Kingdom Alignment! / Alineación del Reino! ... English & Spanish - Apostolic Mentoring (2024)

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah In the name of the Lord. In the name of the Lord, in the name of the Lord, oh, hallelujah, oh hallelujah. Every one of our viewers today. God, let a special anointing, let kingdom understanding come upon them today. Lord, in the name of the Lord, in the name of the Lord, in the name of the Lord, set before these leaders, open doors that no man can shut. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, enlarge their territory. God, In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, hallelujah, Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, my God, hallelujah, my God, hallelujah. Praise the name of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord, hallelujah. Well, praise the Lord, everybody, and welcome to Apostolic Mentoring.

Speaker 2:

Bueno Gloria a Dios y bienvenidos a Apostolía Mentórica en este día.

Speaker 1:

I greet you in the mighty name of Jesus from Strathmore, california. Les doy la bienvenida a todos desde Strathmore, california. Sister Audret loves to butcher any name. I say it is a ministry gift the Lord has given her. So I'm in California. I'm going to simplify this today and say I'm in California, I'm going to simplify this today and say I'm in California. But it is such a joy to be together with all of you again on Apostolic Mentoring. We are thrilled to be a part of this kingdom mission of equipping millions to reach billions.

Speaker 2:

Estamos tan entusiasmados de estar aquí impartiendo para alcanzar millones y alcanzar billones.

Speaker 1:

We want to remind you and just encourage you to help Apostolic Mentoring continue to grow and impact more believers around the world.

Speaker 2:

Y les queremos pedir que, por favor, compartan para poder alcanzar millones a todo alrededor del mundo.

Speaker 1:

Please go to the podcast and the YouTube channel and like and subscribe and leave a review and like and subscribe and leave a review.

Speaker 2:

Vaya por favor al canal de YouTube, vaya por favor al canal de podcast y ponga un comentario allí, para que podamos seguir alcanzando millones.

Speaker 1:

The more people that like subscribe and leave reviews causes the reach of apostolic mentoring to go beyond the apostolic community to the greater Christian community as well.

Speaker 2:

Entre más comentarios. Dejamos en cada uno de estos canales y podemos poner que nos gusta, más podemos alcanzar alrededor del mundo, a todos los países.

Speaker 1:

But I also wanted to take a moment at the opening of this session to remind everybody about the critical need in the nation of Brazil. They are still dealing with the after effects of the flood in that nation effects of the flood in that nation.

Speaker 1:

I put here in the chat on the Zoom channel and I will also put it on Facebook as well. But I put the link to Compassion Services, where we can all be a part of helping to feed those that are without and to provide resources to the UPC of Brazil as they are trying to meet the humanitarian crisis in their nation.

Speaker 2:

Puse una guía aquí donde usted puede ayudar para poder alimentar a todas estas personas as they are trying to meet the humanitarian crisis in their nation. I know we sometimes think that, well, I can only give a little so. I might as well not give it all, but that's not how it works in the kingdom of God.

Speaker 1:

In the kingdom of God and in the partnership of faith. When we all pool our kingdom resources together, we can make a greater impact En el reino de Dios.

Speaker 2:

cuando nosotros todos juntos podemos cooperar, mucho o poco que tengamos, en esta compañía de fe que tenemos, todo puede ser mucho más grande.

Speaker 1:

So if you can give $10 to this, need give $10.

Speaker 2:

Y si usted puede dar solamente $10 para esta necesidad de los $10. If you can give $10. Y si usted puede dar solamente $10 para esta necesidad de los $10.

Speaker 1:

If you can give $1,000, give $1,000. Y si usted puede dar $1,000 de esos $1,000. But together we can meet this humanitarian crisis in the nation.

Speaker 2:

Pero nosotros juntos podemos suplir esta necesidad humanitaria en el país de Brasil, and our compassion for God's people in Brazil will cause them to be saved and added to the church. Nuestra compasión puede ayudar a que estas personas cumplan sus necesidades y puedan ser salvas.

Speaker 1:

But we are so, so excited today to have Pastor Michael Enzi with us on Apostolic Mentoring. I love this man of God so very much. You guys all know this guy. I mean he was the youth president of the United Pentecostal Church International. He has been a catalyst for the kingdom of God globally for well for decades.

Speaker 2:

Y él ha sido una ayuda catálica para todo el grupo de la Iglesia Pentecostal Unida.

Speaker 1:

And now he pastors in Heath Ohio Y ahora él trabaja en Heath Ohio and their church is Explosive Growth Revival Church Y su iglesia completamente está explosiva y creciendo. And he is building leaders and establishing churches and making regional and global impacts.

Speaker 2:

Y él está formando líderes, está creciendo realmente y plantando iglesias por donde quiera.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to put a link in this chat how to get in contact or just to be connected with Pastor Enzi. I just put that in the chat. I'm also going to put it on Facebook here in a moment. What you're going to find on michaelinseycom is great kingdom resources.

