1954-1967 Correspondence: A - Ac
Leslie Aaron, Paul Aaron, Irving S. Abady, Congressman Watkins M. Abbitt, C.E. Abbott, Wilbur C. Abbott, Deryck Abel, Esther Abele, Janet C. Abele, Allen Abell, Jules Abels, Anita W. Abernathy, E. Morris Abernathy, Louis D. Abney, W. Vincent Abrahamson, Accounting of Public Funds, Clair F. Achenbach, D.G. Ackerly, R. Ackerman, John Acord, James M. Acosta-Church of St. James the Less, John Q. Acree
1956-1967 Correspondence: Ad - Ak
E. Ross Adair, John H. Adair, Berkley M. Adams, C.A. Adams, Edward G. Adams, Eileen Adams, Harry K. Adams, Helen DeWitt Adams, J.H. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Nye Adams, Philip R. Adams, T.D. Adams (Correspondent and Subject, Correspondence with editors of other newspapers), Taylor Adams, Theodore F. Adams, Lee J. Adamson, Mary Ann Adamson, Nathaniel E. Adamson Jr., Addresses, Andrew E. Adelson, J.H.O. Adendorff, Jerry G. Adkins, Afro-American Newspapers, Robert E. Agnes, Raymond B. Ahearn, Carsten Ahrens, Karl M. Aijian, A.M. Aiken, Robert H. Akerman-Florida Southern College, Milburn P. Akers
1956-1967 Correspondence: Al - All
"The Alarmist", Spencer Albright, Alderman Library, Merle N. Alderman, Creed Alderson, Arthur Douglass Alexander III, Bevin Alexander, Holmes Alexander, Hugh F. Alexander, Sen. John Alexander, Margaret Alexander, O.O. Alexander, Robert H. Alexander, M.E. Alford, Allegiance-The Constitution Game, Allen- Scott Column, Clyde N. Allen, Elizabeth H. Allen, George E. Allen-Allen, Allen, Allen and Allen, Hugh Allen, Jeanne Allen, Leroy Allen, Mary L. Allen, Richard Allen, Richard C. Allen, Mrs. Robert F. Allen, Steve Allen, T.E. Allen-Southern Cotton Oil Division, Urban M. Allen, John G. Allerdice, Alliance for Progress, Allied Ambulance Service, C.W. Allison Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Allport, Eugene Allright, F.J. Allston Jr.-General Electric
1956-1965 Correspondence: Lt. Gen. Edward M. Almond
1950-1967 Correspondence: Almond - Am
J. Lindsay Almond, Josephine M. Almond, Charles A Alston Jr., Ivan Alten, Daniel B. Altera, Mrs. Martin B. Altman, Joyce Alty, Mrs. Ed C. Alumbaugh, Mrs. Lorenzo Alvary, Mary Alves, American Academy of Public Affairs, American Airlines, American Bar Association, American Bar Association Journal, American Broadcasting Company, American Challenge, American Civil Liberties Union, American Coalition of Patriotic Societies, American Good Government Societies, American Institute of Architecst-Virginia Chapter, American Medical Association, American Museum of Photography, American Press Institute, American Society of Newspaper Editors, American Tobacco Company, American Way Features, Americans for Constitutional Action, America's Future, E. Almer Ames Jr., William T. Amis, Clarence O. Amonette, J.D. Ambrose
1956-1967 Corrrespondence: An-Anderson
Newton Ancarrow, Philip W. Ancell, A.L. Anderson, A. Scott Anderson, Alice Anderson, Bruce Anderson, E.M. Anderson, Edgar S. Anderson, George Anderson, Mrs. J.S. Anderson, Jean Anderson, Jack R. Anderson, Dr. James L. Anderson, John C. Anderson, Paul B. Anderson -Boyertown Publishing, Richard Anderson Jr., Richard D. Anderson, Richard N. Anderson Jr. Robert B. Anderson, Robert C. Anderson, Dr. Samuel A. Anderson, Thomas H. Anderson, Virginia S. Anderson, Walter B. Anderson, William H.W. Anderson-Tobacco Growers' Information Committee, William R. Anderson, Willis M. Anderson
1953-1967 Correspondence: Anderton - Anthony
Roland Anderton, Aaaron L. Andrews, James K. Andrews, Mrs. Jay D. Andrews, Leo R. Andrews Jr., M. Carl Andrews, Robert M. Andrews, Mrs. Ramon W. Andrews, T. Coleman Andrews, John E. Anfin, Arman Angelo, Marcia D. Anneke, Dr. Walter T. Annon, Anonymous Student at Virginia Union University, Frank and C. Kessler Anthony-1776 Magazine, Charles Anthony
1953-1966 Correspondence: Anty - Armstrong
Anty[?]-Seattle Skeet and Trap Club, Rose Api, Cleanliness Bureau, Charles H. Appel, Muriel M. Appel, Cornelius Apperson, Ellen V. Apperson, Application Letters, John Apsley-Pennsylvania Society of Newspaper Editors, Irene Arcaro, Dr. Vincent W. Archer-University of Virginia Hospital Radiology, Joseph Arcuri-publisher, Mary (Mrs. Jules) Arginteanu-League of Women Voters, The Arizona Republic, Mrs. J.W. Armentrout, Fontaine C. Armistead-Virginia Institute for Scientific Research, Susan Lee Armistead, A.L. Armstrong, Harold N. Armstrong, Louis L. Armstrong, Newton Armstrong (subject), O.K. Armstrong, Peggy Armstrong, Richard R. Armstrong, Robert H. Armstrong, Theodore R. Armstrong, William A. Armstrong
1952-1966 Correspondence: Arnold - As
Bill Arnold-Information Officer-Virginia Department of Conservation and Economic Development, Fred W. Arnold, John W. Arnold, Remmie L. Arnold, Arnolda Ranch Country Club, M.S. Arnoni - The Minority of One, M.J. Arrighi-Commander-Federal Post 141 American Legion, C. Ralph Arthur-Ferrum Junior College, Godwin Arts, Lena Artz, Andrew J Asch Jr., M. Ethel Ash, Rev. F. Ash Jr., Howard H. M. D. Ashbury-Virginia Department of Mental Hygiene and Hospitals, Richard Ashman, Harry S. Ashmore-Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, Mrs. Mary Wells Ashworth, Mrs. George Ashworth, Col. George F. Ashworth, Richard B.M. Askew, Asphalt Institute, Francis H. Aspinwall, Assembly of the State, Associate Editor, Associated Press, Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, Virginia Withers Ast
1955-1967 Correspondence: At-End "A"
Atheneum Society of America, Gary L. Atkins-Dartmouth Conservative Society, Anne Atkinson-Chamberlayne, Clinton H. Atkinson, M.G. Atkinson, Walter Atkinson, Atlantic Rural Exposition, J.W. Atmar Sr. -Atmar Distributing, Stella R. Attkisson, Judge William Hawley Atwell, Bernhard M. Auer- Time Magazine, A.E. Auger, Harriet V. Aunspaugh, James A. Austin, Mrs. Robert G. Austin, Mrs. H.L. Avans, C. Philip Avery Jr., Dr. Alfred Avins-National Labor Relations Board and Memphis State University, AVIS Rent-a- Car, Col. Harry M. Ayers- The Anniston Star, Jane Ayers-American Association for the Advancement of Science, Walter Ayers, B.D. Ayres, Drummond Ayres, John W. Ayres, Mrs. Willis E. Ayres
1955-1967 Correspondence: B - Bak
K. Baarslag, Andrew Babb-Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Frederic Babco*ck - Chicago Tribune, G.N. Babco*ck, Helen Brewer Babco*ck, M. Catherine Babco*ck, James T. Baber - Cumberland County Industrial Development Corporation, Mrs. Myrtis J. Baber, Milton J. Babin, A.M. Bachman Jr., John L. Bachman, Mrs. Robert J. Bachman-United Daughters of the Confederacy, E.C. Backus, Elmore C. Bacon Jr., John Joseph Baecher, Tommy Baer, Ben H. Bagdikian, H.B. Bagby-Commercial and Pictorial Photography, Sterling Bagby-Virginia Library Association, D.H. Bagley, Phil J. Bagley -Vice-Mayor of Richmond, Bernadine Bailey, C. Fred Bailey, Mrs. Edward Bailey, J.L. Bailey, Lt. Larry W. Bailey-USNR Seal Team 2 USNAB, Lillian Bailey, Rita J. Bailey, Adolphus E. Baird, Mrs. G. Lemando Baird, Anne Baker Incident, Barry Baker, C. Alden Baken, David A. Baker, E. Ballard Baker-Richmond-First Club, E. Monroe Baker, Mrs. George S. Baker Jr. (with letter written from Governor Albertis S. Harrison Jr.), Richard Baker, Thomas G. Baker - The Emporium Department Store, William A. Baker, W.R. Baker, Rev. Cornelius Nicholas Bakker-Oakton Community Church
1956-1965 Correspondence - Bal
Stanley R. Balderson, Edward Baldic, Anne S. Baldwin, Louis M. Balfour, Irene M. Bality, Elizabeth H. Ball, Jay Ball, Dr. John Ball -Miami University of Ohio, John W. Ball, Robert T. Ball, Wanda Ball, Prof. William B. Ball-Villanova University, Anne Ballard, Louis W. Ballou, Mrs. Quintin Ballou, Emily Balls
1956-1967 Correspondence: Bam - Bark
Joseph S. Bambacus-United States Attorney, Mrs. Povl Bang-Jensen, W.M. Banick Jr.-American Cyanamid Company. James Banks RD USNTC Great Lakes, J.H. Baptist-Boydton Manufacturing Company, Stella K. Barbee, Frank D. Barber, Herman Humphrey Barbour III, Mrs. W.F. Barclay, Wayne A. Barcomb, N.Carl Barefoot Jr.-Richmond Citizens' Fire Protection Committee, Russell Bargamin, Mrs. W.A. (Sara L.) Barger, John T. Barker, William H. Barker, John W. Barkley, Nella Barkley, Jon Barksdale
1951-1967 Correspondence: Barn - Bas
Commander Barnes, Fred W. Barnes, Hamilton Barnes, R.G. Barnes Jr., Robert C. Barnes, W.P. Barnes-McGuire Clinic St. Luke's Hospital, Bill Barnett, Frank R. Barnett-National Strategy Information Center, Rose Barnett, Victor Barnett, Rev. William A. Barnett, William J. Baroody-American Enterprise Association, Ethel L. Barr, John C. Barr, John U. Barr, Mary M. Barr, Mrs. William A. Barr, E.C. Barrett III, Edward W. Barrett-Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, George M. Barrett-Caesar Rodney High School, Dr. Joseph E. Barrett-Virginia Department of Mental Hygiene and Hospitals, Allen Barringer, Victor C. Barringer, Karl W. Barron Sr., Michael Bennett Barrow, Carl Barry, Rey Barry, Harry Barsantee The Travelers, Alvy Bartholomew, Frances P. Bartlett- Facts in Education, Grady Bartlett, Violet Ainslie Bartlett, Mary S. Bartlette, Patricia Barton, Robert T. Barton Jr., Jack H. Baskerville-First and Merchants National Bank, Emmett E. Bass, Henry B. Bass-Oklahoma Civil War Centennial Commission, Spencer J. Bass M.D., Lewis Bassano
1949-1966 Correspondence: Bat - Bay
John T. Bate, Sen. Fred W. Bateman, Stanley Bateman, Harold E. Bates, L. Bates, Robert Bates- The Meadville Tribune, Ernest A. Batkins, H. Barner Batte, L. Wayne Batty-Richmond Professional Institute-School of Music, Sen. John S. Battle, William C. Battle, Alvin J. Baum, Mrs. Alvin Baum, James J. Baumgartner, E.C. Baxendell, Camille Louise Baxter, Edith Oakley Baxter, James J.M. Baylor, George D. Baylor, Leon W. Baylor, Eugene M. Baynes
1956-1966 Correspondence: Be - Bec
Edna McIntyre (Mrs. Haywood) Beach, Beadle Bumble Fund, Dennis M. Beagen, Mrs. R.E. Beal, Mrs. Fred H. (Ruby C.) Beale, Robert Beale Jr. N.E. Beall Jr., Mary J. Bean-District of Columbia Federation of Women's Clubs, Morris A. Bealle, William Roy Bean- St. Louis Hills News, James A. Bear Jr. -Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, Margaret C. Beard, Sam Beard -WRAL-TV, Carolyn Beasley, Robert F. Beasley, A. Joynes Beattie, Josephine Powell Beaty, H.J. Beavers, Margery S. Beavers, R.L. Beavin, Jeannette Beazley, A.J. Beber, Arthur C. Beck- Richmond Forward, E.A. Beck-Henrico County Manager, Elizabeth C. Beck, Walter S. Beck, Albert L. Becker, B.V. Becker, Delores Beckman
1956-1967 Correspondence: Bed - Bel
L.Wood Bedell-Central National Bank, Lucius Beebe, Sir Beef, Z.C. Begin, George Beiers-National Institute for Archaeology Education, William S. Beinecke-Sperry and Hutchinson, Edward Beirne Jr., Peter J. Beirne, Richard F. Beirne III- Covington Virginian, George Beiswanger Georgia State College for Women, Mrs. J.P. (Ida C.) Belcher, Ben Belchic - Winchester-Frederick County Civil War Centennial Commission, Winifred S. Beldon, Montgomery Belgion-Henry Regnery Company, Rev. J. Blanton Belk-St. Giles Presbyterian Church, Archie L. Bell, Mrs. B.M. Bell, C.E. Bell-Seaboard Airline Railroad Company, Francis Bell Jr., Hazel Bell, Sen. Heyward Bell, O.C. Bell - District of Columbia School Association, Rose W. Bell, Charles L. Bellew, Lewis Paul Bellin, P.N.L. Bellinger-Virginia Association of Electric Companies, Glenn A. Belson
1956-1966 Correspondence: Bem - Bev
Sen. Fitzgerald Bemiss, Margaret Bemiss, S. Merrill Bemiss, Samuel M. Bemiss-Medical College of Virginia Foundation, Bertram Benedict, C.P. Benfield, R.V. Beninghove, Edward B. Benjamin, Elizabeth L. Bennett, Floyd S. Bennett, Hubert D. Bennett-Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, J. Gordon Bennett, Thurman Bennett, William L. Bennett-International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Fred W. Bennion-Wyoming Taxpayers Association, George A. Benson - The Toledo Times, Prof. Esor Ben-Sorek, Charles E. Bentley, S.W. Beretta, Alfred Bergdoll, James R. Bergdoll-Randolph-Macon College, Merton R. Berliner - Convention Subcommittee-Press Gallery-U.S. Congress, Francis L. Berkeley Jr.-Alderman Library, Russell Berkness, Ruth Berman, Jules E. Bernfeld, Barbara A. Bernhard-Delegation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Hilliard Bernstein, Katherine Bernstein, L.E. Berry, Mary Berry, Sandra A. Berthene, Sidney L. Berz, Philip Bessom, John P. Bessor, Frank B. Best-WDIX, Charles S. Betts Jr. - American National Red Cross, Gail Betz, Marshall J. Beverly, W.W. Beverly-Atlantic Rural Exposition
1956-1966 Correspondence - Bi
Edith Bibb, O.Y. Bibbs, Herbert E. Bickel-Virginia Malt Beverage Association-Virginia Transit Company, Thelma S. Biddle - Chesterfield County Public Schools, Walter J. Biddlecomb, Edward Bier-Office of the Chief Inspector, Ivan R. Bierly-William Volker Fund, Hudson Biery-Ohio Valley Improvement Association, Charles P. Bigger-Builders' Exchange Fund of Richmond, George Bijur, Sarah J.C. Billings, William D. Billings, Christopher Billopp (subject), Julien Binford-Mary Washington College, Binford Junior High School, Millard I. Binswanger, Birch Society, Sen. Lloyd C. Bird, Vivian Bird, Frank O. Birdsall-Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center, J.M. Birdsall-Federated Insurance, McLemore Birdsong - University of Virginia School of Medicine, Dave Birmingham, Birmingham Veteran's Day, Birth Control, Herman Bischoff, Walter Biscup- Tulsa Daily World, Edward Bishop, Howard W. Bishop-New York Circulation Manager's Association, L.W. Bishop-Virginia Industrial Development Corporation-Department of Conservation and Economic Development, Howard Bissell
1955-1956 Correspondence: Jim Bishop (1907-1987)
1956-1966 Correspondence: Blac - Blak
Byron Bacon Black, Creed C. Black- The Nashville Tennesseean and Chicago Daily News, Robert W. Black, Ronald Black- The Manchester Guardian, Russell Black, Shirley J. Black-Coast Federal Savings and Loan Association, Black-Eyed Pea Society of America, The Black Frog, Leonard A. Blackburn, H. Curtis Blackerby- Career Model Magazine, James Baylor Blackford, "Blackie", Mrs. Elliott Blackman, Charles B. Blackmar, J.V. Blackwell, William M. Blackwell, Robert Blaine Jr.-Dixie Readers' Service, Don Blair - Oklahoma State Medical Association, Morris M. Blair-University of Tulsa, Raymond N. Blair-Anglo-American School, Aldrich Blake - Focus Inc., E.G. Blake, Frorence Blakely-Duke University Library
1957-1966 Correspondence: Blan - Bli
Robert E. Bland, Walter Blaney-Zaney Blaney Entertainment Unlimited, Helen R. Blankenship, Leonard M. Blankenship, Mrs. Roy T. Blankenship, Kermit A. Blanks-Virginia Transit Company, Robert M. Blanton, Betty Leigh (Mrs. Robert M.) Blanton, Charles A. Blanton II -Virginia State Bar Association, H.L. Blanton-Nottoway County Schools, Kelsey Blanton, R.E.D. Blanton, Mrs. Wyndham B. Blanton, John Blatchford- Modern Age, Betty Blaylock, A.G. Blazey M.D., S.B. Bledsoe, Thomas A. Bledsoe - Council for Basic Education, Edwin C. Bliss, Mason C. Bliss-Bliss Celebrity Bureau
1956-1966 Correspondence: Blo - Bly
Charles J. Bloch, E. Wright Blodgett, Baron von Blomberg, M.L. Blonigan, Kay Blow, Charles Johnson Blue, Jay P. Blue, Ivy P. Blue Jr., Herman Blum, Andrew N. Blunt, Andrew W. Blunt, Julie C. Blunt, N.E. Blythe
1951-1966 Correspondence: Bo - Bol
George Boardman Ph.D, Del. John B. Boatwright Jr.-Virginia Division of Statutory Research and Drafting, Michael Bennett Bobrow, Phil Bocke, Richard J. Bocklet, John H. Boco*ck, Walt Bodine-WDAF-TV Channel 4, Whit Bodkin, Norman M. Boehner, Carleton F. Boeke, Roderick H. Boes, Genevieve Boguess, Willis W. Bohannan, Hugo Bohl, Sid Boise, William Boisseau, Ben H. Bolen-State Commissioner of Parks, Mrs. Robert C. Boley, Prof. Bryan Bolich-Duke University School of Law, Judge A.J. Bolinger-Probate and Magistrate Court, C.L. Bolling-Associated Transport, Edward Bolling, Paul H. Bollinger-Controlled Manpower, Charles D. Bollman, Carl E. Bolte, Betty J. Bolton, Whitney Bolton
1956-1967 Correspondence: Bon - Boo
Michael Jay Bonafield-Bunting and Associates Advertising, Fred Bonavita- Albuquerque Journal, James Roy Bond, Lawrence B. Bond-Catawba College, M. Louise Bondurant, Mary Bonham, Hal J. Bonney Jr.-Douglas MacAurthur Academy, Samuel E. Bonsack, The Book Mailer, Book Supplies, Carr E. Booker, Nancy H. Booker, R.E. Booker-Virginia State Bar, Col. Abbott Boone, Howard C. Boone, L. Roy Boone, C. Fitzpatrick Booth, Florence P. Booth, Lea Booth-Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges, Luther S. Booth, Wiliiam Edwin Booth-Camera Club of Richmond, Sen. Amistead L. Boothe
1956-1966 Correspondence: Bor - Bow
Ed A. Borden, Arthur I. Boreman-Publisher, David S. Borland, George F. Borum- The Tidewater Review, Ralph Boryszewski-Association for Grand Jury Action, Blanche K and Lewis Hinton Bosher, Edgar I Bostwick-Travelers' Insurance Company, Robert I Boswell, A. Ware Bosworth-Bosworth Commission Company, Frederic M. Bosworth, Mrs. Raymond B. Bottom- The Daily Press, George A. Bottomley, Sara Frances Bottorf, Elizabeth Bouey-Yates, Thomas C. Boushall - Bank of Virginia, S. Miles Bouton, Rep. Frank T. Bow, William L. Bowden-University of Virginia Extension Division, Caroline Bowdler, Carroll G. Bowen-Oxford University Press, John R. Bower, Margaret F. Bowers-Virginia Society for the Prevention of Blindness, Thomas A. Bowers-Scituate Ambulance and Rescue Corps., Margaret Bowersett, Parker C. Bowery III, R.R. Bowker Company, Chester Bowles (subject), E.W. Bowles, George D. Bowles, L.J. Bowles, M.A. Bowles, Margaret H. Bowles, James C. Bowling-Philip Morris, Bowl[-?], Lester Inglis Bowman-Petersburg School Board, Earl E. Bowsman
1956-1966 Correspondence: Boy - Bra
Dr. C.E. Boyd, Frank C. Boyd, Mrs. John W. Boyd, Mark F. Boyd, E.P. Boyden-Imperial County Welfare Department, Carl E. Boykin, John C. Boykin-University of Washington, Donzella Cross Boyle-Pro Patria Publications, Sarah Patton Boyle, Sam Boyte-The Conservative Club- Davidson College, Edward S. Boze Jr.-Virginia Steel Company, L. Brent Bozell, Thomas V. Braband-Mariners Museum, Lillian Brach, J.E. Bradford Jr.. Dr. M.E. Bradford-Northwestern State College of Louisiana and Hardin-Simmons University, Margaret L. Bradford, Elizabeth Bradley-American Association of Retired Persons, Robert M. Bradley, Booker T. Bradshaw, Elizabeth Bradshaw, Joseph R. Brady, R. Brady, William H. Brady Jr., F.O. Brafford, F.M. Bragg, Gloria Brahany, Col. William C. Braly, Jacques Bramhall-Morristown Forum Association, Max Brandel, Frederick R. Brandt, Karl E. Brandt, Brandy Rock Farm, Dr. Jerald A. Foster Brannon, Harvie Branscomb - Vanderbilt University, Mrs. (Mary C.) Clayton Brantly, Dr. Alton D. Brashear-Medical College of Virginia, G.H. Brauburger-Terminix Engineers, Brave New World, W.W. Brawley-People's Bank and Trust Company, Luther C. Brawner
1956-1966 Correspondence - Bre
Donald L. Breed- The Journal-Standard, Edward L. Breeden Jr., Frances R. Breeden -Hope Inc., Bruce Alan Breitstein, Mrs. John A. Breneman, Mary Helen Brengel, James J. Brennan, Marjorie C. Brennan, Philip V. Brennan Jr.-Republican Policy Committee, Ruby G. Brennan, Andrew J. "Jack" Brent, Frank Bresinger, Irwin J. Breslauer-General Features Corporation, Harry H. Brewer-Wilson Paper Box Company, James H. Brewer-Virginia State College, Sen. Owen Brewster
1956-1966 Correspondence - Bri
Sen. John W. Bricker, Pauline Brickman, Harry Bridge, J. Ivey Bridgers-The Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York, Howard D. Bridges Jr., J. Malcolm Bridges-Richmond Chamber of Commerce, W.C. Bridges, Edna Briggs, Frank P. Briggs- The Daily Eagle, Jo Briggs, John Briggs- New York Times, Roger Briggs, William A. Briggs, John W. Bright-U.S. Department of the Interior, Robert Bright, Albert Brill, Edmond H. Brill Jr.-Richmond Chamber of Commerce, Mrs. Robert Bruce Brinsmade, Anna L. Brinton, C.W.L. Briscoe, J.C. Bristow-Home Life Insurance Company of New York, R.S. Bristow Jr., Aubrey Singer-British Broadcasting Corporation, Mrs. J.E. (McTrudie Bryant) Britt, Bessie S. Britton, Beverly L. Britton-A.H. Robins Company, R.T. Britton-Henrico County Public Schools, Darrel D. Brittsan-Sigma Phi Epsilon, Ellen B. Britzius
1956-1966 Correspondence: Bro - Brown
J.P. Broaddus, R. Keith Broaders-American Book Company, Dr. J. Pelham Broadus D.D.S., Robert Deal Broadus-Kingsman Press, Rep. Bill Brock, Delia Brock-Blue Ridge Sanatorium, Mrs. Robert H. Broh-Kahn, Ruby B. Brooke, Mrs. N.W. Brooker, S.E. Brookings - Southern Railway Company, George Brooks-Larus and Brother Company Tobacco Manufacturers, George T. Broski, D.C. Brothers O.D., Ann H. Brown, Mrs. Bestor Brown, Bob Brown, C.K. Brown, L. Chauncey Brown, Clark Brown Jr., Delbert F. Brown, Donald W. Brown, Earl E. Brown - U.S. Department of Justice, Mrs. Constantine (Elizabeth Churchill) Brown, Fitzhugh L. Brown, Frank E. Brown, G.E. Brown-Natural Chimneys, Helen Brown, Helen H. Brown, James H. Brown, J.P. Brown - Pearl Laundry Company, John W. Brown-Lt. Governor of Ohio, Jonathan Brown- Danbury News-Times, Leonard S. Brown, Lewis D. Brown, Louis M. Brown, Paul V. Brown, Peggy (Mrs. Cabot) Brown, Robert Brown-WRVA-TV, Robert A. Brown, Robert C. Brown-Lee County Democratic Executive Committee, Rev. Robert R. Brown, Sandie Brown, Sterling W. Brown-National Conference of Christians and Jews, Viola J. Brown-American Foundation for the Blind, William B. Brown
1956-1966 Correspondence: Browne - Bru
Fred Z. Browne, Millard Browne- Buffalo Evening News, Roy E. Brownell, Ida Jane Browner, Grant Browning, George Brownlee Jr.-Sandtown Civic Club, H.C. Brownson, Joel T. Broyhill, Mary Murphy Broyles, Matthew Bruccoli-University of Virginia Department of English, Donald C. Bruce-American Conservative Union, Jack Bruce-State ABC Board, Robert E. Bruce, Herbert Brucker- The Hartford Courant, Mrs. L.A. Brugh, Les Brumfield- The Clarion-Ledger, R.H. Bruni - Naturalized Citizens of America, Genevieve Brunson
1959-1966 Correspondence: Allan C. Brownfeld
1948-1966 Correspondence - Bry
D. Tennant Bryan, Joe Bryan III, Stewart Bryan, Thomas P. Bryan - Mayor of Richmond, Mr. ___ Bryan, Chester Bryant, Rep. Farris Bryant -Florida House of Representatives, John C. Bryant, Linwood Bryant, Tidewater Bryant, Vaughn M. Bryant-Port of Houston, Victor S. Bryant, Vivian R. Bryant, William Clyde Bryant, William H. Bryant Jr., Dr. E.C. Bryce, Rev. G. MacLaren Brydon, Albert E. Bryson
1956-1967 Correspondence: Buc - Burh
Bryan D. Buchanan, F.W. Buchanan, G.A. Buchanan- The Columbia Record, Mrs. H.S. Buchanan, J. Leo Buchanan, James Buchanan-Thomas Jefferson Center for Studies in Political Economy-University of Virginia, Art Buchwald Column, Walter A. Buchanan, Mrs. Clyve Buck, Dr. J.L. Blair Buck, Robert E. Buck-SDX, W.H. Buck, Walter H. Buck, F.R. Buckley, Reid Buckley, Maureen L. Buckley, George Walker Buckner- World Call, Elisabeth S. Buco*ck, Nelson H. Budd-National Canners Association, Harry Budge, A.O. Budina, Frederick Buechner, Ed Buford, Robert P. Buford, James L. Bugg Jr. - University of Missouri, E.D. Buie, Robert E. Bullard, Dana Bullen - Washington Evening Star - Sunday Star, Edgar S. Bundy-National Latman's Council Church League of America, William L. Bunting Jr. Virginia Law Weekly, Dr. Joseph Bunzel-National Association of Social Workers, William M. Burdette Jr., Roland E. Burdick-American Book Publishers Council, Bureau of National Affairs, Bureau of Property Records and Insurance, Mary-Lou Burelle, L. Burger, Judge Warren E. Burger, Austin Earle Burges, Aubrey L. Burgess, Massie C. Burgess, Col. Bob Burhans - Headquarters 80
1956-1966 Correspondence: William F. Buckley Jr. (1925-2008)
1956-1966 Correspondence: Burk - Bux
Arthur W. Burke, Claire Burke, Ed Burke, Nathaniel Burke, R.F. Burke III-Crest Insurance Agency, Mrs. William W. Burke, Charles R. Burnett, W.G. Burnette, Clarence C. Burns, D.C. (Mrs. H.M.) Burns, James T. Burns, M.C. Burns, R.L. Burns, Charles A. Burnside, Jack E. Burnstein-U.S.S. Ticonderoga (CVA-14), John Shepard Burr University of Virginia Student Legal Forum, Mrs. Walter P. Burrier, R.H. Burroughs-Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, Eleanor Burruss - St. Catherine's School, R.S. Burruss Jr., Mrs. A.L. Burton, Dave Burton, Herbert R. Burton, Larry L. Burton-Mountain State Christian High School, Susie Burton, Wynn Burton, Mrs. I.M. Bussells, Garland L. Busser, Jane Watson Bustard, M. Eugene Bustard, Adrian Bustilo-Swann Products, Lee Butcher, Mrs. Lillian Butcher, A.E. Butler, Alfred Butler, Alonzo E. Butler, Ernest L. Butler - Staunton-Augusta County Chamber of Commerce, Mrs. Ernest M. Butler Jr. Mrs. S.M. Butler Jr., Pick Butler-Virginia Farm Bureau Federation, W.P. Butler, Judge Thomas F. Butt, Sen. Jack H. Butterick, Robert Y. Button, H.L. Buurman-Information Service of South Africa, R. Buxley Sr.
1956-1965 Correspondence - By
Ken Byerly Jr. Tidewater News, James K. Byers, Mrs. Howard T. Byles, Col. Hartwell T. Bynum, Ralph E. Byrd, Joseph Byrne, Frank T. Byrnes-Byrnes Bookkeeping Service, Gov. James F. Byrnes, Robert B. Byrnes, C.F. Byrns- Southwest American
1949-1953 Correspondence: Senator Harry F. Byrd, Sr.
1954-1956 Correspondence: Senator Harry F. Byrd, Sr.
1957 Correspondence: Senator Harry F. Byrd, Sr.
1951-1964 Correspondence: Harry F. Byrd, Jr.
