NHKLOH AT LAW, nittce St. I hat lcs street, up stairs. Business Inti itMed to his rate will he punctually attended to.

He will pi acini- in nil the uurts ol Oilcan and the adioiniiig patishe. ik'118 WM, L. IJ(H tl.K NO'l'A I'l'HIJC, No. ill i mpNti-eet, office lnlfly Iiy MtirltH) (trli-nna MWI-iMw MkNiitl ST A UK TIIKoX)KK O. I'OiK, Notary I'ulilii'i HKO.

IV. II IN Att.n ncv Law t.rfi.-c. No. hi fUiiku' uil L. I.KVV UKAJ.

KSI A'I SffK mw ami Sim: uiiiikkh. an i VM Arcj'ioxKKK. (xHCcomi to John K. L. Holomon.) at the (i1 Auction Mutt.

ST tttup ctrrct. aoli-C its the patronaire of hiti lcnd and the pnlilfr. )nn JOHN K. OI.IVKK COMMISSION AMIHIHWJRIIIM) MKHUIAM' No. New nn 11 J.

HAH I'. i WHOI.KSAl.E A DFAI KHH in I Drufi, I hrmirali. 71 IVIiounitntiUi Juiilv-tt KKN IU YOK CO. VH iK-HA I I- H(MKHN, corner (raverand Tchmi-Yi'oiilm Ntrecti. New Orlcana.

Janl-ly JmVARU CONKRY WHOLKNALK -i AM) Hr.TAlL 1H(M KH. No. 5 Front I tetuci-n a nit I and I it recti, New Orlvnii. f'lantcra', J-aunly, and Boat torc put up oil ti.e mot rcaaonahlc ternu and at tlitj fcltottuat uolico. mo, '6 tf T.

1 WILSON STKAMBOAT AG 17 iion.lvlct Mtrct't, Nt Drlumii. I'ai licular atti ntion to tilling orden H- f.rene I'arnel Hnrrmon Hill. Mr Lean follow ei Hohaun Allan. F. A Omcu U.

i Wai Joiias Jyifl HKMiY POTT A A 0 KTATIONFHV WAHMIOI'NK. ST (amp atn-ct, w-holokalc ilcnlcrau Piiimt and Siatiimci eieiy ilmcripMoii, 1'Itiyinf arda, nidi fnntinjr Ink. ttc. ilcCH-tr A HKR.NANUkZ IMPORTKlf OK it THK BKMT MA VAX A KKUARH Wholrftlc ami hvtnil, hat. coiutuntly on hmnd alai ife aisiutnicnt ol the mnn favorite In audi, which iicottoin lur luaie prices.

No. I al Iwtweon St. Loni nHTHKRILL LKAD WORKS, WKsT I'HII. AUKI.I'HI A I and Wm Wilder ill Proprietors The tuhflci ilien. Agents lur the a' ccluhi ateii hr uid ol lute Lend, keep con- al intly on hniel a siix ol tlic ifinercnt tirade (pure, i.ti it and Nu.

in all the vauous ticd pitekuifea It'll I All i' aU, TaTchoupiK. IOHN M. KKK BLANK BO(K MAN-I'KAi Tl KKK and General loh Binder, 6a amp meet New Oi leans Killing done to any reunned I lorn, Lihrarie titled up nnd paiiet. Law- IiihC and ii-ellutifous bonks found nest and substantial manner, lo any pattern, on tlte Khurtest notice, and Kt prirot tumult tl.ctime. Iett-lj VOTK'K.


lormerlyot Mohtle, Ala urea all curahle diM-ancs of Mvu, onieii andl 'liil-tlren. ItusideiiCA and ottit a. No, ll KretH'lirneii itifct, 'I'lurd Municipality. Office houra, from ti till M. luc.y KN A JII K.I -C, EN Eli A lC( LM T'lH, Agent, Hreen'tMii Louiinni, Will five prompt attention to the collection uf Notes and Aerountv nnd tntnohct all tiimet tlitiutlud to tin rare as agent Buiupss ioliciled.

i tiohUninJt Huter a. I Vcw Orleani. cry and B. Larty, Baton Rouge: ll. Winter K.

