Evening Courier from Camden, New Jersey (2024)

A i) I Mil 1 i i i .1 it ,) i I I THRKE CENTS CAMDEN, N. TUESDAY, JULY 13, 194,3. VOL. 60. KO.

35 r- 3 I I 5 i 4 i 'K IIs i lJ vHi7 Li Li A I I 3 VI fill. It if r-' 1 iJ L4 a Z1LZ3 LJ i I I I I iiH! LJ Rn a jl i 1 a Li) It Www V. s. i A -1 4 i E3i 1 k1L UUUUULJUU Allies Push Swiftly Up Sicily's East Coast HlfEESOUADHO 0 Mercli antvi TO ORDER f.TT-UaB HI I. I III II Ill .1,1 IN.

IJi Ill.l.ll lllll. Illlillllll .11. 6 lO gons to Track nnncctc -Al DC axis mm Fi PALflZZU LA j'. HIRED 1 UIIUUJLU flLHJ 1 FEW -mfMiimncir 1 IS LOST BY lump If' 211 Mcrrissey Says Camden Vehicle Laws Eo Not Cover Horsecabs ODT WARNSTRUCKS New OPA Ruling Says Local Cops May Lift Aiateists' Gas Books Loral pntfice departments now have authority to stop motorists I iw ii.if ivyii. -LJ -s I -L1CATA .1 FACE LOSS OF GAS 1 Yanks, Canadians Merge at Ra'gtjsa; -Augusta Under Our Guns DRiVENETS25ML; GENERAL CAPTURED RAF Force Also Hammers Cities in France as Weather Improves COASTALGUNS CHASE RAIDERS FROM BRITAIN and lift their gasoline ration hooks for violations of the pleasure-driving ban.

it was announced by the-Cainden district OPA office. The authority was contained in a recent regulation received from Washington and provides that OPA agents, police, constables and "any law enforcement officers" have the same powers to take books in cases of Irregularities and cite drivers for hearings. An ordinance to license and regulate horse-drawn and auto cab carriers now transports race fans to Garden State Park was passed on first reading last night by Mer-chantville Borough Council. Passage of the ordinance preceded an opinion of the Camden legal department today that present city By ALTER CRONKITE Purchases to End at 10 P. M.

With None on Sunday in New Jersey DRISCOLLTOACT AS STEP IN RATIONING Newark, July 13. An ordr prohibiting New Jersey stores from gelling bottled alcoholic beverages before 9 a. m. and after Kkp. m.j weekdays and the entire day Sun-j days will be issued by State Beverage Commissioner Driscoli within two weeks.

This was reported today at ABC headquarters. The order, dealing with bottled! London, July 13 (UP) A heavy PCZ7 ALIO By VIRGIL PINKLEY Allied Headquarters, North Africa, July 13 (UP) Allied invasion armies smashed for force of British-based four-engined PACH HO ordinances do rot cover horse-drawn vehicles. The ci commis bombers swept across the Alps laiit night and bombarded the Italian arsenal city of Turin at a time sion would either have to amend ward in Sicily with, powerful, offensive blows Monday, driv when its factories were straining to provide arms for the defense its taxicab ordinance or pass a new law to govern hacks hauling turfites to the track frori Camden, the opinion advised. Meanwhile, the of Defense Transportation, Washington, of Italy against Allied armies al ready advancing through Sicily police have merely cooperated with OPA by stopping cars for afcents to question drivers. Policemen have not taken books but in some cases have turned in license numbers io local boards.

Police Chief Frost said OPA has not notified him of the new regulation. An Italian communique broadcast Internal ion ul PROTECTED BY SWARMS of planes and constantly reinforced by fresh troops, the Allied Invaders of Sicily are swifUy enlarging their territory (shown in white). The important town of Syracuse was one of the first to fall. Unconfirmed reports say Augusta has fallen in a wift Allied surge up the east coast aimed at the important port of Catania. --JL beverages sold for consumption oft by Rome radio admitted "consider able" damage.