Speaker 2:

But you're also going to find a link NCcom es que va a encontrar suficientes recursos para poder usted ayudarse.

Speaker 1:

But you're also going to find a link to a book by Anthony Trimble.

Speaker 2:

Pero también va a encontrar una guía aquí del hermano Anthony Trimble.

Speaker 1:

And I'm going to put that link directly to where you can get that book in the chat right now.

Speaker 2:

Y también voy a poner esta guía donde usted puede conseguir este libro directamente, directly to where you can get that book in the chat right now, and everybody on Apostolic Mentoring knows how much we love to promote kingdom resources. Y todo mundo aquí nosotros nos conocen que nos gusta promover todos los recursos que haya disponibles para los apostólicos.

Speaker 1:

We love the partnership of faith on apostolic mentoring. If we don't help each other, I assure you the world is not going to help us. So we've got to get the word out when there's great resources available to God's people.

Speaker 2:

Así que nosotros tenemos que poner esta información para que podamos ser partícipes de estos recursos de la gente de Dios.

Speaker 1:

So I encourage every apostolic mentoring family member around the world get this book that's going to be in the chat here and will be on social media as well.

Speaker 2:

Así que les recomiendo a todas las familias apostólicas que, por favor, consiga este libro. Vamos a poner esta guía aquí en Facebook y vamos a usted.

Speaker 1:

Puede pedirlo directamente Brother Enzi. We love you, man of God, Hermano.

Speaker 2:

Enzi, le amamos verdaderamente, man of God.

Speaker 1:

We thank God for your leadership. We're so humbled to get to host you today on Apostolic Mentoring. Please take your liberty and speak.

Speaker 2:

what thus saith the Lord, please take your liberty and speak what thus saith the Lord. Por favor, tome su libertad y hable lo que el Espíritu le dice Thank you, Brother Robinette. Gracias, Hermano Robinette.

Speaker 3:

It is such a privilege to be on your call today.

Speaker 2:

Es un gran privilegio estar aquí en su llamada en este día.

Speaker 3:

I see several familiar faces and friends are joining us today.

Speaker 2:

Y estoy aquí viendo algunas caras familiares que están aquí junto con nosotros.

Speaker 3:

It is such a privilege to be part of God's global church.

Speaker 2:

Y es un privilegio ser parte de la iglesia global del Señor.

Speaker 3:

And to know that God is working in every region of the world right now.

Speaker 2:

Y saber que el Señor está trabajando en cada región del mundo en este momento.

Speaker 3:

Very thankful for your friendship and your ministry.

Speaker 2:

Muy agradecido con la amistad y su amor.

Speaker 3:

I think the first time that you and I were able to really be together.

Speaker 2:

Yo creo que la primera vez que pudimos estar juntos, Was the Apostolic Youth Corps trip in Austria 2009. Yo creo que fue en el 2009, en un viaje de jóvenes que tuvimos en Austria.

Speaker 3:

What an incredible adventure that was.

Speaker 2:

Y qué aventura tan increíble tuvimos.

Speaker 3:

I see Sister Amber with the laughing face.

Speaker 2:

Y yo veo a la hermana Amber aquí, the laughing face. That's been 15 years, my brother. It's hard to believe that that's even possible. I want to share with you what the Lord has given me today, y quiero compartir con ustedes lo que el Señor me ha dado en este día.

Speaker 3:

I feel it so strongly in the Holy Ghost.

Speaker 2:

Y lo siento bastante fuerte en mi espíritu.

Speaker 3:

When I came on the call today, I heard several mentions of divine appointments.

Speaker 2:

Y cuando vine, entré a la llamada, encontré, oí cómo Dios pone y dirige cosas divinas en nuestra vida.

Speaker 3:

And that's exactly what I want to speak on today.

Speaker 2:

Y es específicamente de eso lo que yo quiero hablar.

Speaker 3:

We serve a God of precision.

Speaker 2:

Yo servimos un Dios de precisión.

Speaker 3:

He always does exactly the right thing.

Speaker 2:

Y Él siempre hace las cosas en el momento exacto.

Speaker 3:

He always does exactly the right thing At the right place.

Speaker 2:

At the right time. I was reading in the Chronicles recently. It reminded me what Matthew would write about the generations of humanity that from Abraham to David there were 14 generations. From David to the deportation to Babylon, there were 14 generations. From that deportation to Babylon to Christ, there were 14 generations. That's not an accident. We serve a God of impeccable timing. He's a God of precision.

Speaker 3:

In those same chronicles there's a span of 34 verses between 1 Chronicles 7 and 1 Chronicles 8.

Speaker 2:

Y hay una distancia entre la la la información de Chronicles 7 hasta el. What's the other number From 7.

Speaker 3:

Chronicles 7, 20 through 1 Chronicles 8.

