The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 28. 1067 ad If 0 Over-the-Counter Securities Quotations Mutual Funds New Marks Set By Strawbridge Automated Typesetting We are BIG in typesetting and tvery phase of graphic arts production. 200 mployees. 4 two-color offset presses, modern equipment.

Phone WAInut 8-09OO for a representative. VINCENT B. FULLER TYPESETTING INC. hi aj. am sr.

pnildiimi. m. ittaa NATIONAL LIST Tba following hid and aabed auat.tloa. compiled br tho National Aieoclalloa of Kerurltlra lteeleri. era ve Interdeolor Brier, ae at 11 A.

M. Inler- MONDAY, March 27, 1967 Total Transactions $11,740,000 Self in Met Issue S1000 Mali T.ow I.a.t i bl. OenKlec 3s7 4J 87 87 87 GenKtla 3'87 2 85'i 85'i 85'i Genlnst 4U.85 229 145'a Ml' 145' OMot Acc 577 87 971! 96. 971! The bid prices are based est art asset as of 3:30 T. while the s.ked prices Included sals charges.

If Bid Ai 10,34 .5.13 5,61 Bid Ak 22 20 24 22, Inrom 10 62 11 69! Invent 91 10.901 Rep Tech 4 71 7.33iResch Inv dealer markets ebante thraufheut the day. Price, da aet larlttde retail St S2 63 S4 Cus (us (us Cus MIH Industrial Index Monday markdowit er com Ion CORPORATION BONDS A-B-C 951! Bid lax Exempt Bort.l Honda Corporation CilMot Acc 5s80 44 96'i 95 GMot Acc 5fc8t 5 96'. 96 VA 01i Revere Int 15 64 17.15 13. 39 14 6 13 85 ti es 12 95 14 Bid Ask 14 20 15 50 15.51 15.51 96 -1' Net Sales in Aim 3 32! Dreyfus 9 39' Drexel 9 45iF.atn Bat Knlckerb 7.37 8.08 Rlttenh 11000 Hh T.ow t.ast Issue Area Bank Stocks Rid Alked AmBktTr 1,40 31'i 33 Brdwk Nal 1.00 23 la 24'i BrMawrTr 2.00a 49 51 Aberdeen 3 04 Advise rd 855 Aflil Fd 874 Am Bus 311 Funds: Knlck Gth 11 65 12.76 Scudder 11 92 12 95 16.37 17.78 Bal 18 58 18 18 i.azard 16,00 16.25 35 904 90'.

90'i ft 1 1: Sales, Profit ill Kits btk Lexinst 10 11 II 051 AmDIv In 11.45 12.50, F.mpl Gr Com St 12,28 12 28 Intl Inv K37 14 62 CamdenTr 1.60b 49 51 26 54 28 85 15 43 15.43 Life Inv 6 98 7 63 Ufa Inv 698 7.63 Am Grth 6.85 7 45' K.nergy Am Inv 16.44 44i Equity JM.r 1.1 3Z5I 32-51 Am TAT 494 Am TAT S'ieOl 96 DukePw 492 89 ElPas NO 577 92 Fst NClty 4.90 99 CMC cv381 152 FoodFalr S75 77 Frueh.uf 476 125 Gtamer cv 4s.5 87 61 86' a 86 86' a 10 58 11,20 CentPenn 2 40a 48 49 ContBkirTr 1 40 27'i GMntAc 4e82 GMot Ac GVIotAc GMntAc GMnt Arc 4s79 GMot Ac 35i75 GMotAc Mot Acc 3s69 GMoK'p 3'479 GenT F.l GenTEl cv4s90 GTim cv4J4S79 Llfa ftk 4 99 5 45 Securities 11.37 163 130 129 130 16 128 127 127 2 10 98'i 98 98 15 85 85 85 107 103 103 103 64 123 122' 4 123 1 90 90 90 4 94'i 94'i 94 1 3 121 121 121 41 150 148 149 -1 90 146 145 146 4 102 102 102 Am Mut 10.38 11.34 Kqult Gth 14 03 15 38 Am Pac Unavall; Frm BMu 1137 11.37 Asms Fd 1 53 1.671 Fed Brth 14.32 15.66 AlrRed Alleshl. ev481 S.20s91 AlliedCh 378 AHISt Alcoa Alcoa 4s82 AlumCa 3s70 A Kilt cv487 AAitl cv5'a91 Am Aili cv4s90 ADist cv486 AmKP Ss2030 CEDAR POINT FIELD TRUST CERTIFICATES OF BENEFICIAL INTEREST A payment ef one-half cent ($.001) per (hare will be mode March 3), 167, to certified holder, of record March 20, 1967, from income applicable le the three mentht ended February ii, 1967. Texas Notional Bank of Commerce of Houston, Truitee OelCtyNB 37 39 Hd-PhilaTr 3a IS'i 86'i IstCamden 160a 47 49 UtPa Bk 1.52 33'i 33'i 84 91 '4 903i 91 39 95 943 94'i 12 85'4 85'. 'i 46 lC6'c 106 106 92 1144 114'4 'i 13 10334 103 103 42 105' i 105 105 i 14 42 15 67 18 20 19.68 Loom I Sayle. Koult 11.55 14 81 Canad 29 47 29 47 Sec Inv 7.78 8 50 Capit 11 91 11 91 Selec Am 12.0313 02 Mut 15 19 15 89 Jihrhold 121113,23 Manhtn 9 70 10 60 Sw Invest 9,56 34 Mass Gth 12.32 13 46 Sover Inv 1169 17,18 Mass Tr 16.79 18.

15 State St 50.74 Asn InFfl 7 52 7.671 Flrl Cap Axe Houghton: I Fid Fund und A 7.51 1.16 Fid Trnd Fund 10 42 11.33! Fid Mut Stock 6 71 7.311 F.I.F. lit Trenton 1.20b 31 ii FrkfdTr 2.00ab 97 GliaidTruit 2.40 51 51 Grace 29 78 32 37 9 13 9 98 5.63 6 15 6.47 7.08 Strawbridge Clothier aet records for sales and earnings in the year ended Jan. 28, 1967, the firm's annual report released Monday disclosed. Stockton Strawbridge, president reported sales volume was an increase of 12.1 GrandUn 3 99U 9834 984 17 78 77 77 IndustVal (.40 24 24'a Lincoln Nil 24 26 GranS 45 97 96 96'. Klc 20 67 22 47Fn Indlnc AMFdy 4s81 Mens Life 12.35 13 Stdmn So 7.01 7 6 MidA Mut 7 18 7 85 Std mn Sh 21 59 23.59 80'4 80-i Grant cv4s90 Blud Rid 94's 94 Mellon Nil 280 73'i AmSiif 5 30s93 AmTtT 4s85 Morton Funds: 108 105 105 7 91 87 82 HiltonH (eS4ww HomeOU cv5a Indhd 50ww Lowstn cv4sil MldAPL e'isSO Mitsui s7S Moly Stein Rod undft: Bid A.ked CallfTol 32 99 100 CheIC W.hl 105 1014 hBy 5142000 81 83 4 2091 99 102 DoufCPU 42018 99 100'i FiizRiv 4 104 106 HaTpk 420OI 105 106'i GrntCPII 3s05 98 99 ItlToll 3s 95 96 9714 Ind Toll 394 89 91 JacksonEx 492 99 100'i JksnvEx 4.103 99 100 KanTpk 3e94 87 Ky Tpk 3 494 94 98 Ky Tpk 4 852000 63'i 65 LewUptBId S88 99 102 Mackinac 494 101 103 Maine Tpk 4s89 99 100'i BtrT 394 98 101 Mass Tpk 3.3x94 94 95 NJ Tpk 98 99 N.I Tpk 3'485 95 97 NYS Pw 3 2s95 91 92 NYS Pw 4.2s06 10114 10414 NY Thru 3 194 90 91 OhioTpk 3'492 94 95 OrvW 42010 106'i 107 I'ennTpk 31s93 94 95 PortNY 3487 92 94 RlthmPt 3.4595 97 99 TexTpk 295 85 88 Va Toll 3s94 95 97 West a 3 '489 69 71 92 97 91 3 99 155 tl 128 88 110 109 108 79 100 90 85 87 85 94 5 101 105 119 95 90 86 101 90'.

PROPOSAtS Grwth Phila Nil 2.40a 54' i PltUhghNtl 2 00 46'. 46'. 27 99'i 99 99 2 947. 947i 947i 'i 1 68 68 68 14 5 54 54 54 2' a 3 133 l.U'i 133 2 AmTtT 3s90 10 81 4 94'i T7 90J4 16 84 27 1 91i 17 S3'e 13 76'. 83'4 1 89' I AmTtT 90 85 89 91i 82 Provident 3 20 68 '4 69'i 13.58 14 84! Fst InGth 9.47 10 38 61 7.22! Fst InStk 11.38 12 51 4 25 10 11 Fletcher Unavailab 15.32 16 56 Fla Gth 6 32 6 91 15.12 16 57 Fnd Lf 510 5 58 9 65 10 55 Founders 8 37 9 14 18 19 19.68 Fourq 13.70 14.97 8 57 9 40 Franklin Cu.tdn: 7 14 7.821 Com Stk 7 45 8.19 10.94 11 99 4 29 4 60 7.42 8 13 18.62 20.13 6.OT 6 54 17 17.19 VI1.

