Clinician Perspectives On Fistula Mental Health, Victoria K. LeonardMay 2026
Clinician Perspectives On Fistula Mental Health, Victoria K. Leonard
Doctoral Dissertations
Background – Obstetric fistula is a childbirth injury caused by prolonged labor that leads to stillbirth and incontinence, spurring social exclusion and isolation. These layers of trauma put women with fistula at great risk for psychological suffering, which has profound negative socioeconomic impacts on them, their families, and communities. This study captured treatment as usual at Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania (CCBRT), the country’s largest provider of fistula care.
Method – Improving holistic fistula treatment requires engaging the clinicians who care for women with fistula. This study aimed to investigate the training, beliefs, and treatment approaches of nurses and …
The Role Of Social Support In Protecting Against Perinatal Depression Among Egyptian Women, Radwa Raafat AbdelshafiJan 2025
The Role Of Social Support In Protecting Against Perinatal Depression Among Egyptian Women, Radwa Raafat Abdelshafi
Theses and Dissertations
Perinatal Depression (PND) is a global public health issue affecting many women as they transition to motherhood, and carrying detrimental consequences for both mothers and infants. Research in low and middle-income countries shows higher PND prevalence rates than in high-income and Western countries. In addition, social support has been shown to strongly protect or reduce the impact of PND. This study aimed to address a gap in research on PND in Egypt, and to build an understanding of the social support ecological system of new mothers. A survey was conducted with 81 first-time middle-class mothers living in Greater Cairo between …
Successful Application Of Craniosacral Therapy In A Case Of Self-Harming And Low Mood In A 13-Year-Old Female., Caro O’Neill, Angie ButterfieldJan 2025
Successful Application Of Craniosacral Therapy In A Case Of Self-Harming And Low Mood In A 13-Year-Old Female., Caro O’Neill, Angie Butterfield
Journal of Transformative Touch
This case reports on the effectiveness of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) for a 13-year-old female presenting with self-harming by cutting, self-starving and poor sleep. Seven treatments of 45 minutes each, over a period of 9 months between September 2023 and June 2024 took place and monthly treatments are still ongoing. An improvement in symptoms was recorded after the first treatment and over the period of the treatments the client did not self-harm or self-starve and her sleep improved. At the first session the client scored 24 with the Patient Health Questionnaire – 9 (PHQ-9); at the seventh session her score was …
The Wright Brothers And Their Genetic Susceptibility To Typhoid Fever, John D. Bullock, H Bradford HawleyJan 2025
The Wright Brothers And Their Genetic Susceptibility To Typhoid Fever, John D. Bullock, H Bradford Hawley
Population and Public Health Sciences Faculty Publications
Importance: Typhoid fever gravely sickened Orville Wright in 1896 and the disease killed his older brother, Wilbur, in 1912. The occurrence of typhoid fever among other Wright family members has never been explored.
Objective: To investigate the number of cases of typhoid fever in the Wright brothers’ family and determine if they had a predisposition to typhoid fever that might have had a genetic basis.
Methods: Biographical information concerning the Wright brothers was examined and a family tree was constructed. Using an estimated untreated case fatality rate of 20%, typhoid fever mortality data from decennial U.S. censuses (1850-1920) was converted …
Analysis Of Public Opinion Polls About Covid-19 Vaccines: Theoretical And Policy Implications For Vaccine Communication And Campaigns To Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Muhammad Ittefaq, Hong Tien Vu, Ali Zain, Tayyeb Ramazan, Gary L. KrepsDec 2024
Analysis Of Public Opinion Polls About Covid-19 Vaccines: Theoretical And Policy Implications For Vaccine Communication And Campaigns To Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Muhammad Ittefaq, Hong Tien Vu, Ali Zain, Tayyeb Ramazan, Gary L. Kreps
School of Communication Studies - Faculty Scholarship
This study analyzed 1432 questions asked in 19 surveys (N = 43,014) on COVID-19 vaccines between January 2020 and August 2022 using dimensions including (1) information sources about COVID-19 vaccine, (2) information about the access, effectiveness, and side effects of COVID-19 vaccine, (3) COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy (i.e. false perception, skepticism, and vaccine refusal), (4) motivations to get the COVID-19 vaccine (i.e. to perform routine activities, convenience, incentives, influences, and travel requirement), (5) false perceptions caused vaccine refusal, and (6) intentions to get vaccinated. Our results show that vaccine refusal was rampant throughout the pandemic and mostly attributed to the …
Addressing Alcohol Use Disorder In The Outpatient Indigenous Health Clinic Setting, Kylie M. TimmermanDec 2024
Addressing Alcohol Use Disorder In The Outpatient Indigenous Health Clinic Setting, Kylie M. Timmerman
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Projects
Background: Alcohol use disorder disproportionately impacts American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) populations at higher rates of disease morbidity and mortality. In the primary care setting, few treatment resources are available to patients outside of medication-only options.