Speaker 2:

El capítulo 8 del 7 al 20.

Speaker 3:

Within these 34 verses, there are three different men who are born named Beriah.

Speaker 2:

En ese tiempo en particular, hay 34 hombres que nacieron con el nombre de Baraya.

Speaker 3:

Baraya means calamity or misfortune.

Speaker 2:

Y este nombre quiere decir una calamidad o una falta de suerte.

Speaker 3:

Speaks of unforeseen catastrophes or tragedy. Y habla acerca de unas catástrofes o cosas que van a venir tragedy the first, bariah, was born to Ephraim because he lost two of his sons.

Speaker 2:

And in that season of sorrow, another son is born.

Speaker 3:

He names him Bariah.

Speaker 2:

A few verses later is born. He names him Beriah, Y en ese tiempo de dolor tiene otro hijo y también le llamó Beriah.

Speaker 3:

A few verses later, Asher has a son named Beriah.

Speaker 2:

Y unos años después, unos versos después, Asher tiene otro hijo que también se llama igual.

Speaker 3:

In chapter 8 of 1 Chronicles, a man by the name of Elpel also has a son named Beriah.

Speaker 2:

En el capítulo 8 de un hombre que se llama Elbreo. También tuvo otro hijo que se llamaba Beriah.

Speaker 3:

We don't know the exact tragedies that occurred in these last two families.

Speaker 2:

No sabemos en sí las tragedias que pasaron en estas dos familias.

Speaker 3:

We just know it was a season of sorrow.

Speaker 2:

Solamente sabemos que era una temporada de mucha tristeza. We just know it was a season of sorrow, but in 1 Chronicles 8, verse 13, the Bible says that this third son, named Bariah, would drive away the inhabitants of Gath. Y en la escritura habla que este hombre vería también Isenar, que fueron jefes, también morados, de Ahalon.

Speaker 3:

The reason this is important es porque it was the men of Gath who killed Ephraim's two sons.

Speaker 2:

Porque eran hombres de Dios que mataron a los hijos de Ephraim.

Speaker 3:

There was a Beriah that was born out of that grief. Within 34 verses, there's another Beriah who rises up to drive away the inhabitants of Gath who rises up to drive away the inhabitants of Gath.

Speaker 2:

We serve a God of precision, his timing's perfect.

Speaker 3:

So that which was born or birthed in a season of grief. Así que eso que nació en ese tiempo de tristeza in a season of sorrow en un tiempo de mucha angustia is exactly what God used to eventually bring about deliverance and victory.

Speaker 2:

Es lo que Dios usó realmente para más adelante traer la victoria. I'm speaking to somebody today that you've been through that season, or maybe you're in that season. God's going to use something that's birthed in this season To bring about victory and deliverance. He's a God of precision. I want to just share a couple of testimonies with you that emphasize how precise God is. Que enfatiza que tan preciso es Dios.

Speaker 3:

Several years ago there was a man who served at a church in Houston.

Speaker 2:

Hay años atrás había un hombre que estaba sirviendo en la iglesia en Houston.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Que no era apostólico.

Speaker 3:

But his life and ministry began to fall apart.

Speaker 2:

Pero su ministerio y su vida empezaron a derrumbarse. But his life and ministry began to fall apart. He ended up estranged from his wife and his son.

Speaker 3:

He ended up remarrying and deciding to just start his life over. Him and his new wife were selling everything and they were going to move to Hawaii. An apostolic woman came to purchase some of their appliances.

Speaker 2:

And a apostolic woman came to purchase some of their appliances. When she heard what they were doing, she told them you need to look up Pastor Jonathan Sanders on Oahu Island. So they did.

Speaker 3:

They ended up being converted.

Speaker 2:

Y terminaron siendo convertidos.

Speaker 3:

Received the Holy Ghost, baptized in Jesus' name, began serving in ministry.

Speaker 2:

Y recibieron el Espíritu Santo y fueron bautizados y empezaron a ministrar.

Speaker 3:

In 2016,. I was scheduled to preach the camp meeting in Hawaii.

Speaker 2:

Y en 2016, a mí me habían puesto a ir a predicar algo allá in Hawaii.

Speaker 3:

Somebody say hallelujah. That's like hitting the lottery. But they canceled me. That's tragic. They double booked me, but they did schedule me for 2017. So I go to preach the camp meeting there. I meet this man from Jonathan Sanders Church when he had moved from the Houston area. He moved from the Woodlands, texas. That's right next to Conroe, texas, where I'm from. He was so excited to get to meet me that night. His son had just turned 18. He hadn't seen him in years but he was living in Conroe and he and his girlfriend had come that week to visit him. They were going to be at the first night of that camp meeting, so I began to preach that night. I was talking about the church in Conroe. This couple had never been in an apostolic church that night. They responded they were filled with the Holy Ghost. It was such an incredible moment.