T. Meirtrk. W. J. A.

Kobum, rimton; tloit me Nliilinf, Hit you Sara; (i. Walter- mil M. Cenn, ineton. fehll ly guoik KEW More Mrn. MOODV.

I i(trmerlv Mr, amnlU 1 at the corner of ill and atomic let Mi eeta, islieN to mioi in lnr ciiitoineis that she close titntlnenN ult (lie lnth ol Dp and at the sftine time ini Is (hem tlmt there mi-a lew mote BllNNK'l S. JtlBUH.SH. 1. KB IK) tSIKU in well a some I'l-ilumciy. Bni-lie.

i ointm, It tid a giH)i aortnient ol Ti immiua'H lell, and the tn ice ill he very much reducv.1, an ill) apace ol time he lore chwiiig is so uliort. noi milLLINKKY AM) DliKSS MA-ffTj 11 I N(K ra. DAVIS, No. arondelet S. meet, most renpeciliuly mi Hen the liulie nllv mvileit the liiilies ol Oilcans to her Millinery and llrem, miking tine here he piepareJ to execute all oidri hi ti listed to her in the most lnhioiiai.iu lu.

and ith 11, iiroripittiide un.l dispatch at 'ii iht Cent, i ihitn any hiii, ilar oMtuhlinhnieut in ihv city, Bii'Htv Boimel cleaned and altered. a A Mll.I.INKII and Itllf.ssM A KII. ami a few A rPBKNTK KB to llio Diet liiakuitf ltuineis atil-t- as al.ove, no i. im TKW (MH)I)SMKS. HAMSTEIt.r,;') rrrrr.

corner of Bioin ille. has re-AiJ ri ned hy feieamers I nion, Scott, und Kmpire iiy. a lu ll nlock ot tieiich tloniieis, Mantiliaw, lloakM, ttlH, low en, Hlhhonn, Hwanadow A lexuiuh iiUitca, wtucltshuu uhle to uller ut VOy much timed pncos. oitnlry dealers mid Millinera, iipphetl on the most leaNoiiahle tei HO. nu b-jin I A Dl KS, TA N( )TICK Ah a Mr AHiOliV.

(formerly Mrs amphell cN nt i he coiner ol ami aioudclct ktiecti has mostf pi is ely il.Ui niuii lo cn out her stock uf MIUlNKH nnd KAM'V UOtlhN within a few ci'k- no to retire from huninebx thi leiison 1 1 is ln'i intention that her ciiftomei ho have so Iihc illy paliomed het dunior the lat lour yctm. Nhall Luc the opportunity ol making ome puichat4 at flu per cent lowui than the saint: gutniti can he luund el.t'whrre Mrs. Moody prefer selling out her stock in hnr emu" to hiji ft rather tnau hy auction, net I tl us. KOI'EK, 105 1TB hlvt 1TB street httun Art Hitrunn, tl Kittn ir -J luiiioitet Rinl Deulei ill ASH1UN Kir.

Ml I and fr'I'H A MILLINI- KMBliOlUKlllKS A i and I'KUH MKBV my 41 ly fillK CHKArKS'i' DRY iKl)SKT. I Black and assorted Colors ALTAI AS Ml li to 3u cents rt yiird. Hue do M.AHINOS, to to Jar. por yard. Mil l.

A 111) Mil. KB. ST. to -aic ii. i i M(H SSKI.AINK DK 1.

A IN KS. I'iJim. per yard HliNIKKV OI.OVKB A( I eic 1 HliNIKKV Ol.OVKB. I AD i hnxluurtlity Krenchl (IKSKTM Im.luiiHlili kri-ni-hl OHNt.TS mi to -j Kich riutil and tumnieil bilk. MA Mll.l.AN 4.

i it, nil. f-lannels. aud Cotton (loods, at amc lou aUn, J-ul salt a MIL AN comer I hait i c- and anal its. Illivin min wen sun iop I NTKLIJGKNCK and Gciit'ral Airpucv mice. I nesuHScnherlwfa to uiioim lite citueiiH i.iieuin ana most uoiiiug lite ctti i mi I NTk.