Local Problem: While the intervention site (rural Tribal Federally Qualified Health Center [FQHC]) was known to have a well-established medication-assisted treatment (MAT) program for opiate use disorder (OUD), the was a need for alcohol use disorder (AUD) resources.
Methods: A review of current evidence was conducted to explore best practices for addressing AUD in the AIAN outpatient clinic setting.
Intervention(s): A quality improvement …
Understanding Provider Competency In Gender Affirming Care, Vanessa Castle, Lindsay GietzenDec 2024
Understanding Provider Competency In Gender Affirming Care, Vanessa Castle, Lindsay Gietzen
Pacific Journal of Health
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, and asexual plus (LGBTQ+) individuals, especially transgender patients, face many healthcare disparities. It is extremely important for them to have access to high-quality healthcare, particularly Gender Affirming Care (GAC), to support their well-being and mental health. However, many healthcare providers, including clinical social workers, NPs, PAs, and MDs lack proper training to offer GAC. The current training opportunities available are often basic and lack comprehensive, detailed information. To reduce healthcare barriers for the transgender and gender-diverse community, we must have comprehensive training on GAC available for providers so they can treat their patients with …
Pilot Program To Assess And Address Food Insecurity At A Student-Run Free Clinic In Southeastern Virginia, Mackenzie K. Kelley, Agnes H. Kwak, Ellen V. PudneyDec 2024
Pilot Program To Assess And Address Food Insecurity At A Student-Run Free Clinic In Southeastern Virginia, Mackenzie K. Kelley, Agnes H. Kwak, Ellen V. Pudney
Health Behavior Research
Food insecurity (FI) has numerous adverse effects on health. Patients who attend student-run free clinics (SRFC) are at high risk for FI, but screenings and interventions are rare. This project measured FI and resource utilization among patients at a SRFC and piloted an intervention. We collected data from patients (N=139, 93% response rate) via 17-item self-report survey from which we generated a tailored resource booklet, and called patients after 5 weeks to assess resource utilization. Seventy-four percent of patients had FI, yet only 40% reported using any type of food assistance resource in the past 12 months. Chi-square analyses found …
Comprehensive Community Medicine, Alexander WaltherDec 2024
Comprehensive Community Medicine, Alexander Walther
Capstone Projects and Master's Theses
Comprehensive Community Medicine (CCM) is a theoretical framework designed to address the complex needs of individuals with dual diagnoses of mental illness and substance use disorders (SUDs). Dual diagnosis is highly prevalent, particularly among populations experiencing homelessness, and is associated with poorer health outcomes and increased healthcare service utilization. Structural inequities, including a fractured healthcare system, exacerbate the challenges faced by this vulnerable group. Research indicates that effective care for dually diagnosed individuals requires a layered approach addressing clinical, systemic, legal, and housing barriers.
The development of CCM has been informed by interviews with local stakeholders, including County EMS board …
Understanding And Intervening In Children's Tick Risk Perceptions And Protective Behaviors: A Grounded Theory, Ariel DawdyDec 2024
Understanding And Intervening In Children's Tick Risk Perceptions And Protective Behaviors: A Grounded Theory, Ariel Dawdy
Department of Entomology: Dissertations, Theses, and Student Research
Children, ages 8 years and younger, are at a particularly high risk of contracting a tick-borne disease. This is partially due to the misconceptions spread about tick protective behavior and a poor understanding of how antibiotic treatment can help. Because most communities and families believe that tick control is the individual’s responsibility, looking at the interaction between ticks and human children is essential to understanding the individual’s motivations to protect themselves. To help alleviate the number of individuals contracting tick-borne diseases, misconceptions must be addressed, intervention programs implemented, and a behavioral change must occur. This study used a qualitative research …
Volunteering For Medically Underserved Children: Clinic With A Heart–Back-To-School Clinics, Isabella Marie Kerby KessingerDec 2024
Volunteering For Medically Underserved Children: Clinic With A Heart–Back-To-School Clinics, Isabella Marie Kerby Kessinger
Honors Theses
Medically underserved children, often from low-income families or areas with limited healthcare resources, face significant barriers in accessing essential medical services and represent a fundamental challenge to equity and social justice. School physicals and back-to-school clinics play a crucial role in addressing these healthcare needs, serving as a gateway to educational and extracurricular opportunities.