-r- Bonds'k Bost Fd Broad St Bullock Can Gen Cdn Fd Capit Ine Capit Shr Cent Shr 1 79 79 79 N. Y. Bans Stocks Bid A.ked Incom In.ur MIF Fd MiF Gth Mut Shrs Mut Trust i3'e a AmTtT 2s71 AmTtT 2s75 AmTA-T 280 AmTtT 2s86 Am Tob 4s90 14 62'i 62'i 62'. lie 7 al 2142147 Ktor 14 01 14 61 Intl 1 j.95 13 95 Sterl Inv i 35 14.44 Sup In(ith 59f 4,47 Telev Kl 10 27 11. 19 Temp Gt 15.08 16.48 Texas Fd 12.06 1,1 .00 1 wenC Gth 5 57 6 09 TwenC Inc 5.5 i (4 SCHOOL DISTRICT HIIADIIPHIA THE BOARD Of- EDUCATION PARKWAY AT TWENTY-FIRST STREET Sealed proeosali will be received at the Office of the Board of Education.

Firt Floor. Administration Building Annex, 21st end Race Streets, until 2 o'clock P. M. (Eastern Standard Timel TUESDAY. APRIL 6S34 -1U 96 141 140 140 11 137 136 136 -2 2.70 2.76 over the previous record volume in 1965 of $105,756,846.

2 6834 684 1 87 87 72 132 130 87 132 1 222 10114 101 li 101 li Ampx ev5'4s91 Nat WSec 1107 1198 Nat Invest 7 47 8 0S 11 06 12.09 Incom 3 07 3 38 1 84 8t 84 Armour 5s84 Channin Funds: 5 BS' 88'a 88 ft at Z.6J 2.J9 Util 751 .25 ivsi ec ber: Net earnings were $4,865,782 91 91'i 101 54 10334 101'4 Balan 13.27 14.30' Balan 11 45 1251 United Funds: Muellei Br 3.s75 85 Noweot NCh 679 82 PhilTrans 3s70 214 PhilTr 3-s203 93 Sheitn 7s89 100 ShMit HD 6s77 101 SperfyRd 5s82 116 Textron 584xw 93 Tokyo Sh 6s78 87 WestcstT 5" 84 WstcstT S'aiSSC 99 9 irk so7. Com Stk 2.0 2.25iFund Am 9 8110.72 Bank Am 2.20 50 51 'i Bank NY 2 80 711 72 BTNY CP 2.60 584 58 barter NY J.70 33 33 Bk NY Tr 2 20 48 48 Fst Nl lty 1 80 57 57 Fank Nat lb 33 34 Kintti Lafy 1.44 26 28 Manuf Han 2b 51 52 Mom Guar 4 90 91 US Trust i 80 81 Pa 16 16 compared with $4,509,913 in 1965, 92 SO'i 89 94 91 Armr cv4s83 AshO cv3s93 AstiO Inv 6s70 Assolnv 4s7 Atchison 495 AtlCstL, 4-80 89 94 18 7 7 Grwth 17.51 19 14: Fund Inv 1149 12.59 Incom 8 16 8 921 Gen Invest 85 7.45 Snecial 87 J. 14 Group Sec: 89 1 94 91 41'i 22 6M 5 00 5.4 7.13 7.79 2S 6 8 3 at in in 28 1013i lOHi 1013i 3 91 91 91 1, 2 85'i 85'i 85'i 1 84 84 84 an increase of $355,869 or 7.9r; Bond Divid Pf Stk Incom Stock 4, 1967, for the following work; tho sealed proposals for this work will be publicly opened dnd read at the Administration Building at the above time. spec. no.

(1966-67). description of The work, schools and locations. 8-768 Provisions tor ofNstreet parking, AAastbaum Technical High, Frankford eve. Clementine. Acrm 17,76 19 41 Incom 14 19 15.51 Srien 10'S UnPd Can 5 31 5 80 Value Una Funds: Val Una 7.72 8.4 89'i 93" 95 Earnings per share on common 94'i 133 Chase Fd 11.15 12.19! Aero Sc 11.05 12.10 GtNP cv4'4s9t GtNoFty GtNFt 25.s2010 GtWKin cv5i74 Gulf MO 5s56f Gulf MO 4s44B Harv Al 5'sa91 HessOC House 669 HouseF 4s78 Hunt 111 BellTel 378 Inlands 4Hs89 IntHarv 4 80sl Intllaiv 4'.

-88 InlMin cv4s91 Int Pack 534s8 Int Silv cv485 4.9087 IntOPL ITE cv4'4s82 Itek Cp cv5s8C KimbCl LibMcN cv576 LiMMyer 6s92 LinaTV 534S76 LingT cv53476 Lionel cvS'asSO Litton cv3'as87 Lorillrd 4786 Lo 3s2003F 9.17 10021 4 136'i 136'a 136'a 1 AuroraP hem Fd 18 06 19 74 Com St 14 17 15 51 a lit 95 95 Grwth AutoCan cv4J4l 5 106'i 11.30 12 35 47 701 stock were $4.67 in 1966 compared with $4.29 in 1965, both -7S: Nat West Avco cv 5s79 3 374 .164 22 50 23.18 PUBLIC UTILITIES Citadel 2 82 3.08! ul Ad Cat See 1.59 1.72 Grth Ind Colon Fd 13.12 14 34 Gryphon cinn nth is 70 m' Guardn INDUSTRIALS AND BO 6.90 6.67 17 6 11 I ncom 6 30 Spl Sit Vangd 1.1 Var B-S01 Closed circuit TV. TV outlets 1137 12.60 11 65 12,59 19.17 19.36 amounts calculated on the num Bid Aski Bid Ask NEA Mut New En New Hor ore st master antenna system, twenty-tour schools Ask 14 364 -18 72'i 79 92 i 79'i 103U Peerless 13 13 iSw Invest 12 15.60 17.05; 27.51 27.51 551 6.02 15 62 16.27 4A IA lil A 10 72'i 72' 2 79 79 5 92 92 56 79'i 79'i 30 103'4 103 g-804 Closed circuit TV. TV outlets 17.43 17.41 93 7 51 Bid Fost Grant 14 Frnklin Cp 6'i Frnkl Rty 8 Garfinkl 18 viking Ventura Blaster antenna system, eiahteen schools. 22 22! Std Fruit 32 34 10 10 I Std Frt pf 96 100 6'i! Penn Penn REl One WmS 15 99 15 99 -01 5.01 B-805 Chain link fence miscellaneous ComSt Bd 4.75 5 16 Ham hda Commonwlth Fds: jH Mann Cap Fd 17.51 14.14; JmP Cap Incom 9 81 10.72, Imp Fd Invest 10.48 11 45! Inc Fnd Stock 10 II 89. Ine Boet IV.

1V-TO: finn. nil oppen Fd 24 76 27.06! 30' Std Regist 9 10 18 Penob Sh 2 130 130 130 WallSt In Wash Mu 12.00 13.U 123 15.80 ber of shares outstanding January 28, 1967. NEW HIGH The store's common stock Iron worki Beeber Jr. Hiah. 59th st.

OTC Pep GnBt Std Screw 1 132'a 1321a 1 3 04 94 94 1080' i sa'i 80' i 11193 192 193 4 92 211 205 211 2 91 91 91 -2li 1 108Ji 108'i 108'i 12 104 104 104 13 91'i 91 91 42 379 374 377 -1 2 68 69'i l'i 1 253 253 253 2 5 93 93 93 1 61'i 5 81 80e 81 16 65'i 65 65 4' 4 41-4 14 80 78'i 78'i Gas Svc 17 13.20 14.43 301 57 39 103, Well Fd 55 36 10 Malvern ave.i Willard, Emeiald Orleans Chandler, rVonigomery ave. Wildey 7.77 8 49 8 West Ind 13 85 15.05 8 49 9 28 14 09 15.23 ComTr AB Unavaililnd Trend 13.26 14.49 9 06 9 85 18.33 18.33' 11.19 12.26 14 72 16.13 12.70 12.70 11 74 12.83 bugler, Saul Comty Pollock 17 6 9'i 40 43 11 Whitehll 17 16' Perini 4s. 4 StanH Pd Peter Paul 43 44'i Stanwrd Petrolt 4234 43 4 Stplg PhRd pf 7577'aiState LnA Phil Sub 24 24i Straw CI Philips Gl 24'a 247. SupVal St Welsh rd. N.

of Holme Circle; Solis-Cohen. 40 42: Penn Scj Peoples Phila Fd Pine St Pioneer Price TR Providnt Wndsr Fd 19 020.72 Gn Gilbert GR1 Est Gen Wat Gidd Gil-It own Glatfelt Globe ComTr CO Unavail' insBK stk 5 50 6 01 Comp Bd 982 10.67 Inv CoAm 13.81 15 09 Comp Fd 10 38 11.28 Inves Bos 13 2114.44 equity reached another all-time 17 17 39 40 29 30 13 13 lyson Morrocks its. B-806 Electrical alterations: Tilden Jr. Hiah. 66fh st.

S. Elmwood T. 10 39 23.14 23.14 4014 Concord 15.79 15.79; Invest Group: Photon Inc 53 Corp McCror 5'2S76 4.78 5.22 11.0711.97 winneid io 52 11 50 Wiscon 7.70 8 42 Worth .63 7 23 Net Asset Value Plus Brnkanaga. Commiision Cons Inv 117512.00 Consm Inv 4.71 5.15 Read, 78th 8. Buist Huey, 52d Pine Longstreth, 53th st.