1956- 1967 Correspondence: C- Camm
Ann Perkins Cabell, Kathleen Cabell, P.A. Cabell, R. Baird Cabell, Roy E. Cabell, Douglas Caddy, Edward Caffery, Joe B. Cain Jr., Mary D. Cain- Congress of Freedom Inc., Stith M. Cain, Elizabeth Caldwell, George H. Caldwell, Katherine H. Caldwell, Mark B. Caldwell, Millard F. Caldwell- Supreme Court of Florida, William J. Caldwell- International Cooperation Administration, Paul Cales, Allston D. Calhoun Jr.-Americanism Preferred Devoted to the Advancement of Americanism, California- State Commissioner of Health, Eleanor Calkins, Frances S. Calkins- Public Schools of the City of Richmond, Alston Callahan, W.J. Callahan- U.S. Post Office Department Mail Frauds Investigations, Robert F. Cambell- Winston-Salem Journal, Twin City Sentinel, Cambridge University Press, Richmond Camellia Society, Camera Club of Richmond, Robert Cameron, J.W. Cammack
1954-1965 Correspondence: Camp-Campb
J.L. Camp Jr.-Union Bag-Camp Paper Corporation, William M. Camp, Jameson G. Campaigne Jr. The Indianapolis Star, A.P. Campbell- Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative, Bruce Campbell- The Daily Plainsman, Hugh Campbell, Jewett Campbell, Mrs. Joseph Richard Campbell, Joseph S. Campbell, L.D. Campbell Sr., Leslie D. Campbell, Mrs. Leslie D. Campbell, Noreen Dickson Campbell, Robert F. Campbell Winston-Salem Journal-Sentinel, Taylor F. Campbell- Religious Goods Shop, W. Glenn Campbell- The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, W.P. Campbell- National Education Program
1957-1967 Correspondence: Campe-Cann
John S. Campen, Andres N. Canales, Cancer Society, Arnold Canell, Gary Canion, Ralph Jerome Cannaday, Edmond W. Cannon, Thomas Cannon
1949- 1966 Correspondence -Cano - Carg
Alfred O. Canon- Southwestern at Memphis, Rusty Cantelli, Edward Capers, Mortimer Caplin- U.S. Treasury Department, Capri Resident, Michael R. Caprio Jr-Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, Charles M. Caravati, C.E. Carden, Philip M. Carden, Roscoe Carden, Edward S. Cardozo, Lewis Carey, Walter C. Carey, James Nelson Cargill- Cargill, Wilson and Acree Inc. Advertising
1956-1965 Correspondence: Carh- Carp
William B. Carhart, William Edward Carle, Dixie Lee Carlson, D.K. Carlson, E. Tucker Carlton, H. Brannock Carlton, J.T. Carlton, Joseph D. Carlyle, Mark W. Carmen, Peter A. Carmichael- Louisiana State University Department of Philosophy, Marvin K. Carneale, Russell M. Carneal- Virginia House of Delegates, Charles E. Carney, E. Byrd Carnohan III, Joan Kelly Carolyn, J. Edward Carothers- Commission on the Church and Economic Life, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, Neil Carothers, Clifford E. Carpenter- The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, C.R. Carpenter- C.R. Carpenter & Co. Inc., Margaret Carpenter, Ethel Carpenter, J. Walter Carpenter, Keith B. Carpenter, Nancy L. Carper
1956-1966 Correspondence: Carr-Carter
Arthur H. Carr, Roy A. Carr, Roy E. Carr, M.M. Carraway, Wilson Carraway- Tallahassee Bank and Trust Co., Frank E. Carrel Jr., Charles A. Carrico- D.C. Public School Administration, Henry L. Carroll, Mollie Ray Carroll, W.S. Carroll, John Jay Carson- Chris H. Whiteman and Associates, Mildred Carson- Lt. Commander International Naval Review Office, M.S. Carson- Naval Review Information Bureau, Nan Weller Carson- Rock Hill Public Library, R.B. Carson, J.G. Carswell- Sperry Piedmont Company, ___ Carter, Beryl T. Carter, Carlton Carter, Charles K. Carter Jr., Charles W. Carter, Miss Clyde Gregory Carter, E.B. Carter, Eloise D. Carter, Francis Edward Carter, G. Benjamin Carter- Department of Public Welfare, H. Carter, Lucile Carter- Virginia Division United Daughters of the Confederacy, Mann L. Carter, R.K. Carter, Mrs. William J. Carter- Hollins College Press Relations
1947-1966 Correspondence: Carto-Cass
Willis A. Carto, Cartoon- On Parking Richmond News Leader, Howard H. Carwile, Violet Carwile, Clarence C. Case- Camp Roosevelt, Ralph D. Casey- University of Minnesota School of Journalism, Mrs. Richard T. Cash, W.M. Caskey- Mississippi College, Victor M. Cassidy
1958-1966 Correspondence: Cast-Catledege
M.C. Caster, C.A. Castle, Louise Decatur Castleden- Ponce de Leon Hotel, Mitchell D. Cates, Thomas W. Cates, Mrs. Brawner Cates Jr., Catholic Press- Fordham University, Turner Catledge- New York Times
1958-1966 Jamie Catterall-Valentine Museum, R.T. Catterall, Ralph Catteral, Mrs. Ralph Catterall, Bruce Catton, John Paul Causey, Ernest Cawcroft, Caxton Printers Ltd.
1953-1966 Correspondence: CB-Chap
CBS News, Richard P. Cecil- Whitney Communications Corporation, Anthony J. Celebrezze- Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, Central Richmond Association, Bennett Cerf- Random House, H.L. Chalfonte, Mrs. Clinton R. Chalkley, Mrs. M.R. Chalkley, Allan Knight Chalmers- NAACP Treasurer, Chamber of Commerce- Louisville, GA, Ann Chamberlain, Eli L. Chamberlain, John Chamberlain, Park Chamberlain, William D. Chamberlain- Charleston Evening Post, Lenoir Chambers- Virginian-Pilot, Bill Chambless- Minutes, Franklin Ross Chancey, Alfred D. Chandler, Connie L. Chandler, Dorothy E. Chandler, Richard A. Chandler- Assessor of Real Estate Richmond, Virginia W. Chapin, Mrs. George A. Chaplin, Mrs. ___ Chapman, C.L. Chapman, D.V. Chapman Jr.-Bureau of Engineering and Maintenance, Emeline P. Chapman, Jno. G. Chapman, John S. Chapman Jr.-The Virginians, Kenneth Chapman, Renda Chapman, Virginia Chapman, W. Frank Chapman- Town Manager Salem, VA, William Chapman, Willis Holmes Chapman
1956-1966 Correspondence: Char-William P. Cheshire
Susan Charles, Charleston, SC, Charleston Gazette, Carol Charlton, Clarence R. Chase- Richmond Chamber Music Society, Dennis Chase, Derwood S. Chase Jr. - Investment Counsel Inc., Joan Charfield- Taylor - Smith College, Bruce D. Cheadle, H.S. Cheadle, Sgt. Dick Cheathan, Leslie Cheek Jr., Mrs. Leslie Cheek Jr.-Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Rev. D.S. Cheetham, Brainard Cheney, Robert A. Chermside, Leo Cherne- Research Institute of America Inc., J.R. Cherry Jr., Kenneth J. Cherry, Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Companies, Albert E. Chesham- Salvation Army, William P. Cheshire
1956-1966 Correspondence - William P. Cheshire-Chod
William P. Cheshire, Ellen V. Chesley, H.G. Chesley Jr.-Wilson Paper Box Company, W.C. Chewning- Chewning and Smith Realtors, Chief Librarian- Cincinnati Public Library, Ralph Sutherland Child- Public Utilities Fortnightly, C.M. Childress, Clydean O. Childress, Mike Childress, E. Warren Chilton, W.R. Chilton- Shell Petroleum Products, China Film, Chinese News Service, Daisy Connell Chinn, Walter Chinn, J.J. Chiocca, Mrs. Charles F. Chipman, Mrs. Irene H. Chipman, Evelyn F. Chittum, Mrs. J.W. Chlubna, Frank Chodorov
1952-1965 Correspondence - Chor-Ci
Kenneth Chorley, Carroll C. Chowning, L.N. Christensen- Kemper Insurance Company, Christian, Barton, Parker, and Boyd, E.A. Christian- Louisa County Board of Supervisors, George Christian, H.H. Christian, Jerry Eugene Christian- Southside State Farm, Malcolm M. Christian- Cutchins, Wallinger, Christian, and Wilkinson, Christian Science Publishing Society, Muriel B. Christison, John Christman, Christine Chrystal, Randolph W. Church- Virginia State Library, S.B. Churchill, Winston G. Churchill, Christian V. Cimmino- Mary Washington Hospital, Mrs. Elise Cimmino, Dennis Cipriano, Alton B. Cissell- Columbian Iron Works, Inc.,Citizens Council of America, City Plan Commission, Civil Rights Act, Civil Service Commission, Civil War Centenniel- Richmond, Civil War Commission, Civitan Club
1949-1966 Correspondence - Cl-Charles R. Clark
William H. Claflin, Mrs. Robert W. Claiborne- Valentine Museum, George C. Clanton- Mayor of Tappahannock, VA, Sara Ashton Clapham, Lyman W. Clardy- WCBS Radio, A.M. Clark, Adele Clark, Charles A. Clark, Charles R. Clark
1954-1966 Correspondence: D.H. Clark-Clary
Admiral D.H. Clark- Virginia State Ports Authority, David O. Clark, E.W. Clark, F.A. Clark Jr.-Commissioner of Health, State Health Department, F.E. Clark, G. Glenwood Clark, Mrs. Hoet (?) Clark, Jim Clark, J.L. Clark, Joseph S. Clark- U.S. Senate, Josephine G. Clark, Mary Faith Clark, Norvon Clark- Southern Railway System, Philip M. Clark, Robert H. Clark, Mrs. Russell J. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Vern W. Clark, W. Preston Clark, Arthur Clarke, James W. Clarke, John R. Clarke- Northern Virginia Bonding Company, J. Calvitt, Clarke, Jr. and Mrs. J. Calvitt Clarke, Jr.-Congress Committee Children Inc., Peter F. Clarke- Pittsburgh Press, Shelton Clarke, Beverley B. Clary
1951-1966 Correspondence - Clas-Clu
H. George Classen, Classic Features- The Literary Journal, H.B. Clay, Jim Clay, Joseph Clay, Mrs. Jack Clayton, John A. Clayton- Care of American Express, Linwood Clayton, Allen Cleaton- Collier's National Weekly, C. W. Cleaton, William Cleaton- State Insurance Board, F. Edison Cleland, Robert R. Cleland Jr., Mrs. Walter Clement, Clyde C. Clements- Longwood College English Department, James A. Clendinen- Tampa Morning Tribune, Jim Clendinen, J.H. Clendinen, C.V. Clifton- U.S. Army Acting Chief of Information, Ruth Clindaniel, R.R. Clindaniel, Ethel G. Cline, John Cline- Washington Star, Evelyn C. Clingensmith, Mrs. Harvey Archer Clopton, Mark Clutter- Wichita Beacon
1950-1967 Correspondence - Co-Charles F. Cole
R.H. Coase- Journal of Law and Economics, University of Chicago Law School, Albert Coates- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Harriette Cobb, Tyn Cobb Jr., Virginia Cobbs, Robert L. Coburn, Coca-Cola Company, George M. Cochran, Rexmond Canning Cochraine, Russell H. Cochrane, William B. co*cke Jr.-Sussex County Clerk, Monroe F. co*ckrell, Frances D. co*cktrell, Mrs. William Codd, Kenneth Sewell Coe, Fred Coffield, Burt Coffin, John Cogan, William R. Cogar, John M. Coghill, Mary B. Coghill- Valentine Museum, Linda Cohen- Anchor Books Publicity, M.E. Cohen, Harry L. Cohn, Mrs. Jacob S. Cohn, Willis E. Cohoon, Thelma co*ke-Medical College of Virginia, M.A. co*ker, Mickey M. Colbert, John H. Colburn- Wichita Eagle and Beacon, Betty Cole - Meet the Press Associate Producer, Charles Fletcher Cole and Lucy Davis Cole-American National Red Cross
1953-1966 Correspondence - Charles F. Cole-Collier's Encyclopedia
Charles F. Cole, David W. Cole- Lander College, Fred C. Cole- Washington and Lee University, Frederick H. Cole- Freeman and Cole, H. Milton Cole Jr., Kathleen B. Cole, Mildred Cole, W.R. Cole Jr., Miles L. Colean, Audrey R. Coleman, E.C. Coleman- Long Manufacturing Company Inc., Claudius S. Coleman, H.C. Coleman, John Coleman, John S. Coleman- Veterans Administration Center, M. Coleman, Daniel Coley- North Carolina Prison Department, Mrs. Harvey L. Colgin, Chris Collan, Collegiate Schools, R.E. Coller- Allstate Insurance Company, David S. Collier- Executive Director Modern Age, Fred. C.D. Collier- University of Alabama Medical Center, Mark H. Collier- Legislative Council Committee, Collier's Encyclopedia
1951-1966 Correspondence - Collier's Yearbook-Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government, Collier's Yearbook, Mrs. C.C. Collins, E.E. Collins, Honorable Lewis Preston-Lt. Governor of Virginia, Mary Love Collins, Ralph B. Collins, John Collison, Mrs. Rex Collins, Bertha Colon, James B. Colvin, George Hamilton Combs-American Broadcasting Company, William M. Comfort- Victory Baptist Church, Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government
1958-1959 Correspondence with Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government
1959-1962 Correspondence with Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government
1962 Correspondence with Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government
1957-1966 Correspondence: Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government-Con Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government, Communism Crusade, E.C. Compton, Mildred H. Conant, B.O. Cone- Crawford Manufacturing Company, Ceasar Cone- Cone Mills Corporation
1950-1965 Correspondence - Coner-Cony
William P. Conery- Southern Pine Association, Conference of Chief Justice, Virginia Congleton, Congress of United States- Committee on Foreign Affairs, Congress of United States- Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Congress of United States- District of Colombia, Congress of United States- Armed Services, Congress of United States- Un-American Activities, Congress of United States- Post Office and Civil Service, Congressional Hotel, Congressional Quarterly, Harrie Byrd Conlin, Mr. and Mrs. J. Connally, Bob Connell, Frank G. Connelly, Winfred Conner, Mrs. Larry Connor, Laurence R. Connor- Colombus Dispatch, Louis M. Connor Jr.-National Association of Manufacturers, Sherry Conohan, Edwin P. Conquest, Will C. Conrad- Milwaukee Journal, Constitution Party of the United States, Martha Conway- Secretary of Commonwealth, A.E. Conyers- Truck Drivers and Helpers Union
1952-1966 Correspondence - Coo-Core
Charles B. Cook, Honorable Eugene Cook- Attorney General of Georgia, Mrs. J.D. Cook, John Randall Cook, M.L. Cook, Samuel D. Cook, Charles Cooke- American Guild of Organists, Edna Ellis Cooke, Forest W. Cooke- WHBF Radio 1270, James J. Cooke, Robert T. Cooke, C.W. Coons, Lucy O. Coons- Goucher College, Donald Cooper- All State Real Estate, Emzy Cooper, Gene L. Cooper, Herman A. Cooper, Trace H. Cooper, Weldon Cooper- UVA Newsletter, Millard Cope- Marshall News Messenger, Richard W. Copeland- Department of Welfare and Institutions, Robert J. Corber- Republican Party of Virginia, Warren Corbett- WRVU Radio, R.H. Cornell- Friends of Rhodesia Trust, Mrs. W.S. Corkran, J.D. Corcoran- Queens Chiropractic Group, John T. Core
1952-1967 Correspondence: Corel-Couc
George N. Corelle, Anne Corley- Washington Admirals Club, Joseph M. Cormack- College of William and Mary School of Law, Katherine Cornett, Richard C. Cornuwelle- United Student Aid Fund, Philip L. Corson, John J. Cortopassi, Osmond F. Cosby, Henry M. Cosimini, Don Costa, John A. Costello, Robert E. Costello, T.R. Cotton, Walker Cottrell, William T. Couch- Collier's Encyclopedia
1956-1966 Correspondence: Coug-Cous
Kevin Coughlin, R.P. Coughlin, Council for Basic Education, Council of State Governments, Council on Foreign Relations, Captain John M. Court, Kent Courtney, Mary T. Courtney, Phoebe Courtney- The Independent American, Conservative Society of America, Norman Cousins- The Saturday Review, R.J. Cousins
1956-1965 Correspondence: Cov-Coz
F.W. Covert, N.W. Covington Jr.-Manufacturers Life Insurance Company, Mrs. T. Covan, Edward Cowan, J.B. Cowan, Walter G. Cowan, Henry M. Cowardin, Elizabeth S. Cowles, Porter Cowles- University of North Carolina Press, E. Van Dyke Cox Jr., Earl S. Cox- First Baptist Church, Edwin Cox- Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation, Elbert Cox- Department of the Interior, Elizabeth M. Cox, Fletcher Cox Jr.- Rural Virginia, Stephen Banner Cox, Walter Cox, Nelson Y. Coxe, Mary E. Coxon, Mrs. Herbert D. Coy- Elizabeth Kates Foundation, William B. Cozad
1951-1966 Correspondence: Cr-Cran
Crafton and Sparks, Paul S. Cragan, Edna C. Craig, J.A. Craig Jr.- Magnolia Chamber of Congress, Jean Craig, May Craig, Nancy Craig, Paul F. Craig- Springfield Union, F.W. Craigie, Walter Craigie- F.W. Craigie & Company, Evelyn Crane, Frank H. Crane- Indianapolis Star, Joan S. Crane, John B. Crane, R.H. Crane
1956-1966 Correspondence: Crav-Lucy Crockett
John Park Cravens, Mildred Crawbuck- North American Newspaper Alliance, Edwin M. McClure- McClure Newspaper Syndicate, Crawford Veterinary Hospital, Jerry Crawford- Wake Forest College, R.B. Crawford, Robert Crawford- Defenders of Independent Rights and State Sovereignty, W.M. Crawford, John O. Crawford, J.H. Creecy, Chester A. Creider, Creighton University, Colonel R.P. Crenshaw Jr.- The Anchorage, Miriam Crenshaw, Ruth T. Crenshaw- Belle Bryan Day Nursery, Terry Crenshaw, Richmond Crinkley- Graduate School of Arts and Sciences University of Virginia, Charlotte Crippen- United Daughters of the Confederacy, Crippled Children's Hospital, K.R. Crispell- Medicine at University of Virginia, Helen Jo Crissman- University of Missouri at Kansas City, Bessie L. Crocker, Lucy H. Crockett
1950-1966 Correspondence: Paul Crockett-Crug
Paul Crockett- House of Delegates, Mrs. W. Hamilton Crockford III, Albert Croissant- Occidental College, Glenn P. Crone- Schmidt and Wilson, Towne and Country, Adele R. Cronin, Earle T. Cronk, Robert G. Cronson- Insurance City Life Company, C.A. Crooks, Kenneth W. Crosby- Juniata College, Neil V. Crosby, Charles B. Cross Jr., John W. Croswell, B.W. Crouch Jr., John W. Croswell, B.W. Crouch Jr., James E. Crow, Morrill M. Crowe, E.H. Crowson, Douglas W. Cruger- Andover Newton Theological School
1951-1966 Correspondence: Crum-Crut
C. Warner Crumb, James Wesley Crummett, Lewis H. Crummett, M.H. Crump, Sheppard Crump- Brigadier General, Thaddeus T. Crump, Crusade for Freedom, Handford T. Cruser Jr., Parker Crutchfield, Sam S. Crutchfield- Commission on Constitutional Government
1956-1966 Correspondence: Cu-End "C"
Mrs. L.D. Cuesta, Karl B. Cuesta, Gary E. Culver, Mrs. George Cumashot, Edward F. cumme*rford, Milton D. Cummins, Lucy Cumpston, Don Cunningham- Southern Living, Frank Cunningham- Sequoia University Press, J.T. Cunningham, Morris Cunningham- Washington Bureau, Commercial Appeal, S.S. Cunningham, W.K. Cunningham- Virginia Department of Welfare and Institutions, Gerald M. Curran, Mildred Currier, Frank Curry- Middlesex School, Henry Curry- Duke University Men's Graduate Center, Robert A. Curry, Earl Curtis, Natalie Curtis, Thomas P. Curtis, J.H. Cutchin, John A. Cutchin, Louis E. Cutchin, M. Rupert Cutler- Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries
1947-1966 Correspondence: D - Dal
James McBride Dabbs, B.F. Dabney-Virginia State College, T.C. Dabney, Thomas C. Dabney, Todd Dabney-Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Virginius Dabney, Mrs. C (Eleanor) Dabrohua, Allen Dahl, E. Louis Dahl-Prince Edward Educational Corporation, E.M. Dahlberg, Gen. John E. Dahlquist-Army Distaff Foundation, Daphne Dailey - Bank of Virginia, Donald G. Dailey-Law Offices of Norman M. Littell, Donald E. Dale, Col. Curtis B. Dall, Larry Daloz, Mrs. W.J. Dalrymple, H. Addison Dalton, Michael H. Dalton-Family Service Agency of Southwestern Illinois, Ted Dalton-Republican National Convention, Thomas A. Dalton, Anthony W. Daly
1956-1967 Correspondence: Dam - Davidson
John E. Damerel, M.V. Damron, Charles R. (Charlie) Daniel - Cartoonist, Donald S. Daniel MD, Martha B. Daniel, Rawley F. Daniel -Richmond Symphony Business Fund Drive, V.R. Daniel, W.C. (Dan) Daniel, Rep. Dominick V. Daniels MC, R.L. Dansey, Albert Darby Jr., Betty D. Darden, Ida M. Darden, Frederick R. Darkis Jr.-West Liberty State College, Mary Darling, Dartmouth Conservative Society, C.C. Dauer-National Office of Vital Statistics, James M. Davenport -The City Club, George E. Daverine, Mamie David, C.H. Davidson Jr., Chalmers Davidson, Donald Davidson-Vanderbilt University, Col. Harry Ivan Davidson-American Press/Assembly Press, Jo Ann Davidson -Carson Newman College, M.A. Davidson
1950-1966 Correspondence: Colgate W. Darden (1897-1981)
1956-1966 Correspondence: Davi - Davis, H.
E.F.S. Davies-Virginia State College, ___ Davis, B.E. Davis, C.T. Davis, Carlisle R. Davis, Mrs. Cary Davis, Celestine R. Davis, Curtis Carroll Davis, Don Davis, Dorothy Davis, Ed Davis, Edward M. Davis-Valentine Museum, Elbert T. Davis, Elmo L. Davis, Fred M. Davis, Hiram W. Davis MD.-Commissioner-Virginia Department of Mental Health and Hygiene, Hubert Davis
1953-1966 Correspondence: Davis, J. - Davis, W.
J. Estill Davis, J.W. Davis, J.W. Davis-Associated Press, Rep. James C. Davis, James T. Davis, Rev. John E. Davis Jr., Lambert Davis-University of North Carolina Press, Lee F. Davis-Virginia Transit Company and Richmond-First Club, Leland Davis, Levin Nock Davis, Margaret L. Davis-Richmond Business and Professional Women's Club, Max R. Davis, P.L. Davis, Rita J. Davis, Sam Davis, T.H. Davis-Piedmont Aviation, Thomas D. Davis Jr. MD, Vernon Davis -City Registrar, Walter B. Davis, Warren Jefferson Davis-American Academy of Public Affairs, William R. Davis
1956-1967 Correspondence: Davison - DeLeeuw
Mary M. Davison, R.F. Davison, Dr. A. Ray Dawson-Richmond Tuberculosis Association, Mrs. Frederick W. Dawson, Harris P. Dawson MD F.A.A.P., Laurence Dawson, R.R. Dawson, Thomas B. Dawson, Dwight H. Day Jr., Robert Day-Student Chapel Committee, Mrs. T.O. Day (Gwynn M.), Thad O. Day, Willard F. Day, William Day- The Toledo Blade, Gertrude G. DeArmand, Lemuel E. DeBerry, David De Boinville-British Embassy, William G. DeColigny, Edmond T. DeJarnette, Jack DeJarnette-Washington and Lee University, G. Webster DeHoff, Frances DeLeeuw
1965-1967 Correspondence: Marianne de Lis
1953-1967 Correspondence: DeLoach - Del Giudice
Marguerite Arnold DeLoach, E. Robert de Luccia-Pacific Power and Light, Ann Morton DeMuth-Prince Edward Academy and Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Anthony M. DeMuth DDS, Tony DeMuth Sr., Wanda DeNiro, Hugh de Samper-Colonial Williamsburg, Ralph deToledano - The Washington World, Charlotte Clopton de Vany, Russell B. DeVine, Mrs. E.W. DeVoto, John H. DeWalt, Charles H. de Yarmett, Willard L. de Yoe, Frances de la Warr, Michael J. del Giudice
1959-1960 Correspondence: Stan DelaPlane (1907-1988)
1956-1966 Correspondence: Dea - Dec
N. Harvey Deal-Alderman Library, Mrs. R.A. Deal, Claude M. Dean - U.S. Court of Appeals, Judge George Colquitt Dean, George W. Dean, Gladys Dean, Jesse W. Dean, Joseph T. Dean, Emily C. Deane, Frederick Deane Jr.-Bank of Virginia, Jean Deans, H.C. Deaver Sr., G. Douglass Debevoise-South Puerto Rico Sugar Co., George C. Decas -Calliopean Society, Robert Dechert-Committee for Effective Use of the International Court, Arthur C. Deck- The Salt Lake Tribune
1956-1966 Correspondence: Dee - Den
Rev. James P. Dees-Trinity Epicopal Church, George J. Delaney - The National Observer, Helen Delaney-Property Owners Protective Association, C.H. Dellinger, John Dema- New York Herald-Tribune, Frank Dementi-Colonial Studios.Dementi Studio, Joseph Demic - The El Paso Times, Mrs. Charles Landrum Dennis, Florence B. Dennis, Gladys M. Dennis, John Dennis, Dr. L.J. Dennis-Medical College of Virginia, Overton D. Dennis Jr. -National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, Ruth Dennis- Canisteo Times, Collins Denny Jr., Collins Denny III, George V. Denny Jr., Robert R. Denny, Dorothy Densham
1956-1966 Correspondence: Dep - Dic
Department of Planning (Richmond), Department of State, Robert L. Dernedde- Associated Oregon Industries News Digest, Del. Harold H. Dervishian, Desegregation: The Reality, Rev. J.T. Desmond, John Desris, Detroit Free Press, Devin-Adair Company, Donald J. Devine, Kenneth I. Devore, J. Franklyn Dew-Federated Arts of Richmond, George W. Dew, Albert H. DiRemiggio Sr., Arthur DiRienzo-Old Dominion Truck Stop, Sal DiVicenzo, Charles Dibble, J. Chesley Dickenson, Mrs. Carl Dickey, Elizabeth Dickey-Richmond U.S.O., A.C. Dickinson, A.L. Dickinson, Guy L. Dickinson, Sam Dickinson- Arkansas Democrat, Sue Dickinson-Richmond Department of Parks and Recreation, W.R. Dickinson Jr., Charles L. Dickson, Dictaphone Corporation
1957-1966 Correspondence: Die - Dix
John A. Diemand-Insurance Company of North America, John W. Dienhart Jr.-Field Enterprises Educational Corporation, Cap. W.M. Dietrick USMC, August Dietz Sr.-Dietz Press, Frieda Meredith Dietz, Prof. Gottfried Dietze-Johns Hopkins University, Jane Dietzel- The Progress, Ernest C. Dillard-General Motors Department United Auto Workers (UAW), Hardy C. Dillard-University of Virginia School of Law, Bill Dillingham, Jesse Dillon-West Virginia State Corporation Commission, Milton Dillon, Scott Dine-The Barksdale Theatre, Al Dinhofer- Caribbean Beachcomber, Edmund Dinis - District Attorney, Mattie Disken (Mrs. Gilbert), Charles F. Dixon, Fred B. Dixon, John E. Dixon-Public Opinion Surveys, Katherine Gantt Dixon, Robert G. Dixon Jr.-George Washington University, Roger J. Dixon, S.C. Dixon
1956-1967 Correspondence: Dob - Dom
H.H. Dobbins, R.T. Doborganer, Kendric K. Dobson, Norman L. Dobyns, Sen. Thomas J. Dodd, Hon. E. Griffith Dodson-Clerk of the House of Delegates, Lee A. Dodson-Montgomery County Citizens Council, Dr. James L. Doenges MD, James J. Doherty, James L. Doherty, Emmett Dohogne, Ivan Doig- The Rotarian, Clarence Dolan, Henry Thomas Dolan, Rev. Constantine N. Dombalis - Hellenic Orthodox Community, Ralph L. Dombrower
1956-1967 Correspondence: Don - Dorr
Kenneth Donahoo, Paul Donald, J.H. Donaldson-Historic Richmond Foundation, Dr. Martin Donelson Jr. MD., Allen T. Donell, Lt. Col. John L. Donnell-USMC Reserve, Alan S. Donnohoe, Maryann B. Donohoe, James H. Donohue III-Southern Biscuit Company, Hedley Donovan, Sen. John A.K. Donovan, Charles H. Dooley, Janice Dorland - Kutztown State Teachers College, Henry J. Dorman, Loren F. Dorman - National Forest Products Association, Harold W. Dorn, Rep. William Jennings Bryan Dorn MC, John W. Doros, Nell Dorr-Dorr Foundation
1959-1966 Correspondence -Dors - Dou
R.J.C. Dorsey, Thomas B. Dorsey- New York Herald Tribune / Newsday, Meredith C. Dortch, John and Lucy Dos Passos, J.W. "Bill" Doswell - Virginia Petroleum Industries, M. Ray Doubles, Mrs. Daniel F. Dougherty, Douglas Freeman High School, James H. Douglas, Jane Douglas- Look Magazine, Leon Douglas -States Attorney, Senator Douglas, William Campbell Douglass MD. - Let Freedom Ring, Nicholas C. Doukas, H.M. Douty-United States Department of Labor
1956-1966 Correspondence: Dov - Dra
George Dovel-Defenders of Constitutional Government, A.E. Dowd - Richmond Department of Public Works, Dr. R.L. Dowd, Clifford Dowdey, Stuart B. Dowdey, Betty Dowdy, William J. Dowell, Jerry H. Dowling, Edward T. Downer, Mrs. Arch Downie Jr., Daniel J. Downing, T.V. Downing-State Department of Education, Rep. Thomas N. Downing, Wilfred Downing, L. McCarthy Downs Jr.-The Village Gift Shop, Adm. Austin Doyle USN (Ret.), E.N. Doyle Jr. WLES, E.T. Doyle, Florence B. Doyle, Patricia Doyle, Rev. Peter R. Doyle-St. James Episcopal Church, J.T. Doyne Jr., Dr. Donald M. Dozer, Katherine H. Dozier, Drake Hotels, Tom Drake-Washington and Lee University, Mrs. Walter Draper
1950-1966 Correspondence: Dre-Du Beau
Jo Anne Dreelin-Reynolds Metals Company, John Dreijmanis-Old Dominion College, George L. Dresser, Robert B. Dresser, L.H. Drew - Masonic Home of Virginia, L.L. Drew-Bureau of National Affairs, Walter Drew, C.E. Drinard, J. Elliott Drinard-Richmond City Attorney, Mrs. W.D.R. (Mary Harrison) Driscoll, B.J. Driver, Prof. Paul E. Drost, Mrs. J. Paul Druien, Morris D. Drumm-East Texas State University, Charles Coburn Drummond, Normand P. Du Beau ("Uncle Al")- Memphis Press-Scimitar
1953-1966 Correspondence: Du Berg - Dunl
Peter Du Berg-UNESCO Features, Horace Clement Du Bois, Dr. Paul G. Du Bois, W. Duckwall, Augustus B. Dudley Jr. MD, Jane T. Dudley, Paul H. Dudley, William M. Dudley, Henry C. Duesberry-Cussons, May and Company Printers, Ben Duffey-Lawyers Title Insurance Company, James Duffy, James A. Duffy, Fred Duggar III, Troy W. Dukas, Alvah Duke, Francis Duke, William E. Duke Jr., Sam Duker-Brooklyn College, George Dumas-American and Hellenic Civil Association, Hall Dumville, James E. Dunaway, Wilbur L. Dunbar, C.W. Duncan, Charles T. Duncan-University of Oregon (Review of Kilpatrick Book), Doris Duncan, Mary Duncan, W.T. Duncan, Walter L. Duncan, Alvand C. Dunkleberger- Nashville Banner, Esther Hamilton Dunlap
1953-1966 Correspondence: Dunn - Durd
Clark Dunn-Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, Elisabeth Dunn, Leslie N. Dunn, R.E. Dunn, R.J. Dunnington- Sussex-Surry Dispatch, Bruce Dunstan, Robert M. Dunville and Bros., John Durant, Lucille W. Durden
1956-1965 Correspondence: Dure - Dy
Leon Dure, Ann Durell-Doubleday, Del. William Durland, M. Durrance, Maurice J. Dutters, Elgin F. Dutton, Duval County, Marceline K. Duvall, Hubert L. Dyar-State Literature Commission, Mrs. Vee Dye, Charles Dyer Jr., Herman A. Dyke, Mable Lawrence Dyson
1953-1967 Correspondence: E - Ed
A.K. Eagle-Madison College, Roland D. Ealey, Harry W. Easterly Jr. -Southern Industries, Eastern Airlines, Sen. James O. Eastland, A.G. Eastwood, R.C. Eaton-Virginia Division of Purchase and Printing, Bruce W. Eberle-St. Joseph Young Americans for Freedom, E.E. Ebersole, Iris Eberstadt, Edgar C. Eck, J.G. Eddy, Mark Edelson, Rev. John D. Edens-Middle District Baptist Association, Sidney C. Eder, Charles Edison-National Committee for Robert Morris, Maj. Gen. James E. Edmonds, Richard W. Edmonds-Muscogee Publishing Company, Robert Edward Edmondson, Pocahontas Wight (Mrs. Richard Coles Sr.) Edmunds, Hilah Edney, C.V. Ednie, Ann Edwards, Ben F. Edwards, Carolyn Edwards, Charles C. Edwards, Elizabeth Edwards, H. Robert Edwards-The Commercial and Savings Bank, Rev. Lawrence Edwards SJ-Holy Rosary Mission, Lee Edwards - Public/Political Relations and Young Americans for Freedom, Nancy L. Edwards, Robert V. Edwards-University of Virginia, Ruby Lee Edwards, Thomas S. Edwards MD, Mrs. Walter E. Edwards