Clinic With a Heart (CWH), a non-profit medical and dental clinic in Lincoln, Nebraska, serves as a model for addressing healthcare disparities. In 2023, CWH provided 3,109 visits to 1,846 unique patients, with 83% lacking health insurance and 63% having household incomes below $16,000 annually. The …
Who Cares For The Caregiver? Exploring Extension’S Role In Informal Caregiving Support, Mckenzie R. Tuttle, Erin L. Martinez, Aimee FoxNov 2024
Who Cares For The Caregiver? Exploring Extension’S Role In Informal Caregiving Support, Mckenzie R. Tuttle, Erin L. Martinez, Aimee Fox
The Journal of Extension
Family caregivers provide invaluable service by taking on the responsibility of caring for older adults in the United States. With a growing aging population, the need for family caregivers and demands on their time and resources will continue to increase. Although a variety of caregiving resources and support services exist, family caregivers often lack the awareness, time, transportation, or financial resources to connect to services. There is a critical need to address the barriers that prevent caregivers from accessing services. In this commentary, we highlight barriers and make recommendations for improving conversations, research, and practice to meet this growing problem.
Post-Pandemic Needs Of Unpaid Family And Friend Caregivers To Effectively Continue Caregiving Duties In One Northern Ontario Health Authority, Jodi Webber, Erin Mulroney, Mark Tatasciore, Brianna Smith, Patti-Jo Duggan, Louis Ferron, Hannah Albani, Bianca Feitelberg, Laura Tenhagen, Sophia MylesNov 2024
Post-Pandemic Needs Of Unpaid Family And Friend Caregivers To Effectively Continue Caregiving Duties In One Northern Ontario Health Authority, Jodi Webber, Erin Mulroney, Mark Tatasciore, Brianna Smith, Patti-Jo Duggan, Louis Ferron, Hannah Albani, Bianca Feitelberg, Laura Tenhagen, Sophia Myles
Patient Experience Journal
The Covid-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the support networks for older adults and caregivers as health and social care systems were forced to dramatically change the ways patients and clients interacted with providers, services, and programs. In Northern Ontario, caregivers are older, caring in more intense situations, more likely to be caring for multiple care recipients simultaneously and less likely to be in contact with health professionals. This research sought to explore the post-pandemic needs of caregivers in a Northern Ontario health catchment to better understand the needed supports. Using a collaborative and co-design approach with caregiver advisors …
Preferences For Starting Daily, On-Demand, And Long-Acting Injectable Hiv Preexposure Prophylaxis Among Men Who Have Sex With Men In The United States (2021-2022): Nationwide Online Cross-Sectional Study, Duygu Islek, Travis Sanchez, Jennifer L. Glick, Jeb Jones, Keith Rawlings, Supriya Sarkar, Patrick S. Sullivan, Vani VannappagariNov 2024
Preferences For Starting Daily, On-Demand, And Long-Acting Injectable Hiv Preexposure Prophylaxis Among Men Who Have Sex With Men In The United States (2021-2022): Nationwide Online Cross-Sectional Study, Duygu Islek, Travis Sanchez, Jennifer L. Glick, Jeb Jones, Keith Rawlings, Supriya Sarkar, Patrick S. Sullivan, Vani Vannappagari
School of Public Health Faculty Publications
BACKGROUND: Long-acting (LA) injectable preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and on-demand PrEP may improve overall PrEP uptake among men who have sex with men (MSM), but little is understood about the PrEP option preferences of MSM in practical scenarios where they may choose between various PrEP options. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to examine the preferences for starting various PrEP options among a US nationwide online convenience sample of MSM from September 2021 to February 2022. METHODS: Participants reporting no prior HIV diagnosis were provided brief descriptions of each PrEP option and were asked, "If [PrEP option] were available from your local doctor …