Willows McCrory 58' 33 34 6 6 21 22 Inc 29 30 Fd 10'. 10 Pied NG 16 16i Swank Pionr NG 14 14-'. Szabo 480 3Ti70 Beaunit 4US90 BenefF Berkey 534s86 Berman 5'as83 BethStl 540s92 Beth St 4'a90 BobbieB Boeinc 5'291 BostonMe 6s67 Bos.Me 4'is70f Bran 534s86xw BrkUnG 27s7 Bruns cv4'as81 BudaetF 6s2010 Buf Nia 23s75 Case Celanes cv4s90 Cenco cv5'4s8S CenPac 35s68 vjCRRNJ 3'4S Cerro 5'ia79 Chadbn cv6s74 ChampP 4'ss84 ChesirO 37ss73 CttO 3'is 96D CiO 3'js 96E Globe Rub Graph Con Funds MUl 11.55 12 56 Stock 21 09 22 93 Select 9 85 10.39 Var Pay 8 68 9 41 MichCG 3s67 Puritan Putnam Geor Grth ConsuKM 12 73 12.73 -5-32 263 99 21-32 8 16.01 17.501 12.88 14 08 9'i 955i 5 101 'i 101 a 101 'a 26 91.a i 39 91 90 90 103 150'i 148'i 148'i -l'a 11 7634 7634 7634 -14 15 50 50 50 3. 53 Wt 88 88s. 10 81'i gl'i 81" 10 777.

1 5 85 85 2 82 82 82 4 90 90 90 43 89'i 88'i 89 41 143 141 'a 141 '4 3 97ai 9734 973i 543 25'a 223i 25 l'i 51 170 167 170 4 5 102'i 102 102 15 116'. 116'i 116' 4 89 8S34 89U -t-l'i Conv Sec Unavaiij r'nnv Cir Unavaiii high, with a book value of $45.25 per share compared with $41.77 at the end of 1965. Strawbridge credited the strong economy on the spring season and the very satisfactory first year sales volume of the new Plymouth Meet MichCG 3'i69 5 95J. Inv Resh 17 44 19 0 cwe.f Mitchell, 56th st. Kingsessing ave.i Beeber Jr.

High, 59th St. Malvern ave.s AAclntyre, 30th N. o' Dauphin T. M. I'eirce.

23d st Columbia ave. B-807 Ventilatina W. S. Porter HK 39 40 iTampax Port GE 21 21 Tappau Potaeh A 48 49Taylor Pubco Pet 7'4 7'Telex Inc 99'i 95s. 63' 4 98'i 25 'i MSPSSM 4s91f 4 64 20 81 21.45! 20 81 21.451 Corp Ld 16.48 18.02: istel Fd PubS NH 2534 Peirce, 24th Christian Overbrook MinMM 234s67 MKT in5'2s33f MoPac 5s2045f MPac 434s2020f 7 98'i 3 25' 4 35 69', 15 69 1 67 69 6 67 135 137 22 23 35 35 12 13 7 8 32 33 26 19 20 3 3 20 20' 4 9 10 31 32 15 15 6 7 63'4 4 98'i -1 25'i 'a 69'4 '-4 69 67 -l'i 75'i 1.

74 66' i 85 Crown 6 51 7.12; vest ta 15 06 16.46 LOOKING for a place ta llveT "3 aura deVeh 79 74 79.74 Johnstn 20 30 20 30 Th. iB1Ilr. Decat Inc 12.37 13.52 Keystone Funds: you Tn fiuirer Dela Pd 11117.61 Cus Bl 23 10 24 Hi Pages. Week after week, you'll ffiyi tba Div Gr 13 41111? 2i il eldest variety and biggest selectmn a Div Inv 9 62 10.54 Cus B4 10 17 11.10 Divid Shr 3 68 4 031 Cus Kl 9 23 10.08 hom tor ln Tn Inquirer. -Checit DowTh In 7-41 8.011 Cus K2 6 88 7.51 the Real Eststa Pages avery TTsy MPac 434s2030f ing store as the chief causes of Th Dis Thrift Dr Tift any Titan Trans Gas Transp M.

Trico Pd Tucson UnArt Th PubS NM 25 25 PS NCaro 12 1314 Publishrs 6 6J Purity Str 10 10 Raychm 156 161 aymd Cp 23 24 16 17 Renwel In 6 7 Retail Cr 47'a 48 GtWash Ind 7 Green Mt 18 Grnfld Rl 15 Grinneli 150 Gross Dun 23 Grwth Cap 19 Gulf Int 4 Gyrodyne 17 Hall MTr 15 Ham Cose 11 Ham Mf 18 Hand Vott 5 Hanover 19 Hawth Mel 20 Henredn 16' i Hoover A 18 Houst NG 46 Houst OF 33 Hou OF pf 24 MoPac MPac 4'4S2005 MohawkM 49l Monon 6s2007f 19 15 153 23 20 5 18 15 12 19 5 20 20 17 18 47 34 Is 25 9 757i 753i 43 74 3 66'a 66'i 5 85 847i 1 88'i 8S'i the sales increase, which more than offset the downturn in gen 88'i eral economy and the unfavora 20 87'a 87'i 87'i -2'a 8i4 Richdsn 25 263ft US Bknota US Envel 3 73 73 73 2 711i 7Hi 7l'i 3 63 63 i 30 71' i 70i 71 "a 2 81'a 81'i 81'i 12 141'a 141 141 13 88' 4 88 88'i 26 95'i 95 95 21 22 ChiGW 4'is38f CMSP 5s2055f CMSP cv4'2s44 ChiNW 4'is99f ChockF ble weather during the second half of the year. The annual re 11 12 34 36 29 30 28 29 56 57 GIT Km 4'4S71 CIT fin 35s70 Riley Stk 33 Roadw Ex 36 371- Robbin 66 69' Robtsn 49' 4 50 Rockwell 29 295i Roy Cstle 6 6': RoyDut 60 611: Russell 10 111: Russ Stov 50 511; Hud Bay 17 6 94U 94'i 18'S port will be mailed to the shareholders on April 1. Strawbridge Clothier during 4 81 Hud PP A 2714 28 81 124 U'4 Citie Sv 377 CCCSL 4'is77 Cluett cv4'4s8 81 i 84 a 99 nua rtr pi a is; 84'i 99'a 1 203 4 84' 5 100' 30 97' Hucot Gas 9' 10 High, 5ylh St. Lancaster ave. B-808 Electrical alterations: W.

S. Peirce, 24th Christian Overbrook High, 59th st. Lancaster Whittier, 27th Clearfield Powel, 36th st. Powelton Roosevelt Jr. High, Washington Lane Musarave it.

B-809 General alterations: Powel. 36th it. Powelton Roosevelt Jr. High, Washington la. Musgrave Thomas Jr.

High, 9th Johnston sts. B-810 New Carpeting 8. Tiling of Floors: Morton, 63d st. Elmwood Powers, Frankford eve. Somerset Fels Jr.

High, Devereaux Langdon its Stoddart-Fleisher Jr. High, 1 3th Green ts. B-81! New Roof Coating: Darrah, 17th Folsom sts. i-812 New Acoustic Ceilina: J. H.

Brown, Frankford ave. Stanwood St. B-81 3 Electrical Contract-Auditorium lighting: J. H. Brown.

Frankford ave. Stanwood if. B-81 4 Plumbing Contract-Site Improvements: Heston, 54th it. Lansdowne ave. B-81 5 Resurfacing of Quarry Tile Deck: Bartram High.

67th st. 4 Elmwood Einlen. Chew 8c Upsal sts. B-81 6 Pointing. Waterproofing 8 Stack Repair: AA.

Washington. 44th 8i Asoen E. M. Stanton. 17th 8i Christian Mc-Closkey.

Pickerina st. 8, Gowen ave. B-S17 Pointing. Waterproofing Stack Priir- P.nnvnnrL',r W-thinntnn In Jt, the year completed negotiations CollAik 45s91 97 97'i 1 CollinsR 47.s87 104 122'a 120'4 120'i -2 20 20 30 21 10' 8 21 i 30! 22 I 11 I RustC Cd 35 37 SanJuan 8 82 CollinsR 43is80 5 146'i H6'a 146' i i for a seventh branch store at Neshaminy Mall, to be located MontWd 47.s90 MtWrlCr 434S81 MorEs 3'is2000 MSL cv4las84 NAFI cv5'is80 Cash 5 60s91 NatCash 4'4s85 Cyl cv5'is77 NatLead 43.s88 NatSteel 4'is89 Nat Tea 3'as80 NY Cent 6s80 NY Cent 6s90 NYCent 5s2013 NYC 4'is2013 NY Cent 4s9S NY ChS 4'is81 NYConn 27s75 NYHar 4s43B vjNH 4'is2022r vjNH 4s2O07f NYSus NYTel 23is82 Nia MP 47.s87 Nor NG 4's78 NoPac 4'2S47 NorPac 4s97 NorPac 3s2047 Saturn Ind 13 13 2t 48'a 47'a 47'a 107 12534 123li 125 61 120 118'i 120 1 49 1023i 10234 1023i 2 92 92 92 31 129'i 129 1 29'i 1 2 87. 875i 873.

-t-l3i 7 8934 8934 8934 -2'i 1 72 "4 72'4 '4 1 101'i 101'a 101'a "4 10 101'i 1007. 1007i 7i 9 814 8034 80-'4 s. 51 73 72' a 73 20 70 70 70 1 7 84'i 84'i 84'i li 3 75' a 1 70 70 70 l'i 38 16' i 155i 15i 'i 68 35 333i 3334 -Hi 2 68 68 68 6 74 74 74 7 923i 92'i 92'i 2 90'4 90' i 90 'i "1 89' 89'i 89'i 11 81 81 81 14 4 55li 5514 34 Savin Mch 12 13 44'i 5'i 26 87i 5V 23 23'! 73i 85i CoIoF cv47is77 Col Gat 5's85 Col Gas 47is83 Col Gas 43s83 8J4 9 at U. S. Route 1 and the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Benss cm 18 19 10 10! 4i: 41 15 47 893i 89 89 5 100 99i 100 "i 20 923i 923i 923i i 3 88'a 88'a 88' 2 83'i 85'i 5 92'.