I.I if P. liK city thai he OKKIl at Mn vi 111 lMriT.4 I. UTIti- I- I' Kirsf Muincipality. Hi- solicila. a -lutre nl puhlic ii iiituiage.

Ii Ukiiiijf he will found to Uei vt- it. iiaces piiM-itiiKi io rli-iku tenants fce ri'iiuo. accounts olleeUui ull 1. 1 nl iiiiuimaiioiighiiti. u.

1'oflKK I'ei'nottK in WHiitof trustworthy clerk, competent aei vaiiU, 4.C ale laHjUuMttd tu git Ute llhciihei a noviu iin 10KKkK-H0iTSK nnd "'FUtiirra A CtiHeehoiiHe and Kixturus, in a good locality, nnd doing good b.Uiuunfc, will he sold on an mini l.l one Ilttf pal inula ifcliing to lelm, or one-hall ii.tejest ill he Mild. AddiussA, at Una i.mee, or at the I nitcd States KkrliuntfU, cunicr nj Hiuomie and I. rat lui'ktreeta. iiuvlx-im INLAYING CARDS A ar aHHttrt-mcnt romiitinif ol "iivniner. KnceUior hmmndi N.

and KMlcr. Ale, liut'Blui Marry III, Katflu, Mogul, tmncli eic in iiort- und lor kult novau K. J. HAKTc TO 79 Tchonpitniihi st IOR SALK Bv Kl(t. Huht-r C.v, ao' Hmphtrttet llMi bids LOI It; WlilSK -kot hk iiHiijuuiler do.

KAISINK; jim I Utr'l1 h'IVK. Owneial aitoitiuenl ol Viigitita TOO i Hid Havana tKU AKM noyau OFFICE BAII.INI Oiw tliou-nndloet Bliu'k Walnut lllttce Ki lling ai noia paliuins' t-oiiifleie ith gale. t. I notice lortfU hy WM OTT Auctmacer, lt I ami atiuvt 11 HS. K0, Ai'vout lii'uitt and Ki'iiiuhi iS Hiysictan re idem idenre I aroinlelet.

Im-Iml'i- ml tllt-i. i aids, Will. lelereniE not 41 U' ai lb Inm. hnt In mtieh more motiernle tone. II well confeiit wlfh the election of lltint, Koaeliin.

Renimuin, Kennor, Petera, lVfJuet, or McWhorter, (are Iheae nil!) ul deprecate a niunril.te for office, f.r which tl eon should he mir Rnrt iiigninea na uw honorable. The Creavont lo entlnraei the vlewa of the Bee, an lo the ttiiproprbty oi mc whtjr preaaea tnklng up apeeinl eindllie. tnd piiaainjr ullently over othera. The (rowent dlf-lera with tho Be on two point! Brat, unlike that journal, it has heanl De-louet, BorVln nnd MeWhorter. mentioned for tne emaiim-mr.

The Creaeent nlao object- to the phrnac ftf the Ree. ol' fennloriii t'iinva. It "Now. thia la the very thtng deprecate. We do not wish to see gentlemen running alter members, coaxing tlie press into putts, and electioneering in the snine style as though they ere mnniiuui' keeper or messenger.

man no is Senator, ought to have a position and character on which he could confidently renos. ami wait lot honors tnseek Inm. Any other cmiincI" undignified, and discredits our State abroad. memlr electshouhl tniteit his own self n'speet. us an independent legislator, hy yielding to peiniiij entreattea.