A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial Of A Smartphone-Based Application To Support At-Home Psa Screening And Culturally Tailored Prostate Cancer Education For African American Men: A Study Protocol, Jordan Neil, Bingjing Mao, Ruosi Shao, E. Ogunsanya Motolani, Summer Frank-Pearce, Michael Businelle, Michael Cookson, Kelly Stratton, Mark Doescher, Stephanie Pharr, Valerie Moise, Brianna Fleshman, Jack Fronheiser, Kimberly Estrada, Iván Flores, David Bradley, Ashley Kendrick, Adam C. AlexanderNov 2024
A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial Of A Smartphone-Based Application To Support At-Home Psa Screening And Culturally Tailored Prostate Cancer Education For African American Men: A Study Protocol, Jordan Neil, Bingjing Mao, Ruosi Shao, E. Ogunsanya Motolani, Summer Frank-Pearce, Michael Businelle, Michael Cookson, Kelly Stratton, Mark Doescher, Stephanie Pharr, Valerie Moise, Brianna Fleshman, Jack Fronheiser, Kimberly Estrada, Iván Flores, David Bradley, Ashley Kendrick, Adam C. Alexander
School of Public Health Faculty Publications
Background: Prostate cancer is the most diagnosed cancer in Black/African American men (AA) and the second‑leading cause of cancer-related deaths. A prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test is an early detection screening tool for prostate cancer, but uptake of PSA screening remains low among AA men. Greater PSA screening rates among AA men, coupled with earlier treatment, may reduce disparities in prostate cancer outcomes, including mortality. The current pilot study will test the first-of-its-kind mobile health (mHealth) app to improve prostate cancer knowledge and increase PSA screening uptake among AA men using home-based screening methods. Methods: AA men aged 55 to …
Health Outcomes Reported By Healthcare Providers And Clients Of A Community-Based Medically Tailored Meal Program, Jessica M Sautter, Jule Anne Henstenburg, Adrian Glass Crafford, Ian Rowe-Nicholls, Victor S Diaz, Kaitlyn Ann Bartholomew, Julia S Evans, Maria R Johnson, Jeffrey Zhou, Deeksha AjeyaNov 2024
Health Outcomes Reported By Healthcare Providers And Clients Of A Community-Based Medically Tailored Meal Program, Jessica M Sautter, Jule Anne Henstenburg, Adrian Glass Crafford, Ian Rowe-Nicholls, Victor S Diaz, Kaitlyn Ann Bartholomew, Julia S Evans, Maria R Johnson, Jeffrey Zhou, Deeksha Ajeya
Rowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine Departmental Research
BACKGROUND: Medically tailored meal (MTM) programs provide home-delivered meals to people living with serious illness and poor nutritional status. Client outcome studies have found evidence of decreased healthcare utilization and cost savings associated with MTM program participation, and inconclusive evidence of change in health measures. The purpose of this study was to use a novel observational framework to describe the client profile and change in health outcomes using routinely collected health and program data from a community-based MTM program at MANNA (Philadelphia, PA).
METHODS: Clients reported their self-rated health and experiences of food insecurity and malnutrition. Healthcare providers reported clients' …
Reaching Structurally Vulnerable Populations Using Low-Barrier Covid-19 Testing Clinics Co-Created With Community Based Organizations, David N. Ngandu, Gloria Sclar, Ambia Ahmed, Et. Al.Nov 2024
Reaching Structurally Vulnerable Populations Using Low-Barrier Covid-19 Testing Clinics Co-Created With Community Based Organizations, David N. Ngandu, Gloria Sclar, Ambia Ahmed, Et. Al.
Northern New England Clinical & Translational Research
The COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affected people from structurally vulnerable communities. There was a need to improve COVID-19 testing in these communities to reduce viral spread and connect to treatment.