92'i 92'. 10 238 238 238 -10 106 1C6' 10334 104 -2'i 12 815 823i 3, 7 96'a 96' 17 township, Bucks county. Con US Realty US Sugar US TrkL Up PenP Utah Cons Utah ShLd Util Ind Vance San Villager Visual El Vitro Am oca line VulM Ir Wcknhut Waddeli Walth Wat Warsh Wash NG Wash Stl Wat Trmt Welling Wstn Mtge West PwG Publish Wstn Sales Whittaker Wiegand Wng Whis Wise PL World Air Wyandot Wyie Lab 29 18' i 13' Sawhill 17 Scamlnst 18 Scantlin EI 9 Scott Fet 29 Scott OM 17 Scripps 31 Scripto A 5 Searle pf 19 Sexton 23 Hugot Pd 43 Inc Prop 4 Ind GtW 26 Infrared 8 IntBk Wash 4 Int Mill 22 Int Textbk 22 Inters Sec 7 Int Unit 8 Inv Cousel 3 Ionics Inc 22 la SoUtil 28 Jacquin 7 Jam Wat 26 James by 15 Jarr Ash 11 Jergens 29 Jerrold Cp 29 Jessop St 20 struction will begin this spring, with the opening scheduled for ColGas 3s75A ColSOE 3'4S70 Comb cv33s81 ComlSol 4lis91 Comw Ed 3s77 Con Edis 5s87 Con Edis 590 ConEd 43is92V ConEd 43as92W ConEdis 94li 94'i 12 94'a 3 86 Shep Nil 31 86 86 Ji 84 84 i Siemens 49 10 84 Sierra Pa 5 855i 855 855i 32 6 20 24 'i 32 50 17 9 52 15 14 44 16 48 23 18 18: 22 223i 3 414 32 33 4 58 59 20 2114: 7 7: 27 27 31 32, 31 32 I 21 21! 49 50 31 32 14 14 7 8, Thouron st.r Feltonville, Rising Sun ave. 8, ConEdis 3s84 Northrp cv5s79 90 167 164 164 OccidP 5Us91 338 1263i 124'i -1 Rockland Widener Memorial. Broad it.

ConEdis 2s72 Olney ave. IConEdis 2s82 Kaiser St 33 7 84'i 84'i 84'i B-81 8 New Roof: West Philadelphia CEleotr 4f84 iv 8 51 14 14 43 15 'i 48 23 17 3 90' i 90'. 90' i 7 8234 82-1. 823i i ConsPw 57is6 Cultural Center. 4601 Spruce st.

Signal Society Cp Sor Pap SoG NGas Se Drill SCal Wat SoNE Tel SoUn Gas Sw- EiSv Sw Gas 23 28 7 26 16 11 30 29 20 34 'i 23 217 56 26 37 23'i 22 10 23 'i 1714 20 16 33 8 5 36 1225i 12134 1217i V. Kaiser pf Kalvar Kearney Kellwood Keys Fib Keyst Cus 22 210 54 25 37 23 21 NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF 1-T-E CIRCUIT BREAKER COMPANY CONVERTIBLE DEBENTURES REMINDER Conversion Pries Chang 414 Convertible Subordinated Debentures Due April 1, 1932 The Company wishes to remind its Debenture holders that on April 3, 1967, the price for common stock $fit I-T-E Circuit Breaker Company into which Debentures are convertible increases from $24.87 to $27.96 or 12.4 $5" Therefore, prior to the close of business on April 3, 1967; each $1,000 Debenture is convertible into 40 shares -ot- common stock and cash for a .209 fractional share and after that date, 35 shares of common stock and cash for1 a .765 fractional share. If you have any questions as to whether you should convert your Debentures, it is suggested that you consult, with your bank, broker or investment Holders who elect to convert at the $24.87 price should deliver their Debentures to Girard Trust Bank, Corporate Trust Department, Philadelphia, 19101; or, Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York, N. 10015. Debentures must bt received by th Bank befor i 3:30 P.M., April 3, 1967.

-22. 76'4 76'4 76'4 1 88 88 6 72 713i 72 'i 5 171 171 171 l'i 7 10534 105li 10534 4 1 93 93 93 i 6 83 83 83 70 100 V93i 100 9 85 85 85 37i 5 1133i U334 1133i l3i 2 94'i 94si 945i 31 801. 79'i 79'i i 74 140 139 139" 4 -134 Wynn Ph the early fall of 1968. The fully enclosed, air-conditioned Neshaminy Mall has been designed by the same architects, Victor Gruen Associates," with whom we have worked so successfully at Cherry Hill, Springfield and Plymouth Meeting." In addition to Strawbridge Clothier, a major Sears Roebuck unit and many specialty shops will provide a full range of merchandise and services at Neshaminy Mall. PROCESS CITED 18 28 28 9Zurn Ind 8 ConsPw 45s89 ConsPw 27s75 Ct Bk cv43s8J ContCan 33s76 Cop St cvSs79 CornPd 4vss83 Cresc cv5'is80 Crow 4'is81cld Cur Pub 6s86f Keyst PC 9 Insurance Stocks KinEDt Prs 77 Bid Bid Ask B-81 9 -General Alterations-New Graph Arts Room, Multi "urpose Lab, Acoustic Ceilings Classroom Conversion: W.

E. Martin. 22d Brown sts. B-820 Electrical Contract-General Alterations: W. E.

Martin School. 22d Brown sts. B-82I Plumbing Contract-General Alterations: W. E. Martin, 22d 8.

Brown sts. B-822 Heating Ventilating Contract-General Alterations: V. E. Martin. 22d tV Brown sts B-823 General Alterations: William Perm, 15th 8.

Mt. Vernon Its. B-624 Electrical Contract-General Alter Kkjap Vogt 16 Aetna Koret 19- 3 76'i 76' i 76U -214 Ask 20 38 9 3 53 54 7 7 13 14 Ohio Edis 3s74 OklaGE 4'is87 OklaGE 23is75 Outlet cv5'2s86 Oxf cv43is78 PacGtE 5s89 PacGt-E 5s51 Pac GE 4'is86 Pac GE 4'is90 PGE 4'is96JJ Pac GE 4ss94 Pac GE 33is78 3s70 PacGiE 3s71 PacGiE 3s74 PacGtE 3s77 3s79 PacSwA PacTtT 43.88 PA A cv47is79 PAA cv4'is84 PA A cv4'2s86 Penney 53ss87 Penney 41is84 Penn RR 5sfJ Life Ky 191 Life Va 37': Life Inv 8'i LincAm Lf 3 AHam Lf All Am LC Bid Ask AAI Corp 14 15 Acme El 29 31 Acmt VRe 44 45 Aerovex 24 25 Aleo Std 20 21 Alico I.d 8 4 8 Ailed Pep 7 8 Allied Kt 15 16 Allied Rad ll7. 12 Aipn Geo 22 23 AmEl Lab 32 33 Am Expr 120 121 Am urn Am Greet 51 52 Am Herit 21 22 Am Pipe 12 13 Am St Gob 7 7s. AmStG Pt 14'i 5 Amtel 7 8 Anchor Cp 23 24'i Anheuser 70 71 Arden 14 14 Arden ptpf 49 51 Ark MoP 1214 13 Arrow 53 54 Art Metal 31 32 Arvida 7 7 As CC b6t 18 18 Athlone 8 8 a Autom Ind 23 23 Auto Bank 4 5 Avery Pd 36 37 AVM Cp 15 16 Aztce Oil 16 17 Baird At 6 7 Bali 15 15 Bal Paint 3 4 Bard CR 45 46 Bayless 9 10 Beauty 13 13 Behlen Mf 9 9 Belle Isle 14 15 Belm IrW 15 16 Benefic 24 25 Berksh 18 18 Betz Lab 28 29 Billups 6 7 Bir dSon 39 40 Black His 37 37 Bolt BerN 13 14 Bos Capit 10 10 Bowater 6 7 Bowser pf 20 22 Brkway 38 39 Brown Ar 9' 4 9 Brush Ber 28 29 Buckeye 31 33 Business 5'i 5 Cabot CP 48 49 CalLig 15 16 Cal WatSv 24 2514 Cameo 1714 18 Cannon 82 85 Cannon 79 82 Capit Sow 11 11 Cap Tech 6 6 Caressa 4 5'i Cas NGas 14 14 I 12 13 Cen La El 22 23 Cen Vt PS 24 24 Chat Gas 7 7 Chm Learn 12 13 Ches Util 17 18 Chi Br4I 49 51 Christ 155 160 Christ pf 129 132 Citadel 13 14 Citiz UtA 24 24 Citiz UtB 24 24 Clark Mf 19 20 Colly Ins 39 41 Colon Str 22 23 Com Clear 38 39 Com Gas 7 8 Comw Tel 38 40 Conchem 12 12 Conn LP 35 36 Con Rock 18 19 Cont Tran 12 13 Cross Co 30 31 li Danly Mch 21 21 Day MIroit 27 27 DeJur 9 10 DeLux Ch 19 19 Delhi A Pet 7'i 7 Delhi Tay 1 l'i Del Labs 8 8 Det Can 18 19 Det Int Br 21 21 Diam Cry 18 18 Diversa 5 57', Dolly Mad 9 10 Dow Jones 65 68 Doyle DB 35 "a 36 Dragor 15 IS'i Dravo 42 42 Drew Prop 3 4 Dun Brad 37 37 Dunham 12 12 Duriron 25 26 East Ut 47 48 Eton Lab 40 41 Edecb Stl 18 19 ElPaso El 16 1614 Electrolx 18 19 Elec Cap 12 12'i Elec Intl 5'i 5 Eiox 15' i 15, EmpS Oil 24 25'i Ennis Bus 19 20 Equity Oil 18 19 Erie Tech 17 18 Fabri Tek 9 10 FBay adr 34 35 FHct adr 50 51 Farr Cp 36 38 Fat-ring- 8 8 FeriN Mta- 74 75 Fst Bos Cp 82 84 Fst Invest 7 7 Fst MUe 17 17 Fst Natl 7 8 Fst SmBus 9 10 Fisher Gv 40 41 Fish Sci 42 43 Fieminif 24'i 25 Fla Banc 9 10 Fla Gas 13 13 179 170' a 169' 2 170'.