Il iuli character and great abilities slioulJ t-ominand the result; and the) do not need any t'lilllloilF aid." Heroin, our neinhhor must nllow a ittcn nitter reriideiii of the Sdtlv tltnn himwlf, enter his iliiwoiit Trom thia tiew of the cnao. Hi(h tul-enta and cluiritcter will not aeiure pi4itit'nl pro- motion in I hia State, without a great dwd of out-aitle help. The nmn who ri'ian-ea on hia great genltia and virtnea, will tnke a Hip Vn Winkle nnpuf It, in thi Hlttte. Me mual look nfler hip prospect; he inuM atirnhoiit, wtrk Ihe wire, ntiil cnnviiw" nil ort of ieople. He miat forget hia dignity for awhile, and plunge inta the dark pool oi party intrigue- I It keep a hari lookout nil hid und liiiii, or mime anmrt little fellow who ha "gumi'timi," will head aim.

Thi in what we ineuul by our "intdniu-holy eonfea-siim," relniiw to werlooking our dWinguifhed men. A certain prudent, nonctiiuiuillali'U, hail-fellow, -well-iiiel" aort of character, hawked by nmenily of manners, und a meditKriiy of talent, which excite no envy or Jealousy, are the quah itie essential to ucck in the politiral world. In thi State Th Hef ha lut arth le on the LngreHioiil apportionment, which will come up before out next Legislature, ll refcrwtothe trotihle at the inst apjwirf iomuent, when the Slate Senate wa tlcmmirntie, and the House, whig. Tho Bee ay LnuiMitua iHiliticallv, a clone and doubt ful State. She voted for Van Buren, and for Pulk, for llurrifon, nnd Taylor; her Legislature ha been more lieiiuciitlv whtic than ikino- enitie.

The Bee then prnoeeda to eoruinent on Ihe ltit nporf ionment i "by the apportionment ol IRtl, the strong whig a i alnuK the ctiasl were packed together, Comprising, with Hie Second Municipality ami Algiers iltsirict, winch gives itom war to vihni nig iiiaioinr a ml uliho. uml I Tun 11. -till IlH and Kt. Wrnaidi were ronstiltlled into an almost hopelessly locnfnco district. The Klnrida parishes ami the north-eastern ponton oi tne mate ere con-iliitiuiiitnil miA uiithir ilnmr ilmniM' nit iC dlstl M't In the Kourlh Hist net, the heavy wing parishes of the Oiichmsas an Atlakapas count ry.

were smothered beneath a tier of denutcmtic stmnr-hobU iu the north-u ualorii itnH nt Hip Stole, hi short. JiMKI Iiist niator- Ityw a ciammeit into the HecoUtt District, and ittuHi tlemiK'iatic maionty very neatly and skillfully dnf ded between tlie Kirst, Third and Konrth." The Bee calls thi a Gerry man tier, and, a a proof, title the fact, that whilst purtiea are ao equally divided in the Slate, the whig have never been able to carry but one district, until lately they were aided by the lTuion (pies ion in the Fourth District. The Bee trmda that il own party meaning the majority will make a fair apportionment, avoiding anything like tier rymandcring, but securing a nor representation nf both puilie. It acknowledge the difficulty of making a satisfactory apportionment, art-dug from the (H'euliar distribution of party influence and H)jiilitt ion iu the Slate, the large whig vole in the State being conglomerated into one section, embracing the augur pari he. The only intercut we feel in the aportinnuieut I in tetaratiug thi city from the eouuly pa-rinhea, and enabling our jieople to aeleet from the city imputation, a representative (o guard and promote their interest a.

aend delegate to the Whig nl rue ted to tleiuuml of the nominee, pledge of HttpiMirt of Ihe CompromiM'. It Hunks thai neither party can afford to anuh the Soulh, and that the National Convention of Imlh will put forth unexcepf ioiiable progrnimiic on thi fultJeot. 1'he Pu-aviwr ha a very warm and eulogistic article on kouth- It doea not regard it necea-1 ary that Kosfufb ahoultl be a model republican, lo deaerve Ihe gciieroiu enthuaiiifm be hah kindled in the heart of all admirer of bent lain and patriotim. The IMcayune preaetit thi view very forcibly. It wiyai It might be rather a proof ol hi practical wisdom, if lie soii'lit to iiccoiniuoihtle in the cin'tim-stances Inch surrounded him, to expel lyiauts, to remove gnev auces, break down exeiiisions and destroy privileges, iu order to prepare Ihe way.