Speaker 2:

I was supposed to preach the year before an incredible moment.

Speaker 3:

I was supposed to preach the year before. God allowed that to be canceled, so I could preach that year, so that in Hawaii I could preach to that couple from my hometown.

Speaker 2:

It was so amazing to me. I posted the testimony on social media. Just a few moments later I got a text cuñada aquí en Texas, en Conroe.

Speaker 3:

She said you're not going to believe this.

Speaker 2:

Dice no, vas a creer esto.

Speaker 3:

She said two weeks ago Hace dos semanas atrás. I was at the Woodlands Mall.

Speaker 2:

Yo estaba en el mall de Woodlands.

Speaker 3:

And I met that couple.

Speaker 2:

Y yo conocía a esa pareja.

Speaker 3:

And I invited them to your parents' church Y yo los invité a.

Speaker 2:

And I invited them to your parents' church. And here we are, two weeks later.

Speaker 3:

In Hawaii and I'm preaching the camp meeting and God fills them with the Holy Ghost. That was in 2017. Today they're married and they're serving in ministry in my dad's church in Conroe.

Speaker 2:

Ahora ellos están casados y están sirviendo en el ministerio en la iglesia de mi padre.

Speaker 3:

We serve a God of precision.

Speaker 2:

Y servimos a un Dios de precisión.

Speaker 3:

He knows how to put us in the right place at the right time.

Speaker 2:

Él sabe cómo ponernos en el lugar correcto en el tiempo correcto.

Speaker 3:

Let me us in the right place at the right time.

Speaker 2:

Let me share another testimony with you. It's about two years ago.

Speaker 3:

A lady in my church came to me asking for prayer for her sister Pam.

Speaker 2:

She said my sister Pam.

Speaker 3:

She said my sister, pam, is in the hospital in Tyler, Texas. Do you know anybody they can go pray for?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I pastor in Central Ohio.

Speaker 2:

I said absolutely.

Speaker 3:

I know somebody who can pray for him my aunt and uncle pastored for 40 years in Tyler. They still live there. They're the bishop of that church.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure they'd be willing to go pray for your sister. They still live there. They're the bishop of that church. I'm sure they'd be willing to go pray for your sister. Her sister had just been given months to live. She said she's a backslider, been away from God for decades. I told my aunt and uncle the situation.

Speaker 3:

I'm texting the information to them. I told them about Karen. In my church has a sister named Pam that's in the hospital in Tyler. My aunt replied back to me Said would their maiden name happen to have been Ivy? I said yes, it was. She said you're not going to believe this. When I was a teenager, pam and I were best friends in a church in Northeast Texas. We used to babysit Karen in your church when she was two years old.

Speaker 2:

Dice nosotros cuidábamos a Karen cuando era una bebé.

Speaker 3:

La que está en tu iglesia. I'm talking about 50 years ago.

Speaker 2:

Estoy hablando acerca de 50 años atrás.

Speaker 3:

My aunt went to pray for her long lost friend in the hospital.

Speaker 2:

Dice mi tía fue a orar por su amiga que estaba perdida.

Speaker 3:

She prayed back through to the Holy Ghost.

Speaker 2:

Y volvió a orar en el Espíritu Santo.

Speaker 3:

Just a few months before she passed away.

Speaker 2:

Unos meses antes de que ella falleciera.

Speaker 3:

I'm talking about a God of precision.

Speaker 2:

Estoy hablando acerca de un Dios de precisión.

Speaker 3:

He does the right thing.

Speaker 2:

Él hace las cosas bien.

Speaker 3:

At the right time.

Speaker 2:

El tiempo correcto.

Speaker 3:

In the right place.

Speaker 2:

En el lugar correcto.

Speaker 3:

Let me share another story with you.

Speaker 2:

Déjame compartir otra historia contigo.

Speaker 3:

This just happened, this last week.

Speaker 2:

Esto acaba de pasar la semana pasada.

Speaker 3:

We're working on starting a daughter work in a neighboring city.

Speaker 2:

We're working on starting a daughter work in a neighboring city. A year ago we started praying in that community, having Bible studies. We've had several different places that we've been able to meet, but we don't have a permanent location. So we found a business that was available to lease. So we inquired with the real estate agent about this commercial property.

Speaker 2:

One of my ministers, who will be the daughter of work pastor, went toward the property. It would be perfect for our church. It's just way too expensive. I asked him to make an offer. That's just absolutely ridiculous.

Speaker 3:

Let's just start the conversation. All they can say is no. The owner of the property had a conversation with the real estate agent. He said I think I may have an option for them, the way he defined it an exciting and inexpensive option.

Speaker 2:

Y de la manera que él dijo, era algo que íbamos a estar muy contentos por esta opción.

Speaker 3:

I said, those are two of my favorite words.

Speaker 2:

Le dije yo estas son las mejores palabras que yo puedo oír.