Socio-Economic Disparities In Prenatal Prognosis And Intervention Accessibility, Simona Raluca Iacoban, Madalina Piron Dumitrascu, Camil Laurentiu Bohiltea, Ioan Dumitru Suciu, Silviu Cristian Voinea, Nicolae SuciuOct 2024
Socio-Economic Disparities In Prenatal Prognosis And Intervention Accessibility, Simona Raluca Iacoban, Madalina Piron Dumitrascu, Camil Laurentiu Bohiltea, Ioan Dumitru Suciu, Silviu Cristian Voinea, Nicolae Suciu
Journal of Mind and Medical Sciences
Objectives. This study aimed to assess the impact of socio-economic factors on prenatal care accessibility and outcomes and to evaluate the effectiveness of specialized integrative prenatal care in mitigating these disparities. Materials and Methods. A prospective cohort study was conducted between 2020 and 2023 in Bucharest, Romania, involving 100 pregnant women. Participants were equally divided into two groups that received standard and specialized prenatal care. Data were collected through structured interviews, medical record reviews, and standardized questionnaires at multiple time points during pregnancy and postpartum. Results. Women receiving integrative care had longer gestation periods (37.8 vs. 37.6 weeks), higher average …
Public Health Responses To Hiv And Sexually Transmitted And Blood-Borne Infections (Stbbi) Prevention Among Black Queer Men In Ontario, Kaya M. AndersonOct 2024
Public Health Responses To Hiv And Sexually Transmitted And Blood-Borne Infections (Stbbi) Prevention Among Black Queer Men In Ontario, Kaya M. Anderson
Undergraduate Student Research Internships Conference
This poster draws on data from the Skin-to-Skin Study to examine the intimate practices of Black queer men (BQM) in Ontario. The qualitative study explores how anti-Black racism, homophobia, and the COVID-19 pandemic have impacted access to positive physical contact for BQM. The poster highlights their lived experiences to challenge and rethink conventional public health responses to HIV and STBBI prevention, emphasizing the need for more inclusive, community-centred approaches to sexual health that address the unique desires and challenges faced by BQM.
A Student-Community Partnership To Enhance Cancer Research Training, Rebecca J. Melillo, Christiane El Khoury, Amy L. Shaver, Moriah L. Cunningham, Nathalia Benavides, Quezia Lacerda, Felix J. Kim, Amy E. LeaderOct 2024
A Student-Community Partnership To Enhance Cancer Research Training, Rebecca J. Melillo, Christiane El Khoury, Amy L. Shaver, Moriah L. Cunningham, Nathalia Benavides, Quezia Lacerda, Felix J. Kim, Amy E. Leader
Kimmel Cancer Center Faculty Papers
BACKGROUND: Despite the importance of community involvement in research, little formal training in community outreach and engagement (COE) is offered to cancer research trainees. A collaboration between the Office of COE and the Office of Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination (CRTEC) at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Jefferson led to the COE-CRTEC Trainee Working Group, a unique program in which trainees in cancer research each created a novel COE initiative.
METHODS: Four cancer research trainees were selected to serve as COE Program Liaisons (CPLs), each aligned with one of the four cancer center research programs. Each CPL …
Process Evaluation Of A Pilot Physical Activity And Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum Implemented In A Summer Care Program For Child And Adolescent Girls, Tyler Prochnow, Deja T. Jackson, Laurel S. Curran, Jeong-Hui Park, Meg Patterson, Robert F. ValoisOct 2024
Process Evaluation Of A Pilot Physical Activity And Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum Implemented In A Summer Care Program For Child And Adolescent Girls, Tyler Prochnow, Deja T. Jackson, Laurel S. Curran, Jeong-Hui Park, Meg Patterson, Robert F. Valois
Health Behavior Research
Physical activity (PA) and social-emotional learning (SEL) are critical for healthy development, yet few programs have evaluated integrated promotion efforts within out-of-school summer contexts. The EmpowerHER program was piloted in a summer care program for girls. This study aimed to conduct a process evaluation, assessing the program's fidelity to curriculum design and theory to make recommendations for continuous program improvement. The EmpowerHER curriculum was tailored towards girls (n=11, 10-14 years old) and implemented through a community summer care program. The 8-week program consisted of 90-minute sessions conducted twice per week during the summer of 2023 in Texas, USA. Fidelity was …
Expanding Healthcare Access For The Undocumented Immigrant Community: The Heal For Immigrant Families Act Of 2023, Perla Torres EstradaSep 2024
Expanding Healthcare Access For The Undocumented Immigrant Community: The Heal For Immigrant Families Act Of 2023, Perla Torres Estrada
The Gettysburg Journal for Public Policy
When it comes to the topic of universal healthcare, most of us will readily agree that healthcare is a human right. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of who should be granted this right, and if it should be left to the free market to determine access and affordability. Specifically, the political debate on expanding healthcare access to undocumented immigrants in the United States revolve around concerns over costs, legality, and equity. Proponents maintain that it is a human right whereas opponents question the potential burden on taxpayers and the implication for immigration policy. The HEAL …
Increasing Referrals To Local Resources For The Treatment Of Aud By Increasing Audit-C Usage By Increasing Awareness Of Aud Through Use Of Educational Materials , David Ortiz, Gerardo Munoz MonacoSep 2024
Increasing Referrals To Local Resources For The Treatment Of Aud By Increasing Audit-C Usage By Increasing Awareness Of Aud Through Use Of Educational Materials , David Ortiz, Gerardo Munoz Monaco
Research Colloquium
Background: One in nine people will suffer from alcohol use disorder, if of legal drinking age. One in nine of our patients might suffer from AUD. Among those suffering from AUD, only 1.6% were found to be treated with evidence-based medications for treatment of AUD. Underdiagnosing may be a reality.