by melloi utioiis ol thecondilimi of the people for sin tew institutions a- they might be prepared and able lo maintain. That his impulses are all lor tieedoui, loi Ihe elevation und eiitcain'hini'iiient of the masses, ami iht- ili-Htrin tton of all lorint that tetter either the indiisti or the ill of man is plainly ritteil on his hole hitoi iy what steps lie otlld advance in this career and here he would atop short ol ubsnltite piiblicuii equably, ueittiei his deelaialions inn In-, in Mil mil has t-l made tuiinilest His mission Ik one id jungles and hi-tlter Ik- live to luiincst. a rharac-ti tiHnthe liisttlutioiiN of lilierated lluiigaiy. or die in the midst ol Ihe on aid mov eriukln hnft lie has giv en so ttt and impn-iisible an impulse, he has done enough In give 111 in title to all honor as a but hlu I lovernl Ireedninand an honest hati-r of tyrants. A I siicii America recngnis niiti now miiiwill mam lent ll helnie the Mot Id in I he warmth olutdi-niue ith Inch he ill le gi weied lieu hw icacbus out shore The tin lllu-tnitea the utility of railroad, by referring ti the iiiiiiierjKe ri-Kult they hav exhibilml in Loudon during I In lata Industrial Exhibition.

The Bulletin haa an excellent idea from Mr. Giraud, archiluct, that the h.UK'H to be ereoted on the Hut ii re lot, ndvertiaed Ut be an Id in lanuaiy next, Mi mi Id bo of uniform facade with verandaH, exteinliug tho wholu dinUince Such an arrangement would certainly remlur the I rout of the municipality very beautUul and iinoirig. Mitiott ih the k'tmtuko l'ue. The f'ir- euit Court, at WaMhington, toe 17th a i lei inion hi the Koscmaku eaa in favor of the sure! in nf (he lute ieorife Hamford, hi suliuiu-iftrator tie lnmi turn, and, a to theiu, agatimt tiie pariie ubiimlng to be Ube next of kin of KiiMciiiftkn. Jutige Moraell tniered the bill to be di.imiHHed a lo the but rataiuodaa Ihe aiiuiiniKtiator ot (A.

Hon, ford, lor an account of the axel ofbi: eatutc, ahould the tnrilaiiiiMils dNire cueh an aeeointtio takMii. luilue Duulol. (li liveret) a aeiiarate oninion. eon- I'liriing, however, iu Hint km en by liulge Moraell. J'he U'abiiiKlon Nay We understand that th a countel of the heirs will admit the averment of Mr, HmitlY that no asi-li of I nosetit*ito emaie i iiiip ii nr.

hm iiauili oidei thai its liniili tlet'ii all U.I...I.....U i i. i able the I ihe Hn in Ihe wjiide rase hehue tliiLireme I inirf Itltl'H Mlulwa tl ,1.. I bill is disposed of. Amerhttn Hong Kong of August liih, eonii.luJus that Auierlcan hip'' are iiioimijoniinif ll ii irrviinr trade be-I wecu China and Lnglai.d. Tne Huimircq, ha-Wn loa.lii.g London 1 whiM plenty uf Huti-b ship lying idle, and available at half the rate.

JW Suiprixe, (i i 1 said, eaiiit-d ttiD.UNI from Net York to Sail I-raucico will luakw uu er to 1 London I A A i The Conrta. Kprastv Mt'sia rei.rr RiM-oapra ('aaowvi AAArt.T. Thoma McComiack waa charged with having committed an rwaault on th penon An gnat Magadn street, ran tka tad fatal. Heinandad until tliia day woek. AwniKR AAiM.T.