Speaker 3:

So we go to meet with the real estate agent.

Speaker 2:

Así que vamos a encontrarnos con este agente de ventas.

Speaker 3:

The owner has two adjacent properties or spaces in one building. But when we got there the agent wasn't there.

Speaker 2:

But the owner was there. But the owner was there. When we walk in, it was obvious that these people the owner and his wife are apostolic. We had no idea.

Speaker 3:

We're very confused, trying to figure out exactly who they are we ended up finding out they attend an independent apostolic church in our area. We had no idea who they were, but they knew who we were. He said I've already talked to my pastor and he's supporting me, partnering with you. He said I don't know exactly what we'll be able to do.

Speaker 3:

But we're going to do something and we're going to figure this out so that you have a permanent location to start that daughter work. We had no idea the property was owned by an apostolic.

Speaker 2:

Y no teníamos la menor idea que esta propiedad eran dueños apostólicos.

Speaker 3:

But we've been praying for God to open a door.

Speaker 2:

Pero estamos orando que Dios abriera la puerta.

Speaker 3:

He's a God of precision.

Speaker 2:

Él es un Dios de precisión.

Speaker 3:

There's another element to this story.

Speaker 2:

Y hay otro elemento de esta historia.

Speaker 3:

The man begins to share with us his testimony. It was about 20 years ago that he knew he needed to seek God. He was an alcoholic. He was lost. He started attending a local Baptist church. After a couple of years he was praying and seeking God. He went to the altar of that church during the day. Nobody else is there.

Speaker 2:

He prayed and said God, I've got to have something more church during the day. Nobody else is there. Y fue al altar de esa iglesia. Nadie estaba allí durante el día.

Speaker 3:

He prayed and said, God, I've got to have something more.

Speaker 2:

Y oró y dijo tengo que tener algo más de ti, dios.

Speaker 3:

He left the church and he drove back toward his hometown.

Speaker 2:

Y se salió de la iglesia y regresó a la ciudad donde él vivía.

Speaker 3:

And he went to the place that he went every evening.

Speaker 2:

And he went to the place that he went every evening. It was a local bar. Even though he had been attending that church a couple of years, he was still a DJ at the bar every evening. While he was sitting in the parking lot, he remembered something A co-worker had invited him to his apostolic church, and that church was on the same block as the bar, y esa iglesia estaba en la misma cuadra donde estaba el bar.

Speaker 3:

So he walks down the street to the church.

Speaker 2:

Así que camina directamente a esa iglesia.

Speaker 3:

The pastor was there. Y el pastor estaba ahí, he told the pastor what he had just prayed at the altar of the Baptist church.

Speaker 2:

Y le compartió al pastor lo que acababa de orar en esta otra iglesia.

Speaker 3:

And the pastor said you need the Holy Ghost.

Speaker 2:

Y el pastor le dijo tú necesitas el Espíritu Santo.

Speaker 3:

So they prayed for him and he received the Holy Ghost.

Speaker 2:

Y oraron por él y recibió el Espíritu Santo.

Speaker 3:

So he then began. The pastor began to talk to him about baptism in Jesus' name.

Speaker 2:

Así que el pastor entonces empieza a hablarle acerca del bautismo en el nombre de Jesús. He said well, I'm going to talk to my pastor about baptizing me in Jesus' name. He sets up an appointment with his pastor. They end up having a three and a half hour debate Bible study on baptism in Jesus' name.

Speaker 2:

The pastor kept telling him baptism is just an outward sign of an inward grace. He said, pastor, show me where the Bible says that he couldn't show him. Finally, this man shows his pastor Mark 16, 16. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. He said. He saw revelation come over his pastor's face. I'm talking about the largest Baptist church in our area, largest Christian school in our area, he said. The pastor really didn't even say much more after that moment. He said it's late and he just ushered him to the door, but that next Sunday this couple go to their church and he said his pastor was preaching on that Sunday morning and he kept looking at this man in the crowd and he was losing his train of thought. It was like he was distracted. At the end of that sermon the pastor walks over to the spot in the altar where that man prayed that week.

Speaker 2:

And he ended up turning in his resignation as pastor right there on that spot. That man had received revelation that week. So fast forward now, 18 years later, the man who will pastor our daughter work in that city. He's been teaching a Bible study every week. There are three men in that Bible study who are from that same church in that community. Just a couple of months ago One of those men received revelation.

Speaker 3:

He said I've got to be baptized in Jesus' name.

Speaker 2:

Dice yo tengo que ser bautizado en el nombre de Jesús.

Speaker 3:

He said I'm going to go talk to my pastor about baptism.

Speaker 2:

Dice voy a hablarle a mi pastor acerca del bautismo.

Speaker 3:

It's the current son. It's the son.

Speaker 2:

The current pastor is the son of the pastor who retired, resigned 18 years ago. He goes to his pastor and has the same conversation. That the owner of this property had 18 years ago with that pastor's father. The son who's the pastor now told him we don't baptize that way La misma conversación que este dueño tuvo 18 años anterior.