2T. 5 974 973i 973 I. 3 97 97 97 31 92 90 92 1 8 90 90 90 2 893i 893i 893i 5 87 87 87 1 84i 84'i 84'i i 2 913i 913i 913i 7 903. 903i 903i 'i 7 86 843i 86 -f-l4 9 813i 80Ta tlVm 3 78 78 78 26 164 161 164 7 3 90'i 90'i 1 449 449 449 li 45 230 227 227 -5 301 1117'. 1103i 110'i -l'i 24 993i 99'i 3 I6V4 33 8 4 5'i 5 Allied Lf 14i Am BkLf Deere 4'is83 3 903.

903i Deere 3's77 4 81 81 DelLW 3 531i 52'i DSaltL 3s-4s93 5 90 90 Det Ed 3s70 8 92'i 92'i DougAirc 5s78 5 89s. 895i Linclnc Lf 14 Line Lib 14 15 16 8 9 903i 81 52' i -Hi 90 92'i i 891. -23i 14 27 28 62'i 62 i 10 10! Fam Fid Fnd Am Am Am 94 95 9 9 7 8 5' 5: Lance Landis Lane Wd Leh Coal Lewis BF Lilly Loblaw Lunkenh Lynch Mac Don Mad Gi-E Magic Ch Mngmt As MarionL. ations: William Penn High, 15fh 4 Mt, Vernon sts. Fdrs 16 18 DougAir 177 113s.

imi 112'i 3i Am Am Gen 22 23 B-825 Plumbina Contract-General Alter Erie Lack 6s69 4 90 90 90 Strawbridge noted the tinuing improvements in Am Gen pf 38 38 Erie 5 2020f Line Nat LouisSo Lf Loyal Am Madisn Lf Manh Lf Mass Gen Mass Ind Mercant Midwst Mid UnLf ations: William Penn High, 15th J. Mt. Vernon its. 47' 58' 14 141: 17 163 42': 414 11 15 10 31 15 '4 10 29 2 86'i 86'a 86'i -HiJ B-826 Heating Contract- Philadelphia store. The comple 19 27 25 27 2 98 32 30'i 313i 2'a 10 86' i 86 86 li 4 843i 8t3i 843i 77 'a 77la 77li 1 17 145'i 142 145 'i Am Herit Am IncLf 13 13 Am Life 3 3 Am Galv 13 Am Pionr 3 4 Erie cv4'isl5f Fansteel 43is76 Firestne 3'is77 FoodFr cv4s79 ForeDai 5'2s80 65 99'i 99'i 93'a 7 84'i 84'i 84'i 1 48 59" 14 'a 15 17 la 171.

43 30 73 28 34 "4 10'4 Pen RR 4'is81 General Alterations: William Penn High, 15th Mt. Vernon sts. 8-827 Test Borings: Nevy ichool lit Wavne ave. 8, Bristol st. tion of escalators to all selling floors and the addition of auto 5 12 16 10 32 16 11 31 3 9 26 42 13 8 4 Marriot 291 MoFid Lf 2 Marsh- MT.

72 AmPub Lf Unavail Pennzoi! 6'is68 213 101 la 101'i 101'i PhilaBW 5s74 1 94 94 94 PhilaEl 5s89 4 97'i 97li PhilaEl 43sR7 6 92 92 Foxboro 6110 137 135 137 13,4 Mod Sec Lf 9 mated elevators greatly im Mnch Lf 251 Specifications ander plans and contract documents may be examined and cooies thereof obtained from the Board of Edu I GAOil cv434.s84 68 106'i 106'i Gen Bak 6s90f 4 79 79 79 PhilaEl 234S67 Am Reins 51 52 Argonaut 9'4 10 Bk NLifa 35 37 Bk Sec 16 18 Benef Nat 5 5 Benef Std 13 14 994 99 7-16 99 5-16 99 7-163-32 William M. Gwynn, Treasurer 303 Monu Lifa 41 Mt Vern 13' Mut SvLf 7' Nat Am 43 Nat Fid 12' PROPOSALS PmiHPP 474 1153i 114U li Pit Plate 3s67 41 99 13-16 99 13-16 99 1.M6-S-W March 28, 1967 13 Bimar stp Unavail Md ShipD 27 Mathesn 33'i Maust CC 9 McLean In 30 McOuay 44 Medtronic 32 Melpar 8 Memorx 92 Merrill Bk 23 Meyer 26 Midld Cap 8 Midwst GT 17 Mpls Gas 34 Nat Fire 124 128 Bonnevil 2'i Bus Men's 28 29 Nat Inv Lf 6 6 Proct 37is81 1 88 88 88 2 PubSEG 5s2037 1 97'i 97'i 2li PubSEG 3'is75 1 85'e 85li PubSEG 3lis68 2 97 97 "li l-T-E CIRCUIT BREAKER COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19130 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA THE BOARD OF EDUCATION PARKWAY AT TWENTY-FIRST STREET Sealed proposa's will be received at the Office of the Board of Education, First Floor, Administration Building Annex, 21st ond Race Streets, until 2 o'clock P. M. Nt LfAaVC 52 53 Cal WstnSt 18 18 45' 33' 9' 93' 24' 271 8' 17' 35' 32' 293 6 6 R-S-T ReevesBr 4s91 116 87 86'i 87 NatLf Fl Nat OldL Nat ResLf Nat UFire Nat Westn NationwA 8 22 32 10 lEastern Standard Timel TUESDAY. APRIL ReyM Cv4'vs91 45 109'i 1083i 109 1 4.

1967. for the following work; the sealed RockS cv4'4s9l 210 96U 96'i Miss Gls 30 Miss ValB 29 Miss ValG 16 proposals for this work will be oubiiclvl Rohr cv5'4s77 10 232 229 232 -MT 16 prove vertical transportation. With the completion of work on the seventh, eighth and ninth floors by June of this year, all selling floors of the Philadelphia store will be air conditioned. Strawbridge said the uncertainties present in the general economy and the weakening trend of retail silles that began in the mid-fall of 1966 make it difficult to forecast 1967. However, based on the sound condition of the company and continuing branch store development, Strawbridge views the long range outlook with opened and read at the Administration I Rohr cv5'4s86 25 131 131 131 1 Building at the above time.

Sanders 53s86 2 153 153 153 3' Spec. No. (1966-67) B-823. Description of ScientD 5'2s86 117 196 190'i 196 53. Mohawk 64 65 Mohawk 23 23 Monm Pk 14 14 Moore DF 28 29 Moore Pd 38 40 Mother Ck 5 5'i cation, First Floor, Administration Buildina Annex, 21st and Race Streets.

The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interesti of the School District of Philadelphia. The successful bidders will be liable to the Board of Education in lictuidated damages in the event that the contract is riot completed on or before the completion elate. The character and amount of bid security to be furnished bv bidden ii itated In the ipecifications. TAYLOR WHITTIER. Secretary.

PENNSYLVANIA TURNPIKE COMMISSION Harrtsburg, Pennsylvania NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals will bo received by AAr. C. E. Prodehl, Director of Purchases for the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission ef its Administration Building, Harrisburg-East Interchange and Route 233, Pennsylvania (mailing address: Post Office Box 2531, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 17120), until the hours below noted the 17th day April, 1967, end immediately taken to the Assembly Room and publicly opened ond read for the following Contracts: CONTRACT NO. SHOULDER SEAL COAT 6904-63-25 Between Milepost 101.79, the work: Demolition of existing dwelling.