Charlea and Ant Me-Benls were charged with assaulting Klln Mrmaghan. thi nrttrnlng. Prosecutrta did not aitpear, ana tka 'sonera stated that she In reality waa the aggraaaor, ami case as dually fixed for to-mo i row, RimnKHV. lohn Saidiindcoaed that he waa robbed of Hi sum of on the Levee, on tka tk by a man named A Ion to Mc Night the money as alietlged to have consisted of an In American gold, iae in Lontslan hank hill, and Ih retwaindar in Nrvv York and other Kaslorn bill. Mr.

Iltdilnson requested a ptMtponement until th morning after tn-aiormw. The case stand over V.aHA.vrs. Hophia Montgomery and two interesting "aids," war charged with being lewd ami abandoned women, el iWra, Discharged. AsMAt'LT with Imtknt to Kill. William Kislver, ehMTged with having atatibed In tb breatM, 1 and sarunisl) wounded ilk intent hi kill Mr.

Henry How aid. on the villi on the corner of Or vine and Phllhppa streets, was arraigned to-day. Th alfidavit in the case was made by A. ha woiindett man is not yt able to apeeaff, consequence ol which th ease la remanded until Tuesday morning, and Mia prisoner required In giva aiiMki bonds lor hi appearance. An.T with IvntNt to Kn.b John Beatty leMMwd that Thoma ruitnlngham, Patrick Mrlna -3 and I cier Lai km comnnttetl an aasault on him by Hinging liottltiB at him.

as ho supposes, with intent to kill htm. on the Illh instant in hi house, corner of Lomm.mand New Levee street. Hciainent bad tie witness to sustain hut charge, and accmdingly the pnsonen were diac.harf ad- I.vm rtv. Michael Htarh deponed that sack of lava cottne, behmglng to Kltinatrtck and worth about wasatolaaand feloniously carried away by oimi Ha Koley from ha atoie, corner of Julia and Nt Mary streets, ho i clerk MMr KiOpalrn stated that he caught the aceusad in the act, but that he wa, or appeased to bt labia leafed at the lime. sent to the woikhoiise for ala month, MONEY NATTKRH, Vc.

-I of Cwnuuerce ot Tuesday nhi, The N. I', JiHtrib. -j Notrailter is, sats i iriliket than ea Thro Is h-s. lleinritl in Sttli. aln n.d Ul-pL "1 n.i nlvan.i- inn I vans mi i sll st eaMlv Muat slnrlts tin ectitirs.

ami out! Loan on call, stock eciirUies tri, niiti i siS'rt Me i tiles US. I 'S Ar.Tr.n.i'."" in ait Nantes Iph known it The lenmrrlo mmrkw will nrohsltlv take out i-fen nr tv. vr hnn.h.d ihui.tai.g Hi. run. hiii tint will aihil.

ta- ihoiy lliali i (01 die rerviula ti.aii I alllwitia he diiKi-nlft with tht lattri 1 ilol i iii. it. wst hank, 11 it Imiue is tain at bill with a If IS hvy ,.,1 tun. ut iFiium imp aifHiiinr stHiMi.

The Tiihuit, ol lie same datr. ui i I lie mailt, i tlfnge atrriAiw, and lHr Is a l.iiaiiirai tli.lnu llie Irailiiig di sm er ha pit I tie his rale It. Mti'i. bill good bills ran Im- had 41 Ifiilisihiki il It St i.ii li'y 1 latHi' ut'itist i si.hl on NatiM now asa im i iir nvt the Hoittli ll a Hm In. a III hinui r.aitri.

h.i,. ilu ltii-iuu siils and nt ale a of liifl In, will, to ilcmattd for rriuittaij. At the I'" rale lo lot I oiltui and Hreailsiuns, tiitwpvvr, Imps tt uf a ''fssatiou ol gold at iireelouft met si i in I'slMnmla has ttit'ir 4a-ai N1MB. '1'hr movemeiri hrtM as Aititiupi nl bit lit. t-spoiied I rum Han KraneU-i ii. K. inbt to Ot-tuWr Ii, isn. ai eiiierfd lit the I asttati Hnttse Pre inn a a AiMiiinl of KnlHtHi fiil-rs-d UtWard' lWieVHei. teinlw-i 14 to ilt lt.lMir I I ie i ion. I) nn T.tial i.i it at liege lesrnbig Mrdl.

al I na. ing iht- a-llea. Whit Ull. i itrfiutr in uu- itjirsl ul OR. (ilLHKKT'S Botunio Drtig Stira.