1949-1959 Correspondence: Editorial Material
Editorial Account, Editorial Information on Property Ownership, Editorial Page Copy, "A Page for the Dead," Editorial Research Report, Photograph of Dr. Charles Armstrong
1954-1960 Correspondence: Horace Edwards-Richmond City Manager
1956-1966 Correspondence: Ee - Eli
Mrs. John D. (Ellen) Eerde, Johannes Eff, Mrs. L. Edwin Efford, Justice John W. Eggleston-Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals, Robert B. Eggleston- Cavalier Daily, Louise Egleston, Carl F. Ehmann Jr.-Peace Corps. Training Center, Georg C. Ehrenrooth-Finland Parliament, James A. Eichner, H.O. Eimers Jr.-Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia, Col. Louis Eisen QMC (USAR)-Association of the U.S. Army, "Mamie" Eisenhower (Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower), Violet Eisenman, James N. Elam, Daniel J. Elazar-Temple University Department of Political Science, J.M. Eleazar-Agricultural Extension Service, Karl Elebash Jr.- South, William T. Elias-Head Football Coach-University of Virginia
1949-1954 Correspondence: Roscoe Ellard
1954-1967 Correspondence: Ell - Ely
Tazwell Ellett-Henrico County Engineer, H. Elliott, Mrs. James Elliott, Jim Elliott- Norfolk Ledger-Star, John M. Elliott-The Harrison Company Law Book Publishers, Norman S. Elliott-State Corporation Commission Counsel, W. Glenn Elliott-Post Headquarters-Fort Story Virginia, C. Ellis, Garland C. Ellis, Floyd M. Ellis, James T. Ellis, Mrs. Lloyd Ellis, Mrs. J.W. Ellison, A.L. Ellsworth-Corporation Unemployment Tax Service, Mr. and Mrs. William Ellyson Jr.-Miller and Rhoads Shopping Center, Harry E. Elmlark- Washington Star Syndicate, Ralph Elmore, R.A. Elms, Hugh L. Elsbree-Library of Congress, Wilbur Elston - The Minneapolis Star and Tribune, Leo Ely- East Tennessee Reporter
1956-1965 Correspondence: Thomas F. Ellis
1956-1966 Correspondence: Em - En
Arnold F. Emch, Keith Emenegger- Antioch Daily Ledger, Don Emerick, Ira Emerich-Hall Syndicate, Prof. Edwin Emery-University of Minnesota School of Journalism, W.J. Emmerich-Fidelity Hearing Aid Company, Endorsem*nt, Jeff Endrst, Ira Englander, Bruce V. English, Dean Earl F. English - University of Missouri School of Journalism, J.R. English, John F. English, S.P. English Jr., Virginia Shaw (Mrs. Bruce V.) English, Jean Ennis-Random House, George F. Ensey, Mrs. John E. (Ruth S.) Ensign, (Mrs. L.H.) Mary Elva Enslon, Mrs. R.S. Entzminger
1948-1963 Correspondence: Encyclopedia Britannica
1947-1954 Correspondence: Encyclopedia Britannica -Drafts and Research
1951-1967 Correspondence: Ep - Es
Travis Freeman Epes, Epilepsy Foundation, Wilson M. Epperson, Mrs. Ray L. Erb-Daughters of the American Revolution, James Erb - University of Richmond Department of Music, Eva Ergenbright, Ray K. Erhardt, Mr. and Mrs. Ira H. Erickson, Morris L Ernst, Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr., Samuel Martin Esler, Bob Estabrook- The Washington Post, Beverly Estes - Mary Baldwin College, Mrs. Edward Estes-Virginia Federation of Music Clubs, Mrs. John C. Estes Jr., E. Everette Eskridge
1954-1966 Correspondence: Et-end "E"
John Etchison, C.N. Etheridge, David Etheridge- A Study of American States -Duke University, E. Ray Etheridge, P.M. Eubank, Philip Lee Eubank - Constitution Press, R.N. Eubank, W.A. Eubank Jr., Thomas K. Euper, Harold C. Evans, Dr. J. Levering Evans, Lamar Evans, M. Stanton Evans- Human Events - Indianapolis News, Margaret S. Evans, Peyton Randolph Evans, William C. Evans, Z. Bond Evans, Mrs. C.H. Evelyn, Andre F. L'Eveque-Bell Syndicate, John A Everett, Walter A. Everett, Mrs. William (Leslie A.) Everett, Tine Everhard-Dorr Foundation, Harry T. Everingham-We the People-Americans for United Patriotic Action and Free Enterprise Federation, Joseph E. Everly, Lillian Everts, Thomas A. Evins, Dr. Frederick B. Exner - X-Ray and Radium Therapy, Hal Ewing
1956-1966 Correspondence: Donald M. Ewing- The Shreveport Times
1956-1965 Correspondence: Fa - Fal
J. Albert Faber-Southeastern Institute of Research, Sybil Fach, Myron C. fa*gan-Cinema Education Guild, Lloyd H. fa*gg, Dick fa*glie, Robert Fairbank, John H. Fallin, Edgar S. Falls
1951-1953 Correspondence: Robert T. Fallon Article: "Foxhole on your Front Lawn"
1953-1966 Correspondence: Fan - Fay
Dr. Robert Fand, Andrew Farley- The Danville Register, Ernst W. Farley Jr.-Richmond Engineering Company, Mrs. A.T. Farmer, Marguerite W. Farmer-Family Service Society of Richmond, Rev. Thomas E. Farmer, Farrar, Strauss and Young, J.B. Farrar, J.E. Farrar, Dr. Joe D. Farrar-William and Mary, S.L. Farrar Jr.-Amelia County Ruritan Club, Adria Farrell, Robert Farrington-Associated Press, Lloyd S. Farwell-Hotel Statler, Justice Harold R. Fatzer-Kansas Supreme Court, Orval Faubus-Governor of Arkansas, Mrs. J.G. Faucette, Nat Faulk - The Dothan Eagle, H.A. Faulkner, Madge Faull, Lorimer Fauntleroy, Mrs. Bertha Faust, L.P. Fauver Jr., Frederic A Fay-Redevelopment and Housing Authority
1950-1954 Correspondence - Features
1955-1966 Correspondence - Fe
Claude V. Fear, Edwin H. Fedder, Federation for Constitutional Government, Werner M. Feig, Rep. Talbot Field Jr.-Arkansas House of Representatives, Jessica Feingold-Institute for Religious and Social Studies, Betsy Feist- Fact Magazine, Bernard D. Field Jr.- The Birmingham News, John H. Feldt, Mrs. Arthur F. Felt Jr.-Women's Auxiliary, Harold W. Felton MD, David Felts- The Decatur Herald, Mrs. Mildred S. Fenner- National Education Association Journal, Sen. Charles R. Fenwick, Oscar B. Ferebee Sr., Algie R. Ferguson, Charles W. Ferguson, Donna C. Ferguson, J.T. Ferguson, Mrs. Dorothy Ferenz, Mrs. Eugenia W. Ferrell, William B. Ferrell , Jennifer Ferrer
1953-1966 Correspondence: Fi - Fin
Julian B. Fickeln, Mrs. Fern Fielding, Ben Allen Fields, Robert L. Figg and Sons, Edward L. Fike-The Fike Newspapers/Fike Publishing, Mrs. Susie Gooch Fike, Mrs. A. Filsele, Mrs. George B. Finch, Paul Findley, Dr. James A. Finger-Richmond Director of Public Health, Charles Fingerman, Mrs. J.K. Finnegan-Camera Club of Richmond, Chief John F. Finnegan-Bureau of Fire, Tim Finnegan, McC. G. Finnigan
1953-1967 Correspondence: Fis - Fit
John Fischer- Harper's Magazine, Nina Butler Fischer, John Fishell, Bill Fisher, E.J. Fisher, Edgar J. Fisher Jr.-Virginia Council on Health and Medical Care, Mrs. Geraldine N. Fisher, John M. Fisher-American Security Council, Mrs. Robert Burns Fisher (Cousin Nell K), Marshall Fishwick - Washington and Lee University, William DeNeale Fister-Automotive and Industrial Equipment Company, Conover Fitch Jr., Mrs. Robert Fitch-Public Affairs Luncheon Club, Estelle R. Fitchett, Dr. J.O. Fitzgerald Jr., Mrs. James R.L. (Florence) Fitzgerald Jr., John J. Fitzgerald, Burgess W. Fitzpatrick, Earl A. Fitzpatrick, R.L. Fitzpatrick-American Airlines, Thomas J. Fitzpatrick, Victor Fitzpatrick, W. Cabell Fitzpatrick Jr., William H. Fitzpatrick - The Norfolk Ledger-Star, Col. Herbert W.K. Fitzroy-Richmond Area University Center
1958-1966 Correspondence: William Flax
1953-1967 Correspondence - Fl
Harry W. Flannery, Flathead Reservation, R. Lee Fleet, Philip A. Fleger-DuQuesne Light Company, Jennie Starke Fleischhauer, Charles C. Fleming, Dean Fleming, Harold C. Fleming, J.H. Fleming Jr., Jim Bill (James William) Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Fletcher, Judge Thomas C. Fletcher, W. Fred Fletcher-Office of the Hon. W.M. Abbitt, Austin T. Flett, Lenarda Flickinger, Daniel W.B. Flint, Richard Florence, Walker Florance, Dr. Luis G. Flores, Florida Legislature, Florida State Board of Education, The Florida Times-Union, Elaine Flournoy, Fred Flournoy, Madeline Flournoy, Phil Flournoy-State Chamber of Commerce, R.W. Flournoy, P.W. Flowers, Paul Flowers-The Memphis Commercial Appeal, Mrs. C. R. Floyd, J.C. Floyd-South Carolina State Chamber of Commerce, Carl P. Flynn- Tulsa World and Tulsa Tribune, John T. Flynn
1953-1966 Correspondence: Foa - For
Douglas W. Foard-Ferrum College, Gloria Fogg, Fred K. Folden, L.M. Folsom, Madison Fontaine, Mary Jane Forberg, Dr. Allan L. Forbes, Frank Forbes, Clinton S. Ford, Elizabeth M. Ford, Louise W. Ford, W.B. Ford-George Fry and Associates, Walter Ford, Jefferson B. Fordham-University of Pennsylvania, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy Association, Foreign Policy Conference, Kathryne M. Foreman, Charles H. Foresman, Rose Forman-Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Vera Fortna, E.W. Fortune-Virginia Electric and Power Company
1965-1967 Correspondence: Dick Fojut
1953-1957 Correspondence: Forum Club
1954-1957 Correspondence: Forum Hold
1954-1955 Correspondence: Forum Letters
1953-1965 Correspondence: Fos - Fox
Charles W. Foster-Association of School Business Officials, E.R. Foster, Harold Foster, John L. Foster, William Foster, William B. Foster Jr.-Office of Sen. A. Willis Robertson, Dr. Gerald A. Foster-Brannon, G.B. Fowler-Valley Paper Company, Grady Fowler, Henry Fowler (topic), Robert D. Fowler- Cobb County Times, Roe Fowler, Elizabeth V. Fowlkes, W.F. Fowlkes, (William) Fox School PTA, John Brockenbrough Fox, Mrs. L.B. Fox, Dick Fox- The Halifax Gazette, Victor Hugo Fox
1954-1966 Correspondence - Fra
James J. Fradkin, Mrs. M.J. Francis, Edgerton E. Franck - Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation, Ernest E. Franck, Leslie C. Franck, Dr. Joe Lee Frank Jr., David Franke, Ben A. Franklin, Desiree L. Franklin-United Daughters of the Confederacy, F. Berkley Franklin, Jenny-Lynn Franklin, Mary Anne Franklin-Richmond Public Schools, Virginia Franklin, W.T. Franklin Jr.- The Lexington Progress, Joe B. Frantz - University of Texas, Hugh Russel Fraser, Jack Fray, John Frazee, Robert B. Frazier- Eugene Register-Guard, Harry Frazier III, Jacquelyn N. Frazier
1953 -1966 Correspondence - Fre
Mrs. A.W.T. Freakes (Kay Patricia Fleming), Fred L. Frechette, Lorene Frederick-Tri-Cities Publishing Company, Mrs. Philip Frederick - Richmond Symphony Orchestra, Richard Frederick, Freedom Academy, Freedom Club, Freedom House, Freedom Press, Freedom's Foundation (Valley Forge), The Freeman, Donald Freeman, G. Mallory Freeman, Jack M. Freeman, Joseph F. Freeman III -Randolph Macon Women's College, L.O. Freeman Jr., Neal B. Freeman, Tanner H. Freeman, Wayne Freeman- The Greenville News, M.J. French, Minerva French, Ralph Freud-University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Martha P. Freund, Richard H. Frey-Hotel Delido
1956-1967 Correspondence: Fri-end "F"
Friant Dam, Guy Friddell, Dan J. Friedman-Friedman-Marks Clothing, Howard J. Friedman-Florida State Department of Education, Murray Friedman-Anti- Defamation League, H. Clay Friedrichs, David E. Frierson, R.S. Fries-Robertshaw Controls Company/ Black-eyed Pea Society, Carl B. Fritsche, A.B. Fritz, Alton Frix-Lee-Jackson Camp -Sons of Confederate Veterans, Arthur M. Frock, Freeman S. Frost - The Newport Miner, Marcellus B. Frost, Del. Tom Frost, Frostwood American Opinion Bookstore, Chas R. Frutig-Ohio State University Young Republican Club, C.R. and Margaret R. Fry, H.R. Frye, A.J. Fryhoff, Douglas Fugate - Department of Highways, Tom D. Fulford-Virginia Electric and Power Company, Bessie Fuller, Frank H. Fuller-Associated Press, George W. Fuller, Helen Fuller- The New Republic, Henry P. Fuller Sr., Mrs. M.N. Fuller, Selma Fuller, Glenn E. Fulmer, Robert A. Fulwiler Jr., Harry L. Fuqua, Gov. Foster Furcolo, J. Futch-Johns Hopkins University, Shirley E. Futrell
1954-1966 Correspondence: G - Gan
Mr. Gahan, Beverly Gaines, Dr. Francis Pendleton Gaines- Washington and Lee University, Dr. F.P. Gaines Jr.-University of Arizona, Wilfred Galbraith- Anniston Star, Robert L. Gale- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Walter S. Galeski- American Council for Judaism, Father Conan Gallagher- Holy Trinity Mission Seminary, Mrs. Frank Marion Galleher, Gallery of Modern Art, Mrs. R.W. Gallonay, Walter R. Gambill, G. Alvan Gamble, Harry Pollard Gamble Sr.-Gamble and Gamble, Jerry Gammon- Reynolds Metal Company, Robertshaw-Fulton Controls Company, John Gange- University of Virginia Woodrow Wilson Department of Foreign Affairs, D.M. Ganly- New York Herald Tribune, Walter W. Gann, William H. Gannett- Rochester Convention and Publicity Buearu Inc., Horace B. Gans- Better Business Bureau, Mrs. A.M. Gant, O.D. Ganton, ___ Ganz, Albert G. Ganz
1953-1966 Correspondence: Gar
James Gardner- Music Minus One, F. Henry Garber, Mrs. Henry Pelham Garber, Honorable Henry Garber, Marshall Garber- Virginia State Chamber of Congress, Dr. R.D. Garcin Jr., Mrs. Edwina Glenn Garfield, Charles Garian, Norbert F. Gariety, R.C. Garland, Charles L. Garnett, Mrs. Theodore Stanford Garnett, W.E. Garnett, G. Edmond Massie- Garrett and Massie, Inc., B.C. Garrett Jr., George Garrett- University of Virginia English Department, Henry E. Garrett- University of Virginia Education, Mrs. James E. Garrett, Judy Garrett, Peggy Tant, and Betty Lou Guidt, Jacqueline Garris, Devin A. Garrity- Devin-Adair Company, C.O. Garshwiler- Educational News Service, John L. Garson, Thomas J. Gartland- Arabian American Oil Company, Richard C. Garvey- Springfield Daily News, Earnest D. Gary, J. Vaughan Gary- United States House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations
1956-1965 Correspondence: Gas - Gat
Honorable J. Ralph Gasque, Hans E. Gassman, Robbins L. Gates, Spencer Gates, Marian Gatterman
1953-1966 Correspondence: Gau - Gen
William M. Gaunt Jr.-Virginia Chain Store Council, Mrs. C.W. Gauntlett, Berian O. Gause, Arnold Gavell, Elbert E. Gray, Thomas B. Gay, William T. Gay, J.J. Gayden Jr.-Hill Directory Company, Inc., Michael Gayle, E.K. Gaylord- The Daily Oklahoman, W.H. Gayman- Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Jeffrey B. Gayner- Conservative Society of Washington and Lee, Mrs. E.W. Gearles, James J. Geary- Virginia Civil War Commission, Vernon M. Geddy Jr.-Golden Horseshoe Club, Edward F. Gee- State-Planters Bank of Commerce and Trusts, Mary Gee- Commission on Constitutional Government, Mrs. R.C. Gee, Milt Geis, Betty Gelb- Virginia Education Fund, Matthew I. Gelfand MD, J.G. Gellings, Daryl Gemmer, Henry Gemmill- Chief of Correspondents- Wall Street Journal, William P. Gempp, General Dynamics, General Electric Company, General Features Corporation, J. Geneson, C.R. Gentry- Virginia Department of Welfare and Institutions, Mrs. Elwood M. Gentry, James W. Gentry Jr., S.L. Gentry
1953-1966 Correspondence: Geo - Gile
Katherine F. George- Martinsville and Henry County Mental Health Society, W. Brooks George- Larus and Brother Company, Ray Ger, Kay Ger- Ger Hotel, Martha Gerachis, Emmetta Germaine, Melvin E. German- Taxaid Company, Grace Gerren, C.J. Geyer, Maude J. Geyer, Duncan C. Gibb- Warren County Educational Foundation, Elizabeth Gibble- Volunteer Service Bureau, Hunter M. Gibbons, Mrs. J.S. Gibbs, Dr. John William Gibbs, Lula Gibbs, Mrs. Marion D. Gibbs, Mary R. Gibbs, R.C. Gibbs- Richmond Community Hospital, Stephen W. Gibbs, Mrs. Thomas F. Gibbs, Clare Gibson- George B. Thornhill Co. Inc., Edmund A. Gibson, Edward Gibson, George D. Gibson, J.C. Gibson- Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railways, Josephine Gibson, Rob[?] F. Gibson, Mrs. Ross S. Gibson, Wilbur F. Gibson, Lawrence E. Gichner, Howard A. Giddings- Giddings & Co., H.E. Gietzen- Travelers Insurance Company, J.G. Gifford, Lewis D. Gilbert- Investor, Rose Gilbert- American Association of Museums, Frank B. Gilbreth- Charleston Evening Post, J.W. Stuart Gilchrist- Children's Home Society of Virginia, A.T. Giles, Egbert Leigh Giles
1956-1966 Correspondence: Gill - Gilma
E. Hobson Gill, George Gill- Louisville Courier Journal, H.B. Gill- Gill Electric Manufacturing Company, H.B. Gill Jr., Katie Gill, Leona Gill, Rita Gill, Virgil H. Gill- Remlik Hall Turkey Farm, Dr. James T. Gillespie, Charles Edgar Gilliam, Christine Smith Gilliam, E.F. Gilliam- Pretlow Peanut Company, Mary Meacham Giliam- Richmond Public Library, Josephine K. Gillikin, James H. Gillis- City Hall Reporter, New Orleans Times Picayune, Norman B. Gillis Jr., Richard S. Gillis Jr.-Virginia State Chamber of Congress, W.H. Gilman, Gene F. Gilmartin- The Rotunda Club, Gene Gilmartine- Cleveland Yachting Club Inc.
1953-1957 Correspondence: Howard C. Gilmer Jr.
1956-1966 Correspondence: W.B. Gilmer -Gl
W.B. Gilmer, Catherine Lee Gilsdorf, Ann Ginalski, Daniel L. Ginsberg, Ginter Park Woman's Club Yearbook, Gordon Gipson- Caxton Printers Ltd., J.H. Gipson Sr.-Caxton Printers Ltd., Girl Scouts of USA, Beverly Githens, Lewis Glaser, Milton Glaser, C.S. Glasgow, Carter Glass III- The News and Advance, J. Luther Class- Department of Welfare and Institutions, Robert V. Glazebrook, Powell Glass Jr. -Glass Publishing Company, Charles W. Glenn- Motley Construction Company Inc., Marjorie P. Glenn, Mary B. Glenn, Harry Glidden, William R. Glidden, Emmet Glore, Admiral R.O. Glover- Atlantic Rural Exposition, Fiorella Maxwell Glowe
1953-1966 Correspondence: Go - Gol
Harvie D. Goddin Jr., Mrs. F. Russell Godie, Mrs. Julian C. Godsey Sr., Senator Mills E. Godwin Jr., Dr. Winfred Godwin, C.M. Goethe, Ray Goetz, Oliver Kenneth Goff, F.E. Goggin, Kenneth Goit (?), Mary Lou Goin, Victor Gold, Sid Goldberg- North American Newspaper Alliance Inc., Ariel L. Goldburg, Allan Golden, Harry Golden- The Carolina Israelite, Golden Horseshoe Club, Major Marvin L. Golden- Fitzsimons Army Hospital, T.T. Golden, Ronald L. Goldfarb, M.T. Golding- Community Welfare Committee, Eric F. Goldman- Princeton University, Paul A. Goldman- Lieutenant United States Air Force, Robert Goldman, Ed Goldstein, Barry Goldwater, Goldwater Column, Robert A. Goldwin- Public Affairs University of Chicago
1954-1965 Correspondence: Gon - Gor
Henry R. Gonner- Central Richmond Association Inc., W.E. Gonter, Donald J. Gonzales, Martee Gooch, R.K. Gooch, Mrs. Rugby R. Goode, W.B. Goode, Mrs. B. Goodman, Julian Goodman- National Broadcasting Company, M.M. Goodman, Robert C. Goodman Jr.- Collegiate Schools, Ernest W. Goodrich, Mrs. W.R. Goodson, Reverend Conrad H. Goodwin Sr.- Christ Church Rectory, John M. Goodwin, Richard Goodwin, John C. Goolrick, Mrs. Adelaide Rawls Goolsby, Oscar W. Goolsby, G.W. Gordner Jr., Daniel N. Gordon- University of Wisconsin, Gertrude H. Gordon, Howard H. Gordon-Southern States Cooperative Inc., Howard K. Gordon, John M. Gordon, Mary Stuart Gordon, Robert L. Gordon - The San Marcos Hotel and Bungalows, Rosalie M. Gordon, Dr. Samuel G. Gordon, Tom Gordon, W.W. Gordon-Chesterfield County Public Schools, Honorable Albert Gore-U.S. Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, Lillian L. Gore-Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, A.B. Gorman, Walter P. Gorman Jr., Dick Gorrell, J.E. Gorski
1953-1967 Correspondence: Gos - Grava
Betty A. Goscin, John A. Gosnell-National Small Business Association, Howard Gossage, Judge James P. Gossett, Bill Gottlieb - American Council for Judaism, Alan J. Gould- Associated Press, Bernard Gould, Richard S. Gould - Emco Inv. Co., A.T. Goulding-Standard Public Relations, Mrs. George S. Gouldman, Muriel Nussey Gouldman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goulet, Government Printing Office, Governor's Office, Mrs. Perrin W. Gower Sr. T. Charles Gower, William Grad-RESPONSE Symposium, Ed Grade- Los Angeles Times Syndicate, Edith C. Grady, George Graham, J. Stuart Graham Jr., Louise Graham, Malcolm C. Graham, Mrs. R.D. Graham, Lady Susan Graham, Grand Rapids -Planning Director, Bert J. Grant, Charles Grant, Grover C. Grant, Hugh G. Grant, Mrs. Arthur Granthary (?), Edward M. Grapp, Joyce D. Gratz, Alma Gravatt, J. Segar Gravatt, Mr. John B. Gravatt, Mrs. John Bryan Gravatt, Jr., W. Moncure Gravatt
1953-1966 Correspondence: Grave - Graz
John O.W. Gravely III- Virginia Gazette, Jemie Lee Graves, John Temple Graves- Birmingham Post Herald, L.R. Graves, Mrs. Carroll Gray, Elmon T. Gray, Frederick T. Gray, Garland Gray- Virginia State Senator, Grayfred B. Gray, Miss M. Frances Gray, Marvin L. Gray- Ruritan National, Mrs. Marvin L. Gray- Tidewater Academy, Maud Merchant Gray, P.M. Gray, Mrs. Wilmer L. Gray, Judge L.A. Grayson- Criminal Court of Record, Alfred de Grazia- New York University
1956-1966 Correspondence: Gre - Gree
Greater Philadelphia Magazine, Elmore D. Greaves, Ashbel Green- Alfred A. Knopf Inc., Mrs. Calvin S. Green, Mrs. D.E. Green, E.A. Green, Mrs. Ebert Green, Mrs. Etta Green, Dr. George Preston Green, Gerald Green- Boston University, H. Bruce Green, Herman C. Green, Milton L. Green, Montgomery M. Green, Patricia K. Green- Weber Showcase and Fixture Company, Mrs. Ralph E. Green, Walter G. Green, Mrs. Sam Greenberg, A.C. Greene Jr.-Louisa County Education Association, Burnley C. Greene, Judge John D. Greene, Marc T. Greene- Providence Journal, Richard T. Greene, Miss Erna Greenebaum, Ted Greenleaf- Public Relations Director DePaul University, Sidney Greenstein, Irving S. Greentree Jr.
1956-1966 Correspondence: Greg - Grey
A. James Gregor- International Association for Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics, Alessandro Gregorian, Claiborne D. Gregory- Virginia Petroleum Industries Comm., Mrs. Earle D. Gregory, Mrs. Irma Miller Gregory, Mrs. Jettie B. Gregory, Lewis W. Gregory, Margaret K. Gregory- The Hotel Jefferson, Mrs. Quentin Gregory, Ralph N. Gregory- South Carolina State Chamber of Commerce, J. Willard Greer, T. Keister Greer, Robert C. Gresham- Council of State Chambers of Commerce, William F.S. Gresham- Equitable Life Assurance Society, J.V. Grey, Robert J. Grey
1956-1966 Correspondence: Gri - Grin
Evelyn Field Griffin- Woman's Club of Wakefield, Commander H.K. Griffin Jr.-U.S. Atlantic Fleet, John A. Griffin- Emory University, L. Francis Griffin- First Baptist Church, Lloyd Griffin- North Carolina Citizens Association, Martin .J. Griffin, Governor Samuel Marvin Griffin (Georgia), Richard W. Griffin, Robert P. Griffin- U.S. Senate, Stuart Griffin- Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan, George D. Griffith Jr.-Southside Insurance Association, Luther O. Griffith- Griffith Lumber Company, W.J. Griffith- The Palladium Item, H.J. Griffiths, Austin E. Grigg, Wilbur W. Griggs, Mrs. Ben M. Grimes, J.E. Grimsley-Richmond Newspaper Guild, Doris Grinstead
1958-1966 Correspondence: Gris - Gry
Dean Erwin N. Griswold- Harvard University, Desdemona Griswold (Francis F.), Mrs. Ralph E. Griswold, Roger Groce, Dean G. Grogan- Blue Cross Blue Shield, H.W. Gross, Gerald M. Grosshans, Lilian T. Grosshans, William Groth- Safety, Health, Welfare Building, J. Bryan Grubbs, Joseph H. Grubbs Jr.-Title Insurance and Trust Company, Mrs. Joseph Grubbs Jr., A.K. Grube- Southside Plaza Shopping Center, Victor Gruen, Ernest Gruening- U.S. Senate, Grump Inc., Lois Ann Grunow, Ted W. Grunst, Richard Gryziec
1956-1967 Correspondence: Gu - Gw
Dr. DuPont Guerry III, C.D. Guess- Southern Teachers Agency of Richmond, Honorable Raymond R. Guest, Harry F. Guggenheim- Newsday, June Purcell Guild, William J. Guilfoile- New York Yankees Inc., James Dudley Gullet, G.W. Gulmon, Beth Gundlach, Edward R. Gunn. Richard E. Gunn- Liller Neal Battle & Lindsey Inc., Evelyn W. Gunter, Mrs. J.P. Gunter, Irene E. Gunther, Edward J. Gurney- U.S. House of Representatives, Joe Gusky- Lando Advertising Agency Inc., Dr. Hilmer C.H. Gustavson, Richard W. Guthrie, Mrs. V.V. Gutshall, G. Christian Guvernator III, Jean Guyton- University of Mississippi, Mrs. John H. Gwathmey, Robert R. Gwathmey- Hanover County Jamestown Festival Committee Inc., Pamela Denyce Gwathney
1953-1967 Correspondence: Ha - Had
Henrietta H__., Richard W. Haase, Rose Habel, Robert J. Habenicht- A.H. Robins Company, Inc., C.P. Haber, Mohamed Habib- Embassy of Egypt in Washington D.C., Charles Haboush, Edward E. Haddock MD- Mayor of Richmond, M.C. Haddon-Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, T. Gray Haddon- Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney
1956-1963 Correspondence: Joseph Addison Hagan and Mrs. J. Addison Hagan
1957-1966 Correspondence: Hage - Hair
Mrs. E.B. Hagenmueller, Randall Hagner, V.W. Hague, T. Marshall Hahn Jr.-Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Mrs. Jerre Haigh- Stephens College Office of Development, Elster M. Haile, Rochelle Haimes, Esther H. Haines, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest L. Haines, James J. Haire- Howard F. Dugan Inc.
1956-1966 Correspondence: Fred Haislip- Logan County Taxpayer's Association of West Virginia
1953-1966 Correspondence: Haiz - Hall
Margaret Haizlip, William F. Halcomb- Southeast Missouri State College, H. Halderson, Donne Hale- Fitness and Figure, E.V. Hale, J. Evetts Haley, Laura Virginia Hale, Doug Hall, National Jefferson Davis Hall of Fame Committee, Grover C. Hall Jr.-Montgomery Advertiser, James K. Hall Jr., Ralph A. Hall, Mrs. Raymond C. Hall- Hall-Neale Inc. Advertising, Hall Syndicate Inc., W. Earl Hall- Mason City Globe Gazette, Mrs. W.J.B. Hall
1955-1966 Correspondence: Halle - Hamm
William C. Halley- Du Pont Magazine, Andrew Halpin, Ashley Halsey Jr.-University of South Carolina, The American Rifleman, E.K. Halsey, Robert J. Halstead, Milton S. Hamacher, Newman Hamblet- Thalhimer Brothers Inc., L.A. Hamel- Beech-Nut Life Savers Inc., C.H. Hamilton, Mrs. Erwin Hamilton, Grace Hamilton, Jack Hamilton- Northern Virginia Daily (John A.) Lynchburg Advance, Norfolk Ledger-Star, Jack Hamilton- Detroit Free Press, Lt. Larry Hamilton- Public Information Office, O.F. Hamilton Jr.-Hamilton Manufacturing Company, R.H. Hamilton, Ray V. Hamilton, W.N. Hamilton, John Hamlin, William S. Hamma, W.K. Hammaker- Tidewater Oil Company, Earl L. Hammond, Nancy J. Hammond, William Hammond
1953-1966 Correspondence: Hamo - Harc
Sidney L. Hamolsky- Brown University, Gray Hampton Jr.- Buffalo Presbyterian Church, J. Nat Hamrick Jr., Joseph G. Hamrick- Virginia Governor's Office, Division of Industrial Development and Planning, Blanton B. Hanbury- Buffalo Shook Company Inc., Prince Edward Educational Foundation, Dr. Gordon B. Hanco*ck, J.E. Hanco*ck- Henrico County Tuberculosis Association, Leigh Hanes, Thomas A. Hanes- Sigma Delta Chi- Tidewater Virginia Chapter, Hanigen-Wick Memorial Fund, Florence P. Hanisch, Richard P. Hankins, John T. Hanna- City Traffic Engineer- Richmond, W. Clark Hanna, Cora W. Hannah, Mrs. W.N. Hannah, Reverend John P. Hannan, Hanover Academy 2
1956-1967 Correspondence: Hard - Harre
Mrs. Romaine Hardcastle- Sitka, Alaska Chamber of Commerce, Gertrude Hardeman, Mrs. Isaac Hardeman, Richard Hardesty Jr.- R.H. Hardesty Company Inc., Hardesty Candy Company, Garland S. Hardin, Mrs. Franklin L. Harding, John Howard Harding, Mrs. S.Y. Harding, E.V. Hardway Jr., Mrs. J.C. Hardy, Congressman Porter Hardy Jr.-House Office Building, Billy James Hargis- Christian Crusade, William J. Hargis Jr.-Laboratory Director and Dean School of Marine Science, Roy B. Hargrove Jr.-Prince Edward School Foundation, James E. Hargroves, S.A. Harkness, D.A. Harley, Bryce N. Harlow- The White House, Lansing B. Harmon Jr., Mrs. John Harner, Joseph M. Harp- The Herald- Mail Company, Bob Harper, R.M. Harper, Rita P. Harper- The Reader's Digest, Walter W. Harper- State Development Board, State of South Carolina, Harper's Magazine, F. Stanley Harrell, George V. Harrell Jr., Herbert H. Harrell, Richard O. Harrell III, Ted Harrell
1954-1963 Correspondence: Anthony Harrigan- Norfolk-Virginian Pilot, The News and Courier: Charleston Evening Post
1953-1966 Correspondence: H.Harrigan - A. Harrison
Herbert Harrigan, C. Herbert Harrigan Jr., Charlotte J. Harris, Edwin F. Harris, Frank D. Harris- Hodges and Harris, G.C. Harris, George Carleton Harris, Gibson Harris, H.H. Harris- Department of Highways, Jane M. Harris- Fall Mountain Regional High School Librarian, Janie Harris, Juliette L. Harris, Logan Harris, Mildred Willis Harris, Roy V. Harris- Southern Finance Building, Sidney J. Harris- General Features Corporation, Chicago Daily News, Violet Harris, W. Gibson Harris, William Harris, A.S. Harrison Jr.-Governor of Virginia, Arthur W. Harrison- C&P Telephone Company of Virginia, Friends of the Library
1952-1963 Correspondence: Burr P. Harrison- House of Representatives, U.S. Congress
1953-1967 Correspondence: C. Harrison -Harw
Mrs. Channing Williams Harrison, D.F. Harrison, Eve Harrison, Mrs. Milton W. Harrison- Stan-Hywet Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Harrison- The North Star, The Traveler's Insurance Company, William P. Harrison, Willis S. Harrison- National Conference of Editorial Writers, Deryl Hart- President Duke University, George L. Hart Jr.-District of Columbia U.S. District Court Judge, Hazel Marr Hart, James Hart, Merwin K. Hart- National Economy Council Inc., W. Robert Hart, The Hartford Times, Lille May Hartless, Ben R. Hartley- Presbyterian Survey, Fred A. Hartley Jr., Herbert L. Hartley MD- Northwest Medicine, Honorable William B. Hartsfield- Atlanta, Georgia mayor, Samuel T. Hartt, James Hartz, Clarence L. Harvey, Irene Harvey, Iva C. Harvey, Keith Harvey- The Bedford Bulletin, Richard B. Harwell- Association of College and Research Libraries, Elizabeth Harwood, Garland M. Harwood Jr.
