Part B How Far Is The Mass From The Equilibrium Position When The Kinetic Energy Is 1/10 Of The Total (2024)

Following are the results obtained in the Below steps;

Flow type: Sub-critical (Fr < 1)

Momentum function value: 0

Conjugate depth: 0.7 m, 0.3 m

Alternate depth: 0.98 m

Minimum specific energy: 0.53 m

Critical depth: 0.67 m

Minimum Momentum function: 0.81 m

If there's a jump formed at 1 m depth;

Starting depth of jump = d = 1.0 m

Finishing depth of jump = 0.7 m

Jump height = 0.3 m

Energy loss due to jump = 0.81 m

Length of jump = 0.81 m.


Given data;

Bottom width (b) = 2.0 m

Flow rate (Q) = 4.0 m³/s

Flow depth (d) = 1.0 m

Step 1: Froude number calculation;

Fr = V/√gd

Where V = Q/A

= Q/bd; here, A = bd

√gd Fr = Q/bd /

Fr = Q/ √gbd³

Fr = 4.0 / √(9.81 x 2.0 x 1.0³)

Fr = 0.90 < 1

Flow type is sub-critical.

Step 2: Momentum function calculation;

M = (Q/2g) (d²/dy²) [(y + d)²/4]

M = (4.0/2x9.81) (0) [(1 + 1)²/4]

M = 0

The momentum function value is zero.

Step 3: Conjugate depth calculation;

d1 + d2 = 2d;

d1d2 = Q² / (gbd³)

Let's take d1 as 0.7 m and calculate d2.

d1 + d2 = 2d

d2 = 2d - d1

d1d2 = Q² / (gbd³)

d2 = (Q² / (gbd³) ) / d1

d2 = (4.0² / (9.81 x 2.0 x 1.0³)) / 0.7

d2 = 0.3 m

Check: d1 + d2 = 0.7 + 0.3 = 1.0 m which is equal to the flow depth.

Step 4: Specific energy and alternate depth calculation;

Es = (y + V²/2g)

where V = Q/A

= Q/bd

Es = (1 + 4.0²/(2x9.81x2))

Es = 1.98 m

Alternate depth,

y2 = Es - d

= 1.98 - 1.0

= 0.98 m

Step 5: Critical depth, minimum specific energy and momentum function;

Critical depth, dc = b (Q²/g)^(1/3) / (1.76)

dc = 2 (4.0²/9.81)^(1/3) / 1.76

dc = 0.67 m

Minimum specific energy, Emin = (Q²/2gA²)^(1/3) + Ks

Emin = [(4.0²/2x9.81x2²)^(1/3)] + 0

Emin = 0.53 m

Momentum function, Mmin = Q √gdc / (1.95b)

Mmin = 4.0 √(9.81x0.67) / (1.95x2.0)

Mmin = 0.81 m

Step 6: Draw typical curves;

The flow depth (d) versus specific energy (Es) and the flow depth (d) versus Momentum Function (M) curve is as follows; Flow depth (d) versus Specific energy (Es) relationship; at d = 1.0 m, Es = 1.98 m and alternate depth, y2 = 0.98 m.

The minimum specific energy occurs at the critical depth (dc = 0.67 m) which is lower than the flow depth.

Hence, the flow is a tranquil flow.

Following are the results obtained in the above steps;

Flow type: Sub-critical (Fr < 1)

Momentum function value: 0

Conjugate depth: 0.7 m, 0.3 m

Alternate depth: 0.98 m

Minimum specific energy: 0.53 m

Critical depth: 0.67 m

Minimum Momentum function: 0.81 m


If there's a jump formed at 1 m depth;

Starting depth of jump = d = 1.0 m

Finishing depth of jump = conjugate depth

= 0.7 m

Jump height = d - d1

= 1.0 - 0.7

= 0.3 m

Energy loss due to jump = (1/2g)(V2² - V1²)

Energy loss due to jump = (1/2x9.81)(0 - 4.0²/(2x9.81x1))

Energy loss due to jump = 0.81 m

Length of jump , L = 1.0 x Fr2

= 1.0 x 0.902

= 0.81 m.

To know more about Froude number, visit:


The starting and finishing depths of the jump, the height of the jump, the energy loss due to the jump, and the length of the jump depend on these factors.

To calculate the requested parameters and analyze the flow, we will use the principles of open channel hydraulics. Let's go step by step:

Step 1: Calculate the Froude number (Fr) and decide the flow type.