ing1 25 miles inland, capturing the railroad town of Palazzolo and making1 a junction between Americans and Canadians at the rail junction of Ragusa. Strong Allied naval forces also joined in the offensive again, shelling the vital Italian naval bs se at Augusta 0:1 the east coast whila mine the premises, will affect taverns, liquor packages, drug and delicatessen stores and restaurants. At Braving adverse weather that had kept the heavy bombers idle for two nights, the planes made a 2000-mile round trip flight to blast at the heart of Benito Mussolini's present these stores may sell bot IOT 2 IIS SEEN tled goods for consumption off the U. S. Sinks 4 Jap arships In New Kula Gulf Triumpl announced trucks carrying passen gers to the track face loss of their gasoline mileage allotments, granted under certificates of necessity by ODT, rrovldea $10 Fe The ordinance in Mirchantville was Introduced by Councilman Charles Polk, chairman of the transportation committ.

It provides for a yearly license fee 510 for any horse-drawn or motor driven hack or cab. Tie borough clerk is given authority to pass on industrial area for the 28th time in the war. Only "normal" losses were suffered, it was reported. FATEFUJJO SICILY p. m.

July 26 for a public hearing and possible passage of the act. Polk, in introducing the ordinance, said many reports have been received by him stating the bus lines passing through the borough have been overcrowded since the opening of the race track and many workers have been denied seats on passenger Today, improving weather over sweepers "swept the bridgehead to Augusta," according to a communique from the headquarter 1 of General Eisenhower. Big Armored Fight Brews premises between the hours fixed in lornl ordinances governing the sale of liquor. In Newark sales of liquor are permitted between 7 a. ni.

and 2 a. m. the. following day. In some municipalities sales are permitted up to 3 a.

When asked about the proposed order, Driscoli confirmed the fact that regulations covering the hours have hueh prepared and that he is making a study of them. Some store owners have shortening th hours of sales' the continent opened up France for a big formation of Allied aircraft that roared toward Calais at high altitude between 9 and 10 a. returning from the Boulogne direction an hour later. I ast Attacked Feb. 4 Turin, site of the Royal Italian carriers.

all applicaiions lor perrr its. The mdinance provides for a sea Mayor J. Wer Chew declared sonal fee of $5 for aiy permits the ordinance was not a revenue Task Force Intercepted, Light Cruiser, 3 Destroyers Sent Down TOLL LUyInCREASE War News At a Glance Which Likely to Decide Campaign By HARRISON SALISBURY London, July 13 (UP) The fate issued after Aug. 1. A special meet- raising venture, but since the ing of council Will held held at 81 (Continued on VK 2 Cohimn arsenal and important airplane and engine works, lies in the industrial lian communique bridgehead.

had. shed at Augusta, Italy's strongest t.that area, domin-ad to Catania and tii.in-': of northern I he of Sicily Ss likely to be decided by Sicily Allies make "good' prog- TO 6 AS FIGHT GOES ON Fill USHES fl ress" in invasion drive, extending 'an armore battle which way I assault 11 miles north ron. Syra RAF last attacked it the night of Feb. 4 when three planes were lost in a heavy and concentrated raid. 'i he raid to squeeze Italy between invasion on the south and break out wi'Jiin 43 hours.

By BRYDOX TAVES Allied, Headquarters, Southwest Oil ILK PIE Cll Pacific, July 13 (UP) American OIL LAGK MAY GLOSE CITY POLICE STATION Frost Says OPA Suggested Conversion of 3rd Dtst. System to Coal of start ruination. iJecou of th scarcity cf l.quor many licensees, it is said, have been losing money becausa of the lor-g hours their stores are open. With Ih limited supply of alcoholic beverages it has been found advisable ta limit the number of bottles now sold to customers. Military nd naval authorities, it is reported, frown upon the sale of bottled goods td men in uniform in the late hours.

The war also has affected the liquor Industry with a shortage of manpower. Store owners figure they will effect economies by saving light and heat bills through shortening the hours during which their places remain open. The early, Allied. reports on the invasion said the Axis had not committed its mobile reserve striking force, which was believed tp comprise possibly one German panzer division and several Italian armored brigades. When the Allies crush the Axis mobile forces, It is believed the battle of Sicily will be over to all Augusta Ta' (The Ita said an Alli been establ; which is naval baseJb VAng the rc Messina.) General Da Italian 2.06th captured alor ers in additi previously re Allies.