So. IjW rtiVf lrvl, Atr Qi-UmMM. whar to Ih' liitniil Hih imi it.e latgesi ami most esiensitn aoit egutable i nHnr.ul 1 iiteut ol Vegalabl ket. lietvarM tfiat this is the only depot for of Hi com imti mis, lu thk etly. All rsons who uurchasu their nu-ilieinf bera, dv lew flt-e of charge.

A ll rtiaes pre.cnb the saf those iM-rsons i-u ii s-et it-M flii ofeltsiisv a I eil loi llhotil eiilomal or miiinml minarai pnn let tor to sale I lipid a maunei itt'ls. Kin luii UILK ALTK toini ot II litis now hucoinu a tenor to swiem to see their pat ents recover, hi so tapld a manner, fmm ih us me inc romtoitti.if. instance "Or. Oil. Ill- lll'sl I HI I ll.t- OlLUinv lllrfhlv l-l lldll'Slf.

MI1V blllll ill disease of the blood, Imiii llie system. III'. O'N. iver ami Npleen ayriii I'm ue and Aotl lypitlC Hitlar. Mheinualic Mi.

line and Lii.itiiaul t-t-vi-raud Ague MUtuia dtis cure. I ointments, for till wounds or ulcer i in' I'tiiiiiiriii, iposuive cure. I bob-la Mvitiu Iblmtlii- i inciiire (certain renei I I her i ami Nltunk i abbas-tt Pxritn til A uti Spasmodic, cut tain eu i a I or Lm-kjaw. Mother's I ordial (certain relief I'm females I have just reci-iu loon New Vurk, a tlh and t-ll assorted stock ol are tab la MedicniM. which I oltel low lor cash.

air- The tiadc supolicd on iha moat reasonable let tit*. All onters in list be a.ldiessud p. oje-iy UH. RT I INK CKl.KHUATFl) MADAM I.A MONT, fiom fdarnum's Museum New fork, lelutiied lo Ihisctly, and now holds her daily ml ai ihe riNim in the tear of No au lllli I'M.

ith. twenii f'nydias and Perdldu reals fur the reception II win. wish to bt! inforiiiei rvla-m on the most scle nt ilia inchilei ol PHHKNOL- MlV and I'ALMItslUV. The fact of ker favorabla ami conecl iireilictioti to Mil. Jenny Litid, duiutg tier stay hi leans, nas ereaten tua greatest ihhIhI' uml Ki Unnifiiit wharaver knou-e.

Th lunar 4 resitiHiice in rvianum i.aaiioni in iiiutuanan, ana tier rniniiiuiiications a ilh Kuatera Magi, have given bar the advantage ol occult knowledge tmt seised by no one else iu this rountty. Prton paving iiupoitant law RUlls peiifiing will find it to tliair advantago to ti tntr ti Hii lay iu this city being trilled, ih hai reducgd her pilri I ifcllnr and UNIC 1(H ej in up lr 1 LkAit ir oenti Mill. oris KIU0KK1O. Optician and I Instrument Maker. Nn 41 i'ui.

m4 Philosophic a I Instrument h.mlumwr fUrtrl ll. Lll.LlK Ik 1(11 'the ontf eoiiiplute Optical KstabliHtinient ui the ttoutaj hav a jukl iiicetved limn Kiauci) and a large and select sink ol HPK.l TAf I.YH, emhrac-lnf tii most approved style und latest tinprov eruunti! logulbar wiiu rerieeopic. i.oncavw ana i bias, ate, which they will eonttuui ,1" UMiessa thiouglmilt the bubson by coitttaiit addllitilts. and whicli lima their connection (Hi the munufaclonea in Pari and Lmidou. Uiey rsn and ill -ell at brn ar iiiM such f.aU ean tai bn.ighl fol els.whare.