1953-1966 Correspondence: Has - Haz
Fred Haseltine- Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Douglas Haskell- Architecture FORUM, Preston Hampton Haskell, C.N. Hastie Jr.-Magnolia Gardens, Dr. Martin Hasting- St. Louis University, Cathy Hastings, Paul D. Hastings, Woodrow W. Hasty- River Road Church, Elizabeth F. Haswell, John Davis Hatch Jr. -Norfolk Museum of Arts and Sciences, Honorable W. Russell Hatchett, Weston P. Hatfield, R.B. Hathaway- Yale Club, H. Hatton, Hartwell Hatton- Pulpwood Production, Hatton, Brown, and Company Inc. Publishers, Cynthia Haug, Dr. Ernst Hauswedell, R.B. Hawes, E. Beverly Hawkins, Herman Bruce Hawkins, Lucy Rogers Hawkins, Nettie and Ben Hawkins, Thomas Lee Hawley- The Virginia Spectator, Mrs. C. Haws, R.A. Hay, Alice Hayes, Charles R. Hayes, Daniel R. Hayes- Hanover House, Lillian L. Haynes, Sam Haynes, W.P. Hazlegrove, Henry Hazlitt- The Freeman
1956-1966 Correspondence: He - Hea
Orman L. Headley, Reverend Joseph B. Head, George W. Healy Jr. - Times- Picayune Publishing Company, Peggy Price Heard, Mildred M. Crooks- Richmond Area Heart Association Inc., Mrs. Paul A. Heart, Edwin J. Heath, Hubert H. Heath, William H. Heath- The Haverhill Gazette, The American Editor, Lawrence Eagle Tribune, Mrs. Frances C. Heaton
1957-1966 Correspondence: Heb-James Helmes
Robert Heberle- Richmond City Council, Dr. Hedges, Marvin K. Heffner, Louis P. Hehman- Citizens for Decent Literature, Colonel R.D. Heinl Jr., Heinrich Bar, Ed. Heiny, E.R. Heiser, J.N. Heiskell- Arkansas Gazette, Dr. Joseph D. Heitger, Dr. Edward C. Held, Lewis I. Held, J. Lynn Helms- North American Aviation Inc., James M. Helms Jr.-Longwood College Department of History
1963-1966 Correspondence: Jesse Helms- WRAL TV
1953-1966 Correspondence: Helt - Her
Alice D. Helton, Herb Heltzer- Ardley, Beth Hemingway, W. Edwin Hemphill- Virginia Calvacade, Virginia State Library, Albert E. Hemsing- U.S. Information Service, Aubrey R. Henderson Jr., Bernard L. Henderson Jr., Horace Henderson, Jeremiah Henderson, Mrs. W. E. Henderson, John F. Hendon, Captain C.D. Henington- USAF Recruiting Service, Bill Henley, August L. Henna, Louis Hennessy- The Azusa Herald, Alex Henney- English Speaking Union, Mrs. J.R. Henning- Brunswick-Greensville Regional Library, Joyce Henriques, J. Henkel Henry- Henry Sub-Division, Paul W. Henry, Mrs. E.E. Hensley, George Henton, Lt. Col. Guy Hepler- Salvation Army, The Herald Tribune News Service, R.B. Herbert, Charles F. Herd- Greater Knoxville Chamber of Commerce, Marion W. Herget- Herald Progress Inc., John W. Herman, Mrs. William C. Herman, A.B. Hermann- Republican National Committee, Milton M. Hermanson, Booton Herndon, Louis S. Herrink, Ruth Herrink, Grady C. Herron- Human Events Inc.
1956-1967 Correspondence: Hes - Hey
Joan Hess- The American Artists, Karl Hess- The Fisherman, Champion Paper and Fibre Company, Laura E. Hesse, Mrs. George P. Hester, Sue S. Hester- Board of Education Methodist Church, Harvey H. Hevenor, Mrs. O.H. Hewit Jr., Horace W. Hewlett- Amherst College, Mrs. Owen Heyer
1953-1966 Correspondence: Hi - Hill
Colonel Allen B. Hicklin- Penn-Sheraton Hotel, Mrs. C.S. Hicks, Elizabeth Hicks, Jimmy Hicks, R.F. Hicks, William F. Hicks, Anthony Hicks- News Journal Papers, Anthony Higgins- The Evening Journal, Mrs. F.V. Higgins, Jerry Higgins- University of California at Santa Barbara, Kenneth R. Higgins- Department of Professional and Occupational Registration, Marguerite Higgins, T. Jeff Higgins, City of High Point, NC, High Point Daily News, J.P. Hightower- Pilot Freight Carriers, Inc., W.S. Hildreth- Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, Marian J. Hilburn, Frank Hill, Fred Hill- American National Insurance Company, George C. Hill, Howard T. Hill, James W. Hill- Fidelity Bankers Life Insurance Company, Jane Hill, Mary F. Hill, Miriam D. Hill, Patti Hill, Perry C. Hill- The Milwaukee Journal, Ray Hill- Shelby County Office Building, Rayburn Hill, Robert E. Hill- Missouri Bankers Association, W.W. Hill Jr.-College Life Insurance Company, William B. Hill- Randolph-Macon Lodge Roanoke River Branch Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiques, Robert L. Hilldrup- Mary Washington College of UVA, William N. Hilliard- Medical Society of the State of North Carolina, Mrs. L.G. Hillquist, Sophia Hillquist, Robert F.(Bob) Hills- Saturday Evening Post, G.A. Hillsman- Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce, H.H. Hillyer III- The Liberator
1956-1966 Correspondence: Hilt - Hix
Hattie W. Hilton, John T. Hilton, Sidney Hilton Jr., Dr. G.G. Himmelwright- Wiliamston Clinic, Joe Hindman, Gordon Hines, Kay Hines- Montana Research Association, Paul Hinkle- Superintendant of Banks, Donald H. Hinshelwood- Richmond Newspapers Inc., Joan Hinshelwood, Ian Hinton- The London Times, Mrs. G.E. Hintz, David W. Hiott- South Carolina Press Association, The Observer, Rudolph Hirsch- The Library, The University of Pennsylvania, Rosetta Hirsch, Jacqueline D. Hirth, Historical Record Association, H. Atwood Hitch- Campaign General Richmond Area Community Chest, Nancy Graham Hitch, Henry Russell Hitchco*ck, Robert M. Hitt Jr.- Charleston Evening Post, Burnette J. Hively, H.B. Hixson- The Civil War Round Table
1953-1967 Correspondence: Ho - Hog
James C. Ho- Department of Architecture VPI, Mrs. Hoard, David F. Hobart, Mrs. Elmes S. Hobson, Raleigh C. Hobson- Director of Public Welfare, City of Richmond, Charles Otto Hodges, Reverend Joseph H. Hodges, Luther H. Hodges, Theresa D. Hodges- Petersburg Public Library, Vernon Hodges, Barbara W. Hoeber, A.A. Hoehling, W.L. ho*rter, Mrs. Hoffman, Kathryne Hogg, Reynold D. Hogle- Rear Admiral U.S. Navy, Sarah Hogrefe
1953-1965 Correspondence: Hok - Holme
Thelma Hoke, T.T. Holderness- Advisory Service, Judge Carlton E. Holladay, Mary Caroline Holladay, Mrs. Percy Holladay, Mrs. Holland, E.L. Holland Jr.- The Birmingham News, Ed Holland- The Chicago Tribune, H.W. Holland, Phyllis Holland, Percy T. Hollander, Martha Holler- Accreditation and Travel Branch, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, T.B. Holliday, L.H. Hollingsworth- Wake Forest College, L.P. Hollis, Louis W. Hollis- The Citizens' Council, Charles R. Holloman- Educational Budget Analyst State of North Carolina, The Budget Bureau, Mrs. Elmo G. Holloman, T.W. Holloman, Dr. Barry J. Holloway- The Grolier Society, The American-Korean Foundation Inc., Bert Holloway, Harry Holloway, Vice Admiral James L. Holloway Jr.-Chief of Naval Personnel, Brenda Holly, Richard S. Holman, Carroll R. Holmes- North Carolina House of Representatives, Dr. Edward M. Holmes Jr.-Director of Public Health Richmond, Mrs. W. Thomas Holmes
1956-1966 Correspondence: Holmq - Hook
Richard C. Holmquist- Virginia Industrialization Group, Clyde K. Holsinger, Mrs. A.M.B. Holt, Mrs. Eric M. Holt, Mrs. Parker Holt, Rinehart Holt, Dr. Thomas Holt, A. Linwood Holton Jr., Moses Clayborne Holton, Anne Homes, C.W. Honsberger- Warren County Educational Foundation, Bruce A. Hood- First National Bank Building, Dr. M.H. Hood, Professor Sidney Hook- New York University Graduate Department of Philosophy, Bettie Tyson Hooker, Edith Pratt Hooker, Mrs. Frederick H. Hooker, Mrs. Frederick Johnston Hooker, Honorable H. Lester Hooker- State Corporation Commission, Pat Hooker- The Salem Times Registrar, Mr. Zebulon Vance Hooker II- College Apartments, Roanoke College Department of English
1956-1964 Correspondence: Hool - Hoov
Kenneth H. Hooley, C.S. Hooper Jr.-Southside Electric Cooperative, Mrs. G.F. Hooper, Mrs. Charles G. Hoover, J. Edgar Hoover- FBI
1956-1966 Correspondence: Hop - Hov
Dorothy Hope- LifeLine, Paul B. Hope- The Washington Star, Robert S. Hopson- Director of Public Works Richmond, Stanley C. Hope- United Negro College Fund Inc., Charles L. Horn, Robert L. Horn- Richmond Regional Planning Commission, Jack R. Hornady- The Hall Syndicate Inc., Edwin B. Horner, Braxton Horsley, Mrs. Frances Horton, W.H. Horton, Seymour Horwitz, Richard Kelly Hoskins, Elizabeth A. Hotchkiss, R. Edward Hotze, Mrs. Charles C. Hough, Frank Hough, Robert F. Houlihan, C.R. House Jr.-Department of Journalism, Fairmont State College, Meredith A. House, Julian C. Houseman, Mrs. C.R. Houston, Charles W. Houston- Medical College of Virginia Hospital, Frank K. Houston- Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, Mike Houston, Graham B. Hovey- The Minneapolis Star and Tribune, John Hoving- Air Transport Association of America
1953-1966 Correspondence: How
A.E. Dick Howard- Chambers of Justice Hugo L. Black U.S. Supreme Court, Anthony Howard- Lindsay-Schaub Newspapers Manchester Guardian, Arthur Dick Howard, Barron Howard, Benjamin R. Howard, Dick Howard, Dowell J. Howard- State Board of Education, Louis Howard, Munroe Howard, Rhea Howard- Wichita Falls Times and Record News, Robert I. Howard- The Medical Society of Virginia, Thomas L. Howard Jr., Vaughan H. Howard, Victor B. Howard, Walter Howard- The Berkshire Eagle, M. Norton Howe Jr., Charles A. Howell- Martha Washington Motel, C.B. William Howell- Geigy Pharmaceuticals, Eli H. Howell- Alabama Legislative Analyst, E.L. Howell- Times Publishing Company, Hoyt Howell, Mrs. Joseph E. Howell Jr., William C. Howell
1956-1966 Correspondence: Hu - Hul
Henry T. Huband- Kiwanis Club of Richmond, American Institute of Architects, Mrs. Antoinette Kilmartin Hubbard, Dr. Bela Hubbard, Mrs. D. Hubbard, Alexander Hudgins- Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation, National Conservative Council, Honorable Edward W. Hudgins- Chief Justice of Virginia, Mrs. James Hudley, Mrs. A.B. Hudnall, Harvey Hudson- WLEE, Joseph L. Hudson Jr., Charles G.L. Huether, C.W. Huff Jr., Frances R. Huff, Claude W. Huffman, Don Huffman, J.W. Huffman- Richmond Department of Purchases and Department of General Services, R.W. Huffman, Charles Evans Hughes- Capitol Hotel, John B. Hughes, Dr. John M. Hughes, John P. Hughes Motor Company Inc., Mrs. Martin Hughes, W.C. Hughes- RADM, USNR- Department of Navy, Bureau of Naval Personnel, W.K. Hughes, W.R. Hughes, Huguenot Academy, C.R. Huie- Supreme Court of Arkansas Executive Secretary, A. Bosworth Hulcher, Richard Hull- Houghton Mifflin Company
1954-1957 Correspondence: Human Events
1957-1963 Correspondence: Human Events
1954-1966 Correspondence: Humb - Honorable Moscoe Huntley
Ben Humbard, Carl Humelsine- Colonial Williamsburg, Ray O. Hummel Jr.- Virginia State Library, Hubert Humphrey- Vice President United States, Miss A. Humphreys, Ruth Humphreys- King William County Health Department, Miss L. Alma Humphreys, George R. Humrickhouse, Mrs. Harold S. Hundley, Murray Hundley, W.S. Hundley, Walter D. Hunnicutt, John Hunt- The Insider's Newsletter, North American Newspaper Alliance Inc., John D. Hunt- Saturday Evening Post, Anne Hunter, Floyd Hunter, J.T. Hunter, Robert A. Hunter- Fleet Publishing Company, Thomas Hunter- Dean School of Medicine at UVA, Eleanor Hunting, Mrs. Ralph D. Hunting, Honorable Moscoe Huntley- Judge of Hustings Court
1953-1966 Correspondence: Honorable Moscoe Huntley-Hy
Honorable Moscoe Huntley- Judge of Hustings Court, Frank J. Hunzer, David Hurdle, Mrs. W.H. Hurkamp, Mrs. A.S. Hurt Jr., Mrs. Frances Hallam Hurt, Henry C. Hurt- Planters Bank and Trust Company, Mrs. Henry Charles Hurt, J.P. Huskins- Statesville Record and Landmark, Erskine M. Hutcheson, Dr. John R. Hutcheson- VPI Educational Foundation Inc., Sterling Hutcheson- U.S. District Court, John Hutchinson, M.A. Hutchinson, W.R. Hutchinson- Boys Club of Richmond, VA Inc., J.B. Hutt, Mrs. Alvin W. Hutton, Frances E. Hutts, Edwin Hyde- Miller and Rhoads, Mrs. T.T. Hyde III, Mrs. G. Paul Hyder, G. Dewey Hynes- General Cable Corporation, Constance Hyslop
1964-1967 Correspondence: Miscellaneous Unidentified "H"
1953-1967 Correspondence - I
Unknown "I", John J. Iago, Sherwood C. Ide SR.-Independence Foundation, Tom C. Igoe, Ilford Inc., Moritoshi Imamura, The Independent American, William Inge - The Music Box Theater, Mrs. Charles (Patsy) Ingersoll, Alice Levis Ingersoll, Dwight J. Ingle-University of Chicago, Mrs. James W. Ingles, Alice Littlepage Ingram, Florence L. Ingram, Rev. T. Robert Ingram-St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Harvey Inman, Tom Inman, Mrs. Russell R. (Dorothy B.) Innis-Richmond Council of Garden Clubs, International Ethnical Society for the Preservation of the Caucasian Race, Internal Revenue Service, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), International News Service, International Newspapers Exhibition, Helen Zapontis Iofrati, H. Gifford Irion, D.W. Irvine, C.A. Isaacs Jr.-Resolute Insurance Company, Embassy of Israel-Washington DC, C.P. Ives- The Baltimore Sun, A.G. Ivey-University News Bureau - University of North Carolina, Mrs. A.L. Ivey, Charles E. Ivey - WRVA, G.L. Ivey-South Carolina States Rights League, Joseph B. Ivey-Richmond Department of Public Safety-Bureau of Traffic Engineering, Walter B. Ivey, Pete Ivey-University News Bureau - University of North Carolina
1953-1967 Correspondence: J - James
Jackson (MS) Citizens' Council, A. Frederick Jackson-World Astrologer, Cary Jackson, Dr. I.A. Jackson Jr., J. Kirman Jackson, James K. Jackson Jr., Joseph Hayes Jackson, Lester Jackson, Loraine P. Jackson, Mrs. M.R. Jackson, Mrs. Ruby P. Jackson, Samuel S. Jackson-Virginia Trust Company, "Stonewall" Jackson Memorial, Dr. Cary F. Jacob, Judy Jacob, M. Jacob, Prof. Philip E. Jacob - University of Pennsylvania Political Science Department, Hans R. Jacobsen, Richard S. Jacobson - Trial Magazine, Sidney Jacobson-Distributive Education, Margie Jager, G.H. Jamerson (Maj. Gen. USA Ret.), Osmond T. Jamerson, James River Basin Association, Jamestown Foundation, Delores M. James, E. Ralph James, G. Watson James-Division of Motor Vehicles, Dr. G. Watson James III-Medical College of Virginia, G. Watson James Jr., Harry R. James, J.H. James, John Quarles James
1953-1966 Correspondence: Jami - Jel
Malcolm Jamison-Berkeley Plantation, Marie E. Jamison, Robert H. Jamison, Kelly Janes, John Janney, Isabel Jansen RN, John W. Jarrett, John J. Jarvis-Sunrise Golf Village, Dr. John H. Jediny, W.N. Jefferies, Lorena Jefferson-Elkhardt Intermediate School, Peyton G. Jefferson, Sue C. Jefferson, C.O. Jeffress-North Carolina Press Association, A.W. Jeffreys-College of William and Mary, Harvey E. Jeffreys, Mrs. Smith Ely Jelliffe
1953-1967 Correspondence: Jen - Ji
Mrs. Alexander F. Jenkins, Alfred Peyton Jenkins, Beverley Jenkins, Earl J. Jenkins, Jay Jenkins-Raleigh Bureau - The Charlotte-Observer, Mrs. Jessie W. Jenkins, L. Howard Jenkins, Ray Jenkins- Alabama Journal, Robert A Jenkins, Mrs. W.B. Jenkins, W.D. Jenkins, Walter Jenkins (Subject), Sen. William E. Jenner, Mrs. Bessie Jennings, Dorothy J. Jennings, George W. Jennings-State Chamber of Commerce, John Melville Jennings-Virginia Historical Society, T.J. Jensen, Lawrence Jeppson, Edward Jerome, Helen Jervey, William R. Jervey, Robert Jervis-Oberlin College, Jessup Memorial, Allen H. Jeter, E.S. Jewell, Carleton Jewett, J.J. Jewett, V.W. Jewett, Larry Jinks
1953-1966 Correspondence: Jo - Johnson
Joseph Joel, William Charles Joern, Mrs. William Henry Johann Jr., Philip John-Cultural Foundation-George Washington University, F. Winston Johns, Jay Winston Johns-President-Stonewall Jackson Memorial, Rep. Albert W. Johnson-Pennsylvania, Mrs. C.B. Johnson - Mothers' Crusade for Victory over Communism, Charles Owen Johnson, Clair Johnson- Congressional Quarterly, Cullen Johnson-Virginia Farm Bureau Federation, Donald M. Johnson-Sigma Phi Epsilon, Dorothy Johnson, E. Leonard Johnson, Mrs. Earl Johnson, Ernest P. Johnson, Fred H. Johnson, G.E. Johnson, G.P. Johnson Sr., George F. Johnson-Save Our National Sovreignty, Gilbert M. Johnson, Grace E. Johnson, Mrs. Harry Johnson, Herbert Johnson, J. Maurice Johnson, Jesse M. Johnson -Colonel USAF (Ret.), John Johnson-Virginia Auto Glass Company, John H. Johnson-Sons of Confederate Veterans, Ludwell H. Johnson - College of William and Mary, M.S. Johnson-Free Enterprise Federation, Mr. And Mrs. Pearle Sherwood Johnson (Doc and Patsy), Mrs. R.E. Johnson Jr., Robert E. Johnson, Robert S. Johnson, Roger D. Johnson, Susie W. Johnson, T. Leslie Johnson, William Johnson - Foundation for Voluntary Welfare
1954-1966 Correspondence: Johnston - Jones, E.
Lt. Col. Archie B. Johnston USAR (Ret.), Erby A. Johnston, Erle Johnston Jr.-Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission, Forney Johnston, G. Burke Johnston-Virginia Polytechnic Institute, J. Ambler Johnston, J.S. Johnston, J.T. Johnston, Bernard M. Johnstone -State of Maine Publicity Bureau, Robert P. Jonas, A.E. Jones, Albert J. Jones Jr.-Sons and Daughters of the Elders: The Great African Nationalist Independence Partition Party of North America, Alice Whitley Jones-United Daughters of the Confederacy, Ann Jones, B.E. Jones Sr., Broaddus Jones, Cameron Jones, Carolyn Jones, David G. Jones, David R. Jones-American Conservative Union, Doris Vaughan Jones, E. Hale Jones, E.L. Jones, E. Payson Jones III, E. Theodore Jones-Riverview Baptist Church, Edward Jones-Student Council Association-James Monroe High School, Ellis O. Jones, Evelyn Jones
1954-1966 Correspondence: Jones, F - Jones, W
Franklin Jones Jr., Mrs. G.H. Jones, G.W. Jones, Mrs. Gay Jones, James L. Jones, James S. Jones Jr., Jenk Jones, John Jones, Kenneth W. Jones, L.B. Jones, L.C. Jones, Leslie L. Jones, Mark M. Jones, Martha Jones, Mildred Fitzhewey Jones (Mrs. Paul M.), N. Earl Jones, N. Frances Jones, N. Kenneth Jones, Norwood S. Jones, Paul Jones - The Evening Bulletin, Plummer F. Jones, Rogan Jones, Sam W. Jones, Stewart D. Jones Jr., T. Ralph Jones, Thomas D. Jones Jr., V.C. "Pat" Jones-Office of Rep. William M. Tuck, Mrs. W.B. Jones, W.S. Jones, Judge Walter B. Jones, Willis O. Jones Jr.
1951-1964, n.d. Correspondence - Leslie Jones
1951-1965 Correspondence: Jons-end "J"
Alma S. Jonson-Citizens' Pure Water Committee-Honolulu HI, David Jordahl, A.L. Jordan-Virginia Auto and Truck Salvage Dealers Association, B. Everett Jordan-US Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, Edwin Neil Jordan, George A. Jordan, Harold B. Jordan, J.P. Jordan, J. Robert Jordan, Joseph W. Jordan, Louis F. Jordan, Rev. John H. Jordan Jr.-St. Stephens Episcopal Church, William A. Jordan Jr., Paul Jordan-Smith, Victor Jory-University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Charles C. Josey-Butler University, Rufus Josey- Winchester Evening Star, C.B. Joyner, C.F. Joyner, Stanley K. Joynes Jr., Walter H. Judd (Subject), Bessie T. Judson, Frank H. Judson, Juan E. Junca, Junior League of Richmond, Marion Junkin-Washington and Lee University, Bruce M. Justice
1953-1966 Correspondence: K-Kat
Willard Kaempf- Assistant Principal Manchester District High School, Anna E. Kahl, Mrs. Fred Kalada, Roxanne Kalb, Maurice E. Kalen, Leah Kalling, Jack Kaminsky, Russell W. Kane- The Plain Dealer, Mrs. Waino J. Kangas Jr., William M. Kanney, Kansas Free Lance, Kapaun High School- Dr. Bella V. Dodd Sponsors, Samuel Kaplan- Samuel Kaplan Associates, Pauline Kard, Ella F. Karlson, Tom Kaser- Honolulu Star-Bulletin, John T. Kaskel, Dorothy Kassel, H.G. Kates- Fulton Leather Goods Company, Donald Kathan
1956-1964 Correspondence: Verne P. Kaub, American Council of Christian Laymen
1953-1967 Correspondence: Kauf-Kei
J. Kauffman, William H. Kaufman MD, Mrs. Charles R. Kaufman, Elizabeth Kavet, L.L. Kay, R. Blackiston Kay, Elmer Keaton, H. Bright Keck- House of Representatives, Mrs. John Kee, Keedick Lecture Bureau, S.G. Keedwell, Lucy Keel, W.T. Keener, George H. Keesee, Mrs. Samuel Keil, Mrs. Thomas Keil, Mrs. R.E. Keiningham, E.E. Keister- Northern Virginia Daily, Don Keith- Easton Daily Express, Garland Keith
1953-1967 Correspondence: Kel
Mrs. A.P. Kellam, Edith G. Kellam RN, Sidney S. Kellam- Stanley for Governor Headquarters, Edward M. Kelleher, W.C. Kelleher, A.G. Keller, B.M. Keller, Dr. Daniel M. Keller, Hellen Keller, Gwendolyn M. Kelley, Peter Kelley, R.H. Kelley, Walter A. Kelley, Donald Lewis Kellogg, G.G. Kellogg- The Standard, Brian Kelly, Edward Kelly, Elsie J. Kelly, Mrs. Fred Kelly, Gayle Kelly, J. Van R. Kelly- Crenshaw Equipment Company, Kenneth Kelly, Walter C. Kelly, John Kelso
1953-1966 Correspondence: Kem-John Kerr Jr.
Ed Kemm- Virginia International Raceway, Edward Kemp- University of Oregon Acquisitions Librarian, Robert DuB Kemp, Verbon E. Kemp- Virginia State Chamber of Congress, James Kemper- Kemper Insurance, H.S. Kenan, Joan Kendall, Mrs. Paul Kendall, Dr. John F. Kendrick, Thomas E.J. Kenna- The Hartford Courtant, Professor M. Slade Kendrick- Department of Agricultural Economics, Cornell University, Alice Kennard, John Kennedy, Frank E. Kennedy, J.D. Kennedy- Cherokee Warehouse Inc., James F. Kennedy III- University of Florida, Mrs. Martin J. Kennedy, Paul J. Kennedy- Council For Basic Education, Robert Kennedy- Chicago Sun-Times, W.P. Kennedy- President Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, Jane Cone Kenner, W.T. Kenner, Kenneth Lord Furniture Shop Inc., George W. Kent, J. Kent, Mrs. R.C. Kent- Charlotte-Mecklenburg Republican Women's Club, Colonel Calvin I. Kephart, Charles T. Keppel- The Museum of Modern Art, Mrs. Ernest L. Keppel- Children's Theatre of Richmond Inc., Bill Kering- The Boston Globe, John W. Kern Jr., R. Wayne Kernodle- College of William and Mary, William Page Kernodle, W.J. Kerns, Mrs. E.D. Kerr, John Kerr Jr.-North Carolina General Assembly
1953-1955 Correspondence: Mrs. Mary B. Kerr
1958-1966 Correspondence: Mary Pinkerton Kerr-Arthur Kilpatrick
Mary Pinkerton Kerr, Nell Kerr, Robert Erskine Kerr, Fredderic F. Kersey, Jack Kershaw, W.K. Kershaw, Dr. James G. Kerwin, Leo J. Kesselring, Charles L. Kessler- American Legion, Leon G. Kesteloo- State Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, Ralph L. Ketcham- Syracuse University, Frank Key, L.S. Key, Paul S. Keyes, Thomas B. Keys, Edward C. Kienle- National Waterways Conference Inc., I.N. Kiland- United States Navy, John F. Kiley, Bernard Kilgore- Wall Street Journal, Altemur Kilic- Press Attache, Turkish Embassy, Ruth Killingbeck, Daniel F. Killinger, G.W. Killough, Arthur Kilpatrick
Nov 1959 Correspondence: James J. Kilpatrick, Christopher Kilpatrick's Accident
1960-1961 Correspondence: James J. Kilpatrick, Michael Kilpatrick's Trip Abroad
1949-1953 Correspondence: James J. Kilpatrick, Personal
1954-1957 Correspondence: James J. Kilpatrick, Personal
1958-1959 Correspondence: James J. Kilpatrick, Personal
1960-1961 Correspondence: James J. Kilpatrick, Personal
1961-1965 Correspondence: James J. Kilpatrick, Personal
n.d. Correspondence: James J. Kilpatrick, Personal (miscellaneous)
1961 Correspondence: James J. Kilpatrick, Photos Taken Abroad
1961 Correspondence: James J. Kilpatrick, Road to Russia
1959 Correspondence: James J. Kilpatrick, Western Trip, United States
1953-1967 Correspondence: Jane Kilpatrick-Kin
Frank Kilpatrick, H.M. Kilpatrick, Jane Kilpatrick, John T. Kilpatrick, John Kilpatrick Jr., Mrs. Robert A. Kilpatrick, Thomas H. Kilpatrick- American Forest Products Industries, James J. Kilroy, Lester Kimball, Victor A. Kimball- Los Angeles Times, William J. Kimball- Department of English at Mary Baldwin College, Ken Kimball, Ray Kimball, Frank Kimbrough- Ideal Fishing Float Company Inc., Marjorie Niles Kime, Robert Clay Kime, Mrs. Robert Clay Kime, J.S. Kimmel Sr.-Republic Electric Company, Stanley Kimmel, Dr. Harold Wade Kinderman, Bill Kindle, W.G. Kindle, Bart King, Mrs. Benjamin King, Clehnon King, Mrs. Edwin H. King, King Features Syndicate, George D. King, Mrs. Margaret C. King- The Virginia Observer, Peter J. King- Langdon Jewelry Company Inc., S.W. King, Thomas H. King, W. Stirling King- Whittet and Shepperson, Convention and Tourist, William H. King, Mrs. William King, Kings Arm Tavern- Chief of Reservation, Mrs. Clyda Kinman, William V. Kinney- The Rock Island Argue, Donald D. Kinsey, B.Y. Kinzey
1958-1966 Correspondence: Kir-Kl
Mrs. C. Kirk, Russell Kirk, Admiral C.C. Kirkpatrick- Director of Public Information U.S. Navy, W.P. Kirkpatrick, Guy A. Kistler- House of Representatives Pennsylvania, Mrs. Allan F. Kitchel, Mrs. George W. Kitchen, R. Wayne Kitchener, J.D. Kitchin Jr., Mrs. Lela Cole Kitson, Mrs. Beatrice Klien (?), Vincent G. Kling, William Kloepfer Jr.-Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, R.J. Klotz- Radio Supply Company Inc.