Many repulsed, esp cans in hard and enemy origin) weie With the cated as in forces were satisfactory in what eppei oaslaught to titol of the angle of Sicil Catania. Increase Necessary to Coy er Added Production Costs, punishing air blows from the north required hours of daylight flying and it was believed the big planes swung far out over the Atlantic on the way back. The outward flight was about 700 miles. Turin, a city of 600,000, clothing capital of Italy, had not improved her defenses in any great measure since the last raid, first reports indicated." Plane losses had not been ascertained definitely, partly because some planes may have landed at bases other than their own. It took the big air fleet an hour to cross the coast and after it set Says N.

J. Director cuse to key port of Augusta and drive inland 20 miles to the outskirts cf Ragusa; Americans reported advancing Irom south coast beacfiheads. I'hi rope Heavy force of British bombers fly across Europe to attack Italian arsenal city of Turin in Italy's hour of travail; big formations fly against Europe by daylight. Russia German offensive on Orel-Belgorod front dwindles to scattered and lighter attacks; Moscow says it is becoming apparent that the drive has failed. Australia American warships fight off Japanese force trying to ram through Kula gulf, sinking four to six crrisers and destroyers in battle of Central Solomons.

commander of the coastal division, wss with many prison-on to around 6000 lorted taken by the counterattacks were cially by the Ameri-fighting jrear inks (ail of French estroyed. ill lot Augusta indl-minent, the. Allied (escribed as making ogress on all fronts red to be an all-out, complete their con-ole southeastern tri- up the plains of intents and purposes, warships fought oft! a Japanese task force apparently trying land reinforcements in the central Solomons today and early reports indicated a new U. S. naval triumph with from four to ti enemy vessels sunk in a battle which may be continuing.

Information on the "battle- -second naval engagem in eight days in the Kula gulf area vf sketchy but it lo't no doubt that a heavy toll was being exacted to stop desperate attempts to save their threatened central Solomons garrison. Allied communiques and reports irom correspondents did not specify Trenton. July 13. Jitate Milk Control Director F. Foran late yesterday unleash.jd another attack on the Office of Price Ad the whereabouts of the Axis mobile forces.

From the topography of tne jsiand, it was believed likely they were being held in the vicin RAIN NO RELIEF out various radio reports were re ity or CalfaniJisetta, about 30 miles TO STICKY II. J. i.iorth of Eicala. Railroad Aid to Axis Scattered light showers early to Itarian Fleet Idle 5 Destroyer Probably CaltanissetU is linked by Sicily's day -brought scant relief to heat- oniy east-west; railroad to Catania Dispatches Indicated the sinking of one Japanese light cruir and three destroyers and the probable on the east coast, which makes possible a quick transfer of Axis armor between threatened points ceived of air alerts in Switzerland. Turin is Transport Center Turin is a major transport center, probably filled with troops moving south.

It also is the site of the Caproni plane works, the Monte-catini chemical plant, the Lancia transport shops and the main Fiat plant employing 50,000 workers making plane engines, (The German news agency Trans-ocean said in a Rome dispatch that the Fascist government this week had been given big demonstrations on tne south and east coasts. sinking of two other destroyers, a communique said. In the battle of Kula gulf a week Axis as well as Allied reports ago today, the Japanese lost nine to 11 cruisers and destroyers of a The Third District Police station at Twenty-saventh and Federal streets may be closed next Winter because of inability to obtain fuel oil for heating purposes, Police Chief Frost revealed last night. He said the Camden Ration Board at Broadway and Spruce street, denied his application for fuel oil with the suggestion the city convert the heating system to coal. Frost said he informed the office the Local Selective Service Board No.

8 has free rental in the building as does the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Department for examining motorists every Monday. A number of veteran pests, civilian defense units and civic groups have free rental tnere for meetings, he declared. 'The patrolmen of the Third district will be required to report at police headquarters in red cars at the city hall," Frost stated. "Then they will have to return to their beats three miles away in East Camden. The State Motor i Vehicle Department probably will get an office out of the city and; motorists will have to consume more gasoline for examinations, i "The budget of our department! was cut in half thi3 jear and it would cost between $600 and 700; The Italian marines had countered in i Germans'; for no definite sip to throw the 1 Sicily.