The Froude number is given by:

Fr = V / sqrt(gd)

where V is the velocity, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and d is the flow depth.


Bottom width (B) = 2.0 m

Flow rate (Q) = 4.0 m^3/s

Flow depth (d) = 1.0 m

First, calculate the cross-sectional area (A):

A = B * d = 2.0 * 1.0 = 2.0 m^2

Next, calculate the velocity (V):

V = Q / A = 4.0 / 2.0 = 2.0 m/s

Now, calculate the Froude number:

Fr = V / sqrt(gd)

The acceleration due to gravity (g) is approximately 9.81 m/s^2.

Fr = 2.0 / sqrt(9.81 * 1.0)

Fr ≈ 0.64

Based on the Froude number, we can determine the flow type:

- Fr < 1: Subcritical flow (Steady flow)

- Fr = 1: Critical flow

- Fr > 1: Supercritical flow

In this case, since Fr < 1 (0.64), the flow is subcritical.

Step 2: Calculate the momentum function (M) and the other conjugate depth (dc).

The momentum function (M) is given by:

M = V * (A / P)^2

where P is the wetted perimeter.

Calculate the wetted perimeter (P):

P = B + 2d = 2.0 + 2(1.0) = 4.0 m

Now, calculate the momentum function:

M = V * (A / P)^2

M = 2.0 * (2.0 / 4.0)^2

M = 1.0

The conjugate depth (dc) is the flow depth corresponding to the minimum momentum function. In this case, dc is equal to the given flow depth (d = 1.0 m).

Step 3: Verify the conjugate depths using the jump formula for a rectangular channel.

For a rectangular channel, the jump formula relates the upstream and downstream flow depths (d1 and d2) with the conjugate depths (dc1 and dc2) as follows:

dc1 * d1 = dc2 * d2

In this case, we have:

d1 = 1.0 m (upstream flow depth)

d2 = ? (unknown downstream flow depth)

dc1 = d = 1.0 m (upstream conjugate depth)

dc2 = ? (unknown downstream conjugate depth)

Using the jump formula, we can solve for dc2:

dc2 = (dc1 * d1) / d2

dc2 = (1.0 * 1.0) / d2

dc2 = 1.0 / d2

Since dc1 = d = 1.0 m, dc2 = 1.0 / d2.

Step 4: Calculate the specific energy (Es) and the other alternate depth (da).

The specific energy (Es) is given by:

Es = (V^2 / (2g)) + d

Calculate the specific energy:

Es = (2.0^2 / (2 * 9.81)) + 1.0

Es ≈ 0.408 m

The alternate depth (da) is the flow depth corresponding to the minimum specific energy. In this case, da is equal to the given flow depth (d = 1.0 m).

Step 5: Calculate the critical depth (dcrit), the minimum specific energy (Emin), and the minimum momentum function (Mmin).

The critical depth (dcrit) can be calculated using the specific energy equation for critical flow:

dcrit = (Q^2 / (g * B^2))^1/3

Calculate dcrit:

dcrit = (4.0^2 / (9.81 * 2.0^2))^1/3

dcrit ≈ 0.443 m

The minimum specific energy (Emin) occurs at the critical depth and is given by:

Emin = (Q^2 / (g * A^2))^1/3

Calculate Emin:

Emin = (4.0^2 / (9.81 * 2.0^2))^1/3

Emin ≈ 0.196 m

The minimum momentum function (Mmin) occurs at the critical depth and is equal to 1.

Step 6: Draw typical curves for flow depth (d) versus specific energy (Es) and flow depth (d) versus momentum function (M).

Unfortunately, as a text-based platform, I am unable to provide visual diagrams. However, you can plot the flow depth (d) on the x-axis and the specific energy (Es) or momentum function (M) on the y-axis using the calculated values from the previous steps. The curves will illustrate the relationships between these variables.

If there's a jump formed at 1 m depth:

To answer the questions related to the jump, we need additional information about the jump type and the channel geometry. The starting and finishing depths of the jump, the height of the jump, the energy loss due to the jump, and the length of the jump depend on these factors.

To know more about hydraulics, visit:


Part B How Far Is The Mass From The Equilibrium Position When The Kinetic Energy Is 1/10 Of The Total (2024)


When the position of the mass is farthest from the equilibrium position what is the velocity of the mass? ›

At either position of maximum displacement, the force is greatest and is directed toward the equilibrium position, the velocity (v) of the mass is zero, its acceleration is at a maximum, and the mass changes direction.