1958-1967 Correspondence: Kn-Ko
Charles L. Knapp- Phi Delta Theta House, William L. Knaus, Jack M. Kneece, Mr. Knickerbocker, Troy G. Kniffin, Charles E. Knight, Douglas M. Knight, Colonel E. Vernon Knight, Dr. Granville F. Knight- Journal of Applied Nutrition, James Robert Knight Jr., John K. Knight, Margaret Knight, Raymond Earl Knight Jr., Mrs. Walter H. Kniskern, Alfred A. Knopf Inc. -Ashbel Green, H.A. Knowles, Governor Warren P. Knowles of Wisconsin, B.L. Knox, Jack Knox- The Nashville Banner, James Knox- Professor Emory University, Margaret Elliot Knox- North Carolina Leader, Russell F. Knutson- Fridtjof-Karla Publishers, Mrs. John Kobbe, John Kobler- Saturday Evening Post, Henry Kocen, Fred C. Koch George Koch, Dr. Richard S. Koch, Eric Kocher- Office of Southeast Asian Affairs Department of State, F.D. Koelbel, James B. Koerner, Robert C. Kohler- Anti- Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, Geza Korda, Mrs. Sallie Guy Korell, H.J. Korte, Joe Kotcha, Joseph L. Koury, Mrs. Theodore Koziar
1958-1966 Correspondence: Kr-End "K"
Phillip Krakower, Corinne Kralemann, Mrs. E.A. Kramer, William L. Kraus, Franklin D. Kreutzer- University of Miami, Laura L. Krey, Hillier Krieghbaum- Department of Journalism, Irene Krisciunas, E. Fred Kriszat- Alliance for Abandoned American Fighting Men, Dan Krivit- House of Representatives Select Committee on Education, Arthur Krock- New York Times Bureau, Bernard A. Kroechel, Ralph Krueger, E.C. Kubicek- Illinois Institute of Technology, Mrs. Howard W. Kuehl, Mrs. Irene Corbally Kuhn, Howard A. Kuhnle, Philip B. Kurland- University of Chicago Law School,Mrs. Herman J. Kuppers, Jules J. Kuttner, Lester H. Kyle Mrs. K (?)
1956-1966 Correspondence: L - Lam
Jean LaBelle Jr., Adras P. LaBorde- Alexandria Daily Town Talk, John LaHoud- The National Observer, Grayce G. LaRue, John J. Lacey, Charles Lachman, Alton G. Lacy-Office of the Hon. William M. Tuck, Ben D. Lacy-Clerk of the Senate, Kathleen Lacy, Philip L. Lacy, William S. Lacy Jr., Bernard Ladouceur, Betty K. Lady, Edgar Lafferty Jr., W.E. Lahr, Clara R. Lain, Sam Laird - The Courier-Post, Lakeside Volunteer Rescue Squad, Norma Lakey, J.M. Lalley- Modern Age, Mrs. A. Wade Lamb Jr., Brockenbrough Lamb, D.W. Lamb, Frances Lamb-Secretary to Simon E. Sobeloff-Solicitor General, E.C. Lambert Jr., Peter B. Lambert, Harry J. Lambeth-Chamber of Commerce, Octavia C. Lamm-Division of Statutory Research and Drafting, Francis J. Lammer - Redevelopment Authority of Philadelphia, H.B. Lammers-Blue Ridge Sanatorium
1954-1967 Correspondence: Lan - Lane
Jack S. Lanahan-Richmond Hotels, H.V. Lancaster Jr., J. Guy Lancaster, Mary Lancaster, R.N. Lancaster, Wesley L. Lance, Diana Land, Bernard Lande-Research Projects, Guy F. Landes, Susan Landgraff, Robert J. Landman Sr., Alf M. Landon, Maxwell Landon, Alice Landreth, Landscape Architecture, Edward E. Lane, Helen Scrymgeour Lane, Jack H. Lane, John Lane, S.J. Lane, Samuel M. Lane, Gen. Thomas A. Lane
1958-1959 Correspondence: Landon B. Lane
1960 Correspondence: Landon B. Lane
1961-1965 Correspondence: Landon B. Lane
1956-1966 Correspondence: Lang - Lay
Reginald D. Lang-Carleston College, Kathryn M. Lange, H.F. Langenberg, Edward Langley, Langley Field, William R. Langner-The Berlitz School of Languages, Ross A. Langworthy, Belva Lannan, Cora Lanphear, John Larkin, Clinton S. Larmore, Frances W. Larrick, William Larsen-Radford College History Department, C.W. Larsen III -Lt. USN, L.E. Larson, R.K.T. Larson- The Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, Reed Larson-National Right to Work Committee, Robwert Lasch- The Presbyterian Outlook, Victor Laskey, W.A. Lashley - Pennsylvania Railroad Company, F. Paul Laubner-A.T.O. House, K.M. Laufer, Ethyl Laughlin, Frank W. Laughton, Nell Laulienthal, Lloyd N. Laurence, Paul Lauritzen, Mary B. (Mrs. H.C.) Laurman, Ohio Sen. Frank J. Lausche, Maj. Gen. Ray J. Laux USA, Dr. Lovick P. Law, Law Week, Sam Lawder, B.R. Lawler -Atlantic National Advertising Agency, J. Edward Lawler-Richmond City Council, Eleanor Lawrence-Richmond Parking Board, Ellet Lawrence-Association of Citizen's Councils, R.H. Lawrence-Texas Bureau for Economic Understanding, R. Quigg Lawrence, Dr. George B. Lawson, Mrs. John Lawson, Raye O. Lawson, A. Tredway Layne, Pat Layne, George Layton- The Sioux City Journal-Tribune, L. Lee Layton Jr.
1956-1966 Correspondence: Martha S. Larson
1951-1965 Correspondence: David Lawrence
1948-1951 Correspondence: M.O. Lawrence-Citizen's Trust Company
1954-1966 Correspondence: Le - Lee
A. Ledreux, Robert LeFevre-Tri-County Broadcasting Company-WFTL - The Freedom School, Edna Earle LeGrande, Anthony LeJeune- Time & Tide, Robert LeMoyne, Lea and Feiger, Mrs. Preston J. Lea, A.M. Leach, J.L. Leach, Richard H. Leach-Duke University, Oakley T. Leachman, George M. Leader, League of Women Voters of Richmond, Andrew K. Leake, Frank B. Leake, Stuart C. LEake, David W. Leary, C.G. Leary, A.M. Learned, G.A. Leath, Charles E. Lee-Henry Regnery Company Publishers, Davis Lee (subject), F.A. Lee Sr., F.A. Lee Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Fulton A. Lee Jr., Herbert Lee- Dixie Business, Dr. Herbert C. Lee-Professor of Surgery-Medical College of Virginia, Hubert F. Lee, Hon. J. Bracken Lee-Governor of Utah, Jane P. Lee- The Daily Oklahoman and Times, Mayor Richard C. Lee
1953-1965 Correspondence: Leeds - Les
Mrs. George Leeds-Leeds Racing Supplies, William A. Leefers Press, Kathleen C. Leeper, Madalen Dinghey Leetch, M.U. Leete-Farmville Highschool, Sen. T. Allen Legare Jr.-South Carolina State Senate, Georgia F. Groves Legg, George H. Lehleitner, Mrs. Kurt F. Leidecker, Henry Leidheiser Jr., Mrs. Benjamin Watkins Leigh, Jean Leinbach, Charley A. Leistner-National University Extension Association, Isabella G. Leland- The News & Courier, J. Winton Lemen-National Press Photographers Association-Rochester Photo Conference, Marguerite H. Lemmon, Alice C. Lemmond, Mrs. W.P. Lemmond Sr., Mrs. John F. Lemmon, Charmenz S. Lenhart, Major Warren T. Lenhart-USAF, Mrs. J. Milton Lent- The Conservatives, Mrs. Don Lenthold, George Stephen Leonard, J.B. Leonard, J.E. Leonard, Delores Lescure-Mary Baldwin College, L.L. Lesesne, J.O. Leslie Jr., Joseph A. Leslie Jr.- The Norfolk Ledger-Star, Lillian Leslie
1948-1967 Correspondence: Let - Lif
Henry J. Letien, "Letter on the Law" column, Marjorie D. Letts, Stanley Levick, Judge Albert Levitt, Mrs. Harry Levy, Charles William Lewis, Jr., Colston Alexander Lewis, D.S. Lewis, Ellen Douglas Lewis, George H. Lewis Jr., Gordon Lewis, Harry C. Lewis, Herbert Lewis- St. Paul Dispatch, Mrs. J. P. Lewis Jr., John F. Lewis- Washington Report, June Lewis, McDaniel Lewis, Nell Battle Lewis, Ola Whitehead Lewis, Jack W. Lewis, Percy B. Lewis, Samuella Lewis, Sydney Lewis Jr., Mrs. Fred G. Liady, Liberty Amendment, Liberty Bell Award, Library-Virginia Library Association, Charles M. Lichtenstein-The Free Society Association, Bernard Lichtig, Bernard A. Licks-West Hudson Chamber of Commerce, Dr. H.S. Liebert D.O., Marvin Liebman-American-African Affairs Association, Mrs. John Lienhard, Life Magazine
1951-1966 Correspondence: Lig - Liv
William Ligh, Ivan Light, Mary Jane Lightbrown- Architectural Forum, Sellars Lightfoot, J.H. Ligon, Allye M. Likes, William S. Lind- National Review, Edward A. Linden, Walter Linder - Challenge, Mrs. O.D. Linder, Mrs. R.E. Lindholm-Flouridation Committee, Carl M. Lindner Jr. - American Institute of Architects, Ernest Linford- The Salt Lake Tribune, Mrs. Eula P. Link, Mrs. Margaret C. Linton-"Lion's Lore"-[?], Elizabeth Lippitt, Alfred Lippman, Thomas D. Lips, Andrew A. Lipscomb, B.B. Lipscomb, H. Bernard Lipscomb Jr.-Richmond Evangelistic Mission, R.H. Lipscomb-Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company, Rev. J.E. Lipscombe, R.T. Lipscombe, Don Lipsett-Intercollegiate Society of Individualists-The Philadelphia Society-American Conservative Union-American Security Council, Liquor Ads, William B. Lissner - Conflict '66-Virginia Tech, Norman M. Littell, Mary B. Little, S. George Little, General Features Corp., Zola F. Littler, A.G. Lively, [D]. N. Liversay
1959-1965 Correspondence: H.D. Lindsey
1953-1958 Correspondence: Shelby Little
1953-1966 Correspondence: Ll - Longwell
F.M. Llwellyn- The Time, London, Henrietta Lloyd-Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Violet Lloyd, William E. Lloyd, Mrs. Wilson B. Lloyd, Francis P. (Phil) Locke - Dayton Daily News, J. Shenton Lodge, Richard Lodge-Richmond Professional Institute, John D. Lofton, Jr.- Vermont Sunday News, Joseph V. Lois, Almena Lomax- Los Angeles Tribune Feature Service, Maj. Albert W. Long USAR (Ret), Mrs. David S. Long, Hamilton A. Long, Henry T. Long, Howard C. Long -National Health Federation, J.O. Long, J.R. Long, John C. Long - Bethlehem Steel Company, Sen. M.M. Long, Sen Russell Long, V.M. Long, Walter E. Long, R.C. Longfellow, Mrs. James Longinotti, David E. Longley-N.A.A.C.P. Committee on Public Relations and Education, George F. Longsdorf, Bevis Longstreth, Mrs. W.T. Longwell
1956-1966 Correspondence: Loni - Low
Charles A. Lonie, Look Magazine, Robert D. Looney, H.E. Lordley-Richmond Director of Public Utilities, G.B. Lorraine, C. Kemper Lorraine, Stirling M. Harrison, Los Angeles Riots, Los Angeles Times, Richard F. Losch, Lucie May Loughborough, Louisiana State University Press, Paul J. Louthian, Karen H. Love, Robert D. Love, Joe T. Lovett-American Retail Federation, Carter O. Lowance-Secretary to the Governor of Virginia-Medical College of Virginia, Francis V. Lowden Jr., Jerome Lowenthal, M.G. Lowman-Circuit Riders, A. T Lowmaster, Charles Wesley Lowry-Foundation for Religious Action, Rev. Gene A. Lowry-Bible Baptist Church, Gen. Sumter L. Lowry, W. Joe Lowry
1959-1966 Correspondence: William Loeb-Manchester Union Leader
1950 Correspondence: A.A. Lucas (Chief Rising Sun)
1949-1958 Correspondence: R.D. Lucas
1954-1965 Correspondence: Lu-End "L"
Philip M. Luce-Camera Club of Richmond, Janice Luck, C. Merle Luck Sr., Claudia Money Luckett, Robert S. Luckock-Intercollegiate Society of Individualists, Barbara S. Lucy, C.T. Lucy-WRVA Television, F.M. Ludwig-Reading Company, W.A. Lufburrow-States' Rights Council of Georgia, Daniel L. Lulue, Merrit Lum, E. Lumer - BM/SKLAR, Grace Lumpkin, Robert J. Lumpkin, George H. Lumsden, N.R. Lundberg-Fin-N'-Tube, Edward E. Lupton, Jessie Zel Lurie, National Lutheran Council, Harvey S. Lutins, Dr. Charles C. Lyle Jr., R.J. Casey Lynch, William T. Lynde, Carl P. Lynn, H.E. Lynn, Ralph C. Lynn, Jeffrey R. Lyon, Marion E. Lyon-New York Pure Water Association, Eugene Lyons, Gene M. Lyons-Dartmouth College, S.C. Lyons, The Lyric
1954-1967 Correspondence: M - Mad
Virgil E. Mabry- Wesley Methodist Church, Niall P. MacAllister- MD, Frank L. MacArtor- Atlas Chemical Industries Inc., Angus Macaulay Jr.-Richmond Junior Chamber of Commerce, Donald MacCampbell, R.F. MacClemmy Jr., Walter MacConnie, Howard A. MacCord, James C. MacDonald- University of Michigan Department of Journalism, Curtis D. MacDougall- Northwestern University, William MacFerran Jr.-The State Savings Bank, Lochlinn MacGlynn- The Irish Features Agency, Belvera M. Mack, Walter S. Mack- Great American Industries Inc., William W. Mackall, Norma N. Mackay, Anne C. Mackey, William J. Mackey, The Macmillan Company, R. MacMullen, Macon Academy, Betsy Macon, Eleanor H. MacRae, John B. Madden- Principal William Fox School, Charles S. Maddock- Hercules Powder Company, Mrs. John J. Maddux, Percy Maddux, Thomas J. Madigan, Ralph W. Madison
1957-1967 Correspondence: Mag - Manh
Russell Maguire- The American Mercury, J.Q. Mahaffey- Texarkana Gazette, J. Daniel Mahoney, G.T. Mahony, J.F. Mahony, Mary A. Mains, Thomas F. Mains Jr., Frank Makara, H.B. Maker, Mrs. James T. Malamis, Phyllis Malamis, Ruth Malila, Jean Marie Mallett, Frank H. Malley- City Plan Commission Providence, RI, Gordon Lee Mallonee, Walter L. Mallory, Gerald Q. Malloy, Dumas Malone- Alderman Library, UVA, Manchester High School, Phil Mandelkorn- Time Magazine, John E. Manders, Richard C. Mandeville- Oswego Palladium Times, G.S. Manelty, Glynn Mangum, F.J. Manhart
1956-1966 Correspondence: Mani - Mape
Clarence Manion- The Manion Forum, Anne V. Mann, Geoffrey T. Mann- MD, Harrison Mann- VA House of Delegates, Jerry Mann, Mrs. M.E. Mann, R.L. Mann, T.R. Mann- Republican District Committee, Corinne R. Manning, Diana L. Manning, H. Manning-McCracken Van and Storage Company, Hazel Manning, John A. Manning, Paul Manning, Renfro C. Manning- Headmaster York Academy Inc., Robert Manning, Wilbur J. Manry- L.L. Manry and Sons Inc., W.E. Mantin, Charles M. Mapes III- Equitable Life Insurance Society
1940-1950 Correspondence - Maps
1956-1967 Correspondence: Mar - Mario
Margaret Marable, John H. Marble, Mrs. A.B. Marchant, Thomas E. Marchant, Alga Marcussen, Benjamin D. Margerison, Charles W. Margolf, Peter Margulies, Marion County Civic Center- Oakland Tribune, U.S. Marine Corps, Marine Major Como, John H. Marion
1954-1966 Correspondence: Marit - Mars
Sister M. Marita- Marquette University Department of Education, William A. Marjenhoff, Frank J. Markey, E.T. Markham, Eugene Marks- McGuire VA Hospital, Flora N. Marks, Morton Marks Jr., Rachel Marks- Social Service Review, Sid Marks- Newspaperboys Hall of Fame, Stanley G. Markusen, Clarence G. Marley, Frances Marlin, Mrs. Quintin E. Marlow, Frederic S. Marquardt- The Arizona Republic, A.N. Marquis Company, Mrs. Brenda Marsh, Joe Marsh, John O. Marsh- U.S. Congress House of Representatives, Robert T. Marsh- First and Merchants National Bank of Richmond, D.B. Marshall, D.M. Marshall, Irvin K. Marshall, Mrs. J.J. Marshall, John E. Marshall Company, John Oliver Marshall- Office of Board of Education Wilmington, NC, M.M. Marshall- Crew Dispatcher C&O RailRoad, Mary A. Marshall- Virginia House of Delegates, Thurgood Marshall, W.J. Marshall- Investment Securities
1953-1966 Correspondence: Mart - Mary
Alex Martin, Clarence R. Martin, David N. Martin- Cargill, Wilson, and Acre Advertising Inc., D.P. Martin, Edward M. Martin III, Frances I. Martin, Frederick W. Martin, George E. Martin- Pacific Shipper Inc., Admiral H.M. Martin- Campaign for the 48 States, Horace F. Martin, J.L. Martin Jr., J.T. Martin, James G. Martin IV, Jerry C. Martin- Oakland Tribune, John Bartlow Martin, Katherine L. Martin, Lydia Martin, Martin A. Martin, Miles Martin, R.J. Martin Jr., Rose Martin, Stella Martin, Commander W.A. Martin- USNR Training Center, Mrs. William Martin, Winfield T. Martin, J. Martinez, John Martino, Charles S. Martz- The Aurora School of Photo-Engraving, Walter Rumsey Marvin- The Martin Kinney Cooper Ohioana Library Association, Mrs. Burton Marye, Erma R. Marye
1956-1967 Correspondence: Mas - Lorena B. Mason
Marilyn Mascara, Howard W. Maschmeier- Triangle Publications Inc., Laurence E. Mascott- Mascott Production, Gary F. Maske- Ohio State University, Mason, Charles E. Mason, D.C. Mason (?), E.D. Mason- The Columbus Dispatch, Frances Bemiss Mason, Dr. H. Norton Mason- Sons of Confederate Veterans, Kenneth Mason, Leslie L. Mason Jr., Lorena B. Mason
1956-1966 Correspondence: Lowell B. Mason
1953-1966 Correspondence: Paul Mason -Mat
Paul Mason, Robert L. Mason- Dominion Cheverolet Company, Linton Massey, C.G. Massie Jr.- Radio Station WRVC-FM, Catharine Massie, G. Edmond Massie- Garrett and Massie Inc., Mrs. Joseph A. Massie Jr., Mrs. Juanita Matassa, Mrs. Eldred Mathes, Dr. Harl W. Matheson, J.T. Mathews- Sears, Roebuck, and Co., Constantin A. Matsas, Greta Matson, Bill Matthews, Mrs. Irving L. Matthews, Patrick Matthews- Horned M. Stock Farms, Mrs. R.H. Matthews, Mrs. Ruth I. Matthews- Deadline Data Inc., Ruth S. Matthews, Mrs. June Mattson- Foreman and Foreman Inc., Theodore Matysik, M.W. Matzuk
1956-1966 Correspondence: Mau - Max
Mauldin, Wesley H. Maurer- Department of Journalism University of Michigan, Henry A. Maurice Jr., Robert L. Mauro, Greenhow Maury Jr., William E. Maxey Jr.-Defenders of State Sovereignty, Clarence J. Maxwell, H.L. Maxwell, Harold Maxwell, Mrs. Myrtle M. Maxwell, Robert Maxwell- Hampden-Sydney College, Mrs. Vera R. Maxwell
1956-1967 Correspondence - May
Mrs. A.L. May, C.E. May- Bridgewater College, David May- Commission on Constitutional Government, Doris May, Irving May- Thalhimer Brothers Inc., J. Joseph May- The Bank of Virginia, Mrs. J.N. May, John G. May Jr., Ralph May- Hood Realty Corporation, Richard May- Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate from Virginia, Bert Maybee, Catherine Maybury- UNC Institute of Government, Ferdinand Lathrop Mayer, Mrs. Sylvia H. Mayer, G.H. Mayes Jr.- Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, James A. Mayfield- McGuire General Hospital, Calvin Mayne- The Times Union, James P. Maynes- Richmond Trades Industrial Council, Mrs. G.W. Mayo, Ralph P. Mayo- University of Richmond Postmaster, Mrs. G.C. Mayon, Benjamin E. Mays, David J. Mays, Mrs. J. Richard Mays, William N. Mays
1953-1967 Correspondence: McA-A.W. McClay Jr.
Charles V. McAdam Jr.- McNaught Syndicate, Richard B. McAdoo, Carrie Braxton McAlister, Charles H. McAllister, Edward McAllister, Gray McAllister, Robert A. McAllister- The Printing Industries of the Virginias, Ike McAnally, Priscilla M. McAneny, Muriel McAuley- Barksdale Theatre Hanover Court House, Alan McBride- U.S. Treasury Department, Edward McBride, Charlie C. McCall, John P. McCammon, Donald B. McCammond- Director of Public Relations Reynolds Metal Company, Mrs. S.W. McCandless, W.R. McCann, Wade G. McCargo- H.V. Baldwin and Company Inc., Ann McCarthy, Harold McCarthy, J.B. McCarthy, Julien B. McCarthy- The American Tobacco Company, William J. McCarthy- Massachusetts Obscene Literature Control Committee, J. McCauley, John A. McCauley, Dr. C.R. McClain, B.S. McClane, A.W. McClay Jr.
1956-1966 Correspondence: A.W. McClay Jr.-McCo
A.W. McClay Jr., McClelland, C.A. McClelland, Edward McClellan- Museum of Fine Arts, John L. McClellan- U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Robert H. McClelland, Delmas McClendon, Caroline Clayton McClenny, Mrs. W.W. McClevy, W.W. McClintic, George McClintick- Aldridge Hotel, Mrs. Augusta McCloskey, Bill McClure, Richard McClure, Professor Robert McClure- University of Minnesota Law School, W.G. McClure Jr., John R. McCluskey, W.D. McCollum MD, Virgil McComo, Frances McConnell, Dwight B. MacCormack, M.M. McCormick, Mrs. Margaret C. McCormick, Dr. W.J. McCormick, D.E. McCoy, John P. McCoy
1954-1967 Correspondence: McCr - McF
Lanier McCray, Edward O. McCue III, Mrs. Mary Allen McCue, F.J. McCullough, Richard A. McCullough, C.W. McCullum, H.H. McCune, Charles P. McCurdy Jr.-The Association of American Universities, Andrew McCutcheon- Office of J. Vaughan Gary, Mr. McDaniel, Emilie R. McDaniel, H.C. McDaniel, Mrs. Lillian W. McDaniel, N.A. McDaniel, Roy E. McDaniel, L.H. McDearmon, D.F. McDonald, Daniel McDonald, John G. McDonald, William McDonald, William H. McDonald- Alabama Journal, Patricia McDonough, Alfred H. McDowell Jr., Mrs. William McDowell, Mrs. John Lee McElroy- Sheltering Arms Hospital, J.P. McFadden- National Review, Monte McFadden- University of Santa Clara School of Law, Majory G. McFall, Daniel M. McFarland- Madison College Professor of History, Dr. William Hugh McFarlane- State Council of Higher Education
1956-1967 Correspondence: McG - McGr
Edward J. McGarry, C. Coleman McGehee, G. Alfred McGinnis, Carroll McGuire- Committee for a New Scholastic Magazine, Leslie McGinnis, Halsey McGovern, M.M. McGowan, T.J. McGranahan, Brian A. McGrath, Donald C. McGraw Jr.- McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, Mrs. Eve McGregor, Louis D. McGregor- Circuit Judge for Flint, Michigan, Mary McGrory- from United Feature Syndicate
1953-1966 Correspondence: McGu - McKi
Jack McGuire- Valley Realty Company, Terence McGuire, Mrs. Frank J. McHugh Jr., R.D. McIlwaine III, Arthur McInerney, James F. McInteer Jr.- Virginia Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, William R. McIntyre- Editorial Research Reports Congressional Quarterly, Alex M. McIver, B.J. McIver, R.N. McIver, Paul A. McKalip- The Tuscon Daily Citizen, Honorable Douglas McKay- Secretary of the Interior Washington DC, Mrs. M. Louise McKay, Robert B. McKay- New York University School of Law, Carolyn V. McKee, Mrs. Mary Lee McKee, Alex McKeigney- Mississippi Power and Light Company, Benjamin M. McKelway- The Evening Star-The Sunday Star, Bill McKendree- States' Rights Party Second Congressional District, Mrs. Elizabeth B. McKenny, H.L. McKinley, C.A. McKinney, Marion McKinney, Henry McKissick
1953-1967 Correspondence: McKn - McN
C.A. McKnight- The Charlotte News, The Charlotte Observer, Southern Education Reporting Service, American Society of Newspaper Editors, Emma M. McLaughlin- Defenders of American Education, Mrs. J.J. McLaughlin, Mrs. J.T. McLaws, G. McLean, Frank McLearn- King Features Syndicate, Captain Martin C. McMahon- Municipal Ambulance Service, Richard J. McMahon, Mrs. W.P. McMahon, George N. McMath- The Eastern Shore News, S.C. McMeekin, James McMillen- Stillmen, Maynard and Company, A.P. McMinn- The Grigoleit Company, Lewis McMurran Jr., George McMurray, Nancy McMurray, William M. McNamara, The McNaught Syndicate Inc., Catherine McNeil, Robert B. McNeil- Office of Senator Willis Robertson and Committee on Banking and Currency, Robert H. McNeil- VPI Bureau of Public Relations, Warren McNeill- Office of Senator A. Willis Robertson, John J. McNulty
1956-1966 Correspondence: McP - McW
Randolph McPherson- Interracial Activities Committee, Reverend C. Lawrence McRae, Fergus McRee- U.S. Post Office, John J. McSweeney- Times-Leader, The Evening News, MCV- Medical College of Virginia, L.W. McWane, Charles McWilliams- The Mobile Press Register
1954-1967 Correspondence: Me - Meh
Harry M. Meacham- The Poetry Society of Virginia, The Federated Arts of Richmond Inc., William S. Meacham, E.K. Meade Jr.- Columbia Broadcasting System Inc., Mrs. Kate Meade, William S. Meador, John P. Meagher- Public Services Division Department of State, A.L. Meares Jr., R. Bruce Mearns- Brick and Tile, Barbara J. Mears- Medical College of Virginia, Kathleen B. Mears- Douglas S. Freeman High School- The Commentator, W. Howard Mears- Douglas S. Freeman High School, Medical College, Ellis Medina- Social Studies Teacher at Devreaux School, Mrs. R.D. Meehan, Mrs. Jack Arden Meeker, Junius D. Meeker, Mrs. Mary Louise Meeks, Langhorne H. Meem, Curtis H. Mees- New York & Suburban Lumbermen's Association Inc., Mrs. C.R. Mehnert, Citizens Committee on Fluoridation, Mrs. Clifford R. Mehnert, Mrs. Margaret C. Mehornay, Mrs. Emile Mehr (?)- Greater New York Committee Opposed to Fluoridation Inc.
1954-1966 Correspondence: Mei - Mer
Rhys Meier- The Sunday Mail, Marie Meisel, Mrs. Egon Meiskers, William C. Melhorn Jr., Leslie Mellichamp- VPI Department of English, Mrs. DeForest Mellon, Iwanna Melnyczyn, Anson G. Melton, Larry C. Melton, W.H. Melton- Optimist Club of Lakeside, Mrs. W.S. Melvin (Evelyn E. Melvin), Jerry Mendel, M.J. Menefee- U.S. Senate Committee on Finance, Mrs. F.H. Mensing, Mrs. W.H. Doub Jr.-Richmond Area Mental Health Association, Mrs. Mary Ellen Mercer, Mrs. Bernard Meredith, E.J. Meredith- Virginia Brick Association, John P. Meredith- Richmond Traffic Club, Honey Merrill, Theodore T. Merrill- Treasury Department U.S. Savings Bond Division, T.L. Merrill- John Williamson Company, Ann L. Merriman, C.E. Mervine Jr.- RF&P Railroad Company
1956-1966 Correspondence: Mes - Mez
Albert H. Messr- Brand Names Foundation Inc., Sergeant H.T. Metcalfe, Metropolitan Association for Segregated Education, Ed Metzger- Department of Public Utilities, Michael Metzgar Jr., Agnes E. Meyer, Albert J. Meyer Jr.- Georgetown University, Ed O. Meyer- Virginia Press Association Inc., Frank S. Meyer- Virginia Review, Mark B. Meyer, Brig. General Vincent Meyer- The Richmond Symphony Inc., Wallie G. Meyer, Governor Robert B. Meyner, Si Mezerow
1956-1965 Correspondence: Mi - Milio
H.A. Michaels Sr., Anthony Michalek, Michie Company, Mrs. J.T. Michie, Leroy Mickins- North Side State Farm, Micro-Photo, Microfilm, Martha H. Middleton- Birdwood Farms, Mrs. Richard H. Middleton, Claude W. Milam- Harrisonburg High School, Watt Miles- Danville Commercial Appeal, Rabbi Jacob Milgrom, E. Victor Milione- Intercollegiate Society of Individuals
1959 Correspondence: Military Trip
1958-1959 Correspondence: Military Trip
1958-1959 Correspondence: Military Trip
1956-1966 Correspondence: Mill - Arthur Miller
Mrs. Lynn Millar, Major T.H. Milldebrandt- Information and Education Officer Arizona Highway Patrol, Miller & Rhoads, Arthur S. Miller- George Washington University Law Professor
1956-1966 Correspondence: B.M. Miller -Louis H. Miller Jr.
B.M. Miller- Miller Welding Supply Company, Bessie M. Miller- Greenway Apartments, C.P. Miller, Charles C. Miller, Edward P. Miller- American Institute of Discussion, Ernest Miller- Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Floyd J. Miller Sr., G. Tyler Miller- Madison College, Giles E. Miller, Henry J. Miller, Herbert J. Miller- Tax Foundation Inc., Herbert S. Miller- Oregon Legislative Interim Committee on Criminal Law, Howard G. Miller- North Carolina State, J. Clifford Miller Jr.-Miller Manufacturing Company, J. Maurice Miller- Life Insurance Company of Virginia, J. Newbill Miller- Maple Springs Farm, James A. Miller, Lambert H. Miller- National Association of Manufacturers, Louis H. Miller Jr.