Experts sai the momrnt The most se land was mac Canadians fi bridgehead or Directed i gomery, the units and Cai ward toward force belie vec. to hf landed reinforcements designed for Munda, the enemy airbase on New Georgia island. fll DIE STALLED DROSSES Ifl RUSSIA Gain of Mile Cost Foe 45,000 Men, 2622 Tanks in Seven Days By HENRY SHAPIRO Moscow, July 13 (UP) German attacks slackened at the northern end of the Orel-Belgorod front today, presumably because of losses ranging up to 45,000 men and 2 522 tanks in seven davs. and the gov navy except for sub-not yet been en-ny strength and ths the moment, showed is of deciding -here ulk of their armor in the Axis defense for ippeared "nervous." nsational advance in-3 by the British and om the 'Syracus-J the east coast. General Mom-Iritish Eighth Army adians thrust north-Augusta, which wss mger of capture, and rough Florid i a is at the junction id highways runnintr to Caltagirone and ard Catania, Fast 1 runs southward to hxls of support by the Italians, particularly in bombed towns such as Turin and Genoa.) London had an air alarm last night but it appeared to have re ministration for its refusal to permit higher consumer prices for milk in New Jersey despite what he said is the "necessity for a price increase to cover added production costs.

Asserting that milk production Is diminishing because farmers do not get enough to cover ccsts, Foran declared: "I have reached the conclusion that those responsible in Washington and New York are not interested in the milk requirements of our people in New Jersey. In Alabama, Virginia and Massachusetts increases in price to consumers have been granted." Foran's statement the latest in his 10-month fight against OPA price policies was direited at the federal price-fixing agency's failure to declare a price increase in the basis of testimony he took here in June, and which he forwarded to OPA officials. Statements by interested parties at the hearings showei that the farm price of milk should be raised from to $4.25 pi-r hundred pounds, and that dealers cannot afford to absorb the increase, he said. delay in reaching a satisfactory conclusion will cause great Mrdship among our people who will not hve. sufficient milk for their needs," he added "although prompt and favorable action six months age bv those hvo sulted from raiders along the Thames estuary where an anti-aircraft barrage went up but it ended in imminent westward tl without an incident.

Palazzolo, whi of railroads; a from Svracusi Coastal guns drove off two planes South Jersey in its second day of sticky, humid weather. Temperature which rose to a July high of 93 degrees at 4 p. m. yesterday, dropped to 71 at a. but was accompanied by humidity of 87 percent.

Forecast for today is continued warm, humid wf a'her with light showers. Humidity reached 93 percent at one time yesterday. Three deaths were recorded in the Philadelphia area yesterday, including one Navy Yard worker who was felled by beat while at work. He was Roy 2. Undercuffer, 48, of Heading, who collapsed while in the yard fire department and suecurmjod in the yard hospital.

Myer Riskoff. 68. of 6054 Osagt avenue, died in Misericordia hospital after suffering a heart attack induced by heat while cm the street near his home. Edward V. Anderson.

50, of 729 Magellan avenue. Atlantic City, collapsed from heat at Gerniantown and Allegheny avenues, and died a 4few minutes later in Germantown "hospital. In Today's Courier Amusem*nt Pge Classified Advertising; Paces 21,22. 2S Comics Pge 2 Crossword Puzzle Page 22 F-dltorl-vl 19 F.rnie Pjie rage 19 but others hit an east cost town, causing some casualties, including northward to kiued. (A Japanese communique broadcast by Tokio rad's said the new sea battle took place Monday north of Kolombangara island, above New Georgia, and that two Allied cruisers were sunk, another set afire and the rest of the Allied fleet forced to "flee in confusion." The communique admitted "heavy" damage to ore Japanese cruiser.