At what distance from the equilibrium position are the kinetic energy and potential energy of the system the same? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

The kinetic and potential energy of the system are equal at approximately 0.168 meters from the equilibrium position. We are given a 0.50 kg object attached to an ideal spring with a spring constant of 20 N/m, oscillating on a frictionless surface.

At what distance from the mean position is the kinetic energy potential energy? ›

- The distance from the mean position where the kinetic energy equals the potential energy is: x=A√2(approximately 0.707A)

How to find kinetic energy at equilibrium point? ›

At the equilibrium position, the block reaches a negative velocity with a magnitude equal to the maximum velocity v=−Aω v = − A ω . The kinetic energy is maximum and equal to K=12mv2=12mA2ω2=12kA2.

What is the equilibrium position of mass? ›

The position where the spring is not stretched or compressed is the equilibrium position (x=0 in Figure 1) and it corresponds to the natural length of the spring, L0 L zero . If you attach the mass to the spring in this position, the mass will stay at rest and not move - if left unperturbed.

What is the maximum distance from the equilibrium position? ›

amplitude, in physics, the maximum displacement or distance moved by a point on a vibrating body or wave measured from its equilibrium position. It is equal to one-half the length of the vibration path.

At what distance from the point of equilibrium is the kinetic energy? ›

At what distance from the point of equilibrium does kinetic energy equal potential energy for a simple harmonic oscillator of amplitude A? Kinetic energy is equal to the maximum potential energy so Etot = 1/2k*Xmax^2 so one half of this energy is reached when 1/2k*X^2 = 1/2Etot which gives the answer X= Xmax/sqrt(2). .

At what distance from the point of equilibrium the kinetic energy equals the potential energy for a simple harmonic oscillator of amplitude a? ›

The distance from the mean position where the kinetic energy is equal to the potential energy is: x=A√2.

What is the energy at the equilibrium position? ›

At an equilibrium point of a system we consider that if we place the object (or in general the objects) there with zero Kinetic energy ,the object will stay there . The fact that the object stays there means that it will not change its position , thus the Potential energy will remain the same .

At what distance from the mean position is the kinetic energy of a particle performing SHM of amplitude 10 cm three times its potential energy? ›

At what distance is the K.E. of a particle performing S.H.M. of amplitude 10cm, three times its potential energy? (Ans. #5 cm) A particle of mass 0.05kg performs linear S.H.M.

When position distance decreases the amount of potential energy? ›

For example, imagine we are landing on a planet. As we come closer to the planet, the radial distance between us and the planet decreases. As ‍ decreases, we lose gravitational potential energy - in other words, ‍ becomes more negative.

What is the formula for kinetic energy at mean position? ›

At x=0 (i.e. at mean position) the kinetic energy will be maximum K . E . m a x = 1 2 k A 2 .

What is equilibrium in kinetic energy? ›

This means that the object's kinetic energy is less than the total energy. Thus, the kinetic energy has its maximum value at equilibrium, where it is equal to the object's total energy.

What is the formula for the equilibrium position? ›

m d 2 x d t 2 = − k x or m d 2 x d t 2 + k x = 0 . Based on the assumption made in deriving the differential equation, positive values of x(t) indicate that the mass is below the equilibrium position and negative values of x(t) indicate that the mass is above the equilibrium position.

What is the formula for the equilibrium point? ›

To determine the equilibrium point, you have to figure out at what point does the demand and supply curves intersect. The supply and demand curves intersect at P* and Q*, which are the equilibrium point and quantity. You can find the point algebraically using the supply and demand curves formulas; Qd = 50 - 5P.

What is the velocity of the mass at the equilibrium position? ›

Therefore, the maximum velocity (Umax), according to the equation v (t) = Aω in simple harmonic motion, is actually achieved at the equilibrium position (x = 0), and the velocity becomes zero at the extreme displacements (x = ±A).

What is the velocity of an object in equilibrium? ›

By Newton's second law, the acceleration of such objects will be zero. Zero acceleration implies a constant velocity. Constant velocity also includes zero velocity as a special case. So an object in equilibrium can either have zero velocity or a constant non-zero velocity.

What position of the mass would be called the equilibrium position of the mass? ›

When a mass is hung vertically from a spring, the spring stretches. The force on the mass due to the spring is proportional to the amount the spring is stretched. There is a point at which the spring force and the weight are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. This point is called the equilibrium position.

Where is the mass when the velocity is greatest? ›

Therefore, mass is in an equilibrium position when its velocity is greatest. One can simply apply energy conservation between its potential and kinetic energy to find one another at any position.


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.