2CM CP 5J4sg7 5 97 97 97 8 24 33 11 'i 9 45 10 15 10 7 46 15 40 9 34 24 19 "a 5 122'i 122'i School and location: Fairhiil. Marshall cv3s71 14 1003. 100 1003. INVITATION FOR TENDERS if 9'i 45 10 15 10 7 46 13 39 '4 8 34 23'i 18 36 16 953. 953i Narrag 9 10 1 953i 963i 5'i 963 New Ham NorA LirC Nor A Lfl NorAtI Lf North Cen North Riv Noreast In Norwst Lf Occident Ohio Cas Old Line Old Rep Pac Indem Revera Peerless CitC NYA 5'i 6 Citizens 12 13 Coastal St 18 19 College Lf 30 31 Vi Colon Li-A 29 30 Comb Ins 64 65 Comw Lf 27 28 Conn Gen 137 139 ContA Lf 37 40 Cont Assr 74 75 Cont Gas 50 50 Cont Mtge 6 7 Crit Ins 5 57 Crum Fo 50 51 Eastn Lf 12 13 Emp Lf 5 5'i Empl Gr 55 56 Empl Rein 59 60 Excel NY 714 8 FarmH Lf 11 12 SbAdd Insur df27 Farm 49 50 Feder Ins 51 52 Fid BkrL 9'i 9 FidUn Lf 75 78 Fid 4r Dep 41 41 Nashua Cp 38 39 Somerset.

abclHti 6'ns87 Specifications andor plans and contract! SearsD? documents may be e-xamined and copies SearsRAc 5sS2 thereof obtained from the Board of Edu-iearsAc 4s72 cation. First Floor, Administration Building gearjAc Annex, 21st and Race streets. 39sll The Board of Education reserves V1 right to reiect any and ail bids and u.n s71 tu. Sinclair 4 6O.588 36 10 1 3 2 9634 3 95' a Vi 833i 76'i 923i li 893i -1 90i Chmsch 55 57 Nat Equit 68 71 Nat FdPd 24 25 Nat GtO 11 ll7i 95'i 76'i 923i 893i 90' Yx 83si 76' a 923i 893i 36 2 90' Nat SecRe 9 10 BritM 38 39'i 151 154 School Jbiitrict of Philadelphia. 177 112 Notice to Holders of COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA TURNPIKE REVENUE BONDS 2 4 Series due June 1,1970 3.10 Series due June 1,1993 3.70 Series due June 1, 2005 Issued under Trust Indenture dated September 1, 1952' 8 91 25 28 21 22' lllli 112 370 370 -5 785- 78si li 69 69 The successful bidders will be liable to I SL'K the Board of Education in liauidated dam-jSoBellTT 3s79 3 78s.

Penin Lf Pa Life aaes the event that the contract is not 1 Peoplse Lf 39 41 SoCalEd 3'is80 110 97 NEng GE 20 20 NJ NatG 21 li 21 Nlchlsn 38 39 Niels A 36 37 Niels 36 37 NorCar NG 7 7 No CentAir 6 6 NoEur Oil 6 7 NPenn 14 15 Phila Life Protect Lf Texas Gulf Raises 4 96 23 24 15 16 96 96 98 87' 91 1000 A. 96 -1 96 99 1 88 li 92 -7'i Prov Wash 32 33 Prov Lf 21 22 130 99 17 885'. 13 911. I. S.

T. completed on or before the completion date. The character and amount of bid security -to be furnished by bidden is itated in the ipecifications. C. TAYLOR WHITTIER, Secretory Fst Am TI 63 7' 8' 91 Prov 86 92 4 92 19 ryramio l'j 1.

ixdivjr 11,1 SoPac 5'4s83 SoPae 4'2s69 SoPac 4'2s81 SPacOr SoRyMem 5s96 Spartan cv5s86 Spiegl cv4'is90 StdOInd 6s91 StdOInd Std Pack 6s90 StPkx cv5'is90 Stauff cv4'2s91 Fst Col 8 Fst Fed 1714 Fst Fin 4 FstNL Phn 3 FndrLf Ga 4 Frank Lf 33 18'i 5'I 3'! 53i 341! iWfUb SV 26'a 27 Nuclr ME 20 203. Nuclr Rsch 26'i 28 Rem NY 18 Replrt Tex 37: Rep NLife 22 Reserve In 34 StPaul FM 71 20 38 23 35 71 3 East Side of Laurel Hill, ond Milepost 145.00 the Bedford Interchange, in Somerset and Bedford Counties, Pennsylvania. Tne work items include (approximately 7,700 Tom of Penna. No. IB coarse Aggregate, 100 Tom of Penna.

No. 2 Coarse Aggregate. 197,500 Gallons of Class RC-800 Treated Bituminous Material and the Maintenance and Protection of Turnpike Traffic. Ohio Wat 26 27 Old BenCl 44 46 DELAWARE RIVER PORT AUTHORITY Southern New Jersey Rapid Transit System CONTRACT No. 17 LANDSCAPE WORK Sealed proposals will be received for Landscape Work in connection with the Southern New Jersey Rapid Transit System.

33 Fund Am 33 Gen Am 107lilO9 Seabd Life 3 mmd Unavail Price of Sulphur NEW YORK, March 27 (UPI). Texas Gulf Sulphur Co. announced a $4 per long ton increase in its domestic price for sulphur, effective immediately. A similar increase was announced last week by Freeport Sulphur Co. and takes effect April 1.

StaufCh 3Tis73 Omark 18 183 Opt Scan 46 47 Otter TP 23 233 Ozark 21 213 51 127'i 126 126'i -3li 993i 98'i 993i 3i 17 lOT'i 106s. 1065i li 5 92'i 92'i 92'i 2 81 807i 81 86 93 91'i 915i li 33 108 1077 107T'. 1 903i 903i 903i 3i 27 98 97'i 97'i -l'i 82 99 957 99 -t-3'i 86 120'i 1193i 120li li 5 97 97 97 10 185 185 185 5 793i 793i 793i tc i 16 101 ioasi 1005.. 3, 49 1497'. 149 149 Known as No.

1, ot the office Stevens cv4s90 of the Engineering Division of the Delaware Stoke cv4'is82 River Port Authority, Administration Buiid fabst Br 45Js 45 CONTPACT NO. SHOULDER SEAL COAT Storer Talcott cv5s79 ThomPd 47is82 Tide Oil 32S86 TWA 6lis78f Pac FarE 36 37 Pack Inst 8 9 Panacol 25 25 Pauley 39 40 63-603 Between Milepost 326.02, Valley Forge interchange. Seabd Sur Sec Conn Secur Ins Sec LfTr Sec TtG Sierra Lf Socst Lf Sot hid Lf Swn Life Std SecL State Cap Sun Lf Am Supr Lf Tenn Lf Title InLA 12 13 43 44 24 26 4 5 3'i 4'i 6 6 45 48 44'i 45 10 11 20 2114 21 22 13 14 17 18 ing, Beniamin Franklin Briage Plaza. Camden, New Jersey until 2:30 P. M.

(Eastern Standard Time), Tuesday, April 11, 1967, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. Tho work generally will consist of preparing soil, fertilizing, seeding, mulching 10:30 A. I. S. T.

Pa UiW 23 24 Gen Am Pf 17 18 GenLf Wis 5 5 Gen Rein 286 291 Galnt Lf 13 14 Glen 49 50 Globe Lf 16 17 Govt Empl 87 87 Gv EmpLf 47 48 Greatam 19 19 Gt Cmwth 19 20 Guar Sav 5'i 5'i Gulf Life 25 26 Hamltn 9 10 Hanovr In 35 36 Hart Fir 66 67 Hart StB 41 41 Home Ins 67 67 Indepen Lf 14 15 TwenCn 4lzs90 PEC Israel 10 11 I rt.n.. 2lis91 2 633i 63 ond planting of land areai along a rapid TjnAirLin 5s91 118 1353.. H5 1 cv4s90 14 276 270 A comofefe descriotion nf NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that written offers will be received by the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission at the office of Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Company, Corporate Trust Department, Broad and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. 19109, up to 12 Noon, E.S.T., on FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1967, for the purchase of Bonds of each of the above Series at a price or prices not exceeding the principal amount thereof plus the applicable redemption premium and accrued interest to the date of settlement. Notice of acceptance, by letter, will be given on April 7, 1967.

Settlement will be made on or before April 14, 1967, ia Philadelphia Clearing House fund. The Commission reserves the right to reject any or all offers in whole or in part. Further details may. be obtained from Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Company. PENNSYLVANIA TURNPIKE COMMISSION By LESTER F.

BURLEIN Chairman PATRICK E. KERWIN Secretary and Treasurer March 28, 1967 more the wnrk and AAilepost 358.31 Delaware River Bridge, in Montgomery and Bucks Counties, Pennsylvania. The work itemi include approximately 8,200 Tons of Penna. No. 1 Coarse Aggregate, 203,000 Gallon! of Clou RC-300 Treated Bituminous Material and the Maintenance and Protection of UAirc cv53s91 30 1343i 134 633i 'i 8, 270 -3 1343i li 87 85 V.

243 35 35 Trans WSF 4 5 UnGa.eC 4'is78 1 87 87 Unit Merc 4s90 164 8514 84 USF rsh cv5s8l 2 243 243 Sales in Net Continued from Page 24 100 High Low Last ch. travelers 35'; Travel pf 48' Undrwrt 163; Unit Amer 13" Ind Amer 8 35 49 17 14 3 24'i USRub 37 99 13-16 99 13-16 99 13-14 USSmelt 53is95 3 85' 85 85 -l'i Sales in and full information for bidders ore aiven in the Contract Documents and Specifications which may be picked up upon deposit of $15 per set, which aeoosit will be re-funded (limited to refund of deposit on 2 setsl to individual or companies submittina bids. DELAWARE RIVER PORT AUTHORITY, PAUL MacMURRAY, Executive Director Turnpike Traffic. SHOULDER SEAL COAT UnFam Lf 3 Un InsAm 23 USSteel 45is96 CONTRACT No. Ind Ins Secur Interest Intl Lflns Interst Lf Inv SecLf Jeff SLf 16 5 7 22 1314 3 38 13 13 6904-68-807 lliOO A.