Tells of Munda Battle (The communique aktr reported that-the Munda garrison wa "hurling fierce at I American Marines and soldiers edg-j ing toward the nearly-isolated base from two directions.) If th, preliminary reports are borne out the sinkings would raise the total Japanese sea losses for all types of ships to 545 sunk, 55 probably sunk and 546 damaged. I Canadians Mo Another roa make little no mention of Allied armored forces, which suggests thatjhe Allied high command may be holding off armored units in order to land them in whatever locality the Germans commit their panzers to fight. One of the most likely armored battlegrounds would be the plain of Licata lying north of Lieata and Gela, where ihe Americans established a beachhead. The only other relatively flat terrain where. armor could maneuver with case is the plain of Catania just west of that big east coast port.

Allies Know Topography The topography of Sicily Indicates that the decisive battle for control. of the Island probably will be fought on one or both of these plains, since the mountains and ridges restrict movements on the rest of the island largely to the coastal highways. The Allied landing pattern indicates that the Anglo-American strategists cognizance of the topographical peculiarities of Sicily. By landing on the southeast tip and fanning out in both directions they made a pincers threat to the central Axis defense forces. Axis reports indicating the strengthening of counterattacks against the Americans in the Li- Ragusa, TIRE EXPLOSION tions at to convert the present system to a coal burning one and we.

do not have the money. We have appealed our case to the district office at Broadway and Stevens street" road that th with great sn tion "with the broken throuj the south coai The Canadii LUXE3IBOUKG STA3IF SALE Washington, July 13 (UP) Post ernment newspaper Izvestia said it was becoming clear that the Axis Summer offensive had failed. Though the Germans continued to hurl reinforcements against the Soviet lines at the southern end ol the front, communiques and dispatches emphasized that the Soviets everywhere were holding firm and taking a heavy toll of Nazi men and machines. j. Battle Still Indecisive.

The battle was said to be still in the indecisive stage, but the Russian defense had passed Into what the High Command called "the active phase" with the defenders taking the initiative to prevent the 45 miles by coast area in sumed the authority for regulating our milk supply would have assured an abundant supply of milk." Ground lines at Munda were un gujs-a, While tl master General Walker today announced that a five-cent postage stamp honoring Luxembourg one of the overrun countries series of changed but the, communique re vanced at lea FATAL TO BOY, Injuries received when a tire he was repairing exploded proved fatal last night to a Maple gasoline station attendant. Charles Shaud, 15, of South Cherry steet, died in Cooper hospital of a fractured skull and jaw four hours after he was admitted. Shaud, employed at a service station at Fellowship road and Main street, was repairing a large truck tire and had inflated it as it lay on the ground. A few seconds later, as he turned to walk to another part of the station, the tire exploded. He was removed to the hospital in the Maple Shade ambulance at 6.30 p.

m. ported that warships bombardec their starting Munda Sunday night, the third mediately kne it was along Canadians -charged sed to make a June-Americans who had stiff opposition cm t. ns had covered about road from the east order to reach ru-e Americans had a 20 although point was not ivn-n, the mountains 16S0 feet. i offered along the leading to the town, preliminary indki-: many however, -ft the Americans of the south; co was reported; tl. ermans amo.ig" th-- pposing the imfrl- such shelling since the central Solo Kagusa is 4 ITALIAN GENERALS REPORTED AS KILLED London, July 13 1 UP) Four Italian generals ve noon linrl mons invasion started June 30, and that a strong force of Dauntless dive bombers and Avenger torfv-o stamps will go on sale Aug.

10. THE WEATHER Continued warm and humid with occasional shower tbi afternoon and tonight. an elevation opposition wa winding roads according to tions. planes attacked the base yesterday' enemy from imposing his battle plan, cata-Gela sector revealed that tin Germans were well aware of the dangers involved In the Allied encircling technique. There were Fiction "Africa Waits" Obituaries Ks-dia Programs Sports Stock Prices Walter Wlncbfll Waverlpy Poet Pase It Page Paste 2t IS, 19.21 Page 2 Pse IS Page 19 in the Sicilian flghtlnf, radio- Algiers said today quoting reports from Rome.