Speaker 3:

The son who's the pastor now told him we don't baptize that way.

Speaker 2:

Y el hijo le dijo nosotros no bautizamos de esta manera.

Speaker 3:

So that man ends up coming back to my daughter work pastor.

Speaker 2:

Así que este hombre viene y regresa a la obra hija que tenemos allí, and he baptized him in Jesus' name.

Speaker 3:

Y lo bautiza en el nombre de Jesús and he baptized him in Jesus' name.

Speaker 2:

As we're telling this story to this property owner this last week he said tell me again what you the name of that person. He says that man that you baptized is my cousin.

Speaker 3:

He says 18 years later he had the same conversation with that pastor's son and we baptized him in Jesus' name. We serve a God of precision. He does the right thing At the right place At the right time. Brother Robinette, I just have one passage of scripture that I want to leave with you today, and I believe we need to pray and receive what the Lord has for us.

Speaker 2:

Y recibir lo que Dios tiene para nosotros.

Speaker 3:

I opened my Bible this morning for my Bible reading.

Speaker 2:

Y abrí mi Biblia en esta mañana.

Speaker 3:

And this is what I began to read from Ezekiel, chapter 12.

Speaker 2:

Y esto fue lo que empecé a leer de Ezekiel capítulo 12.

Speaker 3:

It's not even the beginning of a chapter. Bible reading today started with Ezekiel, chapter 12, verse 21.

Speaker 2:

I'm reading from the NLT version and I understand the context of this passage version.

Speaker 3:

Estoy hablando de la versión al día and I understand the context of this passage. Pertains to coming judgment for Israel.

Speaker 2:

Y yo entiendo que este contexto de esta escritura es acerca del juicio para Israel.

Speaker 3:

But I believe that there is a biblical principle.

Speaker 2:

Pero yo creo que hay un principio bíblico and there is a message that is applicable. Y hay un mensaje que es aplicable.

Speaker 3:

To where we are today.

Speaker 2:

En donde nos encontramos este día.

Speaker 3:

I'll begin reading in verse number 21.

Speaker 2:

Y voy a empezar leyendo en el verso 21.

Speaker 3:

Ezequiel, chapter 12.

Speaker 2:

Ezequiel capítulo 12.

Speaker 3:

Again, a message came to me from the Lord.

Speaker 2:

Dice vino mi palabra de Jehová diciendo Son of man.

Speaker 3:

You've heard that proverb they quote in Israel. Time passes and prophecies come to nothing.

Speaker 2:

Dijo hijo de hombre, que refrán es este que tenéis vosotros en la tierra de Israel? Que dice se ha prolongado los días Tell.

Speaker 3:

Tell the people. This is what the Sovereign Lord says. I will put an end to this proverb and you will soon stop quoting it. Now give them this new proverb to replace the old one. The time has come for every prophecy to be fulfilled. I'm going to read the last portion of this verse one more time Dice voy a leer esta porción To replace the old one. The time has come for every prophecy to be fulfilled.

Speaker 2:

Dice el tiempo ha llegado para que toda profecía sea cumplida.

Speaker 3:

Verse 25.

Speaker 2:

El verso 25.

Speaker 3:

For I am the Lord. If I say it, it will happen.

Speaker 2:

There will be no more delays.

Speaker 3:

Verse 26. Son of man. The people of Israel are saying he's talking about the distant future. His visions won't come true for a long, long time.

Speaker 2:

Y vino mi palabra de Jehová diciendo hijo de hombre, he aquí que los de la casa de Israel dicen la visión que este ve es para de aquí a muchos días, para lejos tiempos, profetiza este.

Speaker 3:

Verse 28. Therefore, tell them this is what the Sovereign Lord says no more delay. I will now do everything. I've threatened. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken.

Speaker 2:

Diles por tanto. Así ha dicho Jehová el Señor. No se tardará más ninguna de mis palabras, sino que la palabra que yo hablé se cumplirá, dice Jehová el Señor. No se tardará más ninguna de mis palabras, sino que la palabra que yo hablé se cumplirá, dice Jehová el Señor.

Speaker 3:

Brother Robinette, I know that you are a prophet of God. You have spoken and you have prophesied. I'm declaring the word of the Lord today. The time has come for every prophecy to be fulfilled.

Speaker 2:

No more delay.

Speaker 3:

God is going to do what he has spoken. I know every man and woman of God on this call. You've heard the voice of the Lord. Prophetic words have gone forth over you. You have declared prophetic words over the territory where you serve. The time has come for those prophecies to be fulfilled.

Speaker 2:

No more delay.