Methods: Evaluate physicians-in-training knowledge regarding AUD at time zero and after 3 months after an educational presentation is giving containing information on AUD diagnosis, treatment, and available local resources. This repeated cross-sectional data analysis aims to increase screening using the AUDIT-C tool, as well as referral/utilization to local resources. Patients …
Reclaiming Healing Spaces: A Phenomenological Study On The Transformative Power Of Outdoor Therapy From The Lived Experiences Of Black Clinicians Working With Black Clients, Lynn MurphySep 2024
Reclaiming Healing Spaces: A Phenomenological Study On The Transformative Power Of Outdoor Therapy From The Lived Experiences Of Black Clinicians Working With Black Clients, Lynn Murphy
This phenomenological study involved assessing the experiences of Black therapists who engaged Black clients in outdoor therapeutic contexts. The study was founded on the existing literature that shows the quality of the therapeutic relationship is pivotal for client retention and the Western standards that have historically favored treatment within indoor environments. To contextualize this research, a comprehensive literature review was commenced, covering topics such as the decolonization of therapy, the historical and present-day relationship between Blacks and the outdoors in the United States, sedentary lifestyles, the psychological benefits of time spent in nature, various types of outdoor therapy, and the …
Developing An Ordered Logistics Regression Model For Denture Hygiene Among Elderly In Residential Care Homes, Wan Muhamad Amir W Ahmad, Ruhana Hasan, Mohamad Nasarudin Adnan, Farah Muna Mohamad Ghazali, Hazik Bin Shahzad, Nor Azlida Aleng, Mohamad Shafiq Mohd IbrahimAug 2024
Developing An Ordered Logistics Regression Model For Denture Hygiene Among Elderly In Residential Care Homes, Wan Muhamad Amir W Ahmad, Ruhana Hasan, Mohamad Nasarudin Adnan, Farah Muna Mohamad Ghazali, Hazik Bin Shahzad, Nor Azlida Aleng, Mohamad Shafiq Mohd Ibrahim
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia
With a global aging population, the oral hygiene of elderly individuals in institutional settings requires unique management. Maintaining adequate denture hygiene is a critical aspect of their overall well-being, while neglecting denture hygiene can lead to various oral health issues, malnutrition, and further impacting their overall health. Objective: This paper aims to provide a preliminary overview of denture hygiene care among the elderly using an ordered logistics model. Methods: Data was obtained from 174 participants in two government institutional homes in Malaysia. The Principle Components Analysis (PCA) was used to identify significant variables and an ordered logistic model …
Disparities And Protective Factors In Pandemic-Related Mental Health Outcomes: A Louisiana-Based Study, Ariane L. Rung, Evrim Oral, Tyler Prusisz, Edward S. PetersAug 2024
Disparities And Protective Factors In Pandemic-Related Mental Health Outcomes: A Louisiana-Based Study, Ariane L. Rung, Evrim Oral, Tyler Prusisz, Edward S. Peters
School of Public Health Faculty Publications
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a wide-ranging impact on mental health. Diverse populations experienced the pandemic differently, highlighting pre-existing inequalities and creating new challenges in recovery. Understanding the effects across diverse populations and identifying protective factors is crucial for guiding future pandemic preparedness. The objectives of this study were to (1) describe the specific COVID-19-related impacts associated with general well-being, (2) identify protective factors associated with better mental health outcomes, and (3) assess racial disparities in pandemic impact and protective factors. Methods: A cross-sectional survey of Louisiana residents was conducted in summer 2020, yielding a sample of 986 Black …
Framing The Path To Fitness: Age Differences In Response To Framed Exercise Messages, Iliya Sherif, David B. Taullahu, Alyssa R. Minton, Joseph A. MikelsJul 2024