I. S.T. un Lf Acc Unit Pac Unit Svc Between Milepost Lehigh Tunnel, and Milepost Wilkes-Bsrre Interchange, in Car 19 20 26 28 81 91 li 9114 913i 10 93 93 93 li 10 89 89 'i 5 94'i 9414 9414 li 21 1083. 106 106 -2'i 10 103 1013i 103 5 77'i 77li 77'i -5'i 5 101'a 101 101'a 3i 5 623 i 62'i 623i Va Kensw LfA 17 8 24 14 3 38 3'i 9 36 31 19 41 214 11 US Fid 54 54 US Fire 33'i 34 US Life 38 39 3 PROCUREMENT City of Philadelphia. Sealed bids will be received ond read publicly In Room 1385, Municipal Services Building on Thursday, April 20.

1967 at bon and Luzerne Counties, Pennsylvania. Issue Vol Merch .20 Wabash .20 Waitt Bond Walthm Pre Weiman Co Wentworth West Ch .90 Tex pf4.40 Westates Pet Westby Fash WnNuclr .20 Wn Stock Inv Wheelab Whippany .60 White Crs .68 White Eagle Whiting 1.40 Wichita Oil Wieb Strs Wmhouse TJSSteel 4'is86 USSteel 4s83 Vanad 4'is76 Vendo cv4'is80 VaEIPw 3'is86 VaEPw Wa El 67as8S WShore 4s2361 WShor 4s2361r Westl.t 3'2s67 Wn Md 4s69 WnUn 6'is89 Wn Union 5s92 5 625 i 62'i 62'i Un Trst 5 5 Var AnLf 16 17 Volks Ins 7'i 7 Wabash 5 5 Westehstr 36 37 Wst 53 54 99'i Vi 485 99 99 KyCen Lf Lamar Lf Lawy Title LibLf Ins Lib NatLf Lf As Car Life Assur Life Cas Life InsFIa 9 35 30 18 40 2 10 23'i 3s. P. M. E.5.T.

for the Water Department proposals listed below. No bidt will be accepted uniesi a Questionnaire and Financial Statement for Qualifying Bidders wih all Questions fully answered is filed with Water Commissioner in Room 1174 10 10 10 10 87 21 21 21 1 1 1 1 61 5 5 5 13 6 6 6 2 3 3 3 9 2314 22 22 rlO 79 79 79 96 5 5 51 4 4 4 96 25 23 24 10 7-16 7-16 5 26 26 26 10 10 10 14 35 34 35 1 6 1 1 1 17 39 38 39 13 1 1 1 19 14 14 14 3 2114 21 21 51 80 79 80 1 32 40 39 40 15 22 21 21 li 76 4 4 4 13 14 14 14 4 7 7 7 elOO 7914 79 79 Z1450 15 14 14 Ti 1 19 19 19 15 26 25 25 8 2 3-18 2 3-16 2 3-16-1-16 24 WstR Lf As 11 lHi 1 94 94 J4 94 3i 18 104 103 103 1 90 90 90 3 67 67 67 4 103 103 103 4 68 68 8 -2 4 282 282 282 1 Municipal Ser. Bldg. at leoit one (I) week 1 l'i 4Wnid Lf Wheels 33is75 Whirl 53is86 WisCen 4'as29f LOCAL LIST Industrial Utilities Xerox 4s84fld FOREIGN BOMS. Aust 582Jan 3 97 97 9714 -1 Williams Bro WilliamRr wi WmMcWil .60 Wilshire Oil Wilson Bros Ph Sub Tr Riker Del ll'i 2'4 Austral 3s67 12'! 2'; 4'i Allen Or Am Insul Brewer Chilton 15 19' 20 40 4 99 1-16 99 1-16 99 1-161-16 1 78 78 78 Caldas 3s78 Chile 3s93 Winkelmn .40 WisPL pf4.50 Comw Fin 1 21 41'i 41; 17 i 4': 10' Rudd Mel Shaevitz Silo Star Cap Stl Crest Taylor 4'.

3' 44 4' 2'i 7 WoodNew .60 43 4'V 23, 8' IS' Cuba 4s77f Denm fn5s77 Finland 6s80 Helsinki 6s77 Comw Rlty 33 Corson 15' Data Pdt 7' Drever 37 Woodall 1 prior to trie time of opening of bids. Information pertaining fo form of contract and bonds may be obtained in Room 1540, Municipal Services Building. Specifications and Questionnaire ond Financial Statement for Qualifying Bidden may bo obtained in Room 1360, Municipal Services Building Bid No. 2224 Construction of 7'-0" A'-O" Box Type Sewer in 70th St. from Essmgton Ave.

to Norwitch Drive; Constr. of Sewen in 70th St. from Norwitch Drive to N.H.L. of Eastwick Ave. Other locations Otto R.

Winter, Procurement Commissioner PENNSYLVANIA TURNPIKE COMMISSION P. O. Box 2531 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids for the purchase of 1100 toni ID-2 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL (wearing course), F.O.B. Vendor'i Plant to bo picked uo by PTC Vehicle, for Technitrol 15 Electro 8' 9'i Jamaica JapDev 6s80 1 51 51 51 2 21 21 21 1 94 94 94 3 97 97 97 5 92 92 92 li 5 90 90 90 2 98'i 98'i 98 2 101 101 101 1 96 96 6 100- 100 100 4 92 92 92 88 88 88 -1 3 92 92 92 5 16 2 Teleflex 21 22' ThermalRE Va Coal 52 54' 13 18 17 Food Pro 2 Franchard Gen Atron Hi 2 Woods Cp 4 Wool Ltd .08 Work Wr .50 WrldColor .60 Wright Har Wyomiss .60 Xtra Inc Voss En 10 10 56 20' 4 34 1 1-16 -i DIVIDENDS Compounded Daily 4 Mexico Mexico 681 Montreal 669 Norw fn5s78 Philipp 6s80 Urux aJ4s79 2 13 WashTrottA 5 6 WeldedTube 5 5: 1 2'i 55 57 414 5 66 69 13 14 'i 82 Glat C.Pfd Guard Ch Hajoca Jones Mtr Kul tr Sof 18 1814 1 13 81 4 26 48 '4 15 2 westmcoai i b' Whitehall 9 9 64 4 17 57 14 1 8 8 YonkRac Zale Corp .68 Zapata OffSh Zero Mfg .10 Zion Foods WmPennR 5'i 5 Zausner Fd 11 12 4 26 48 15 2 Leeds Trv 13 MISC. BONDS Wash Tr A 83 8 i 14' 73 a 4 4 63 5' The work item! include ODproximately 6,500 Tons of Penna.

No. IB Coarse Aggregate, 164,400 Gallons of Class RC-80O Treated Bituminous Material and the Mainten- once and Protection of Turnpike Traffic. Specification! ond Contract Documenti will be ovotioble and ooen to public in-eoection en 23 March 1967, at tne Administration Building. Copies may be obtained upon payment of Ten (ilOGO) Dalian per set by Check or P. O.

Money Order (no cash) to the Pennsylvania Turn-i pike Commission, P. O. Box 2531, Harrii-feurg, Pennsylvania. 17120. Each let -tn-i iudef all Three (3) Contracts.

Ny refund will be made for contract cfomenti returned unless the project ii Withdrawn from letting by the Commission. A bank cashiers, bank treasurori or certified check in the amount of Five (5 1 Percent of the bid must accompany the proposal al bid icuny. Tho bid security' of tti three (3) low bidders will bo re-' tained until the execution of the Conrac. Tho Proviiiom of tho Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act of August 15. 1961, P.L 937, ol emended, together with tho ritei ana regulation! promulgated by tho Secretary of labor and Industry applicable thereto, shall ooply for these projects.

A Preaudhfication Maximum Capacity Rating assigned by tho Prequahficaf ion Committee of tho Pennsylvania Department of Hghwayt il a necessary preieguisite fnr blading on these contracts. PENNSYLVANIA TURNPIKE COMMISSION PATRICK (. KSRWIN Secretory ond Treasurer Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 20 Ma-rb 1967 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILAOILPHIA Sealed proposals will be leceived at the Office of the Board of Education, Administration Building, Parkway of 21 Room 800, until 11-00 A. Eastern Standard Time, Tuesday, April II, 1967, for the Educational and maintenance supplies and equipment at per iched-ule on file. AH information at to bonds, ipec ification.

bidding blanks, can bo obtained in Poom 800, at the above addresi. The Board of Education reserves tho right to reiect any or ail bids. C. TAYLOR WHITTIER Superintendent of School! SCHOOL DISTRICT OP PfilADiTPHiA Sealed proposal! will be received ot the Office of the Board cf Education, Admin INSURANCE LIST Magnetic 6" Music Fair Oxy-Catal 6' PennDairies 4" Ph Labs 3 Cmw Ld 23 25 V. EqvivaJtnf fo 15 131 Issue)' 100's High Low Last chg.