Speaker 3:

If God said it, if he put it in your spirit, if you sense it in the spirit, it's going to happen. In Jesus' name, I speak that for you today. I declare that over you right now, in the name of Jesus, I just want you to just begin to pray right now, where you are. You just begin to pray in the Holy Ghost. Right now. You receive this word right now. God has heard your prayer. He knows where you are. He's a God of precision. It's going to come to pass at the right place At the right time. In Jesus. Brother Robinette, I'm going to turn this back over to you, whatever you feel to do at this moment.

Speaker 1:

Oh, hallelujah Jesus, why don't we take ourselves off mute for a few moments? And I think we need to lift our voices together.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes yes.

Speaker 1:

Yes, thank you is Thank you, oh, oh, hallelujah, sister audrey. Mr Aldred, unmute yourself.

Speaker 2:

I feel in the Holy Ghost that God is set here today. He is setting before you open doors that no man can shut.

Speaker 1:

He is setting open doors that no man can shut.

Speaker 2:

The Lord said he is going to give you access.

Speaker 1:

Access to people, to resources, to towns, to towns Para pueblos, to churches, para iglesias.

Speaker 2:

God said he had set him before you an open door that no man can shut, que le ha puesto una puerta abierta que ningún hombre puede cerrar.

Speaker 1:

And even this day.

Speaker 2:

Y aun en este dia.

Speaker 1:

God is going to put you in contact with a divine appointment.

Speaker 2:

El Señor te va a poner en contacto con una unción divina going to put you in contact with a divine appointment For a kingdom alignment.

Speaker 1:

Not for your purpose to be fulfilled, but for his kingdom purpose to be accomplished.

Speaker 2:

Pero para que sus propósitos del reino sean cumplidos.

Speaker 1:

God is not in the mission of building your kingdom. Dios no está en la misión de crecer tu propio reino, but he is in the mission of building his kingdom.

Speaker 2:

Pero él está en la misión de construir su propio reino.

Speaker 1:

That's why you must walk in the spirit. If you walk in the spirit, you won't be thinking about your own kingdom. You got to get up in the morning, walking in the spirit. You gotta get up in the morning, walking in the spirit, so you can be aligned with the kingdom of God and his purpose. When you walk in the spirit, you're gonna always have access to divine intentions. I saw this statement. Sister Lacey put this statement in the chat just now.

Speaker 2:

I saw a statement that Sister Lacey put here in this conversation. You said before apostolic mentoring started today, she was praying for God to give her divine appointments, brother, Enzi. God set before me open doors that no man can shut. God, give me kingdom, alignment with your purpose and your mission.

Speaker 1:

She said she was praying that God would give her divine appointments for people that needed the Holy Ghost.

Speaker 2:

Don't even try to tell me that God wasn't leading Brother Henzey today At the right time At the right place.

Speaker 1:

At the right place. God sent this man of God To bring the word of God to every single one of us. Kill your own personal mission and get aligned with God your own personal mission and get aligned with God. Sister Lacey said that while she was sitting in the parking lot today listening to apostolic mentoring, the Lord brought somebody to her while she's listening to apostolic mentoring, If you will walk in the Spirit, God's going to put people before you 20-year plans are going to come to fruition.

Speaker 2:

You can't even imagine how far in advance God's been working.

Speaker 1:

Aligning his people, alineando a su pueblo, to meet the right person in the right place at the right time, so that in these last days we can see billions.

Speaker 2:

Encontrar a la persona correcta en el tiempo correcto en el lugar correcto y hacer su propósito del reino. God is going to give every single one of you access so that he can accomplish his end time purpose, Y Dios va a dar a cada uno de ustedes ese propósito y ese acceso para que pueda ser el propósito del reino en Dios, I think about just even today, brother Enzi. Y aún pienso en esto, hermano Enzi.

Speaker 1:

I was saying it. Before we went live In the Airbnb right next door to me, god sent another customer from Gross-Holstein, switzerland. You can't even make this stuff up. Only God in his divine strategic planning could put me in an Airbnb next to another Airbnb where somebody from Switzerland who speaks German is about to stay.

Speaker 2:

I preached in that town poner a otra persona donde yo me voy a quedar, que es de Switzerland que necesita de Dios.

Speaker 1:

I preached in that town. Yo he predicado en esa ciudad, middle of nowhere, south of Bern. Y sabemos donde queda abajo del sur de Bern. We had a training school in Großhochstetten.

Speaker 2:

Y tuvimos una sesión de entrenamiento en esa ciudad.

Speaker 1:

I'm able to give this couple a copy of Radically Apostolic in German.

Speaker 2:

Y voy a poder darles un libro de apostólico radical en alemán a ellos Able to connect them with Sister Hackenberg. Y voy a poder guiarlos a ellos con hermana Hackenberg.

Speaker 1:

Do you think that that's an accident or something? We just got lucky? Divine strategic alignment and precision. If you'll walk in the spirit, god will open your eyes, god will open your ears and God will put you in places to see his kingdom purpose accomplished. Yeah, pastor Cook just put in the chat. He said it's amazing that you can even pronounce that word correctly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's how you know God did it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, what a word we've received from God today.