1954-1967 Correspondence: Margy Miller-Minn
Margy Miller, Nancy Miller- Kansas City Star, R.G. Miller- Daily Oklahoma Star, Richard A. Miller, Ridgely Miller Jr., Robert Miller, Rochelle Miller- Department of Political Science at Brown University, St. Clair Miller, Thomas R. Miller- Hustings Court of the City of Richmond, W.L. Miller, Mrs. W.L. Miller, Walter Miller- Pure Water Association of America Inc., William A. Miller- New York Herald Tribune News Service, Willis D. Miller-Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, Fred G. Millette, William Millhorn Jr., Eugene D. Millikin, J.C. Milliken, Perry Millikin, John S. Millis- American Good Government Society, Arthur L. Mills, J. DeWitt Mills, Mason Mills, Willis J. Milner Jr. -The Life Insurance Company of Virginia, Bob Milton, Frances Mims, Earl Minderman, Mrs. Helen G. Miner, Barry T. Mines, Christopher C. Miniclier- Dickinson College, E.W. Mink, Captain John Bradley Minnick, Paul Vernon Minnick- U.S. Department of Justice, FBI
1954-1966 Correspondence: Min - Mit
G. Gilmer Minor Jr., James M. Minor Jr., W.M. Minter, Minutes - Bill Chambless at Nationwide Insurance, William J. Missett- The Suffolk News-Herald, Frances M. Missimer, Missouri Alpha Fund, Missouri Press Association, D.T. Mitchell Jr., Gerald Mitchell- Georgetown University, Jack Mitchell, James A. Mitchell, James H. Mitchell III, Lucille O'Neal Mitchell, Dr. Ralph Mitchell, W.J. Mitchell
1956-1966 Correspondence: Marvin Coleman Mobley
1953-1966 Correspondence: Mod - Monta
George M. Modlin- University of Richmond, Richmond Memorial Hospital, Mrs. K. Moe, Carlton Page Moffatt Jr.- Richmond Federal Savings and Loan Association, Glenn A. Moffitt, Fred G. Mohler, Mrs. William P. Molette, Raymond Moley- Newsweek Magazine, Will Molineux- Williamsburg Bureau, Newport News Times-Herald, William J. Moll, Eva Molloy, Honorable Frank P. Moncure- Virginia House of Delegates, Mrs. T. Rutherford Moncure, Virginia B. Moncure, William O. Moncure, T.S. Mondy Sr., Martha Leonard Monfalcone, A.S. Mike Monroney- U.S. Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Irma Monsky, Ludwell Lee Montague, Penn Montague- Miller & Rhoads, Samuel A. Montague, V. Montana
1956-1967 Correspondence: Montg - Robert C. Moore
George S. Montgomery Jr., H.S. Montgomery Jr.- Colonial Theatre, Judge James H. Montgomery Jr.-Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court for Richmond, VA, The Montreal Star, Monument Avenue, Mrs. Gene Moody- Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, George H. Moody- Henrico County Public Schools, Mrs. Lester S. Moody, Thelma C. Moomaw, Helen C. Moon, Dow Mooney, C.B. Moore, Clarence P. Moore, E. Blackburn Moore- Virginia House of Delegates, Ellen Moore, Elizabeth Moore, Ernest E. Moore, Faye E. Moore, G. Clinton Moore, G.W. Moore, George E. Moore, Hardy Moore, J. Leonard Moore, James D. Moore, John M. Moore, M.L. Moore, Margaret Bowe Moore, Nancy Moore, R. Cosby Moore, Robert C. Moore- American Legion Post 55, Robert C. Moore-Young Sweetser Company Inc.
1956-1966 Correspondence: Robert E. Moore-More
Robert E. Moore- Flockhart Foundry Company, Samuel J. Moore Jr., T. Justin Moore, W. Stanley Moore- The News Herald, Waldo W. Moore, Mrs. Dwight G. Moorhead, S.L. Moors, D.H. Moreau- The Hunterdon County Democrat, John R. Moreau, Fred H. Morehead, J. Earl Moreland- Randolph Macon College, Jane E. Moreland- Madison College, John R. Moremen- Court of Appeals of Kentucky, Judith Morente MD- Medical College of Virginia
1953-1966 Correspondence: Morg - Morr
D.P. Morgan, Evelyn L. Morgan- Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company, H.S. Morgan, James Morgan, Lelia L. Morgan, Odell Morgan, Perry E. Morgan- The Norfolk Ledger- Star, Erica Morini, Ida Moriss, V. Morita, Felix Morley- American Enterprise Association, Richard D. Morphew- Citizens Council Forum, Barton W. Morris Jr., Mrs. E.W. Morris, John C. Morris, Robert G. Morris, Willie Morris- Harpers Magazine Inc., Professor Morrison, Bill Morrison, Brad Morrison- The Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Deane Morrison, Matthew Morrison, William W. Morrison- Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Emma Morriss, Anne LaVerne Morrow, Leonard Morrow
1956-1966 Correspondence: Mors - Moy
Howard Newcomb Morse, Robert W. Morse- Department of the Navy, Wayne Morse, Mrs. Morton, C.F. Morton- Berry-Burke Company Inc., Frederick S. Morton, George B. Morton, Hugh Morton, Marion Morton, Sidney G. Morton- Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court for Richmond, VA, Sterling Morton, William Krebs Morton, Mrs. W.K. Morton, V.H. Moseley, James F. Moser Jr., Charles T. Moses- Virginia Senate, Robert Moses- New York World's Fair 1964-1965 Corporation, Walter D. Moses and Company Inc., Herbert R. Mosley, Mrs. N. Moss- Washington Star Syndicate Inc., O.B. Moss, William F. Moss, Carl Mote Jr., Homer Mothershead, Ira S. Mothner- Look Magazine, Arnold Motley- Circuit Court of Essex County, John J. Motley, Motorola, L.C. Mountcastle, John Moyler Jr.- The Life Insurance Company of Virginia, James H.S. Moynahan
1951-1966 Correspondence: Mu - Mun
Norbert G. Mudd, Mrs. C. Mueller- The Washington Evening Star, L.W. Mueller- Tradition, Helen Smith Muggler- Educational Director Mental Hygiene and Hospitals, Francis J. Mulkeen, W.A. Mullan, John B. Mullaney- The Denver Post, The Cleveland News, Dr. James W. Mullen II- Experiment Inc., Michael Ann Mullen- Manhattansville College, Ralph C. Mulligan- Bituminous Coal Institute, Josephine M. Mullin- American Association of Retired Persons, Billy Mullins- Association of Production, Maintenance, Clerical and Technical Employees, Eustace Mullins, Richard D. Mullins, C. Roy Mundee- U.S. Department of Commerce, L.H. Mundin III- Sons of Confederate Veterans, Karl Mundit, Frances E. Munroe, Pat Munroe, William Munroe, Raymond M. Munsch- Miller & Rhoads, Mrs. B.B. Munsey, Lyle H. Munson, Christian Munt- Richmond Hotels Inc.
1953-1967 Correspondence: Mur-End "M"
Mrs. Nell Stephens Murfree, Mrs. W.A. Murfree, Mr. Murphy, Carl Murphy- Afro-American Newspapers, F.J. Murphy- The McNaught Syndicate Inc., Francis Murphy, J.L. Murphy, Mrs. John Murphy, Lawrence Murphy, Lloyd D. Murphy, Mary Teresa Murphy, W. Tayloe Murphy- Tidewater Telephone Company, William P. Murphy- University of Mississippi School of Law, Arch P. Murray, Mrs. D. Murray, Hoke Murray, Hyde Murray- U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture, Jane G. Murrell, Dr. Thomas W. Murrell Jr., Dorothea Murry, Muscogee Publishing Company, Gladyce G. Muse, Paul A. Muse, Mrs. William K. Muse, William T. Muse- T.C. Williams School of Law University of Richmond, Dr. Charles A. Muses, Senator Edmund S. Muskie- U.S. Senate Committee on Government Operations, C.M. Musslewhite, Frank Myer, Mrs. A.G. Myers, Arthur Myers, Mrs. Delpha M. Myers, E. Myers, Richard Myers, Robert J. Myers
1950-1967 Correspondence: N - Navy
Longines B. Naber, Mark L. Nace, Joe Nadler-Cornell Club, Fred J. Naff- The Newport News Daily Press, Judith L. Nahouse, Dr. T. Otto Nall- Christian Advocate, Eleanor Ritchie Nall, Doris C. Nash, Edwin B. Nash, Frederick H. Nash, National Academy of Economics and Political Science, National Broadcasting Company (NBC), National Civil Liberty Foundation, National Conference of Christians and Jews, National Conference of Editorial Writers, National Congress of Parents and Teachers, National Council of Jewish Women, National Economic Council, National Health Federation, National Observer, National Review, John S. Naud, Department of the Navy, Navy League of the United States
1953-1967 Correspondence: Nea - Neu
Mrs. P.H. Neal, Ruth Neder, Needmor Farm, Edwin J. Neff- The Republican Newsletter, Dr. Sidney S. Negus-Medical College of Virginia, The Neighborhood Group of Motion Picture Theatres, The Neighborhood Improvement Association, James H. Neill, Carl R. Nelson, Christian H. Nelson-National Conference of Editorial Writers, Florence Nelson, Frederic Nelson - The Saturday Evening Post, H.A. Nelson, Hale Nelson, Jane H. Nelson, Joseph L. Nelson Jr., Page Nelson, Richard Nelson, Robert F. Nelson-Virginia Travel Council, Ruth N. Nelson-National Conference of Editorial Writers, William E. Nesom, Ann Nestor, Mrs. M.J. (Bettyanne P.) Nethery Jr., William Netschert, Joseph P. Nettles-University of Richmond, Network of Patriotic Letter Writers, Sen. Maurine Neuberger
1957-1967 Correspondence: Dr. Robert J. Needles
1950-1966 Correspondence: New - Newton
New Orleans Trip, New York Herald Tribune, New York Times, Leslie W. Newberry, Merritt Newby- American Challenge, Tom Newby, Alan Newcomb-Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company, J. Arthur Newcomb, J. Churchill Newcomb, Franklin Newcomer-Governor's Office, H.E. Newell, Mrs. R. Bruce Newell, Capt. B.R. Newman, C.F. Newman, Ernest L. Newton-Nevada Taxpayers Association, Eugene M. Newman MD, Helen Newman-United States Supreme Court Librarian, M.D. Newman-Virginia State Chamber of Commerce, Michael C. Newman-Office of the Minister for Southern Rhodesia Affairs-British Embassy, W.M. Newman, Walter S. Newman, News Leader Current Events Club, Clarence Newsome, Newsweek, Frances M. Newton, Hugh C. Newton-National Right-to-Work Committee, J.K.M. Newton-The American Society of Chartered Life Underwriters, V.M. "Red" Newton Jr.- Tampa Morning Tribune
1948-1956 Correspondence: News Leader
1956-1967 Correspondence: Ni - Norm
Clara Hyer Nichol, C.R. Nichols, E.M. Nichols, Mrs. Lyle W. (Jody) Nichols, William I. Nichols- This Week Magazine, Marjorie Nicholson- Reader's Digest, Mrs. W.H. Nickels, Jr., Mrs. W.W. Nicodemus, Nieman Fellowships Committee-Harvard University-Re: William P. Cheshire, Gustaf Blaine Nissen, Mable Nissen, Paul H. Nitz-Secretary of the Navy, H.E. Nix, Rep. Robert N.C. Nix - 4
1949-1967 Correspondence: Dudley C. Nichols-Virginia State Penitentiary
1954-1966 Correspondence: Norr-End "N"
M.A. Norrell Sr., Robert W. Norris-Philip Morris, North American Newspaper Alliance, North Carolina Seminar, George F. North, Suzanne Northam, Mrs. O.F. Northington, Northwestern National Life Insurance Company, John A. Norton-Roanoke Public Library, Mrs. Robin L. Norton- Hue and Cry, William J. Norton, Notre Dame, Mrs. Severn M. Nottingham, Dr. H. John November, Mrs. J.D. Nowell Sr., Ronald Nowland- Virginia Farm Bureau News, Phyllis Tenney Nowlin, George T. Nuckols, Mrs. L.T. Nuckols Jr., Marvin E. Nuckols Jr. - Industrial Commission of Virginia, Randolph W. Nuckols, Francis X. Nulty-Educational Testing Service, Mrs. E.S. Nunes, G. Lloyd Nunnally-Virginia Department of Purchases and Supply, Karon Nunnally, Nursing Home, Prof. G. Warren Nutter-University of Virginia Department of Economics, Frederick Nymeyer-Libertarian Press, Donna G. Nyreen. S.T. Nystrom
1956-1967 Correspondence: O - Oc
F. Michael O'Brien, Joe O'Brien-Illinois Bell Telephone Company, Dr. John P. O'Brien-Internal Medicine, Kate E. O'Brien -Farmville High School-Prince Edward Academy, D.F. O'Connell, George O'Connell-Dartmouth College News Service, Daniel J. O'Connor-The American Legion Headquarters, Leo Kearney O'Drudy Jr.-Villanova University, McLain T. O'Ferrall, P. Terrence O'Grady-National Federation of Catholic College Students, Mrs. Irvan O'Hara, Mrs. Jane O'Hara, Eileen O'Leary- The Chicago Sun-Times (Secretary to Robert E. Kennedy), William B. O'Neal-University of Virginia Museum of Fine Art, James C. O'Neil, Elizabeth O'Neill, M.V. O'Neill-The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia, Michael J. O'Neill-Whisky Distillers of Ireland, Mike O'Neill, Curtis Oakes, John B. Oakes, D.T. Oakely, Andrew L. Oberg, A. Shelby Ochs, Martin S. Ochs - The Chattanooga Times
1953-1966 Correspondence: Od - Or
J.W. Oder, Mrs. H.L. Odom, Ogden City, John W. Ogden, K.D. Ogden, Prof. E.J. Oglesby-University of Virginia Department of Engineering, Dick Ohendian, Ted Ohmer, Judge William Old - Chesterfield Virginia Circuit Court, Mrs. Howard H. Oldham, Bruce Oliphant-Kings Court of Virginia, Charles P. Olivier, James W. Oliver, Dr. Clarence P. Oliver-Human Genetics Research - University of Texas, Elizabeth M. Oliver, I. Lee Oliver-York Academy, Charles P. Olivier, Warren Olney III-Administrative Office of U.S. Courts, Elis Olson, John B. Olson, M.M. Olson, Maxine Olson, Ruth Olson, Mrs. John F. Omohundro, John Ondrovich, Gen. E. Walton Opie- Staunton News Leader - State Hospital Board, The Orange Review, Rose Orente-John Wiley and Sons, Organization to Repeal Federal Income Tax, June Ornsteen, Dr. Eduardo Ortiz Jr. DDS, Alvin Orton-Associated Press
1956-1966 Correspondence: J.R. Orgain Jr.
1956-1958 Correspondence: Captain and Mrs. Robert Whaley Orrell (1 of 3)
1959-1962 Correspondence: Captain and Mrs. Robert Whaley Orrell (2 of 3)
1963-1966 Correspondence: Captain and Mrs. Robert Whaley Orrell (3 of 3)
1956-1963 Correspondence: Mrs. Robert E (Elizabeth H.) Osth
1956-1967 Correspondence: Os-End "O"
Mrs. George Godolphin Osborne, Mrs. Mary Winder Osbourne, John Osman, William H. Osmond, Walter B. Osterman, F. Ostrander, David W. Otey - Life Insurance Company of Virginia, Walter G. Othmer, F. Mitchell Ott, Q.A. Ottinger, J. Robert Outerbridge, C.R. Outterson - Albemarle Paper Manufacturing, Henry Allen Overstreet, Lloyd E. Overton, Alma W. Owen, Jackie Owen, Ruth Littell (Mrs. William C.) Owen-Staunton Fine Arts Association, Arthur S. Owens-Roanoke City Manager, Earl H. Owens, J.B. Owens, T.C. Owens-Union Bag - Camp Paper Corporation, Wayne Owen, William A. Owen Jr., Irvin Owings, Oxford University Press
1950-1966 Correspondence: P - Pag
C.T. Pace-"Lake for Governor", Charles T. Pace, Dr. Charles T. Pace, J.T. Pace, Virginia C. Pace, Satya Sheel Pachori, Charles E. Packard-Randolph Macon College, George E. Packard, .P. Paden, Michael Padev-Foreign Editor- Arizona Republic, Sol Padlibsky- Charleston Daily Mail, P.M. Padon, Sondra Padow, A.H. Paessler-State Water Control Board, Robert W. Paige, Archer A. Page, Edgar Rives Page, Edwin L. Page, Mrs. Gordon C. Page-Mary Baldwin College, N. Olus Page, Rosewell Page Jr., Tucker Page - University of Virginia, W.R. Page
1956-1966 Correspondence: Pai - Parker
Silas A. Pair, George H. Palm Jr., John F. Palm, Barton Palmer, Bonnie Palmer, Mrs. F.L. (Rena) Palmer, G.B. Palmer, George H. Palmer- Marine News, Howard W. Palmer-New York Press Association, John W. Palmer, R. Graham Palmer, Vera Palmer, W. Herbert Palmer, Anthony Palumbo, Anne G. Pannell-Sweet Briar College, Henry Papale, S.W. Papert Jr., Normand J. Paquette D.D.S., Parade Publications, Parents' Committee for Emergency Schooling, Alex Parker, G.H. Parker Jr., J.E. Parker - Jamestown Maritime Corporation, J.W. Parker, Jameson Parker - American Embassy-Bad Godesberg Germany, John C. Parker, Margretta Parker, Oliver R. Parker, Oscar E. Parker-Tidewater Academy, Pegge Parker-KMTV, Justice R. Hunt Parker-North Carolina Supreme Court, Hon. T. Nelson Parker-Richmond Mayor, Victor E. Parker, W.R. Parker, William S. Parker-United States Department of Commerce
1950-1954 Correspondence - "Paragraphs"-Carey Williams
1951-1966 Correspondence: Parkins - Patterson
C.C. Parkinson, Clarence Parkinson, F.M. Parkinson, E.B. Parks Jr., Noel E. Parmentel Jr., John Parrish, Margaret Parrish, James H. Parron Sr., John Parrot, Lucy B. Parson, John M. Parsons, N.L. Parsons, M.F. Partridge, Davis Y. Paschall-Virginia Board of Education-College of William and Mary, George W. Passage- The Daily Press, Otto E. Passman, Rudolph Pate-North Carolina State College News Bureau, Paul N. Pate, John Patillo, Dale Patrick, Edward R. Patrick, Tom Patrick - Rambler Report -Coon Rapids Community School, Mrs. Nick Patronella, N.H.M. Patten, Jack Patterson- Crusade for Freedom, John M. Patterson, Mary Bray Patterson, Robert H. Patterson
1957-1966 Correspondence: Robert B. Patterson-Association of Citizens' Councils
1950-1966 Correspondence: Patteson - Pearson
G.W. Patteson, Randall Patton-Bemidji State Teachers College, Kenneth C. Patty-Attorney General of Virginia, C.E. Paul, Felix L. Paul, G. Hurst Paul-Defiance College, Ray M. Paul, Robert R. Pauley-American Broadcasting Company, Edwin F. Pauli, Bettie L. Paulini, Burrall Paye, Boyd H. Payne, E.R. Payne, Glenn Payne, Mrs. Irving Payne, John Madison Payne, Richard W. Payne Jr.-Press Club of Virginia, Thomas G. Paynter, R.S. Peach-Upperville Colt and Horse Show, Mrs. W.C. (Jewel) Peak, Anne Pennell, Samuel Pearlstein, Marshall N. Pearman, John W. Pearsall-Richmond Area Community Chest, Robert B. Pearsall-General Features Corporation, Allen C. Pearson, Roy R. Pearson-Prince Edward School Foundation
1959-1960 Correspondence - Payola
1946-1950 Correspondence: Payroll Taxes
1950-1955 Correspondence: Drew Pearson
1951-1967 Correspondence: Peck - Per
Helen Peck, William Peden-University of Missouri Press, C.W. Peebles, W.S. Peebles Jr., J.C. Peele M.D., Mrs. W.W. Peers, Westbrook Pegler-New England Baptist Hospital and King Features Syndicate, Neal Peirce- Congressional Quarterly, Diane Pelka, Vonda Faye Pelon, Margaret Pelow, C.S. Pelton, Joseph L. Pemberton, Patti Pemberton- National Publisher, Lewis S. Pendelton Jr., Mrs. Andrew H. Penning, Dr. D. Sergeant Pepper, Laning Pepper - Bryn Mawr College, Mrs. H. Victor (Anne R.) Percy, W.C. Perdue, Geza Perey, H. Perkins, James W. Perkins, Col. Allan C. Perkinson, Julius L. Perlt, Norbert Perret, Robert J. Perrin, Alan R. Perry, F.B. Perry, John H. Perry Jr.-Perry Publications, Martin N. Perry - Wichita Eagle, Russell Perry, Susan Perry, W.J. Perry, John Pershing-Richmond-Petersburg Turnpike Authority, Mrs. John Pershing, Mrs. C.E. Person
1956-1966 Correspondence: Peterman - Pettit
Cy Peterman, Doug Peters , George Peters -Loew's Theatre, W.D. Peters , Petersburg, Norman V. Petersen, William Lois Petersen, Elmer T. Peterson- The Daily Oklahoman-Oklahoma City Times, Emil C. Peterson, F.S. Peterson, Prof. Wilbur Peterson-University of Iowa, William S. Petitclair, George S. Petley, Francis Petracek, Jacquelin Petree-Hollins College, Samuel B. Pettengill, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Peteson, R.P. Petteway, Margaret J. Pettigrew, J. Pettit, Milton C. Pettit
1955-1966 Correspondence - Ph
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, J. Phelow, Chester F. Phelps-Virginia Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, Chief Justice M.T. Phelps-Arizona Supreme Court, "Phews in the News" - Leo Thoroughman, Philadelphia Bulletin, Ctril Philip, Jack Philip, B.P. Phillips Jr., Cabell Phillips- New York Times, Charles H. Phillips, E. Turpin Phillips, Ed P. Phillips, Harry N. Phillips Jr., Herbert S. Phillips, Kathleen Phillips, Lance Phillips, Lucas D. Phillips, Richard Phillips, W.A. Phillips, W.K. Phillips, Warren H. Phillips- The Wall Street Journal, Wayne Phillips- Rockford Register-Republic, Photography
1954-1967 Correspondence: Pi - Pla
Hymen W.J. Picard, Charles L.T. Pichel OSJ-Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, A.L. Pickens-Queen's College North Carolina, Elise Pickering-Harper and Brothers, Lt. Col. Ernest Pickering - Salvation Army, Joyce Pickering, Charles Pickett, Deets Picket, Dorothy R. Pickett, T.L. Pickle Jr., E.R. Pickut, Clifford D. Pierce, Jr., J.B. Pierce, L.F. Pierce, Sharon Pierce, Warren H. Pierce- St. Petersburg Times, William H. Pierce-Scholastic Magazines, Sam Clay Pilkington, Mrs. E.T. Pillow, G.E. Pillow, Betsey G. Pinckney-Bryn Mawr College, Constance Pinckney, Dr. M. Morris Pinckney, Dr. Morton M. Pinckne y, Thomas Pinckney, Judge David Pine-United States District Court - Washington D.C., Jack Pinkston, John E. Pipes-Richmond City Health Department, James M. Pirie, Mrs. Albert Pirkl, Amir Pishdad, Edward J. Piszek, Mrs. E.S. Pitt, Malcolm U. Pitt Jr.-The Collegiate Schools, J. Dill Pittman M.D., James M. Pittman, R. Carter Pittman, Pix Inc., Plagiarism, Allan B. Plank, City Planning Commission, Gen. Platoff Don Cossack Chorus and Dancers, Willis Player-Pan American World Airways
1954-1966 Correspondence: Ple - Pol
Roger W. Pleastanton, Eugene S. Pleasonton, George R. Plumb, Plume and Sword, Mrs. Daniel C. Plummer, Richard C. Poage, Poe Foundation, P. Henry Poehler, Poetry Letters, O.A. Pohlig Jr., Mrs. Andrew J. Pohlman, Garnett R. Poindexter, Jr., Thomas L. Poindexter, Paul R. Poirot-Foundation for Economic Education, Dr. F.F. Pokorny, George W. Polhemus, Political Orthopaedic Society, Edward H. Pollaci, Jr., Theresa Pollak, Mrs. Florence H. Pollard, Fred G. Pollard, James Puller Pollard, John Garland Pollard, Ray B. Pollard, Robert N. Pollard Jr., Violet M.W. Pollard, Warren R. Pollard-Virginia Transit Company, Harry J. Polley, William Lee Polson
1956-1967 Correspondence: Pon - Pov
Lou Ponder, Edward R. Pongraz, Robert W. Pons, E. Gwinnette Poole, Robert H. Poole Sr., William S. Poole, E.M. Pooley- El Paso Herald-Post, Wallace F. Poore, E.M. Pope, Lonnie H. Pope-Charlottesville Board of Assessors, Margaret Pope, W.B. Pope, John Popham, Barbara G. Porter, C.A. Porterfield, Alan Posner-University of Rochester, Florence Dean Post, Gladys E. Post-American Coalition of Patriotic Societies, Johnetta Poteat, Alden A. Potter, Bill Potter- Frankfort Morning Times, , Gary K. Potter, I. Lee Potter-Republican Party of Virginia, Mrs. Ione S. Potter-Martha Dandridge Women's Club, Walter B. Potter- Culpeper Star-Exponent, Miss J. Potts, Kenneth Potts-Distributive Education Clubs of America, Virginia N. Potts, Ray A.H. Poupore, Shirley Povich
1954-1966 Correspondence: Pow - Prince Edward School Foundation
E. Angus Powell, Hugh P. Powell, Hume S. Powell, James M. Powell - The Jefferson Hotel, John C. Powell, Lewis F. Powell Jr., Lewis F. Powell Sr., Rear Admiral Paulus P. Powell, Robert J. Powell, Marie Power, Olney Hume Powers Jr., William A. Powers, Vicci Pownall, Prague Newsletter, L.G. Pratt, Barbara Preddy, T.K. Preddy, Albert Moore Prendergast, Mrs. M. Presnell, Press, Elmer E. Preston, Mrs. Howard H. (Lucy) Preston, W.R. Preston-WRVA TV, Laurence A. Price-Smith and Kline French Laboratories, Mrs. Robert C. (Betty R.) Price, Matthew Priestly, W.L. Prieur Jr.-Corporate Court of Norfolk, Edward A. Prill, Hal G. Prillaman-Martinsville Junior Chamber of Commerce (Jaycees), Prince Edward School Foundation
1956-1961 Correspondence: Burton A. Prince
1956-1966 Correspondence: Prince, G - End P
George N. Prince, Lillian Pringle, Nathalie Marie Prise, Bernice Proctor, Robert Proddow Jr.-Navy League of the United States, John A. Proffitt Jr., Progress Index, Progressive Architecture, Mrs. Russell Prosser, Thomas T. Prousalis, Hazel Prout, Provost - Richmond Professional Institute, Bernard Prushan-Vantage Press, Publisher's Weekly, H. Lamont Pugh MD, Jesse F. Pugh, Jordan A. Pugh III, Katie Pugh-Personal Improvement Course, Rev. Thomas E. Pugh-Williamsburg Baptist Church, Pulitzer Prize Awards Committee, F. Bert Pulley, Eugene S. Pulliam- The Indianapolis Star, Spencer M. Punnett, Griffith Purcell, T.M. Purcell Jr., Thomas W. Purcell Jr., Lt. Col. W. Griffith Purcell, Merlo J. Pusey- The Washington Post, William A. Pusey - The Reading Guide -University of Virginia School of Law, William C. Pusey, Carleton Putnam, Lacey E. Putney, Durwood T. Pye-Georgia Commission on Education, Harold G. Pyle
1962-1965 Correspondence: Carleton Putnam
1949-1953, n.d. Correspondence - Public Utilities Fortnightly
1956-1963 Correspondence - Q
Ruth Quann, Lawrence R. Quarles-University of Virginia Dean of Engineering, Miriam Quarles-Carolina Power and Light Company, August W. Quattrochi-Western Reserve University, William W. Quay, Evelyn Byrd Jervey Quinlivan, I.T. Quinn, Jim Quinn, Susan Quinn - The Pan-American School, Charles L. Quittmeyer-University of Buffalo School of Business
1953-1966 Correspondence: Rabb - Ratcliffe
Russell L. Rabb-Better Business Bureau, Clarence E. Rabinow-King Features Syndicate, Frederick A. Rabor Jr., Ed Rachels-Seaboard Airline Railroad Company, J.E. Radcliffe, Radford College, P.S. Radman, Col. Paul Howard Rafferty-ALMC-ASMC, W.J. Raftery Jr., Anne Raidabaugh- Southern Accent, Annielee Raiford, Richard E. Railey, Hon. William Rainach, John E. Raine-Commission on the Aging, Mrs. R.C. Randall, Beverley H. Randolph, Frank S. Randolph, John H. Randolph, Robert M. Randolph, Theodore F. Randolph, Vergil P. Randolph, E.L. Rankin Jr.-Office of the Governor of North Carolina, M.G. Ramey-Lion's Club, John Spruell Ramos, Ramrus-Producer- The Mike Wallace Interview, Andrew Ramsay, W.S. Ramseur, Walter G. Ramseur, E.W. Ramsey, Horace W. Raper-Tennessee Technology University, Laura D. Ratchford, Lydia Ratcliff, Clyde Ratcliffe
1956-1965 Correspondence: Jack Rathbone
1954-1966 Correspondence: Rati - Red
Ion Ratiu, J.A. Ratta Jr., Mrs. Benjamin Thomas Rauber, Fritz Rauschenberg, Mrs. Benjamin Watlins Rawles, Heath J. Rawley, James A. Rawley-Sweet Briar College, James A. Rawley, James Scott Rawlings, Sen. William V. Rawlings-5
1953-1966 Correspondence: Reed - Regi
A. Reed, Arthur Reed, Henry Hope Reed, K. Terrence Reed-State University of Iowa, Philip G. Reed Register and Tribune Syndicate, William T. (Billy) Reed Jr., Walter Reed, Mrs. W.J. (Grace) Reedy, Agnes B. Reese, Dr. C.B. Reese, Mrs. W.H. Reese Jr., Lew P. Reeve, Col. A.R. Reeves U.S.A. (Ret.), Judge Albert L. Reeves-Senior U.S. District Judge, Adm. J.W. Reeves Jr. U.S.N. (Ret.), Col. Le Roy Reeves-The Army and Navy Club, Mrs. Charles E. Regester, Walter W. Regirer-Virginia Association of Nursing Homes-Neighborhood Improvement Association-Virginia State Bar
1955-1966 Correspondence: Henry Regnery-Publisher
1956-1966 Correspondence: Reh - Rey
George T. Rehberg- Fore America, Ad. G.Reich, Mary Sue Reichert, Mrs. Henry J. Reichman, Legh W. Reid, Wallace Reid, Mrs. William F. Reid, Charles Reilly- Norfolk Ledger-Star, Georgia Reimer, Donald K. Reiner, Robert D. Reinhardt, Mrs. J.D. Reisser, Religious Matters, Florence Remington, Mrs. R.C. (Gladys L.) Remington - Medical College of Virginia Hospital, Werner Renberg- Business Week, James G. Rennie - Virginia Dairy Company, Edmund A. Rennolds Jr.-Branch and Company, Seymour Rennolds, Dave Rensberger, H.W. Repass, The Republic and Gazette, Republican District Headquarters, Republican Party of Virginia, Reston Virginia, Beryl L. Reubens-Brandeis University, Dean H.G. Reuschlein-Villanova University, J.G. Reveley, Edna C. Rex, Frances L. Rex-Richmond Artists Association, C.M. Reynolds, Mrs. Charles W. Reynolds, George A. Reynolds M.D., Hannah C. Reynolds, J. Louis Reynolds-Eskimo Pie Corporation, J. Owen Reynolds, J. Sargeant Reynolds, Jesse Reynolds-Department of Parks and Recreation-The Mosque, R.S. Reynolds Jr.-Reynolds Metal Company, Victor Reynolds-University Press of Virginia, William H. Reynolds
1965-1967 Correspondence: Anne Rentz
1953-1966 Correspondence: Rh - Richardson
Lucius Rhind, W.S. Rhoads Jr.-Miller and Rhoads, Dr. Joseph G. Rhode, John Q. Rhodes Jr., W. Edgar Rhodes, William H. Rhodes, S. White Rhyne, Jr., Dean F.D.G. Ribble-University of Virginia School of Law, Jackson Ricau-The Citizen's Report, Adolph Rice, Arthur H. Rice- The Nation's Schools, Arthur W. Rice, Barbara S. Rice-Houghton Mifflin Company, Charles E. Rice -Conservative Party of New York State, Charles Page Rice, Eva Rice -Utah Citizen's Committee Against Flouridation, Mrs. Greek Polan Rice, J. Linwood Rice-State Fair of Virginia, J.W. Rice-Ordnance Research Laboratory, Lee Rice, Leslie Rice, Nolan E. Rice - University of Richmond, P.A. Rice, W. Nelson Rump-American Airlines, W. Thomas Rice- Atlantic Coast Line, Elsie Rich, Charles W. Richards, G.H. Richards, Gertrude Richards, William R. Richards, Don Richardson- Christian Science Monitor, Mrs. E.L. Richardson M.D.-F.A.C.S., Mrs. H.D. Richardson, J.S. Richardson, John Richardson Jr., John C. Richardson, Mabel M. Richardson, Mrs. Ralph M. Richardson, Warren S. Richardson
1955-1957 Correspondence: Donald R. Richberg
1955-1966 Correspondence: Richey - Rider
Homer Richey, City of Richmond, "Richmond Afternoons", Richmond Area Community Council, Richmond Area Safety Council, Richmond Artists Association, Richmond Braves, Richmond Camellia Society Members, Richmond Council of Garden Clubs, Richmond International Council, Richmond Professional Institute, Richmond Public Library, Richmond Public Schools, Richmond Rebels, Richmond Symphony, Charles C. Richmond, Mrs. H.S. Richmond, Elihu Richter M.D.-Medical College of Virginia, Elizabeth N. Richter, F.C. Richter Jr. - Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation, William F. Rickenbacker, Charles Rickman-Age 12, Katharine C. Ricks, Margaret P. Ricks, R.A. Ricks, W.T. Riddel, C.B. Riddle, Lloyd S. Riddle, Jack Rider - Lenoir County News, M.C. Rider, Richard Rider
1953-1966 Correspondence: N. Cowl Rider
1956-1965 Correspondence: Rider - Roanoke
Wilber J. Rider-Lenoir County News Company, W.C. Ridgway, Walter L. Riedy, John W. Riely, Geraldine Riffenburgh, J.S. Riggan-Sea Board Airline Railroad, Mrs. R.P. Riggan, Allan E. Riggin, J.F. Rigsby, Juanita Rigsby, Eleanor Rikard, Mrs. M.O. Rike, Jr., C.B. Riley, Jack Riley-Carolina Power and Light Company, Paul Ringler- The Milwuakee Journal - Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Eugene F. Rinta-Counsel of State Chambers of Commerce, George G. Ritchie Jr. M.D.-Christian Youth Corps of America, Robert Ritchie, L.M. Ritter, Prof. Wilfred J. Ritz-Washington and Lee University School of Law, Frank G. Rivera, J.R.T. Rives, Leo A. Roach, Mrs. Obie Lewis Roach, Mrs. Robert Roadcap Jr., S.P. Roane, Roanoke World News
1953-1966 Correspondence: Robb-A.D. Robertson
Clarke T. Robb, Jessie M. Robb, Gus Robbins- The Hopewell News, Adm. Thomas H. Robbins Jr.-Naval War College, Louis Robert, Paul Robert, Allen E. Roberts, Major Arch E. Roberts U.S.A.R., Bill Roberts, Bob Roberts, David Roberts, Elizabeth Roberts, James W. Roberts-House of Delegates-Virginia, L.J. Roberts, Owen J. Roberts-Atlantic Union Committee, Ruby Altizer Roberts- The Lyric, A.D. Robertson
1951-1958 Correspondence: Senator A. Willis Robertson
1954-1966 Correspondence: Robertson - Robinson
Archibald G. Robertson, Brenda Robertson, Doug Robertson-Virginia State Penitentiary, E.C. Robertson, George Alex Robertson, Hugh Robertson, Mrs. John A. Robertson, Kenneth Douglas Robertson Jr., L.R. Robertson, Mrs. Maude Robertson, Reese S. Robertson, W.B. Robertson, Walter S. Robertson-Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, Gertrude James Robey, Berkeley Robins, E. Claiborne Robins-A.H. Robins Company, R.B. Robins, Albert D. Robinson, Lt. Col. C.O. Robinson, Dale G. Robinson-University of Richmond, E. Emma Robinson, J. Hall Robinson, J.T. Robinson, M.A. Robinson, Sam Robinson, W.D. Robinson, William M. Robinson Jr.