Stephan Co 1 4 4 4 Sterl Prec 161 2 2s. 2 Stern Met .50 63 25 24 24 To Sterncolnd A 5 19 18 19 Stetson JB 1 xl 19 19 19 Stop Shop .80 23 18 17 17 Struth 17 14 14 14 Kunair Electr 13 5'i 5 5 SunsetH 2 15 15 15 li SupMDis 1 7 7 7 SupmtGen .28 17 20 19 19 Superscope 26 17 16 16 Supronics Cp 7 3 3 3 Thomas .60 3 13 13 13 Swanee Pap 2 5 5 5 SyntexCp .40 307 88'. 86'r, 86 -2 Systron Donn 27 25 24 24 1 Talleylnd -47t 82 27 26'i 27 1 TastyBk 76a 5 20 19 19 Tech Measur 15 4 4 4 Technic Oper 34 38 36 37 1 Technic' Tape 29 5'i 5 5 Technicoi .40 430 14 13 14 1 Tel A Sign 43 2 2 2 li Telectro Ind 3 3 3 3'i Tclepromt 20 22 21 21 TelevMfrs .10 21 6 6 6 li Tenney Eng 28 4 4 4 li Tensor Cp 14 6 6 'i TermHud 34 8 7 7 li Texstar 67 6 6 6 Textrnlne wt 20 57 56 56 Thornp Star 125 3 3'i 3 8. ThoroMk 2 9 9'i ThriftiA 1.40 9 23 23 23- TwidShp 1.40 4 34 34 34 Tonka Cp 60 18 28 28 28 ToolRsch 123 39 38 39 Ti Tran Beacon 32 3 3 3 TrnsCarib .40 35 15 15 15 TrnsTel .20 46 25 24 24- TransLux .60 1 17 17 17 li Transair .10 42 4'i 4 4 Transcon Inv 38 3'i 3 3 Trans Inv pf 1 11 Transogrm 34 15 14 14 TWA wt 80 62 61 61 Tri Cont wt 2 41 41 41 Triangle 4 5 5 5 Tropic Gas 1 6 19 19 19 True Temp 36 30 29 29 Tubos A .48 1 4 4 4 Tubos .48 2 5 5 5 21 Brands JO 12 7 714 714 V-W-X-Y Ultronic S.vs 22 11 1114 Unexcel 1.02f 53 22 21 22 Va Un Invest .70 1 12 12 12 UnltAirP 25e 70 14 14 14 Unit Asbest 80 3 3 Unit Can OG 25 2'a 2 7-1 2 Unit Fds 16 4 4 4 Unit Imp Inv 15 4'i 4 4 UnitlndCp wt 24 4'i 4 4 li USCerm 07 1 'i 6'i 6- US Filter 13 8 7 7 US Leas .20 24 3 5 5'i US Nat Gas 62 8 8 8 US Poly 2 14 13 13 USRadm 69 60 57 58 -2 USRedtt .40 11 13 13 13 Unlv Aut Ind 38 3 2 3 Contain .30 xl 5 5'e 5 Vi UnControI .20 54 6 6 Univ Mar .60 5 13 13 13 UrlsBId wt 21 9 814 9 Utah IdS .60 179 14 14 14 1 ValleyMt 20 31 30 31 Valspar .30 2 5 5 5 ValveCp 28 33 31 32 -1 Vernitron .39 424 27 23 23 -3'i Vlctoreen 83 11 10 10 Viewlex 66 10 10 10 Vlkin Ind 58 14 11 13 ValronCC 50 2 13 13 13 Vogt MI I I 11 11 11 -4 92 57 EL H) U. S.

Government Bonds NEW YORK (AP)-Closin over the counter U.S. Government Treasury bonds, bid. asked, net change and yield Current Koto for Annum lor Monday. 4 i -Hi 1 4 -V: 5 i' 13 47i Annum 2s 67-62 1 .1 18 1 80 4 25'i 47 15 2 156 131 92'i 57 60 115 10414 94 110 83 131 157 119 113 89 125 260 122 108 104 159 150 85 90 69 120 88 97 5714 79 140 When funds fmain a yaar 99.25 99.24 99.26 99.18 99 20 97.24 99.24 3.s 67 3s 68 3s 68 3s 68 Nov 2s 68-63 4s 69 Feb 2 lis 69-64 Jun use in tho area from Somerset Maintenance Building, Milepost 113.9 to Burnt Cabins Maintenance Building, Milepost 186.0, on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, will bo received by the Director of Purchase! not later than 10:30 A. E.

S. April II. 1967. 8 Proposal Form! ond Condition may bo obtained, free of charae. by communicating with Mr.

C. E. Prodehl, Director of Purchases. Please refer to thil item. Secretory ond Treasurer E.JCERWIN SCHOOL DISTRICT OP PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will bo received ot the Office of tfre Board of Education, Administration Building, Parkway at Room POO, until 11:00 A.

M. Eastern Standard Time, Tuetday, April 4, 1967 for tho following: Educational ond maintenance lunches and equipment os per schedule on file. All information os to bonds, loerl-fication, bidding etc, con bo obtained in Room 800, at the above address. Tho Board of Education reserve! the right to reier-t any or all C. TAYLOR WHITTIER Supt.

of School! ond Secy, bidi. 60' 115 104' 94 113 83 133 168 122 114 89-125 260 122 108 104 160 157 85' 351 4.03 4.04 4.08 4.11 3.87 4.14 393 4.24 3.97 430 386 4.32 BONDS 12 156 1 131 1 92 li 8 58 22 61 42 117 3 104 1 94 2 113 10 84 28 133 25 168 4 122 18 115 2 89 1 125 1 260 5 124 2 108 14 105 21 165 19 158 11 86 14 90 5 71 37 123 4 88 4 97 3 23 81 6 140 New Highs and Lows normally publishes daily a list of the new highs and lows set on the New York Stock Exchange. However, since little' useful purpose is served by lists which exceed the hundred mark, the table list is not carried today. The highs and lows in The Inquirer's stock table are not changed until the following day, therefore a glance at the stock table will show which issues set new highs or new lows. Monday, March 27, J967 New Highs (151) New Lows (7) Cen Me Pnw Ky Util GrumAir wl Southern Co Iowa Svc WaynGos pf Odd-Lot Transactions NEW YORK, March 27 (AP).

The New York Stock Ex 4s 69 Oct Aecountt insured up to $15,000 bv the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. Fidelity is Federally chartered and supervised. Our ratio of reserves to savings is over llf. 2 -5 -2 11 99 23 99.22 99.22 99.14 99 .16 97.20 99.20 96.30 99 .10 96. 6 99 2 95.30 98.29 94.14 98.10 97.22 98 92.2 97.20 91.22 91.1 97.4 97.20 97.20 98.10 95 30 3.96 2s 9-64 Dee 4s 70 Feb 2s 70-65 4s 70 Aug 2S 71-6 4 71 3s 71 4s 72 Feb 2'is 72-67 Jun 4s 72 Aug Alaska 6s86 AHeal 6s72 AppEl 3s70 Assd OG 6s75 Assd OG 6s77 BaldM 5 Belock 6s75A BSF 5s69 Cobrn 578 Con OilG 680 ConTcl 5s86 FisrhPtr 6-86 Fotun GlfLd 6s77 Hartfd 5s81 Jacksn fs81 Kaltman 6s77 Kawec 4s76 KleinD 5s79 Leslie 6s86 LTV A 6s8 Meren 5s77 BellH 6-84 Gen 574 Nat Gen 584 Noeast 6 '86 Nuclr 5s76f OhPw 36 Peru 3 97 RapA 5s77 RetCA 5frft0 llevco 485 Sbd cvS8 SCE 482.I SCR 4s82I SCE 48iK 485M SCE 487P Sunsetln 583 TCA 579 Tranln 6s81 Un Imp 6s76 Verntn 681 WmsBro 5s WoikWr 4s 4.37 4.35 Funds reeeveef by the 10th earn from tha 1st 4.40 4.16 90 71 31 12014 -1 88 -2 97 57 4.44 ASSETS OVER $360 MILLION 2'is 72-67 Sep 4.16 Dee 2 72 47 1 97.2 99.14 96 10 99,6 96 99 94.22 98.18 97.30 988 92.10 97.28 91.30 91.24 97.12 97.28 97.28 98.18 5ml2 90.12 86 85.28 96.1 86 8 93.34 92.8 4.14 4.47 PIBILITT FIDIHAl SAVING! I 140 Pteeia tend Information lot TTSk ts 10 140 139 4.50 4.49 4.49 139 5 4S 73 4 73 4 74 4s 74 3s 74 iVD' NAMf 43 138 135 138 istration Building.

Parkway of 21 st Room 94' 94 94 800, until 11:00 A. Eastern Standard Time, Tuesday, March 28. 197. for the 9414 91 SAVINGS A LOAN ASSFJ. toMowmg: 85 Educotional ond maintenance supplies I ADDRESS 82 PENNSYLVANIA TURNPIKE COMMISSION P.

O. Box 2531 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids for the purchase of H.D Deterae-nt MOTOR OIL 8. KEROSENE will be received by the Director of Purchase! rot Inter than 10:30 A. M-, E. S.

April 12, 1967. Bid Proposal Formt and Condition! may be obtained, free of chargo. by cetnrriuni-rritina with Mr. C. F.

Prodehl, Director ef Purchoset. Please refer to thil item, PAIPICK E. KEiJWlH, Secretary and Treoiuror change reported Monday these odd-lot transactions by principal dealers for March 23: purchases 4414 91 85 80 63 137 69 80 4s 80 3s 80 3s 83-71 3s 85 4 85-75 3s 90 4s 92-87 4 93-88 4.47 4'hi 4.52 63 4 28 89.28 85.1 85.12 96 85.24 95.8 i 91.24 93.12 and eauioment as per ichedule on file. All information at to bonds, ipecificatloni, bidding blanks can be obtained in I 137 9414 91 84 80 63 137 69 80 2i9 129 124 CITY. 4 1 1 -2 lOX 131 (27) Glendale, Calif.

9120f Peorn 600. at the ooovo address. The Board of Education reserves tho right to of 524,769 shares: sales of 2 69 10 80 25 270 107 130i 4 124 4's 94-84 3.2 ,379 shares including 3963 shares laTATi TIP 37 1 239 130 124 Prices quoted In dollars and thirty sac reiecr ony or on D'as C. TAYLOR WHITTIER. Superintendent of Sehooli ond Secretory sold short.


The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.