The broadcast caime soon after radio Rome announced the first of an Italian general in action on the island. He was Menti-fled as Lseut. Gen Eurico Fran- Hiscnnowcr If the east-west railroad is can- tor. the twelfth straight day. Allied jungle troops were only two miles from the Munda defenses.

Garrison Destroyed Twelve miles aw ay at Enogal inlet, the jungle troops destroyed the enemy garrison which had tried to noJ the point to' bring to supplies. stiffening opp pecially again the Gela ares Stiff fighting with many Italian units Allied Teamwork tured. Axis communications be- tween Messina and western points would.be restricted to the coastal os It. 15 Women's News AIRMAN SAYS FRENCH UNITED AGAINST NAZIS Your DVJy Forecast Psg'9 -8 In Sicily New York. July Di-etidonne Coste, 13 (INS) Cfll.

Other jungle forces shut off Munda noted French fby blocking the road to Eairoko wa ana tne railroad along the north shore of the island, which are believed to be well taken care of by Allied air bombardment. A communique reported that the Germans, "having lost hope of breaking through" Soviet defenses on the Orel-Kursk sector, attacked only at scattered points and with smaller forces yesterday. In one sector, it said, German infantry and tanks penetrated Soviet trenches, but were thrown back to their initial positions by a Russian counterattack. One thousand of the enemy were killed and 13 tanks, six guns, 25 machineguns and a trench mortar battery destroyed. The entire German gain during seven days of some of the heaviest attacks of the was only three- (Continual on rte 2 Column 1) jcisci.

commander of ths 13th zone -of Blackshirts and general liaison cf the Sicilian command. Lao to -Algiers did rot Identify any of tne generals bj ame. cans. Axis air op; creasing some While Allies oiition also -was 'rr-fhat. air 'fleets continue aviator is in New Fork, it was near Enorrai Ivealed today, having escaped from I Allied planes, ranging northward LOST AND FOUND tskp for t.ir't' Kni')? otirW utiril in.

aftdr tnut prvr i.rt in fluTfilff't MirH2SI i tt (Continued iTage 2 Column 4 i France last September with the of the "underground." CcJtf m.i-5- ths first non- Today's Scratches 6000 TOWNSPEOPLE in tne attacked on Kolombangara, and Kahili, on Eou-gUnville, In continuing air fighting, 10 enemy planes were down in the. Solomons area with i ASS ACHED BY NAZIS 3r wo-tward 11 cross the Atl-iMt fr: -i P.irA. to New York IT I- i (C. 9 klllei Pnvktf of France 'is loss of: seven Allied aircraft, six of. Allied IK-a-quartem.

JSorth Africa, July 13 (I General Eisenhower returned today from a front line inspection in Sicily sa! 1 it cfor en. n't fret if fc'i K- r-K" hi.l ht -i lr' i a J( itV-'Ts ft p. j- -a i w4 ii trf ci'ii 'tv. TI t.i f' lleC.ii i ft i i i 'i' in 1 J't 1 i i i i at CArnrs utatt trnrk J. flai litH, Meadow C'l" lilt.

Tftmm. ltier. incl Plain Common rlji't Tl'l fre rrnvn'1 1 1 l'ir luol 1 1 1 fl Ai 1 'n 1 pfser. 1 na.tr. tun tovw.t-A tor ar.

vcr.in, chili: en i 1 th-t t- riench pea-(tftcm over Rendova island while pro- I rfi. lidding An-ericafV round positions. rtnany.i r-t (Icrmany It? 'tl. 6. In Tr" tD.

Nil cccupMr-l c-n-j i fro rre i. 'v i Tir; the hr Ml v- 7T -gjllr- if, a itr cn atr-" ri i' a i Soiies -rectm 1 i'y v-hA a 1 i i 1 'I 1 J-'y 13 rl Je-b OVn-Cc "nJa Cal has I' t-r 1 iv ii uri tf rr mis to 1' lot rem-i 'd' 'Ii-- tl- it it'1 Tour AJ rnt rt-rii S' ii' Tr-a Hrip V.tr ft -a'- DUCE INFORMS SICILY T- i t. 4 Fi 1 i if 1 1.

Evening Courier from Camden, New Jersey (2024)


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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

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Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.