Framing The Path To Fitness: Age Differences In Response To Framed Exercise Messages, Iliya Sherif, David B. Taullahu, Alyssa R. Minton, Joseph A. Mikels
DePaul Discoveries
Physical activity is one of the most protective health behaviors one can engage in, yet 75% of active adults in the US, meaning those who exercise regularly, fall short of the recommended levels of physical activity, with an even greater percentage of older adults living inactive lives, meaning they exercise minimally and engage in prolonged sedentary behavior (CDC, 2019). The goal of the current study was to explore different types of message framing targeted at encouraging older and younger adults to exercise. We recruited older adults (n = 184; Mage = 69.45 years, age range: 65- 80 years) and younger …
Mhealth Intervention For Elevated Blood Pressure Among College Students: Single-Arm Intervention Study, Dieu-My T. Tran, Catherine E. Dingley, Roger BonillaJul 2024
Mhealth Intervention For Elevated Blood Pressure Among College Students: Single-Arm Intervention Study, Dieu-My T. Tran, Catherine E. Dingley, Roger Bonilla
Nursing Faculty Publications
Background: Current evidence reveals a growing pattern of hypertension among young adults, significantly increasing their risk for cardiovascular disease later in life. Young adults, particularly those of college age, often develop risk factors related to lifestyle choices in diet, exercise, and alcohol consumption. Developing useful interventions that can assist with screening and possible behavioral modifications that are suitable and appealing to college-aged young adults could help with early identification and intervention for hypertension. Recent studies indicate mobile health (mHealth) apps are acceptable and effective for communication and message delivery among this population.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to …
From Academia To Action: The Aligncare Journey In Pet Health Equity, Michael J. Blackwell Dvm, Mph, Candice Hinkle Mba, Katy H. Carpenter, Linda Daugherty Mpa, T' Fisher, Kayla Anderson Mssw, Jamie Clanin Dvm, Brittany Permaul Mph, Beth FagiolaJul 2024
From Academia To Action: The Aligncare Journey In Pet Health Equity, Michael J. Blackwell Dvm, Mph, Candice Hinkle Mba, Katy H. Carpenter, Linda Daugherty Mpa, T' Fisher, Kayla Anderson Mssw, Jamie Clanin Dvm, Brittany Permaul Mph, Beth Fagiola
Social Work Publications and Other Works
Imagine a future where every family, regardless of their financial situation, has access to the veterinary care their beloved pets need, along with essential services such as housing and transportation. In this vision of aligned communities, pets are recognized as integral family members, and their well-being is vital to the entire family's health and happiness. AlignCare offers a pathway to this future by providing a comprehensive, community based One Health system that aligns resources and services to support families holistically.
This report details the research, development, and testing of AlignCare by the Program for Pet Health Equity at the University …
Perceptions Of Communities Of Practice And Sense Of Belonging: Focus Groups Of Academic Pediatric Faculty, Margaret P. Huntwork, Myo T. Myint, Emma Simon, Bonnie Desselle, Amy M. CreelJul 2024
Perceptions Of Communities Of Practice And Sense Of Belonging: Focus Groups Of Academic Pediatric Faculty, Margaret P. Huntwork, Myo T. Myint, Emma Simon, Bonnie Desselle, Amy M. Creel
School of Medicine Faculty Publications
BACKGROUND: Providing the opportunity for collaboration around a central purpose to improve skills and exchange knowledge, the Community of Practice model can be useful for faculty development. A sense of belonging enhances the engagement in communities. Yet, the barriers and contributors to academic medicine faculty's sense of belonging in communities are not as well explored. METHODS: Through focus groups with 21 academic pediatric faculty conducted between January and March 2023, this qualitative study examined knowledge of Communities of Practice and the factors that affect sense of belonging and engagement. The authors iteratively coded transcripts to generate themes. RESULTS: Community accessibility; …