Speaker 2:

Get ready.

Speaker 1:

You're going to go to the grocery store today and God's going to connect you with somebody.

Speaker 2:

Get ready.

Speaker 1:

You're going to go to the bank today and you're going to get connected with somebody. God is going to put in place his plan so we can reach billions in these last days and you're a part of that plan. You got to get in the spirit. You got to walk with God, so you don't miss kingdom moments. Brethren, sister Brown, great missionaries, evangelists just put in the chat In the last week. God has connected them with six people.

Speaker 2:

Divine appointments, kingdom critical setups To reach the entire world. What a word today, friends, we have heard from God.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, Brother Enzi, for making time for us. Thank you for speaking to us. What thus saith the Lord, we receive it in Jesus' name. Please do not forget. I'm going to put this in the chat again. Right now You've got to go buy that book. Coffee with Anthony. I put the link to that right here in the chat.

Speaker 2:

I want everybody to go out and get a copy of this book.

Speaker 1:

You can get it right from here. I put the wrong link in here.

Speaker 2:

Let me put another link. You can get there from the links above but this link will take you right to the purchase of the book.

Speaker 1:

Please get a copy of this book.

Speaker 2:

It's called Coffee with Anthony.

Speaker 1:

It's called Light Lessons from Anthony Trimble, and I encourage everybody. Yeah, brother Enzi, put in the chat they can ship anywhere. They just put S sent five to Australia, so nobody worry, go ahead and get a copy of this book. I also want to ask you to do me a favor. I know all of you have gotten a copy of Radically Apostolic already.

Speaker 2:

Yo sé que muchos de ustedes ya tienen el libro de Apostólico Radical.

Speaker 1:

It is now in nine languages. Ahora está aquí en nueve idiomas. Hold it up, brother Enzi. Nice, I know you guys have gotten a copy of that already, but I need to ask you a favor.

Speaker 2:

Yo sé que muchos ya tienen esta cop, but I need to ask you a favor. Please go and leave a five-star review on Amazon for that book. It will really be a help to us to make the book available to the broader market on Amazon, y eso nos ayuda mucho más para que este libro pueda expandirse a un mercado más amplio and I'm excited to announce the book is also being translated right now into Arabic and Mongolian into Arabic and Mongolian.

Speaker 2:

También les quiero anunciar que este libro también está traduciéndose ahora en árabe y en el lenguaje de Mongolia.

Speaker 1:

So by the end of this year the book will be available in 11 languages.

Speaker 2:

Así que para el final de este año este libro va a estar en 11 lenguas, and I want to thank all of you.

Speaker 1:

Sister Clark said she's bought so many copies of this book and given it away to people. I want to thank you for doing that and being a blessing to the kingdom of God.

Speaker 2:

La hermana Clark acaba de decirme que ha comprado tantos libros y se los ha regalado a mucha gente.

Speaker 1:

We love you all so much.

Speaker 2:

Pero les amamos a todos.

Speaker 1:

We're so thankful to be a part of this apostolic mentoring journey with all of you and we want to remind you, next Monday, 1pm Eastern Time, we're so excited to have another great session with In Time Ministry and Dave Robbins.

Speaker 2:

Estamos tan contentos de tener otra hora de ministerio de los últimos días con el hermano Robbins.

Speaker 1:

Dave Robbins sister, I'll dress.

Speaker 2:

Stop the three names, dave Robbins.

Speaker 1:

In Time Ministry has been such a blessing and we've we've enjoyed so much this partnership of faith that the Lord has given us with them. And, as is always next week, we'll have a special discount code for all of those who are on live with apostolic mentoring for purchases on in time ministry. So you want to be on Apostolic Mentoring next week so you can get this discount code. We love you all. Thank you for being here. Do what you always do. Take yourselves off mute, say goodbye and we'll see you next week. Do what you always do.

Speaker 2:

Take yourselves off mute, say goodbye and we'll see you next week. Haga, lo que siempre hace Goodbye, see you next week.

Speaker 1:

Bye, thank you so much. Bye everyone.

Speaker 2:

See you next week. Love you all, love you all.

Speaker 3:

Thank you. Everyone Love you all.

Speaker 1:

Love you. Thank God, everyone Thank you brother. I love you. Thank God for you.

Speaker 2:

I love you all. God bless you my friends. Sister Winford, god bless you.

Speaker 1:

God bless you Hi brother Andy, Good to see you people of God today. Sister Aldrette, you're my fave. I love you.

Speaker 2:

That's right Cheese to face. God bless everyone.

Speaker 1:

Love you, love you, love you.

Speaker 2:

See you all soon, love you all.

Kingdom Alignment! / Alineación del Reino! ... English & Spanish - Apostolic Mentoring (2024)


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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