also, R.igat M'hrMaometars, Vacuum aaromaters. Svinpesuunietui. gimeymVt uinpassis). Level, etc eic aacompbshnd Optician alway in allaft. daT-7e und wmkm- lo VcU latiei imtiif Jlts ly.

iiens arm ottt' jtrn A IllKtrai iliscount lo himrr bta. Th auoMiriher having iMi.t liif H. WtuwtvlHst MlU- lieea apIMHitted Agflat kir Ilia WotwKllie Maie ill tie Qoustuntly supplied IttiMof dilfeieut yuftliues and nines aiin iinJ nil I'l rcsjair unity un vno tiatlr. awrt halits and plauters to the ahm good iv; 1 iWHsMirt" wH" I'nion r.iwa.l.til.J oi tne OILK.Tlis ulaorihew ht li.e.U u.ii;ii ml a .1, "I Oil" uf Olhirf Bil I. Lv.u,tnr.

Win(f THuAi, 0lu.i.rk.iM, AUof wliiiTi thty tUHtulj 'lk fe tO. t. TckM.l- 4 a 1i deut of the It it hinond wpeaks ui the residence and family of Preaiib nt Tyler as followai Hall way from Michiuond our adlin-tioii is allraeted ls a unuation Mtmidiiijr about two mile baek from the James. It ia SbcrwiMid the nm nee of x-PrcHidcul Tyler. Here, Uhiu thi la-anlil'iii chile, Mirrouuded by cveryihing that I coml'orlabUf, alegnut, and tasteful, Mr.

Tvlor live a buppy, domesiiie, iliKiitfitxl life. Hi wife, (bile Mis Julia iard- uer. I a latiy of line ui iiipliliMU'iit and buaiily. 'I hey have Ihrecof ihe huppicHt, henr-liest children we linve ever seen, I he ex Pro-ci li.nt if MUidouisretl In lili ii.H'iiiuiiiie, III ItliU I 'Id Time in lU privvtl of Iiih OKhltiil due, lor In- Iiiih liiibil lo write au addiliomtl wiiukleuin Mr. Tyler's brow." A sT Among the Purisiiin woiks recently announced is a System ol Poioiive Politics, or real of Sociology, laldifhing the Heligjon of Hiiiuauity, by August in four laige ocluvos.

Conile in the oracle of Socialism, aud the most learned Atheist icul writer of Ihe day. A letter hum Rome, iu Uu New York Commercial that llie io had apiiuti-d a Cajjliual for the I'm led States, in the person of hbishop II ughes, of New Vurk. This, we prcsuiuc, this i a rewval of the old it nr. v. 1 Items by Mud t- Mr.

Clay left Ashland for Whiugtoa, on Ihe 1 7 1 iu good health. The Printer of Cineinnall were to bold ft graud ball on the anniversary of th CiuciouaU 1 iinui, uu the glib mat, fyer six hundred thousand dollar' worth of I mat age stamps have been disposed of by the leparluiciit at Washington, since the first uf July lieu. Shields, nf Illinois, and Mr Toil, late Minister lo Brazil, huw arrivctl at Wifhingtou. Miolaiu Hidiop i giving i.mcjls U( Cincin-uati. The Richmond (Konlucky) Chronicle is oat bol.ily and ationgiy (ur ilcury i-Uy tor President Judge Crane, the olduat niubir of th Ml Ohio, died Ut Haytnu lu" week.

(Ivor live bum lied pwrsou have died Ml lo, ton, thi ouiiMiiupiiou- Profuaacr Aiidbrsun'a beuefit to 1 part mailt Fund of New Yurk, yiliii Knigration from (icrmaiiy, y- tur fr" liambmg, uoulmue to the pruig.

The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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