1956-1967 Correspondence: Rock - Rogers
Rock Hill Academy, John Delaney Rock-Traffic Department-Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Edward Arthur Rockwood, Fred W. Rodgers, G.T. Rodgers-Chrisholm Elementary School, Bertram Rodman-Temple Mishkan Tefila Forum, Charles H. Roe, Lois Roehr, John C. Rogers, L.F. Rogers, Marian Rogers
1950-1960, n.d. Correspondence - George W. Rogers
1951 Correspondence: Silas Rogers
1952 Correspondence: Silas Rogers
1953-1956 Correspondence: Silas Rogers
1956-1967 Correspondence: Rogg - Rop
Ben A. Rogge, Leo Rogol-Rivermont Church of Christ, G. Frederick Roll-Smith Kline and French Laboratories, Coralyn Roller, Mrs. Howard C. Roller, E.J. Rollings, Albert Rollins-Dalton Georgia City Clerk, Heinz Rollman, George Romney-Governor of Michigan, Col. Warren L. Romans-Department of the Army, John J. Rooney - U.S. Congress, Q. Roos, Archibald B. Roosevelt, Edith Kermit Roosevelt, George C. Roper Jr., William L. Roper
1954-1955 Correspondence: Billy Rose Column-"Pitching Horse Shoes"
1953-1966 Correspondence: Rose - Rouse
D.E. Rose, E.J.B. Rose-International Press Institute, Frances M. Rose, Harold P. Rose, J.T. Rose Sr.-Board of Real Estate Assessors, Louis M. Rose, Marc A. Rose- Reader's Digest, R.H. Rose Jr., Dan Rosenberger Jr., Rosenbloom Case, M.V. Rosenbloom-American Surveys, Jerome Rosenthal, C.A. Ross, Ida Jane Ross-Office of the Hon. Thomas N. Downing, Ivan Ross, Matilda Ross, William P. Ross, Charlie Rosson, Irwin Rosten-Wolper Productions, Leo Rosten-Cowles Magazines, Inc., William Rostron, The Rotarian, Fred H. Roth-City Charter Committee, Anne B. Roundtree-Lakeview Clinic, Martha Roundtree, L.C. Rouse, Parke Rouse-Jamestown Festival Commission
1956-1966 Correspondence: Rowan - Royston
Arch H. Rowan, A. Prescott Rowe-Central Virginia Educational Television Corporation, Charles S. Rowe- The Freelance-Star, Dan M. Rowe, Edith L. Rowe, Harry Rowe, Maurice B. Rowe-Acting Commissioner of Agriculture, T. Kenneth Rowe, David Rowland-Lynchburg Public Library, Koil Rowland, Mrs. P.L. Rowlett, Russell J. Rowlett Jr.-Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation, Evelyn Harding Rowzie, E.A. Roy, Margaret Shaw Royall, John B. Royer, Robert D. Royer-Reynolds Metals Company, Mrs. A. Royster, Bernard L. Royster Jr.-YMCA, Vermont Royster- Wall Street Journal, Grandison D. Royston Jr.- The Hopkins Review - Johns Hopkins University
1950-1955 Correspondence: Louis D. Rubin, Jr.
1956-1967 Correspondence: Louis D. Rubin, Jr.
1956-1967 Correspondence: Rucker - Rundle
Ed H. Rucker-Richmond Dairy Co., Katharine Wood Rucker, Andrew Ruckman II- The Cavalier Daily, Miles Rudisill Jr., D. Rudolph, J. Randolph Ruffin-Colonial Williamsburg, Thomas L. Ruffin, William B. Ruggles- The Dallas Morning News, Edward A. Rumely-Committee for Constitutional Government, Edward A. Rumely, L.A. Rundle
1953-1966 Correspondence: Rusher - End "R"
William A. Rusher- National Review, Hon. Dean Rusk-Secretary of State, Anna Russell, Barbara C. Russell, John Russell, Most Reverend John J. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell-University of Science and Philosophy, Milton C. Russell-Virginia State Library, Randolph Russell, Richard B. Russell-U.S. Senate, Virginia Hansford Russell, W.H. Russell, Charles A. Russo, Tom Rutherford, Mrs. G.A. Rutledge, Dave Ryan, James N. Ryan, Walter Rybeck- Dayton Daily News, David Warren Ryder, Richard R. Ryder, J. Oskar Rydstrom, Quincy Ryland, W. Bradford Ryland, Gary Lyons, Allan H. Ryskind- Human Events, Morrie Ryskind Column
1953-1966 Correspondence: Sa - San
Karl A. Sack, J.M. Sacks, Stanley E. Sacks-Virginia House of Delegates, Marsha Sacre, George W. Sadler-Richmond City Council, Harold R. Sadler, Rose Sadowsky, Ruth Perkins Safford, Saint Bridget's Parent-Teacher Association, William T. St. Clair, Richard S. Salant-CBS News, Thomas Raysor Salley Jr., Marion H. Salmon, Mrs. John Salsbury, Karen Salvatore, Ed Salzbech, G.E. Sams, Richard F. Sams, Mrs. W.M. Samuel, Mrs. M. Samuels, San Marino Tribune, Grace Sanchez-Salazar and Maureen Shea, John F. Sanderford Jr., Rev. Herbert W. Sanders-U.S. Army, Hope Sanders-Photo Maxima, Lewis Sanders, Paul H. Sanders- Race Relations Law Reporter -Vanderbilt University, Mrs. Hal Sandy, Terry Sanford, Richard P. Sanger - Wilmington Morning News, William T. Sanger-Invitation Committee-Medical College of Virginia Station, J. Conrad Sankpill, Clark Santini-Travis Student Union - University of Nevada
1953-1966 Correspondence: Sar - Sas
Mike Sarco, Dwight E. Sargent- The Portland Press-Herald - New York Herald-Tribune, Reed Sarratt-Southern Education Reporting Service-Southern Regional Education Board- Winston-Salem Journal and Sentinel, Adrian Waldo Sasha-Living Knowledge Foundation, Marion Hutson Sass -Office of the Hon. Strom Thurmond
1940-1967 Correspondence: Sat - Schl
Hon. David E. Satterfield Jr.-House of Representatives, Mr. and Mrs. David E. Satterfield III, Saturday Review, Stephen B. Satz, Mrs. J.T. Sauerbier, J.D. Saumweber-Sperry Piedmont Company, A.D. Saunders, J.W. Saunders, Ray Saunders III, Paul Saunier Jr.-Secretary to J. Vaughn Gary - U.S. Congress, James N. Savadge, Francis Savage, George W. Sawyer - Outdoor Advertising Association, James H. Saxon-Ashland Presbyterian Church, Patrick F. Scanlan- The Tablet, Victor K. Scavullo-Legion Utensils Company, Mrs. Alfred B. Schad-Richmond Council of Garden Clubs, Lois Schaedle, Walter L. Schaffer, Albert Schatz-Washington University, Schedules-Washington to Richmond, J.J. Scherer Jr., Lewis M. Scherer Jr.-Sheraton Park Hotel, Lois G. Schermerhorn, Richard W. Schetter, Florence E. Schiele, Dr. A.M. Schierholz-chiropractor, Mrs. Ross P. Schlabach, Clarence O. Schlaver- The Quill, Thomas B. Schlesinger, Urban Schlitz
1952-1966 Correspondence: Paul Saunier Jr.
1956-1967 Correspondence: Schm - Schw
Emerson P. Schmidt-Economic Research Department-U.S. Chamber of Commerce, G.H.W. Schmidt-Governor's Advisory Committee on Decent Literature, Richard E. Schmidt-Micro Photo, Richard J. Schmidt, Alfred J. Schmitt Jr., Dr. Allen M. Schmuller-Northern Illinois University, Mary Schneider, J.W. Schoch, F.G. Schonbert-Sanborn Map Company, School Executive, Mrs. Walter P. Schoonaur, Andrew James Schorr, Donald N. Schorr-International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics, Paul H. Schrodt, Anna Schroeder, C. Schroeder, Dr. Albert Schrut, Elliott W. Schryver - Doubleday and Company, Robert Lindsay Schuettinger, Mrs. S. Schulberg, Loring Schuler-National Associated Businessmen, Michael Schuller-Constitution Society of Ohio, Rabbi Benjamin Schultz - American Jewish League Against Communism, Charles M. Schulz- Peanuts, Mrs. D. Schuringa-Citizens Against Flouridation, George S. Schuyler, Mrs. Lambert Schuyler, Robert C. Schwab, Jim Schwaninger- Missouri Press News, Blanche G. Schwartz, Edward P. Schwartz, Joyce A. Schwartz, William Schwartz, Ted Schwarz, W. Harry Schwarzschild Jr.-Central National Bank, Albert L. Schweitzer - St. Louis Post- Dispatch, Egon Schwelb-Division of Human Rights-United Nations, Alfred J. Schweppe- American Bar Association Journal, Kurt Schwerin-Northern University School of Law Library
1956-1966 Correspondence: Sco - Scr
Fon H. Scofield Jr.-Southern Baptist Convention, Adrian H. Scolten M.D., Rose Scorgie, Scott, Foresman and Company, A.B. Scott, George Cole Scott-Scout-O-Rama, Glenn Allen Scott- Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, Herschel N. Scott-Citizens for Goldwater-Miller, Horace H. Scott-Right Worthy Grand Council, James H. Scott, Mary Wingfield Scott, Mrs. R.G. Scott, R.K. Scott-All American Books-America's Future, R.T. Scott-Virginia Paper Company, Robert T. Scott, Ruth Scott, Sidney Buford and Buford Scott-Medical College of Virginia Foundation, Venora M.B. Scott, William D. Scott, Bernice J. Scroggins, Philip L. Scruggs
1956-1967 Correspondence: Scu - Se
Dr. John Scudder-The Presbyterian Hospital, Vincent Scully, Claudia Scurlock, Nancy Seaman, Mrs. D. Scott (Betty) Sears, Capt. Bill Seawell Sr., C.P. Seay - The Bulletin -Southern Railway System, Mrs. Richmond Seay, David Sebra, Anna Sects, Francis Minturn Sedgwick, Mary Seely, J.C. Seidel-New York State Division of Housing, R.S. Seidensticker-Larus and Brother Company Tobacco Manufacturers, Harry W. Selden, J.Sinclair Selden Jr.-Kiwanis International, Mrs. Murrell Gail Selden Jr., Joan Joyce Sellers, Meb Segrest, John F. Segrest Jr., Mrs. Walter M. Sehnert, Mrs. Harry (Hattie) Semones, Helen R. Seniunas, Thurman Sensing-Southern States Industrial Council, Theodore A. Serrill - Pennsylvania Society of Newspaper Editors, George W. Settle Jr. - Virginia Office of the Comptroller, William F. Settles, William H. Seward, Charles Eli Sexton
1953-1966 Correspondence - Sha
Mrs. E. Donald Shackelford, Jack S. Shackleton, Virginia J. Shackleton, Evalyn W. Shaed, Mrs. Zillah H. Schafer, John J. Shaffer Jr.-Thomson Machinery Company, H.D. Shamblin, Gadsden E. Shand Jr., William R. Shands, Edgar M. Shaner, Mack I. Shanholtz M.D. - Virginia Department of Health, George E. Shank Jr., Lt. Col. Oliver D. Shank-U.S.A. (ret.), Dr. Edgar F. Shannon Jr.-President - University of Virginia, George W. Shannon- Shreveport Journal, L.D. Shannon Jr., Dr. Jerome Shapiro, Chandar Dhar Sharma-Central Potato Research Institute - Simla India, Louis J. Sharp-Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Philip D. Sharp Jr.-Washington and Lee University - Mock Republican National Convention, Robert M. Sharp-Neighborhood Improvement Association, Constance Sharpe, Hariet Gunn Sharwood - Albemarle Chapter-Daughters of the American Revolution, Mrs. E.D. Shaver-Richmond Council of Women's Organizations, William Russ Shaver, Mrs. Cleo Shaw, Dr. John Allen Shaw, Mimi Shaw-Church Federation of Greater Chicago, Robert B. Shaw, Paul B. Shawen
1954-1966 Correspondence: She - Shel
John Shea Jr., Michael J. Shea, Thomas L. Shean Jr.-Providence College, Don P. Shearer, Harold P. Sheehan, Mrs. William F. Sheehan, Vernon Sheeley, Rev. L.F. Sheen, Rev. Charles W. Sheerin Jr. - Bruton Parish Church, Rev. Clarence Levi Shelby M.A.-D.D. Pastor - Westside Presbyterian Church, Bill Sheldon-University of Virginia, Courtney P. Sheldon- Christian Science Monitor, E.P. Sheldon, William W. Sheldon, Will Shelelon, Willis Shell-The William Byrd Press, Sheltering Arms Hospital, David R. Shelton, Farrar B. Shelton, James W. Shelton - Realtor, Lloyd Shelton, Lynn Shelton- The Halifax Gazette
1953-1966 Correspondence: Shen - Shep
Shenandoah -The Washington and Lee University Review, Miley G. Shenk, Eleanor P. Sheppard-Richmond City Council, Mrs. Theodore Sheppard, John Ben Shepperd-Attorney General of Texas-Odessa Natural Gasoline Company, Josephine M. Shepperson-State Fair of Virginia
1953-1966 Correspondence: Sher - Sho
Mrs. J. Leo Sheran, Sheraton Hotel, E.G. Sherburne Jr.-American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fred G. Sherill, Bill Sherman, Fred G. Sherrill, Capt. Vincent J. Sherry Jr. USAF, Frances Shield, Dr. James Asa Shields-The Tucker Hospital, Murray Shields, Earl J. Shiflet-Agricultural Bureau-Richmond Chamber of Commerce -Virginia Association of Electric Cooperatives, Nellie Brownfield Shiflet-Indiana Institute of Technology, S.E. Shifrin - Intercontinental Features, Emile S. Shihadeh, Robert J. Shine Jr., Gregory E. Shinert, Frances (Fluff) Shinnick- Hollins Columns -Hollins College, W.H. Shirer-Bailey's Supreme Coffee, Elliot M. Shirk-Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry Fair Practice Commission, Frank C. Shirk-Virginia Library Association, Will Shocket-Capitol News Agency, Don Shoemaker-Southern Education Reporting Service - Southern School News - The Miami Herald, Vaughn Shoemaker, J.J. Shom*on Virginia Game Commission- Virginia Wildlife, Kenneth Paul Shorey- The University Bookman - The Columbia State, Garry Short- Los Angeles Times Syndicate, Shelton H. Shot III, Martin L. Shotzberger-University of Richmond, John L. Showers-Job de Camp
1955-1967 Correspondence: Shr - Simm
Donald W. Shriver-Norfolk Chamber of Commerce, Donald W. Shriver Jr.-North Carolina State University, Dr. Richard Shryock-Johns Hopkins University, Henry G. Shue-Princeton University, Cathy Shufro, Charles B. Shuman-American Farm Bureau Federation, Mrs. Stuart Shumate, W.L. Shurm, A.J. Sicnolf-Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company, Joan Rubin Siegel, John "D" Siegle, Nancy R. Siegel, Frank A. Sieveman, Jr., Florence Sigler, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity-University of Richmond, J.A. Sigman-E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company, Mary Beth Sikkelee, Thomas Jefferson High School, Dorothy G. Silver, Ronald F. Silver, David Silvette, Dr. Herbert Silvette, Francis Butler Simkins, Arthur T. Simmons, Becky Simmons, George E. Simmons-Tulane University, W.J. Simmons - Citizens' Council Forum
1956-1959 Correspondence: Paul Shuford
1949-1956 Correspondence: Sigma Delta Chi Award
1956-1965 Correspondence: William J. Simmons
1956-1966 Correspondence: Simon - Sk
Rabbi Simon of the Har Sinai Congregation, Louis J. Simonich, R.C. Simonini Jr.-Longwood College Department of English, Mrs. W.E. Simonton Jr., Harry Simpkins, Mrs. B.D. Simpkins, Francis B. Simpkins, Elizabeth Hill Simpson, F.A. Simpson, F.R. Simpson, John G. Sims Jr., Mrs. John W. Sims, F.G. Singleton, Florine Singleton, Sinkler Gibbs and Simons, Jonathan M. Sion, Dr. Louis Walton Sipley -American Museum of Photography, J. Kelly Sisk- The Greenville News -Piedmont Company, James N. Sites-Association of American Railroads, Gary Siverhus, Harry D. Sizemore, C.H. Skelton, Catharine Hagan Skelton, Richard G. Skelton, Howard Skidmore-Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, Zell Skillern- Facts Forum, John J. Skipper, Mrs. Gerald W. Sklar
1956-1967 Correspondence: Sl - Sme
Sylvia R. Slade, D. French Slaughter Jr., Robert Slaughter, Frank M. Slayton-Student Legal Forum-University of Virginia- Virginia Law Weekly, Dr. Jonah Slipow, E.D. Sloan-Sloan Construction, Ruth P. Sloan, Tom Sloan, Hubert L. Sloat, Mabel Sluss, B.J. Small, Sydney Small, Walter B. Smalley, Dee Smart, William B. Smart- The Deseret News, E.L. Smelser
1956-1966 Correspondence: A. Smith - H. Smith
Ad G. Smith-Kansas House of Representatives, Archie M. Smith Jr., Mrs. Anteje L. Smith-Richmond Public Library, Anthony Wayne Smith -National Parks Association, C.F. Smith-Volunteers for Goldwater, Carolyn Rennolds Smith, Conrad C. Smith, Courtney C. Smith, Cyrus Smith-South African Department of Info in Portugal, Rev. Dana Prom Smith-Fox Valley Presbyterian Church, Doris A. Smith, Dorothy Smith, E.E. Smith, Edwin F. Smith Jr., Elizabeth H.W. Smith, Ellen Harvie Smith, Elsie Smith, Ernest Lee Smith, Erselle B. Smith, Fannie H. Smith-Ace Reporting Service, George T. Smith-Speaker - House of Representatives-Georgia, Glenn C. Smith, H.E. Smith - Photo Fan, H.H. Smith, Harry L. Smith-State Highway Department, Hiram M. Smith Jr.-Governor's Highway Safety Committee, Howard C. Smith, Howard K. Smith-CBS News, Howard M. Smith-Richmond Public Library, Howard W. Smith-U.S. Congress
1956-1966 Correspondence: J. Smith - P. Smith
J. Douglas Smith, Mrs. J. Gordon Smith, Dr. James Waller Smith, John W. Smith, Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company, Jordan Smith-Phi Gamma Delta, Joseph L. Smith, Joseph R. Smith, Mrs. L.O. Smith, Lee Smith, Luther Smith, Marcheta R.G. Smith, Margaret S. Smith, Martha Smith, Mary Carroll Smith-Political Science Club-College of William and Mary, Mortimer Smith-Council for Basic Education, Myra V. Smith, Nancy Page Smith, Noel Smith- Baptist Bible Tribune, O.F. Smith, Paul W. Smith, Mrs. Pinckney Andrew Smith
1956-1966 Correspondence: R. Smith - Smith-Pierce
Dr. R. Blackwell Smith Jr.-Medical College of Virginia, R.O. Smith, Ralph Harland Smith, Raymond S. Smith-Virginia League for Planned Parenthood, Ree G. Smith, Richard M. Smith- The Providence Journal, Robert J. Smith, Robert L. Smith- The Charleston Gazette, Roberta Smith, Royce Smith, Dr. Russell T. Smith, Ruth Kilpatrick Smith, S. Strother Smith Jr., S. Strother Smith III, Stanford Smith -American Newspaper Publishers Association, Stanley Smith Jr., Susan Smith, T.A. Smith-The Reprint Company, Thelma Smith, Tony S. Smith-Americans for Constitutional Action, Van C. Smith, W.C. Smith, W. Eldridge Smith, W. Roy Smith-Physicians Products Company, W.W. Smith, W. Wallace Smith-Metropolitan Life Insurance, Walter M. Smith, Mrs. William F. Smith III, Mrs. Smith-Pierce
1956-1966 Correspondence: Smithers - Sn
J. Westwood Smithers, Smog, Pfc. Donald J. Smusiewicz-Co. C 1
1951-1966 Correspondence - So
A.J. Sobolesky, Frank Soden-Station WRNL, George Sokolsky Column, Alyce Somerville, Mrs. Harry J. Sommers, Leo Sonderegger-The Auburn Bureau, Dorothy A. Soter, Lauren K. Soth- The Des Moines Register and Tribune, J.G. Sourwine-United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, South Africa Foundation, Marie Southall, James Southerland, Mildred P. Southerland, Southern Accent, Southern Baptist Foundation, Southern Education Reporting Service, Southern Historical Association-University of Kentucky, Southern Newspaper Publishers Association, Southern Newspaper Syndicate, Southern Regional Education Board, Southern States Prison Association, Soviet Union, John G. Sowder, Edward W. Sowers- The Rolla Daily News
1953-1959 Correspondence: Spadea Syndicate
1953-1967 Correspondence: Spa - Spi
David P. Spahr, Mrs. Alberta Spain-The Peace Movement of Ethiopia, Viginia Spain, Branch Spalding-Christcurch School-People's Bank of Whitestone, Leo A. Spalding, Fred T. Spangler-Constitution Party USA, Mrs. Lee J. Spangler, Mamie Spangler-University of Richmond, Ron Spargur-International Council of Christian Churches, O.N. Sparks, Patience M. Sparks, R.D. Sparks- Daily Sun, Judith M. Spearing, Orvis H. Speciale, Mrs. William M. Speed, Robert J. Speir, Emily H. Spencer - U.S. Department of the Interior, Stewart Spencer, G.T. Sperry - National Fruit Production Company, Mrs. Charles Spicer, E.W. Spieckerman, John B. Spiers Jr., Karl O. Spiess Sr., Louis Spilman - The Waynesboro News-Virginian, Judge Richard B. Spindle-The Corporation Court of Norfolk, Nicholas A. Spinella, Kathryn Spink, Dr. Felix A. Spittler, H.E. Spitsbergen-Liberty and Freedon Press, Lawrence E. Spivak- Meet the Press
1953-1966 Correspondence: Spo - Stanley
Rolland A. Spofford, Richard Spong, Diana Spooner-Ministry of Information, Tinsley L. Spraggins, Mrs. Allan R. (Nancy) Spreen, Spring Book Sale, Francis W. Springer, Reavis C. Sproull, Joseph E. Spruill Jr., Hugh H. Sprunt, J.M. Spurlin, Frank Spurlock- Kansas City Star, Madeleine H. Squier, Elisabeth W. Squire, Joan M. Stack, M.J. Stack, C.C. Stafford, Charles M. Stafford, Mrs. Chester D. Stafford, Glenn W. Stafford, Prof. Ella M. Stagg-Lynchburg College, Thomas E. Stagg Jr. - National Republican Committee, Laurence Stahl, Steve Stahl - Oklahoma Public Expenditures Council-Kiwanis Club of Oklahoma City, Beecher E. Stallard, George T. Stallings, Virginia M. Stallings, Mrs. Joseph Stank-Collingswood Committee Against Flouridation, Irene Stanford, C.M. Stanley, Eugene Stanley - Memorial Album and Record Company
1953-1956 Correspondence: Thomas B. Stanley
1953-1966 Correspondence: Stan - Sten
B.M. Stanton-Virginia Parking Association, Fitzhugh D. Staples, Star - Washington Star, Evening Star, Mrs. Edwin M. Stark, Charlotte C. Starr, Frank J. Starzel-Associated Press, State Division of Purchase and Printing, Thomas B. Stauffer, Dr. William H. Stauffer, Emeline Stearns, Charles Stebbins, Dudley M. Steele, Mrs. Evans B. Steele, Mrs. J.D. Steele, LCdr Robert Edward Steele USNR, Mrs. Willard Steele, "Stees Sees"-cartoon, Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Steidinger, Israel Steingold, Frank P. Stelling, Senator John Stennis
1953-1967 Correspondence: Step - Stew
Stephen Decatur Society, Hon. A.E.S. Stephens-Lt. Gov., Charlie Stephens, D.H. Stephens-Chief Postal Inspector, Jane Stephens, Dr. Mallory Stephens-Temporary State Rent Commission, Marie Stephens, S.A. Stephens, Dora H. Stephenson, Wallace T. Stephens-Richmond National Battlefield Park, Lillian Stephenson, R.S. Stephenson - The Virginian, Mrs. W. Potter (Helen R.) Sterne, C. Joseph Stetler-Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, Joe Stettinius-Virginia Landmark Corporation, William G. Steube, Charles R. Stevens, Harry L. Stevens, Robert T. Stevens Jr., William A. Stevens-J.C. Wheat and Company, William T. Stevens, Adlai E. Stevenson, Branson G. Stevenson, H.L. Stevenson - United Press International, Mrs. A.E. Stewart Sr., A. Frank Stewart, Victor W. Stewart, Eugene P. Stewart Jr., Waddill D. Stewart
1953-1967 Correspondence: Sti - Sto
Rev. Charles L. Stigger, Rose E. Stiggger, Dean Lindley J. Stiles - University of Virginia Curry School of Education, Villa Stiles, Ed Still, Joseph W. Still M.D.-M.P.H., Vera Stilling (Mrs. Joseph F. Stilling), Jamie D. Stimson-Drake's Branch Presbyterian Church, Alvin Stinnett, Caskie Stinnett-Curtis Publishing Company, John S. Stith, Mary V. Stith, Laurence Stoble, R.J. Stockham, Stockham Valves and Fittings, Mrs. Wayne Stockwell, Robert W. Stoddard - Wyman-Gordon Company, Al Stoffel-Whitman Publishing Company, Anton J. Stoffle, Dillard Stokes, Charles H. Stone, Sgt. David G. Stone, Gregory Stone, Jim Stone, John L. Stone-WRVA-TV, John L. Stone Jr. -Committee on National Safe Boating Week, Capt. Joseph W. Stone - Fork Union Military Academy, Kathryn H. Stone-House of Delegates, Mrs. M. Stone, Robert M. Stone, Sen. William F. Stone, Seabury D. Stoneburner, Clem F. Storckman-Chief Justice-Supreme Court of Missouri, Commodore M. Storrier, William J. Story Jr., L.E. Stott, Flora J. Stout, Florence Stout, Richard Brooks Stout, Clinton E. Stoutenburgh, W.H.M. (Bill) Stover
1953-1966 Correspondence - Str
Marian M. Strack, Mrs. Frank C. Straehla, Bert D. Strang, H. Strang, Sterling T. Strange Jr., Archibald Donald Strange-Boston, Alice H. Strauss, Glen Strauss, Adm. Lewis L. Strauss-Atomic Energy Commission-Secretary of Commerce, Beatrice M. Streb, Bliss Street, Frank M. Streetman Jr., William Streuber, B.P. Strickland, Bobbe Strickland, Ray Stringham-Supreme Court Library, Mildred B. Strite, Hudson Strode-University of Alabama, Morgan W. Strother - National Convention of the American Legion, Warren H. Strother - Virginia Polytechnical Institute, J.W. Stroud, James D. Stroup - Hotel Clevelend, Structo Schools Corporation, Mrs. L.T. Strum, Dr. Henry Strutz-College of the City of New York, Mayor Polly Stryker -Williamsburg
1953-1966 Correspondence: Stu - Super
Henry C. Stuart-Virginia Senate, Lyle Stuart, J.S. Stubbs Jr. - South Side Community Hospital, Raymond Hamilton-Randolph Junior High School, Student Press Association, Laura H. Stump-New York World's Fair, R.L. Stump M.D., Thomas Austin Styles, Elias Sugarman -Food Fair Properties Agency, Harold Sugg- Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch - Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, Suicide of the West, Edmund Sullivan, Muriel Sullivan, Thomas L. Sullivan, Walter Sullivan-Vanderbilt University, Mrs. I.D. Summersett, John Summerskill-Cornell University, H.M. Sumner, Kenneth I. Doran, Harry M. Sumner, Don Sundheim-Conservative Club -Mankato State College, Superintendant of Documents-Government Printing Office, Washington DC-U.S. Department of Labor
1956 Correspondence: Supplement on Interposition
1954-1966 Correspondence: Supr - Su
Supreme Court, Supreme Court of Oklahoma, Supreme Court of Tennessee, Supreme Court of Texas, George R. Surface, Surry County Foundation, Anne Sussman, Douglas Sutherland-Alma College, Walter J. Suthon Jr., L.I. Sutphin-John H. Kerr Reservoir Manager, Eugene Sutter - Squirrel Inn, Louis V. Sutton-Carolina Power and Light Company, M.L. Sutton, T. Dix Sutton, Henry Suydam-Department of State News Division
1958-1961 Correspondence: Donald A. Swan
1956-1967 Correspondence - Sw
Joe Swan-Wisconsin State College Journalism Department, Richard T. Swarbick, Paul Lee Sweeny, Dr. Homer Sweetman, Jane S. Sweetman - Dixie Equipment Service, Dr. E.G. Swem, Paul O. Swenby, William F. Swindler-University of Nebraska Department of Journalism-College of William and Mary, Mrs. Thomas G. Swineford, Prof. Carl Swisher - Columbia University School of Law, G. Fred Switzer-Democratic National Committeeman-Harrisonburg Telephone Company, Lola Swyers
1953-1966 Correspondence: Sy-End "S"
Robert F. Sycle-United Paper Company, Eugene B. Sydnor Jr. - Southern Department Stores-Virginia Retail Merchants Association, Eugene B. Sydnor III-Young Citizens for Safety, Mrs. G.S. Sydnor Jr.-The Valentine Museum, James R. Sydnor-Richmond Area Committee for Public Schools, W.B. Sydnor, Mrs. Josie Lawrence Sykes, Arthur Sylvester-Assistant Secretary of Defense, John J. Synon-California Department of Industrial Relations, Mrs. John J. Synon, Dr. G. Szmak-Universal Economics Foundation, James G. Szymanski-Virginia Military Institute Publications Board
1956-1965 Correspondence: Ta-A. Taylor
Braxton H. Tabb Jr.-Douglas G. High Oratorical Contest-Sons of the American Revolution, C.J. Tabor, Mrs. Fern Y. Taggart, C. Downing Tait, Don Tait- Yakima Eagle, Isabel Taliaferro M.D., Herman E. Talmadge-U.S. Senate-Georgia, Sid Tamm, Norman Tandy, Charles C. Tansill - Georgetown University, James R. Tate, Velma N. Tate-Henry Regnery Company, J.U. Tatum, June Taubman, Mary L. Taurman, Dr. Allen Taylor -The Radiological Clinic-Greenville NC, Mrs. Andrew M. Taylor
1946-1967 Correspondence: C. Taylor - W. Taylor
C.R. Taylor , Charles A. Taylor Jr.-Middlesex County School Board - American National Red Cross, Charles H. Taylor -Virginia Manufacturers Association, Mrs. Douglas E. Taylor -Thomas Jefferson Women's Club, Rear Adm. E.B. Taylor -Commandant Fifth Naval District, Edward C. Tayor, Frances Taylor , G. Thomas Taylor , George E. Taylor , George Rogers Taylor -Department of American Studies - Amherst College, Dr. George Ross Taylor -Amherst College, Col. Henry Taylor -Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Henry J. Taylor , Henry M. Taylor Jr.-Books USA, Henry P. Taylor , Linda Lewis Taylor , Margery Moore Taylor and Lucile C. Moore (Mrs. James Garlick Moore), Maria M. Taylor , Mrs. Paul McD. Taylor , Raymond W. Taylor , Robert P. Taylor , Welford D. Taylor , William U. Taylor -American Transit Association, William W. Taylor Jr. North Carolina Bar Association, William W. Taylor Sr.
1953-1966 Correspondence: Taz - Tha
James F. Tazelaar, Robert A. Tazzani, Teacher's College-Columbia University, Margaret Withers Teague-Bartlesville Historical Commission, Telephones, Frederick E. Telfor, Mary Anne Temple, Truman Temple, Mrs. Norman B. Terhune, Marybeth Terrell, Dr. Robert V. Terrell, Paul Terretta-O'Sullivan Rubber Corporation, Albert Terrien, Gerard Tetley- Danville Register and Bee, Texas Legislature, Thalhimer Brothers Inc. (William B. and Charles G.), Morton G. Thalhimer-Neighborhood Group of Motion Picture Theatres, Max Thorpe, Mrs. C.P. Thayer, Hugh O. Thayer
1956-1967 Correspondence: The - Thom
Robert Theobald, Mary Thielen, Wayne C. Thiessen, Mrs. Frances Thigpen, Think Magazine, Arthure D. Thomas-Camera Club of Richmond, Dr. Dorothy Thomas-University of Pennsylvania, Rev. Doyle J. Thomas-Loyal Baptist Church, George Thomas, Glenn G. Thomas-College of Charleston, John C. Thomas, John G. Thomas, John H. Thomas, Lately Thomas, Mary Thomas, Rick Thomas-American University Graduate School of Journalism, Sylvia B. Thomas, Vera Thomas, Annie Thomasson, Andrew H. Thompson - Roanoke Association of Life Underwriters, Ann Thompson, Betty Thompson- The Herald-Progress -Hand Work-Shop-American Craftsmen's Council, Bill Thompson-WRVA-TV, Carl Thompson, Mrs. Edward M. Thompson (Lorena), Fred D. Thompson Jr.-Princeton University, Ken Thompson- The Dallas Morning News, Lisa Carter Thompson, Lorin A. Thompson-University of Virginia-Bureau of Population and Economic Research, Mildred Thompson, Norman E. Thompson, R. Maxwell Thompson, Robert Thompson Susan A. Thompson, Clytie Cannaday Thomson, Genevieve Clark Thomson
1953-1958 Correspondence: James M. Thomson
1953-1966 Correspondence: Thor - Ti
N. Thorington-Thorington Construction, John R. "Sam" Thornell, Barbour N. Thornton-Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company, Mrs. H.L. Thornton, Thomas D. Thornton, Dr. William S. Thornton, Leo Thoroughman-"Phews in the News," Jerry Thorp-RCA Record Division, Jane O'Flaherty Throop, Sen. Strom Thurmond, Frank W. Tibbetts Jr.-State Farm Insurance Company, John W. Tietz, C. Hunton Tiffany, Wallace N. Tiffany, James M. Tignor, A.K. Tigrett, Mrs. William Jackson Tiller, Charles C. Tillinghast Jr.-Trans World Airlines, The Times -London, George Bell Timmerman Jr.-Governor of South Carolina, William E. Timmons-Administrative Assistant to Bill Brock-US Congress, Jean Tinder, Bob Tingle, Nancy Tingle, Jimmie E. Tinsley, Mrs. Stockton Tiny, John Tippett
1956-1966 Correspondence - To
Tobacco Tax Council, Franklin J. Tobey Jr.- Public Utilities Fortnightly, Joseph M. Tobin, Benjamin Casanas Toledano, Evva Skelton Tomb, B. Tomlinson, Homer Tomlinson, Wyoming Tommy, Barbara Tompkins, Maj. Gen. William F. Tompkins - Medical College of Virginia, Father Jerome L. Toner O.S.B.-St. Martin's College, Royce D. Tooley, William O. Topham Sr., Toronto, Ned Touchstone- The Councilor - Citizen's Council of Louisiana, John L. Tower, Katherine Towey, Oliver Towne- The St. Paul Dispatch, Ken H. Towsey
1954-1966 Correspondence - Tr
Dr. Arthur S. Trace Jr.-John Carroll University, Eugene R. Trainor, Robert J. Trammell, Charles E. Trantina, William H. Trapnell, Gordan Trapnell, Thelma Traylor, Charles H. Treakle Jr., S. Tremaine, N. Bradford Trenham-California Taxpayer's Accociation, Harold D. Trevillian, Hugh Tribble, J.W. Trimyer, J.C.L. Tripp, John Boone Trotti, Robert Troutman Jr., Ethelyn Heines Trowbridge, Mrs. W. Roy Trowbridge, Fred W. Troy, Albert R. Truda, Hugh L. Truesdale, Gladys G. Truesdell
1951-1967 Correspondence: Paul Trescott- The Philadelphia Bulletin
1957-1964 Correspondence: Ulrich and Dorothy Troubetzkoy
1954-1966 Correspondence - Tu
Roger Tubby-Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, Tuckahoe Volunteer Rescue Squad, E.B. Tucker, E.B.M. Tucker, Erma Tucker, Mrs. H.C. Tucker, Dr. H. St. George Tucker Jr., Mrs. J.E. Tucker, J. Randolph Tucker Jr., Jesse M. Tucker Jr. M.D., L. Grafton Tucker, Louis A. Tucker, Percy A. Tucker, Tulsa World and Tribune, Tucson Daily Citizen, Jack Tummins-The Fort Worth National Bank, Joseph J. Tunney, Louisa Frost Turley, D.F. Turlong, Eric Turnbull-Newspaper Features, Ltd., Annie May Turner- The Texarkana Gazette, H. Ashby Turner, Mrs. James A. Turner, Lee Ann Turner-Glen Allen Elementary School -Third Grade, Mrs. S.T. (Louisa) Turner, Susan McNeil Turner Thomas E. Turner Jr., W.R. Turner, Mrs. S.T. Turnispeed Jr.-The Conservative Club of Georgia, Mrs. A.R. Tussey, Anne Robertson Tuttle, Charles M. Tuttle
1954-1966 Correspondence: Rep. William M. Tuck-Fifth District-Virginia
1957-1965 Correspondence: Tw-End "T"
Twentieth Precinct-Neighborhood Improvement Association, Mrs. A.F. Tyler, Catlin E. Tyler, Franklin Adair Tyler, Capt. Lewis P. Tyler, Nedra Tyre, Mrs. John M. Tyrrel, Rebecca Tyrrel, Carrie W. Tyson, D.F. Tyler, D. Gardiner Tyler, H.N. Tyler Sr., Mrs. Del Tyson, Jewel W. Tyson
1954-1966 Correspondence - U
U.F.O. Phenomena, Stewart Udall-Secretary of the Interior, Ufton Book Shop, Harry G. Uhl, Michael Uhlman-University of Virginia Law School, Union Bag-Camp Paper Corporation, Union Electric, United Airlines, United Daughters of the Confederacy, United States Information Agency, University Center in Virginia, University Microfilms, University of Missouri School of Journalism, Charles F. Unruh-Canned Foods Brokers, J.F. Unruh, Lloyd N. Unsell - Independent Petroleum Association of America, Mrs. A.A. Upchurch, Glenn B. Updike-Patterson Drug Company, Urban League, Barry Urdang - The Philadelphia Bulletin, Frank Urk, Grace Braxton Urquhart, Kenneth Urquhart, Mrs. Utley, Freda Utley, Brian Usher-Friends of Rhodesia Trust, S.H. "Ted" Usry
1954-1959 Correspondence: United Feature Syndicate
1956-1958 Correspondence: Arthur B. Upshur
1959-1963 Correspondence: Arthur B. Upshur
1952-1966 Correspondence: V - Van
Jean A. Vache, W.R. Vaiden, Thomas Vail- The Plain Dealer, The Valentine Museum, C. Braxton Valentine -The Valentine Museum, Jimmy Valentine, Valley News Echo-Reprint of September 1864, Gerhard van Arkel-Washington Home Rule Committee, Vincent V Van Beuren-Volunteer Service Bureau, R.W. Vance, Mr. and Mrs. William Vanderlaan, Mrs. Ted Van Devere, George B. Vandiver, Erskine B. Van Houten Jr.-Young Republican Club of Richmond, Judith Van Pelt, W.J. Van Schreeven-State Library, Alan L. Van Sicle, Vantage Press, Mrs. Frank Van Tassel, J.D. Van Valkenburgh, Julian P. Van Winkle-Stitzel Weller
1949-1966 Correspondence: Var - Ve
Esther Varlandingham, Ernest Vasquez, Betty Vaughan-William Morrow and Company Publishers, C. Porter Vaughan Jr., David D. Vaughan, Mrs. E.T. Vaughan-John Marshall High School, Frank C. Vaughan, Gordon E. Vaughan, Hazel Vaughan, Morgan D. Vaughan, W.A. Vaughan, Dr. William M. Vaughan, Judge Edgar S. Vaught-United States District Court-Western District of Oklahoma, Paul Veblen- Santa Barbara News-Press, William Veeser -Upper Peninsula Power Company, Oluf L. Veien, Commander Richard A. Velz-Officer in Charge-Naval Reserve Section-Fifth Naval District-District Intelligence Office-Norfolk-Virginia Museum of Fine Arts-A.H. Robins and Co.-Navy League of the United States, Mrs. A.M. Vermillera, Dorothy Verplank-Association for the Benefit of Non-Contract Employees, Veterans, Veterans Aid Proposal
1954-1966 Correspondence: Via - Vin
Arnold L. Via, John Via Sr.-American Red Cross, Joseph L. Vickery, David G. Vieira-Longwood College, Jacob M. Viener-Navy League of the United States, Saul Viener, R.C. Vierbuchen-Advertising Club of Metropolitan Washington, Vietnam Mail Call, Dean Vietor, Viewpoint, Villanova University, Richard A. Viguerie, Mrs. W.D. Villars, Howard L. Vine, Eugene Vins
1953-1966 Correspondence - Virginia
Virginia Division-American Cancer Society, Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges, The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Virginia Observer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Virginia Press Photographers Association, Virginia Retail Merchants Association, Virginia Safety AssociationVirginia State Chamber of Commerce, Virginia State Bar Association, Virginia State Library, Virginia State Printers Association, Virginia State Restaurant Association, Virginia Transit Company, Virginia Union University, Virginia United Nations Association
1951-1956 Correspondence: Virginia Press Association
1955-1957 Correspondence: Virginia Press Association Editorial Seminar-1957
1958-1959 Correspondence: Virginia Press Association Editorial Seminar-1958
1956-1966 Correspondence: Virginian - End "V"
Virginians for Conservative Government, Richard Viscusi, Mary B. Vogel, Paul W. Vogel-Beacon Fire Insurance Company, H.T. Vogts, Mrs. Donald Volk, Alfred A. Volkmann- The Flat Hat -College of William and Mary, Eula Volmer, Volunteer Service Bureau, Jeanne Vollbrecht Vong, Dorothy Vorse, Clement E. Vose-Bowdoin College, Voting Rights Act, Steve Voyatzis, Henry Vranian
1953-1966 Correspondence: W - Wag
WKCR-King's Crown Radio-Columbia University, WLEE Radio, WLES, WRNL, J. Wadas-West Elsdon Pharmacy, G.C. Waddell, S.P. Waddell Jr., Mrs. Addie B. Wade, A.P. Wade Jr., Robert A. Wade, Rev. Will E. Wade, Mrs. Eugene P. Wadsworth, Mrs. Charles B. Wagoner, Evelyn Wagstaff, Sam T. Wagstaff, Samuel Wagstaff, Cy A. Wagner, Margaret Wagner, Rudolph F. Wagner-Richmond Public Schools
1953-1967 Correspondence: Wah - Wal
Ben Wahrman-Reynolds Metals Company, B.C. White, Nancy Woods Walburn, Walter Waldbauer, Dr. George L. and Edith M. Waldbott - National Fluoridation News, Leonard Waldherr, Robert Waldorf-Washington-Lee High School - Western Maryland College, Gayle Waldrop-University of Colorado College of Journalism, Allen H. Walker M.D.-Memphis Convalescent Home, Cecelia K. Walker-Washington County Public Library, Coleman C. Walker, Gen. Edwin A. Walker, George R. Walker-Portsmouth Councilman- Times -Candidate for State Senate, Harry Walker-Mishkan Tefila Forum, John Carter Walker, Lloyd D. Walker, Mary-Belle (Mrs. Joseph R.) Walker, Robert S. Walker III, Ross H. Walker-Abbott Proctor and Paine, Thomas F. Walker, Wall Street Journal
1954-1965 Correspondence: J. Barrye Wall- The Farmville Herald
1956-1967 Correspondence: Wall - Walt
C.H. Wallace, George C. Wallace-Alabama Governor, Mrs. George C. Wallace Sr., George R. Wallace, Maj. Gen. M.M. Wallace-USAR (ret.), Mary Wallace, Raymond B. Wallace Jr.- The Tiger -Hampden-Sydney College, Stanley Wallant Jr., Frank W. Waller, Thomas K. Waller, C. Lamar Wallis-Richmond Public Library, I.H. Wallmeyer, John J. Wallo Sr., Bernice Wallus, James Walsh, Walter W. Walsh Jr., Dan E. Walter, Hon. Francis E. Walter M.C. House of Representatives-15
1956-1966 Correspondence: Wam - Was
William C. Wampler, A. Ward, Caroline Ward, Carlyle Ward- The Mobile Register, R. Dulaney Ward Jr., Robert W. Ward-Florida Cypress Gardens, William M. Ward DDS, Mrs. Trophie Warder, Georgia Dickinson (Mrs. J. Powell) Wardlaw - Daughters of the American Revolution, C. Arthur Ware, Ralph M. Ware Jr.-Virginia Board of Pharmacy, Dabney T. Waring, Gerald P. Waring -The Richmond Virginians Baseball, Thomas R. Waring- The Charleston News and Courier, Dr. Charles E. Warnell-Mt. Tabor Clinic, Charles Willard H. Warner, Leonard Warner-American Farm Bureau Federation, Joe Warren, Miss Warren, R.L. Warren, W.R. Warren Jr., Washington and Lee University, William K. Warriner
1954-1966 Correspondence: Wat - Webe
James K. Waters, Kelso Waters-Harding College, Mrs. B.C. Watkins Sr., E.D. Watkins, George E. Watkins-Grove Avenue Baptist Church, Irvine C. Watkins, James S. Watkinson-Morton G. Thalhimer Inc., Lois D. Watkins- The Hanover Herald Progress, P.R. Watkins, W.T. Watkins-Virginia State Chamber of Commerce, William R. Watkins MD-South Boston Clinic, James E. Watlington Jr., Rev. Paul B. Watlington Jr.-Orange Baptist Church, George M. Watson Jr., William C. Watt, A.A. Watters Jr., L.L. Watts-Virginia Association of Workers for the Blind, Lavaida Watts, Mrs. Thomas E. Watts, Mrs. G.J. Watumull-Citizens' Pure Water Committee, Mrs. G. Bourne (Norma A.) Wayland, Edward A. Payne-Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Carolyn D. Weaver, G. Park Weaver, M.A. Weaver Jr., Richard M. Weaver- Modern Age, Bertha Webb-T.S. Cooley Elementary School, Charles A. Webb-Assistant to John W. Bricker-U.S. Senate -Ohio, David Webb- Lawyers Title News, James W. Webb, Susan Webb, Brent Webber, E.W. Webber-College of William and Mary Department of Government, L. Webber, Louis C. Weber, Paul A. Weber
1956-1967 Correspondence: Webs - Wei
Barbara S. Webster-Public Opinion Surveys, Bethuel M. Webster, Howard H. Webster-McGarvey-Genealogical Research, Herbert Wechsler, Robert Weed, Elie Weeks-Rochambeau Farm, Ross Weeks Jr. -Richmond SDX, John Weichold, C. Maurice Weidemeyer-House of Delegates-Maryland, M.Sgt. Kent Weidleik, Sadie Weidra, Weil Gotshal and Manges, Mrs. Morton Weiman, Morton Weinberg, F.C. Weirich, George M. Weiss, Mrs. M. Herbert Weiss, Steve Weissman - Cornell University, Faye Weitinger
1956-1967 Correspondence - Wel
N.S. Welch Jr., Robert H.W. Welch Jr.-John Birch Society, George Weller- The Chicago Daily News - Rome Bureau, Donald Sultner Welles, Jack Wellington, Benjamin Wells, Dr. Harold Scott Wells, June Wells, Kenneth D. Wells-Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Luther Coleman Wells, Luther W. Wells, R.L. Wells, Sheldon S. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. V.L. Wells, W.D. Wells, John B. Welsh, Douglas Welson-Drew University, Irving C. Welsted, Courtney Welton, David Welton-Medical Society of the State of North Carolina
1956-1966 Correspondence: Wen - Wey
George B. Wendell Jr.-Trinity College, Erik Wensberg, C. Frank Wentzel Jr., William M. Werber, G. Wise Wescott-Automobile Club of Virginia, Thomas J. Wesley Jr., John Wessells-State Department of Agriculture, Frank Wessely, Lola W. Wesson, Charles B. West, Francis West, Fray M. West Jr., Rose Marie West, Shirley Jean West, R.L. Westbrook, Clifford P. Westermeier-University of Arkansas, Alan F. Westin-Columbia University, Albert H. Wetzel, Frank Wetzel, John C. Wetzel, John H. Wetzel, Harry F. Weyher
1956-1966 Correspondence: Wha - Whe
Richard Whalen- Fortune, Mr. and Mrs. James C. Wheat, Dr. Thomas Foster Wheeldon, D.B. Wheeler, Dr. Raymond M. Wheeler-Charlotte Medical Clinic, Richard S. Wheeler - Rally, Timothy J. Wheeler - Rally, H. Joseph Wheelhouse #74157-Virginia State Penitentiary, Everett L. Whenham (California Jack)-Skyway Records
1956-1967 Correspondence - Whit
Dr. L.D. "Doc" Whitaker, Mildred P. Whitaker, Anne White, Mrs. Charles J. White, E.B. White- The New Yorker, Mrs. Frank E. (Edna R.) White, George B. White, Gerald H. White, Hugh V. White-Superintendent-Nansemond County Schools, Hugh V. White Jr., J. Stuart White-Commission on Conservation and Development, Jack White-New York Yankee (letterhead), James F. White, Jane White, John Ellington White - University of Richmond, John F. White-National Educational Television, John G. White, John J. White-Richmond Virginians Baseball, John R. White, La Verna White, M.O. White, N.G. "Jack" White-White System Company, R.E. White-Winchester Volunteer Rescue Squad, Richard G. White, Col. Robert Harvey White, Robert M. White III- New York Herald Tribune, Mrs. W.N. White, Warren T. White, William E. White Jr.-Henrico County Public Schools, William H. White Jr.-University of Virginia, William M. White Jr.
1956-1967 Correspondence: Whitecotton -Whitmire
N.L. Whitecotton-General Electric Company, Mrs. Douglas J. Whitehead-Daughters of the American Revolution, Ed Whitehead - WRVA Radio, Lollie C. Whitehead-Virginia Department of Law, Donald S. Whiteheart, Dick Whitehurst, Chris Whiteman III- Harrisburg Baksheesh, Irene Whiteneck, A.G. Whitener- High Point Daily News, A.E. Whitesell, Louis B. Whitfield Jr.-Alaga Syrup Company-Whitfield Pickle Company, Rev. Samuel B. Whitfield - Westside Baptist Church, Robert Whitford, John M. Whiting, Donald P. Whitley-Francis I. DuPont and Company, Tyler Whitley, C. Glenn Whitlock, E.S. Whitlock-WRNL, Jewel S. Whitlock, Kenneth Whitlock, Scott Whitlock, W.W. Whitlock, Bert Whitman, Hon. George P. Whitman Sr.-Atlanta Judicial Circuit Court, R. Lee Whitmire
1952-1960 Correspondence: Robert Whitehead
1956-1966 Correspondence: Whitney - Whitten
L.E. Whitney-The Whitney Company, Leila Whitney, Lloyd Whitney, Natalie F. Whitney-Virginia State Society-Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, Capt. Richard T. Whitney USNR (ret.), O.H. Whitten
1955-1965 Correspondence: Who - Wid
Who's Who, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Wick - Human Events, Milton I. Wick, J. Caldwell Wicker-Fork Union Military Academy, Tome Wicker- The New York Times, Alice Widener - USA Magazine, H.Emory Widener, Mary M. Widener-Republican Congressional Committee-The Kiplinger Washington Editors Inc., Ralph W. Widener Jr.-Sones of Confederate Veterans, Albert J. Widmer
1954-1964 Correspondence: John J. Wicker Jr.
1953-1965 Correspondence: Wilb - Wilh
Marcia G. Wilber, Vincent P. Wilber-Division of Public Liaison - Department of State, Barbara Wilbur, Paula Wilcox, Thomas Wilcox, Austin Wilder, E.F.W. Wildermuth, Charles W. Wiley, Evelyn U. Wiles, H.F. Wiley-City of College Park, John J. Wilhelm, A.L. Wilhoite
1956-1966 Correspondence: Wilkerson - I. Wilkinson
Albert C. Wilkerson, T.L. Wilkerson, Woodrow W. Wilkerson-State Board of Education, Gilbert Wilkes, Judge Robert N. Wilkin-U.S. District Court, Roy Wilkins-NAACP, Byron M. Wilkinson-Hatcher Memorial Baptist Church, Dan Wilkinson-Neighborhood Theatres, Mrs. E.P. Wilkinson, Elizabeth Wilkinson, Ernest L. Wilkinson, Mrs. H.W. Wilkinson, Isham T. Wilkinson
1956-1967 Correspondence: J. Wilkinson-Willey
J. Harvie Wilkinson Jr.-State Planters' Bank, J. Harvie Wilkinson III-Yale Political Union, James B. Wilkinson-Commonwealth's Attorney, Leonard H. Wilkinson, T.D. Wilkinson Jr., W. Scott Wilkinson, Erwin H. Will-Virginia Electric and Power Company, Clyde H. Willard, Henry I. Willett-Superintendent of Richmond Public Schools, A.E. Willey, C.R. Willey-State Entomologist - Department of Agriculture and Immigration, Sen. Edward E. Willey - 34
1953-1966 Correspondence: William and Mary-J. Williams
College of William and Mary, A. Simpson Williams Jr., Abigail Williams, Anthony Williams, Berkely Williams, Mrs. C. Ernest Williams, C.L. Williams, Carey Williams- The Herald-Journal, Dr. Carrington Williams, Celine and Alex Williams, Charles P. Williams-Washington National Insurance Company- The National Program Letter, Cranston Williams, Don Williams, E.F. Williams, E.O.N. Williams-Northwest Sports Attractions, Fred C. Williams, Mrs. Frederick W. Williams, George Washington Williams, Gerard S. Williams, Mrs. Grant Williams-State Bar of Georgia, Harley M. Williams-Virginia Citizens Committee for Better Schools, Harry M. Williams Jr.-Maggie L. Walker High School, Irene Williams, J.C. Williams, J.H. Williams Jr., J. Mack Williams, James A. Williams - Southwest Virginia Enterprise, Jane Williams, Mrs. Richard Douglass Williams Jr., Janie T. Williams, Joe Williams, John Bell Williams (Kilpatrick's neighbor), John J. Williams-U.S. Senate-Deleware, John Page Williams - Church Schools in the Diocese of Virginia, John R. Williams-News Publishing Company, Hon. Joseph J. Williams Jr.-Attorney General of Texas
1955-1966 Correspondence: J. Harvie Williams-American Good Government Society-Alexander Hamilton Bicentennial Commission
1954-1966 Correspondence: L. Williams -W. Williams
Langbourne M. Williams-Freeport Sulpher Company, Lewis C. Williams, Lou Williams, Dr. Louis H. Williams, Mrs. Mattie Williams, Murat Williams, Norman L. Williams, O.L. Williams, Oliver Williams, Mrs. R. Douglass Williams Jr.-Virginia State Symphony Orchestra and Opera Company, Randolph C. Williams-Williams Printing Company, Richard A. Williams, Robert F. Williams-Virginia Education Association, Robert H. Williams-Williams Publications, S. Carter Williams, S. Howe Williams, T.V. Williams Jr., Thom*oas L. Williams, W. Reid Williams Jr.-Pine Top Poultry Farm, Walton L. Williams, Wilton P. Williams, Wirt Williams-Los Angeles State College
1953-1966 Correspondence - Williamsburg-Q. Wilson
Colonial Williamsburg, Elizabeth Williamson, L.M. Williamson, Pamela S. Williamson, Walter H. Williamson "Culture under Communism", Mrs. L. Isalun Willis, Ruth H. Willoughby, Garry Willis, Mrs. William Kenneth Wills, S.D. Willson-Top Value Enterprises, Mrs. W.B. Wilmore, Mrs. Alvin M. Wilson, Dr. Archer A. Wilson M.D., Aubrey Wilson, Mrs. Charles Harrison Wilson, Charles P. Wilson-C & W Control Company, Hon. Earl Wilson-U.S. Congress, Eugene E. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Fielding L. Wilson, George P. Wilson-American Dialect Society, Mrs. Jean Haley Wilson, John D. Wilson, John R. Wilson Jr. -Washington and Lee University, Kieth Wilson- Omaha World Herald, Leonard R. Wilson - University of Alabama, Lyle C. Wilson-United Press International, Margaret M. Wilson, Quintus C. Wilson-West Virginia University School of Journalism
1953-1967 Correspondence: R. Wilson - Wir
R.B. Wilson-Armstrong High School, Robert Archer Wilson, Victor P. Wilson, S.F.C. William Wilson-HQ B Co. 27
1949-1966 Correspondence: Wis - Wom
Henry A. Wise, J. Hooper Wise, Jack Dana Wise, Col. Jennings C. Wise, Julian S. Wise-Southern Oxygen Company, G.G. Wisland, Worth R. Wiswall, Marion I. Witheridge, Virginia Withers, Shepherd L. Witman -Residential Seminars on World Affairs-Lafayette College, Richard Tucker Witt, Walter F. Witt-Virginia Restaurant Association, Mrs. Murray Forbes Wittichen-United Daughters of the Confederacy, L.D. Wittkower Sr., F.J. Wittman, Hoyt Wofford, Willard L. Wolcott, Jack Wolf-Gallery of Modern Art, New York, Lloyd H. Wolf, Arthur L. Wolfe-International Science Service, Dinah Wolfe, Richard C. Wolfe, William H. Wolfe, S.A. Wolff, Raymond E. Wolfinger-The Brookings Institute, F.H. Womack
1950-1967 Correspondence: Wood - Wor
Ann C. Wood, Art Wood-Cartoonist, James F. Wood, Dr. John E. Wood, Gen. John Elliott Wood, Keith S. Wood, Lucy H. Wood, Robert F. Wood, Ruth T. Wood, Thatcher S. Wood, William Thomas Wood, Mrs. Wyatt C. Wood Jr., R.L. Woodall, Mr. and Mrs. James D. Woodard Jr., D.W. Woodbridge, Wayne Woodlief, Robert J. Woodruff- Montano Magazine, Mrs. William S.D. (Page) Woods, Charles S. Woodson Jr.-State Police, Mrs. Frederick A. Woodson Jr., John E. Woodward Jr., R.L. Woodward Jr., William C. Wooldridge- The Harvard Conservative, John Woolfolk, Mark H. Woolsey- United States Law Week, Hugh H. Wooten, Paul Worden, Mrs. R. Workman, William D. Workman Jr.- The State, World Book Company, World Fellowship of Religions, René Wormser, Mrs. Frank A. Worrell, T. Eugene Worrell-Bristol Newspaper Printing, Ralph P. Worthington
1953-1954 Correspondence: John Cook Wyllie
1955 Correspondence: John Cook Wyllie
1956-1957 Correspondence: John Cook Wyllie
1958-1959 Correspondence: John Cook Wyllie
1960-1967 Correspondence: John Cook Wyllie
1954-1967 Correspondence: Wra-End "W"
William H. (Bill) Wranek-University of Virginia Hospital - University News Service, Will Wright, Charles Alan Wright - University of Texas School of Law, David Wright, Douglas B. Wright, Mrs. E. O. Wright-Wright's Grocery, Col. E. Vernon Wright, Erminie King Wright, George Wright III-Virginia Manufacturers Association, H. Franklin Wright, H.T. Wright, Mrs. Helen H. Wright, John H. Wright-King Features Syndicate, Major John Wright-Chief of Detectives-Bureau of Police-Chief of Police, Marcellus Wright Jr.-Architect-City Planning Commission, Porter C. Wright, Suzanne Wright, Thomas Wright, William A. Wright, Mrs. Samuel S. Wurtzel-Jewish Welfare Fund, Edward A. Wyatt IV- The Progress-Index, Louis C. Wyman, John Wyne-Asheville Citizen-Times Publishing Company, Edward J. Wynne Jr. New York University, Mrs. H.R. Wyrick, R.J. Wysor
1955-1967 Correspondence: X-C. Young
John Xifos, Igor Yacenko, Preston M. Yancey, Stanley Yankus, Robert M. Yarbrough, Jr.-Christchurch School, Adam Yarmolinski-Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Moss W. Yater-Florida College, Capt. Virginia F. Yates-USAF, William R. Yates, J.B. Yeabower, F.W. Yeager, Earl L. Yeakel MD-Austin Anesthesiology Group, E. James Wiley-Yellow Cab Company of Virginia, David N. Yerkes, Edwin M. Yoder Jr.- Greensboro Daily News, Will Yolen-Overseas Press Club of America, Maj. Rice M. Youell-Division of Corrections, Young Americans for Freedom, Young Republicans Club-Rockford College, A.C. Young III - E.M. Todd Company, Alieda Young, Aubrey D. Young, Bernie E. Young - Southern Railway System, Dr. Charles A. Young Jr.
1955-1965 Correspondence: E. Young - End "Y"
Edgar Young, Frank L. Young, Glenn O. Young, Harold N. Young - Virginia Polytechnic Institute-Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, Dr. Harry H. Young, Henry C. Young-Cactus Petroleum, James A. Young, James H. Young-Sheriff, James R. Young- Anderson Independent-Tribune, Joseph S. Young, Leslie M. Young, Victoria Young-Defenders of State Sovereignty, W.W. Young-Overnite Transportation Company, William A. Youngblood, Lee Younger-State Corporation Commission, John Yunaites
1955-1965 Correspondence - Z
Alfred F. Zachry-Walter F. George School of Law-Mercer University, C.N. Zapantis, Anne P. Zardles, Joyce Zasorin, Mrs. Paul Zehngraff, Carl Zeitz, Olga Zembrzycki, Mrs. Henry Zendle, Dick Zenk, John M. Ziegler, Walt Thomas Zielinski, Linda Zimmerman, James R. Zinck, Mr. and Mrs. Reno M. Zinzarella, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zodun, David R. Zukerman-Vanderbilt University, Bert L. Zuver - Des Moines City Assessor-National Association of Assessing Officers, John P. Zvetina, Rudy E. Zydemens